
    About this Episode

    #WTP Funeral Recovery episode launches the boat of you into the sea of grief, loss, no more and can never get that person, place or thing back. What do you do? How do you learn to navigate the storms of emotion and vastness and uncharted sea of your personal loss, trauma and hopelessness that confronts us abruptly and unexpectedly and even tragically or is the consequences of our choices or the choices of our people that are repeatedly made over time. Starting with just even being willing to possibly acknowledge and accept in part or in whole the radical truth. Allowing you brain, body and soul to experience the emotions that are coming up without judgement. Creating the possibility that Emily or your person, place or thing is not gone and lost forever but can and will continue to show up for you in different and still powerful ways in your life. Connecting with the new way She or they are showing up in your life and making space for them to teach and love and connect with you powerfully, lovingly and as an inspiration to show up as your very best self, every damn day.

    Recent Episodes from WinningTogetherPodcast: Inspiring Rockstar Recovery by fostering connection

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