
    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on Unrealized AspirationsConsidering unfulfilled dreams and the impact of past choices can inspire personal growth.

      Life experiences and the choices we make can leave us with feelings of "what if." A man at the airport shared his regret for not pursuing a more creative career path despite being a talented electrician. This conversation with Dan Vongino highlighted the importance of considering one's aspirations and the impact of personal decisions. Additionally, Dan mentioned the end of John Brennan's career in intelligence and politics. The show also promoted Blinkist, an app that condenses best-selling nonfiction books into 15-minute summaries, allowing users to expand their knowledge efficiently.

    • The Importance of Everyday WorkersThe world relies on the hard work and skills of tradespeople and laborers, keeping infrastructure and buildings functioning smoothly. Pride in one's work and recognizing their value is essential.

      The world functions because of the hard work and skills of everyday people, particularly those in the trades and labor industries. The speaker uses the example of a plumber from the movie "Seven Days in Entebbe" to highlight the importance of these workers, who keep infrastructure and buildings running smoothly. The speaker also expresses frustration with those who claim to be experts or influencers, such as journalists or academics, but don't contribute to the physical functioning of the world. The speaker encourages pride in one's work and recognizes the value of laborers and tradespeople in society.

    • Celebrating the Everyday HeroesThe podcast honors hardworking individuals and aims to inspire and impact those in trades and manual labor industries.

      The host values the hard work and dedication of everyday people, having experienced various socioeconomic situations himself. He emphasizes that his podcast is for the average person, such as truckers, carpenters, electricians, and farmers, rather than academic elites or those who write about complex topics without practical knowledge. The host admires those who work hard and fix things, and his goal for the show is to impact and inspire this audience. He appreciates the contributions of individuals who build and maintain the world around us and encourages pride in their work and achievements.

    • Actions have consequences, big or smallNetflix provides entertainment and connectivity to millions, acknowledging attacks on human life is crucial, and addressing government malfeasance is important

      The actions we take, no matter how small they may seem, can have a significant impact on the world. The example given was the building and running of Netflix, which may seem insignificant compared to revolutionary or journalistic efforts, but it provides entertainment and connectivity to millions of people. Another important takeaway is the need for acknowledging and addressing attacks on human life, regardless of the religious beliefs of the victims. The recent attack on Christians in Sri Lanka was described as a horrifying and grotesque act, and it was criticized that former President Barack Obama referred to the victims as "Easter worshipers" instead of acknowledging them as Christians. The conversation also touched upon the ongoing transition from investigating the collusion hoax to highlighting Democratic government malfeasance and intelligence community weaponization during the Obama administration.

    • The Teeter Inversion Table: Speaker's Secret to a Healthy SpineSpeaker endorses the Teeter Inversion Table for maintaining a healthy spine, preventing back pain, and is a trusted brand with over 3 million users since 1981. The new 2019 model comes with bonus accessories and is currently available with a discount.

      The Teeter Inversion Table, a product endorsed by the speaker, plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy spine and active lifestyle for the speaker. He uses it twice a day and highly recommends it for those experiencing back pain or wanting to prevent it. The Teeter Inversion Table is the world leader in inversion tables, with over 3 million users trusting the brand since 1981. The new 2019 model comes with bonus accessories and is currently available with a discount on the company's website. Additionally, a news item discussed the inclusion of the Steele dossier in an initial version of the January 2017 intelligence community assessment (ICA) on Russian meddling in the US election. Bob Woodward, a left-leaning journalist, revealed this information, raising questions about how the dossier, which was not part of the intelligence information used in the assessment, was included. The speaker questioned the timing and vetting process of the dossier's inclusion in the assessment.

    • Brennan's inconsistent statements on Steele dossierFormer CIA Director John Brennan's accounts about his involvement with the Steele dossier and its inclusion in the Intelligence Community Assessment are inconsistent, and the sources he used to corroborate it remain unidentified, raising questions about his credibility and the need for further investigation.

      Former CIA Director John Brennan's accounts regarding his involvement with the Steele dossier and its inclusion in the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) are inconsistent and cannot be trusted. According to various reports, Brennan had seen the dossier earlier than he claimed and pushed for its inclusion in the ICA, despite denying any role in its use. The discrepancies in Brennan's statements raise questions about his credibility and call for further investigation. Additionally, the sources Brennan claimed to have used to corroborate the dossier have never been identified, adding to the confusion and uncertainty surrounding his involvement. Ultimately, the conflicting narratives and lack of transparency from Brennan make it difficult to determine the truth and underscore the importance of holding public figures accountable for their actions and statements.

    • British intelligence shared info with Americans during 2016 electionBritish intelligence shared information with American counterparts, potentially circumventing US law, during the 2016 election. This included a meeting between British NSA director Bob Hannigan and CIA Director John Brennan, and the involvement of former British intel officer Christopher Steele and his dossier.

      There were connections between British and American intelligence figures during the 2016 election, with British intelligence personnel sharing information with their American counterparts, potentially circumventing US law. John Solomon alleged that British NSA director Bob Hannigan met with then-CIA Director John Brennan in the summer of 2016, and that this was part of an ongoing operation involving former British intel officer Christopher Steele and his infamous dossier. Adam Schiff, a Democratic congressman, has been pushing the narrative of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia for over a year, despite the Mueller report finding no evidence of such an agreement. Schiff has been accused of shifting the goalposts and misrepresenting the report's findings.

    • Mueller Report: No Criminal Conspiracy Between Trump and RussiaThe Mueller report did not find a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia, but it detailed numerous contacts between Russians and Trump associates that were not criminal in nature. The report's omission of damning information regarding Democratic involvement with Russians raises questions about its impartiality.

      The Mueller report focuses on investigating criminal conduct, specifically conspiracy, and not the lay term "collusion." The report does not provide evidence of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. Instead, it details numerous contacts between Russians and Trump associates, which are not criminal in nature. The report's omission of damning information regarding Democratic involvement with Russians raises questions about its impartiality. The "laundry list fallacy" refers to the presentation of numerous innocuous interactions as evidence of a crime, but in reality, there is no proof of criminal activity by the Trump team. The real collusion, according to some, was between the Clinton campaign and Russians who produced disinformation and infiltrated the DOJ system. The Mueller report's focus on Trump-Russia contacts while ignoring potentially damaging information about Democrats creates a skewed perception of the situation.

    • Despite no crime proof, some see Russian interference as a conspiracyDan Bongino believes Mueller report vindicated Trump, criticizes focus on Trump team's Russian interactions, and promotes Law Shield for gun owners.

      Despite Mueller's report concluding that there was insufficient evidence to prove Trump or his team committed a crime related to Russian interference, some commentators continue to view the report as evidence of a conspiracy. Dan Bongino argues that the report actually vindicated Trump, as Trump's actions or lack thereof meant that the alleged criminal acts Mueller was investigating did not occur. Bongino also criticizes the report's focus on Trump's team's interactions with Russians, while ignoring potential criminal activities by Hillary Clinton and her associates. Additionally, Bongino emphasizes the importance of being informed and prepared as a gun owner, and promotes Law Shield as a valuable resource for concealed carry permit holders.

    • Mueller Report Overlooked Russian Connections to DemocratsThe Mueller report may have missed significant Russian connections to individuals linked to the Democratic Party, including a woman with intelligence ties and a Russian lawyer who worked for a firm hired by Hillary Clinton, as well as reported links between a Trump ally and a Russian businessman.

      The Mueller report, while investigating potential Russian contacts with the Trump team, appears to have overlooked connections between Russians and individuals linked to the Democratic Party. Examples include the case of Ms. Sood, who had detailed relationships with Russians but her Western intelligence ties were not mentioned. Another instance is the Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer who worked for Fusion GPS, a company hired by Hillary Clinton. Additionally, there were reported connections between Eric Prince and a Russian businessman, but the Mueller report failed to mention Prince's connections to the Clinton world. These omissions raise questions about the thoroughness of the Mueller report in exploring potential Russian interference in the 2016 election.

    • Mueller Report Missed Important Clinton-Russia ConnectionsThe Mueller report overlooked significant links between individuals tied to the Clinton world and Russia, including lobbyists representing a Putin-linked fund.

      The Mueller report, which was intended to investigate potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, failed to include important information regarding connections between individuals linked to the Clinton world and Russia. Michael, a former cop, discussed two Clinton lobbyist bundlers, Richard Sullivan and David Jones, who represented a Russian sovereign wealth fund co-founded by Vladimir Putin. This connection was not mentioned in the Mueller report. Joe DeGeneva, a guest on a TV show, criticized a liberal pundit, Crystal Ball, for questioning Attorney General Bill Barr's interpretation of the report. DeGeneva highlighted that the decision not to prosecute the president was not based on the fact that a sitting president cannot be indicted. These omissions from the report have raised concerns about its completeness and objectivity.

    • Defending AG Bill Barr's CredibilityA guest on The Dan Bongino Show defended AG Bill Barr's credibility despite inconsistencies in his press conference statements, emphasizing the importance of truth, accountability, and reading John Solomon's article on Russian disinformation in the Mueller investigation.

      During the Dan Bongino Show, a discussion arose regarding the credibility of Attorney General Bill Barr. A guest strongly defended Barr against accusations of lying, stating that he has known him for 30 years and has no evidence to support such claims. The guest also clarified that Barr's statements in the press conference were inconsistent with the report, but not lies. The conversation touched on the importance of calling out false statements and holding individuals accountable for their words. Additionally, a recommendation was made to read an article by John Solomon, which discusses the role of Russian disinformation in the Mueller investigation and the "guilt by association" strategy used. Overall, the show emphasized the importance of truth, accountability, and the role of the public in holding those in power responsible for their actions.

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    True Crime: serial killers, murders, stalkers, cults, forensic analysis

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    Culture: Sexuality, Satanic Panic, love, Tv analysis, movie analysis.

    We are an independent psychology podcast. Help us keep UPC free of ads and on the air. Please consider supporting the show and get access to our "Stalkers Only" archive, and help be a part of the creative process.

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    Hosted by Professor Michael Drane of the Unpopular Culture Podcast

    Follow us on these platforms:





    Unpopular Culture Podcast is a psychology podcast hosted by Professor & Psychoanalyst Michael Drane. With help from professionals in different fields, he seeks to shine light on the broken underbelly of society.

    Listen as he takes on the psychology behind subjects like:

    True Crime: serial killers, murders, stalkers, cults, forensic analysis

    Psychology: mental illness, social phenomenon, mob mentality, psychoanalysis, etc.

    Culture: Sexuality, Satanic Panic, love, Tv analysis, movie analysis.

    We are an independent psychology podcast. Help us keep UPC free of ads and on the air. Please consider supporting the show and get access to our "Stalkers Only" archive, and help be a part of the creative process.

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    Hosted by Professor Michael Drane of the Unpopular Culture Podcast

    Follow us on these platforms:





    Unpopular Culture Podcast is a psychology podcast hosted by Professor & Psychoanalyst Michael Drane. With help from professionals in different fields, he seeks to shine a light on the broken underbelly of society.

    Listen as he takes on the psychology behind subjects like:

    True Crime: serial killers, murders, stalkers, cults, forensic analysis

    Psychology: mental illness, social phenomenon, mob mentality, psychoanalysis, etc.

    Culture: Sexuality, Satanic Panic, love, Tv analysis, movie analysis.

    We are an independent psychology podcast. Help us keep UPC free of ads and on the air. Please consider supporting the show and get access to our "Stalkers Only" archive, and help be a part of the creative process.

    “While We Were Looking Over There”

    “While We Were Looking Over There”

    Think about where we were technologically just 10 years ago, when everybody was really excited about our utopian tech-driven future.

    Netflix used to mail you DVDs, now they spend $15 billion a year feeding their content algorithms. Google used to cutely offer you the “i’m feeling lucky” option, now they predict your searches before you finish typing them. Snapchat and Instagram didn’t exist yet, and Facebook was still a place where you could find someone under 45.

    With modern smartphones, we have more technology in our pocket than what NASA had to send humans to the moon. We have more information at the tip of our fingers than all the libraries of the ancient world. We can make a few taps and gestures and food or drugs or people show up to where we are. 

    But think about it. To the ancient world, we’d seem like a society of depressed wizards.

    This week I speak again to Judy Estrin, Internet pioneer and serial entrepreneur to better understand how this problem has metastasized.

    Then, I sit down with K Krasnow Waterman, who was the Chief Information Officer of the first post-9/11 data analytics facility established by the White House and, next, led the reorganization of the FBI's intelligence operations. K helped me form a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the problems we face. 

    Have questions? Let us know on Instagram or Twitter!


    Featured guests this episode:

    Judy Estrin is an Internet pioneer, entrepreneur, business executive, and author in the United States. Estrin worked with Vinton Cerf on the Transmission Control Protocol project at Stanford University in the 1970s, often looked at as the project that our modern e-mail emerged from. Estrin is a serial entrepreneur who co-founded eight technology companies. She was the chief technology officer of Cisco Systems from 1998 to 2000.

    Estrin served on the boards of FedEx Corporation (1989-2010), Rockwell Automation (1994-1998), Sun Microsystems (1995-2003), as well as the being the first woman to serve on the board of Walt Disney Company, where she served for fifteen years (1998-2014). She served on the advisory boards of Stanford University School of Engineering and the Bio-X interdisciplinary program, and is a member of the University of California President’s Science and Innovation Advisory Board.

    K Krasnow Waterman

    Early in her career, K was on the design team for a new IBM outsourced services and storage business; an officer of Morgan Guaranty Trust managing data centers and special technical projects; she then became a trial attorney and in-house legal advisor. K returned to her technology roots when she became inception CIO of the first post-9/11 task force created by President Bush, served as the interim chief operations executive for the reorganization of FBI Intelligence infrastructure, and represented the Department of Homeland Security in high level negotiations to set the requirements for interoperability of federal data systems.  More recently, she served as Global Head of Anti-Money Laundering Infrastructure at Citigroup.

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    Hosted by Professor Michael Drane of the Unpopular Culture Podcast

    Follow us on these platforms:





    Unpopular Culture Podcast is a psychology podcast hosted by Professor & Psychoanalyst Michael Drane. With help from professionals in different fields, he seeks to shine a light on the broken underbelly of society.

    Listen as he takes on the psychology behind subjects like:

    True Crime: serial killers, murders, stalkers, cults, forensic analysis

    Psychology: mental illness, social phenomenon, mob mentality, psychoanalysis, etc.

    Culture: Sexuality, Satanic Panic, love, Tv analysis, movie analysis.

    We are an independent psychology podcast. Help us keep UPC free of ads and on the air. Please consider supporting the show and get access to our "Stalkers Only" archive, and help be a part of the creative process.