
    X-Prize - Beyond Space (Part 2)

    en-usSeptember 21, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • Inspiring innovation through large incentivesThe XPRIZE inspires innovation by offering large incentives for the achievement of specific goals, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and solutions to challenges beyond our reach.

      The XPRIZE, founded by Peter Diamandis, is not just about getting us into space, but about tackling challenges that are currently beyond our reach and inspiring innovation where there is market failure or a stigma attached. The XPRIZE model, which involves offering large incentives for the achievement of specific goals, has been successful in the aviation industry and is now being applied to various other fields. For example, there have been discussions about an XPRIZE for cold fusion, a tabletop fusion that has been shunned by scientists due to the stigma surrounding it. The longitude prize, a historical example, offered a significant reward for the invention of a device to accurately determine longitude, a problem that the experts of the time were convinced could only be solved by astronomers. However, it was a watchmaker, John Harrison, who ultimately solved the problem with his innovative watch design. The XPRIZE's ability to inspire new players to approach problems in new ways and bring about groundbreaking innovations is a testament to its power.

    • Thinking outside the box and the importance of scientific evidenceUnconventional ideas can lead to breakthroughs, but they must be backed by evidence and scientific consensus.

      Unconventional and audacious ideas, often labeled as "crazy," can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations. The XPRIZE foundation encourages such out-of-the-box thinking, challenging traditional perspectives and pushing boundaries. However, it's crucial to ensure that these ideas are backed by solid evidence and experimental consensus before they are widely accepted as truth. The discussion also touched upon the concept of fusion, with a focus on the controversial cold fusion. The speakers emphasized the importance of scientific rigor and reproducibility, as the lack of these in the cold fusion experiment led to widespread skepticism and negative consequences. In the realm of space exploration and energy production, the speakers argued that if nature can achieve controlled fusion naturally, then humanity should be able to do the same. The challenge lies in controlling and sustaining the fusion reaction, which is an area where significant progress is yet to be made. In essence, the conversation underscored the value of thinking outside the box, but also the importance of grounding these ideas in solid scientific evidence.

    • Revolutionizing problem-solving with incentive competitionsXPRIZE Foundation drives breakthroughs by setting measurable objectives, encouraging competition, and surpassing goals of traditional institutions.

      The XPRIZE Foundation, led by its visionary founder, is revolutionizing problem-solving by utilizing incentive competitions in various fields, including exploration, life sciences, energy and the environment, education, and global development. Their approach is to identify measurable objectives, encourage competition among teams, and drive breakthroughs that can potentially surpass the goals of traditional institutions. For instance, they've launched poverty alleviation XPRIzes in collaboration with organizations like Robinhood. However, not all challenges can be addressed through XPRIzes; they must have clear, concrete, and achievable objectives. Some examples include sending three people to 100 kilometers in space and mapping the ocean floor at high resolution. The ultimate goal is to harness human nature's competitive instincts to tackle the world's most pressing issues.

    • Driving technological advancements for humanity's benefitXPRIZE is an organization that challenges limitations, advances battery technology, and aims to unlock new possibilities through radical breakthroughs, including ocean exploration and harnessing sunlight's energy potential.

      XPRIZE, an organization driving radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity, aims to challenge perceived limitations and accelerate technological advancements. Originally, the focus was on mapping the ocean floor, an economically and technically feasible goal that had not been achieved by the private sector. Now, XPRIZE is also tackling energy storage and environmental issues, with a particular interest in advancing battery technology. The organization's goal is to liberate society from outdated technologies and unlock new possibilities, such as exploring the depths of the ocean and harnessing the vast energy potential of sunlight. While some may joke about less serious pursuits like sex bots, XPRIZE remains dedicated to making a real impact on the world. Ultimately, the organization's mission is to push the boundaries of what is possible and bring about meaningful change for humanity.

    • Star Trek-inspired technology solving real-life problemsThe XPRIZE foundation drives technological innovation through competitions, with recent focus on oil cleanup solutions in response to the BP spill.

      Technology, as portrayed in science fiction like Star Trek, has the potential to solve some of the world's most pressing issues, such as healing brain damage or cleaning up oil spills. During the discussion, the example of Star Trek 4 was given, where Bones uses a device to heal Zulu's brain damage. The speaker expressed his desire to see such technology in real life. Additionally, the XPRIZE foundation was brought up as an organization that encourages technological innovation through competitions. They have awarded prizes for achievements in various fields, including space travel, automotive, lunar landing, and oil cleanup. The latest addition to this list is the Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup XPRIZE, which was initiated in response to the BP oil spill. The technology for oil cleanup had not changed in over two decades, and the foundation challenged teams to develop new solutions. James Cameron, a board member and oceanographer, emphasized the need for technological advancements in this area.

    • Oil spill cleanup competition's unexpected winnersAn incentive competition led to innovative oil spill cleanup solutions from an unlikely source, showcasing the power of unconventional ideas.

      The XPRIZE Foundation's oil spill cleanup competition successfully crowd-sourced innovative solutions from unexpected places. With a goal to double the standard cleanup rate of 1100 gallons per minute, 350 teams entered, and seven of the ten finalists achieved this feat. Remarkably, one of these teams formed in a Las Vegas tattoo parlor. These findings demonstrate the power of incentive competitions in backing unconventional, game-changing ideas. However, some argue that preventing oil spills in the first place, or developing alternative energy sources, should be the ultimate goal. Despite this, the practicality and immediate impact of improving cleanup methods should not be overlooked. Furthermore, it's puzzling that advanced cleanup technologies are not utilized during oil spills, as simple household items like dishwashing liquid and paper towels are often used instead. The lengthy duration of the oil spill that inspired this competition raises questions about the effectiveness of current cleanup efforts.

    • Google Lunar XPRIZE: $60,000,000 Competition to Advance Lunar Landing TechnologyXPRIZE offers $30M for teams to build a lunar lander, NASA adds $30M in contracts for the winner, advancing low-cost, reliable lunar landing technology

      XPRIZE, an innovation foundation, is offering a $30,000,000 Google Lunar XPRIZE for teams to build a robot, land it on the moon, take photos and videos, travel 500 meters, and send the data back to Earth. NASA is also contributing $30,000,000 in contracts for the winning team. This competition aims to advance low-cost, reliable lunar lander capability, ultimately benefiting NASA as the largest potential beneficiary. While the discussion also touched upon other XPRIZE competitions, the Google Lunar XPRIZE stands out for its potential impact on space exploration.

    • Competitive prizes drive private space explorationThe XPRIZE Foundation's competitions encourage private enterprise to explore space, potentially creating marketable products and businesses, and even changing the way we approach manned missions to the moon.

      The XPRIZE Foundation aims to engage private enterprise in space exploration through competitive prizes, with the goal of potentially creating marketable products and businesses. The XPRIZE's focus on achievable targets, like returning to the moon, makes the endeavors exciting and newsworthy. Google and NASA are among the companies contributing to the $60 million Lunar XPRIZE, which challenges teams to land a rover on the moon and complete certain tasks. This is revolutionary because current technology and funding make manned missions to the moon cost prohibitive, but autonomous rovers could change that. The Lunar XPRIZE also requires teams to visit Apollo landing sites and document them, adding an historical component to the competition.

    • Revolutionizing healthcare with Star Trek-inspired tricorder technologyThe XPRIZE Foundation is developing a tricorder to diagnose diseases accurately, rapidly, and cheaply using AI, lab-on-a-chip technology, and digital imagery. This could address the healthcare industry's doctor shortage and improve physician efficiency.

      Technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate, and the potential for innovation to address major societal challenges is immense. For instance, the XPRIZE Foundation is working on creating a Star Trek-inspired tricorder to revolutionize healthcare. The tricorder would integrate artificial intelligence, lab-on-a-chip technology, and digital imagery to diagnose diseases accurately, rapidly, and cheaply. The healthcare industry is currently facing a severe shortage of doctors, and this technology could help physicians become more efficient and effective. Despite the excitement, it's important to remember that technology should serve to enhance human capabilities, not replace them. And, as always, there's a need to avoid getting distracted by trivial matters, like taking selfies on the moon. The Qualcomm Tricorder X, a $10 million XPRIZE, is already underway, and the potential impact on healthcare is enormous. The future is here, and it's exciting!

    • Star Trek-inspired healthcare competition$10M prize aims to create consumer-friendly diagnostic tool, surpassing doctor capabilities using non-invasive methods, with potential to revolutionize healthcare and inspire progress through competition

      The Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE, inspired by Star Trek's medical device, is challenging teams around the world to build a consumer-friendly diagnostic tool that can diagnose better than a team of doctors using methods like coughing, talking, and finger blood pricks. With a $10,000,000 prize and 230 teams from 30 countries participating, this competition could transform healthcare and is an excellent example of how competition can be used for good. Neil deGrasse Tyson, the host of StarTalk Radio, expressed his excitement about the potential impact of this innovation and the visionary approach of using competition to drive progress. The XPRIZE Foundation, which is known for its competition-based initiatives, is making it happen in a capitalist system where someone will eventually make a profit. The cool factor, including the device's sound, is also essential, as it adds to the user experience and ensures the device's functionality. The progress on this XPRIZE is ongoing, and Neil plans to invite Peter Diamandis, the founder of the XPRIZE Foundation, back on the show for updates.

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    About Our Guests

    Isaac Coonan


    Isaac has extensive experience in building some of the countries leading innovation and tech communities with a particular focus and passion for the property technology cluster. Isaac is currently the Senior Industry Development Manager for Brisbane Economic Development Agency, leading the city of Brisbane's PropTech strategy along with being a global advisor to Second Century Ventures and their accelerator program, REACH. Isaac started PropTech Brisbane in efforts to demonstrate the diversity in talent within the Brisbane property technology cluster and to act as a centralised point of promotion, amplification and education for the sector.


    Julian Brockhurst


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    About Our Host

    Louisa Dickins


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    About LMRE


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    Resources Mentioned

    LMRE website www.lmre.tech 

    PropTech Brisbane www.proptechbne.com 

    Aprao website www.aprao.com 


    For full episode transcript head to www.lmre.tech/blog 

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