
    Will Tucker Host a Trump Debate? (Ep 2005)

    enMay 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing false narratives and importance of self-defenseAccurate information is crucial, be aware of potential dangers, support conservative values, and avoid unnecessary confrontations.

      There are individuals and groups who aim to restrict self-defense and encourage lawlessness in society. This was emphasized in a discussion about recent events in New York, where an incident on a train led to false narratives and protests, with little understanding of the facts involved. The importance of gathering accurate information and being aware of potential dangers in public was also highlighted. Additionally, the importance of supporting conservative values and businesses, such as Blackout Coffee, was mentioned. The host, Dan Bongino, encouraged listeners to avoid unnecessary confrontations and emphasized the value of good coffee.

    • Fear justifies greater government control for some liberalsLiberals use fear to justify limiting self-defense and individual liberties, distinguishing lethal and non-lethal methods, and supporting non-violent solutions.

      Fear is used as a tool by some liberals to justify their desire for greater government control and the suppression of individual liberties, such as self-defense and gun ownership. This was discussed in relation to the scene from the movie "Bridesmaids," where a character becomes fearful and turns to the government for safety. The speaker also emphasized that there is a difference between lethal and non-lethal methods of self-defense, and the importance of understanding this distinction. For instance, in the case of a Marine using a carotid restraint on a threatening individual on a train, it was suggested that the Marine was trying to use a non-lethal method to restrain the individual, despite the individual's history of violent crimes. The speaker also clarified that they are against death and do not support the death penalty. The overall message was that individual empowerment through self-defense is a threat to the collective body and big government, and that liberals often seek to restrict self-defense measures, such as guns.

    • Allow legal process to run its course before jumping to conclusionsIt's important to let the legal process unfold before making assumptions or jumping to conclusions about incidents involving use of force, and to understand the differences between chokeholds and carotid restraints.

      The incident involving the Marine and the death of Jordan Neely should be allowed to proceed through the legal system before jumping to conclusions. The use of a carotid restraint, while not a chokehold in the traditional sense, can be a legal gray area depending on the circumstances and the intent of the person applying it. It's important to understand the differences between a chokehold and a carotid restraint and not to make assumptions based on limited information or emotions. The left's reaction to the incident, fueled by a lack of understanding of the facts and a desire for justice for Jordan Neely, has led to protests and calls for charges against the Marine. However, without a thorough investigation and understanding of the situation, it's premature and potentially harmful to make definitive statements about the incident or the actions of those involved.

    • Understanding Complex SituationsIt's essential to gather facts and avoid hasty judgments when dealing with complex situations. Politicians' responses should be based on accurate information, and addressing serious issues like racial hatred and violence is crucial.

      The context and full information of a situation are crucial before jumping to conclusions. The discussion revolves around a hypothetical incident involving a Marine and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). The speaker expresses frustration with AOC's response to a crime and her lack of understanding of New York City. However, the situation's true nature remains unknown. The speaker also highlights the importance of addressing serious issues like racial hatred and violence. Furthermore, the discussion touches upon the political landscape of New York City and the changing demographics. In essence, the conversation underscores the significance of gathering facts and avoiding hasty judgments.

    • Attacks on American InstitutionsAttacks on American institutions, including the Supreme Court and intelligence community, could potentially tear the US apart. Recognize these attacks and take action to preserve institutional legitimacy. Small businesses can get payroll tax refunds through the ERC.

      There are deliberate attacks on American institutions, including the Supreme Court, DOJ, FBI, and intel community. Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court Justice, is under attack due to the conservative majority in the court. Two former CIA directors, Mike Morrell and John Brennan, have been revealed to have discussed the Hunter Biden laptop issue as potential Russian disinformation. This destruction of institutions is existential and could potentially tear the United States apart. It's essential to recognize these attacks for what they are and take action to preserve the legitimacy of American institutions. The ERC or Employee Retention Credit, which offers payroll tax refunds, is one way small businesses can get assistance during these challenging times. Go to getrefunds.com to check if your business qualifies.

    • Two ex-CIA directors colluded to spread false narrative about Hunter Biden's laptopFormer CIA heads Morrell and Brennan orchestrated a letter claiming Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinfo during the 2020 debate, undermining their duty to protect the US

      Two former CIA directors, Mike Morrell and John Brennan, colluded to create a false narrative about Hunter Biden's laptop being Russian disinformation, orchestrating a letter signed by 51 intelligence professionals to push the narrative during the 2020 presidential debate. This was a political move, not an intelligence product, and it was an attempt to give Joe Biden a talking point against Donald Trump. Their actions were a clear abuse of their positions and a betrayal of their duty to protect and defend the United States. This incident highlights the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions and the potential danger of politicizing intelligence.

    • Stripping power from local jurisdictions promoting leftist ideologiesFocus on regulating citadels of leftist power like schools and universities, and maintaining a clean windshield to effectively address destructive policies.

      While passion is important, having a clear action plan is essential to making a difference and solving problems. The discussion touched upon the suggestions of Will Chamberlain and Noah Pollack, who emphasized the importance of stripping power from local jurisdictions that promote leftist ideologies and regulating the citadels of leftist power, such as K-12 public schools and universities. The message was clear: those who promote destructive policies are not welcome in certain states and should focus on fixing their own issues instead. Additionally, the importance of maintaining a clean windshield, both metaphorically and literally, was emphasized. The conversation ended with a shoutout to a windshield cleaning product that can clean both the inside and outside of a windshield at the same time.

    • Keep windshield clean for optimal drivingUse Windshield Wild for efficient windshield cleaning, beware of misinformation spreading false claims

      It's essential to keep your windshield clean for optimal driving conditions. The Windshield Wild cleaning device is a recommended solution due to its firm cleaning pressure, thin design, strong magnets, and ability to clean both inside and outside of the windshield efficiently. Additionally, there are individuals and institutions spreading misinformation, and it's crucial to be aware of their dishonesty, such as the false claims about the government taking gas stoves or the handling of school closures during the pandemic. The importance of factual information and holding individuals accountable for their lies is essential in making informed decisions.

    • Third party candidates and their impact on electionsThe current political climate may favor the Republican Party, but a third party candidate could split Democratic votes and potentially benefit the GOP, especially at the state level.

      While there have been concerns about electoral cheating and the potential for a third party candidate, the current political landscape favors the Republican Party due to the ideological alignment of its base. The speaker argues that a third party candidate could potentially siphon votes away from the Republicans at the presidential level, but could be more successful at the state level. The speaker also expresses support for a left-leaning third party candidate, as they believe it would benefit the Republican Party by further dividing the Democratic vote. Additionally, the speaker promotes the use of Liquid IV, a hydration product, for maintaining energy and health.

    • Alleged damaging videos of Tucker Carlson by Media Matters not hurting himDespite leaked videos, Tucker Carlson's popularity continues to grow, with many supporting him and expressing desire for him to join other networks

      The release of allegedly damaging videos of Tucker Carlson by Media Matters is not only failing to harm his reputation but may even be benefiting him financially and in terms of public interest. The lady in the video expresses her love for Liquid I.V. and encourages listeners to try it out with a discount code. Meanwhile, the attempts to smear Carlson through these leaked videos are being met with widespread support, with many expressing their desire for him to join other networks. The speaker questions the logic behind Fox supposedly leaking these videos to Media Matters and wonders why they would do so without any comment or defense. Overall, the situation seems to be working in Carlson's favor, with his popularity continuing to grow despite the efforts to tarnish his image.

    • Silence can speak volumesSilence may indicate involvement or conflict, but absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Keep physical records and avoid physical fights.

      Silence from a party involved in an issue can sometimes be evidence in itself. In the discussed scenario, Fox's lack of comment on a situation could indicate internal conflict or involvement. However, it's important to remember that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Furthermore, the importance of keeping physical records, such as books, was emphasized as a way to preserve history and valuable information. Another key takeaway was the advice to avoid physical fights at all costs, no matter the perceived provocation. The risks of getting hurt or even killed outweigh any potential gain in a physical altercation.

    • Personal stories and political compromisesSometimes, making compromises is necessary to move forward, whether in personal life or politics. Hard work and getting a job are valuable alternatives to begging for money.

      Sometimes, compromises need to be made in order to achieve a desired outcome, even if it's not the ideal situation. The speaker shared a personal story about getting a tattoo as a young adult and later regretting it, but recognizing that it was a part of their past. In the political sphere, the speaker expressed their belief that the current negotiations between the Democrats and Republicans were not a win, but the only viable option at the moment. They also encouraged the importance of hard work and getting a job instead of relying on begging for money. Additionally, the speaker announced the upcoming release of their audiobook, "The Gift of Failure," which will feature an unscripted, director's cut version of the content.

    • Traveling with Firearms on PlanesIndividuals can carry firearms on planes by introducing themselves to pilots and air marshals, keeping the gun concealed.

      It is possible for individuals to carry firearms on planes, but they must go through a specific process involving introducing themselves to the pilot and air marshals, and keeping the gun concealed. This is how law enforcement and security personnel travel with their firearms. The discussion also touched upon Dan Bongino's radio show and podcast, which has reached the top 10 in the country due to subscriptions and follows, not just listens. The speaker encourages listeners to support the show by subscribing and following on Apple, Spotify, and Rumble.com. Despite some technical difficulties with the clock, the speaker promises to see everyone back on the show on Monday.

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    Referenced in the podcast:

    Trump and Biden in Virtual Dead Heat, According to The Premise Poll

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