
    You Can't Outearn Your Stupidity

    en-usJanuary 18, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the roadblock to financial freedomShift your mindset, recognize the potential harm of some financial institutions, and take responsibility for your financial situation to achieve financial freedom.

      George Ramsey's book, "Breaking free from broke," provides a hopeful and data-driven approach to help people understand why their current financial plans may not be working and offers a different path to financial freedom. Ramsey emphasizes the importance of shifting one's mindset, as believing in the possibility of change is the first step towards actualizing it. He also highlights the importance of recognizing that some financial institutions and products may not have your best interests at heart and encourages readers to take responsibility for their financial situation. The book provides historical context on the relatively recent obsession with debt in American culture and aims to dismantle common myths and objections to a debt-free lifestyle. Overall, the goal is to give readers the knowledge and tools they need to overcome financial stress and live a more abundant life.

    • Adopting a new perspective on moneyBy focusing on creating a plan and belief system, readers can cut ties with debt and achieve financial freedom, despite manipulative practices by companies.

      Money is more than just a tool or an obstacle – it's a mindset. The book "Breaking Free from Broke" encourages readers to adopt a new perspective on money, focusing on creating a plan and belief system that leads to financial freedom. Companies like Capital One manipulate consumers with rewards programs and high interest rates, perpetuating wealth inequality. The book exposes these practices and encourages readers to cut ties with debt and to live without it. A listener, inspired by the book, decided to sell his investments and put the money towards an investment property instead of a second property with a mortgage. While there's always some level of risk involved, having a clear plan and belief system can help lower anxiety and provide a path towards financial freedom.

    • Managing Debt Wisely in Real Estate InvestingPay off mortgages quickly, avoid borrowing for investments, use high-yield savings for funds, and be prepared for longer, costlier investments in real estate.

      Managing debt wisely is crucial in real estate investing. The speaker advises against borrowing money for investment properties due to the inherent risks involved. He suggests paying off mortgages as quickly as possible to minimize debt and increase the chances of success in real estate investing. The speaker also emphasizes that real estate investing requires active involvement and can take longer and cost more than anticipated. For those with saved funds, the speaker suggests using high-yield savings accounts as a safe place to keep money until ready to use it for a real estate investment. The speaker also cautions that in expensive real estate markets, income levels and savings may need to be significantly higher to afford a property.

    • Researching different cities and states for living and workingConsider factors like career opportunities, cost of living, and personal goals when choosing where to live and work. Research affordability and determine if you can make the life you want in that area.

      When considering where to live and work, it's important to research different cities and states to find a clear picture of what you want and what you can afford. The further out from urban areas you go, the cheaper the real estate generally is. However, it's crucial to determine if you can make the life you want with the money you make in that area. For instance, a teacher in LA County might not be able to afford to live there and own a house, leading to a move to another state. It's essential to weigh factors like career opportunities, cost of living, and personal goals when making this decision. Additionally, having term life insurance is a crucial aspect of financial planning, especially for those with families relying on them. Companies like Zander Insurance can help find the best rates and simplify the process.

    • Embrace financial challenges for growthView debt as fuel, focus on income, prioritize career, and believe in self-capabilities for overcoming financial challenges

      Facing financial challenges head-on, rather than hiding or avoiding them, is essential for growth and success. The speaker encourages Jaden to view her student debt as fuel for her career advancement and to focus on increasing her income to pay it off as quickly as possible. Confidence and determination are key, and the speaker believes in Jaden's ability to overcome her debt and achieve her goals. Additionally, the speaker advises Jaden to prioritize her career and income over personal considerations, such as living with her mother, and to keep pushing herself to reach for better opportunities. Overall, the message is one of encouragement and empowerment, urging Jaden to embrace her challenges and believe in her own capabilities.

    • Instilling Core Values is Key to Raising Financially Responsible AdultsModeling good values and having open conversations about money can help raise financially responsible adults, even if they don't have a large sum of money.

      Instilling good core values such as work ethic, integrity, honor, dignity in children is more important than providing them with a large sum of money. These values will help them become responsible adults who can make wise decisions with any financial resources they may have. The speaker emphasized the importance of modeling these values for children and having open conversations about money and work. Additionally, if a child has incurred debt, it's essential to help them navigate their options, even if that means encouraging them to work to pay it off themselves.

    • Letting Children Learn from Their MistakesParents should allow 18-year-olds to make mistakes and learn from them, even if they come with financial consequences. Over-protective parenting can hinder a child's growth and independence.

      Parents should allow their 18-year-old children to make their own mistakes, even if those mistakes come with financial consequences. The discussion highlights the importance of letting children learn from their errors, as this is a crucial part of growing up. The parents in this scenario tried to prevent their child from signing a lease for an apartment, but she went ahead and did it anyway, resulting in a large debt. The parents then decided to help her pay it off, but only if she was truly repentant and willing to learn from her mistake. The conversation also touches upon the idea that helicopter parenting, or overly protective and involved parenting, can hinder a child's development and independence. It's essential to strike a balance between providing support and allowing children to experience the natural consequences of their actions.

    • Allow children to make decisions, even if wrongEncourage kids to learn from mistakes, but don't fix them, consider long-term implications for significant financial decisions.

      Parents should allow their children to make their own decisions, even if they go against advice, once they reach the age of legal contract signing. This is important for the child's growth and development, as they will learn from their mistakes. However, parents should not enable their children by fixing their mistakes, as this can hinder their learning process. Additionally, when it comes to significant financial decisions, such as taking on large debt for education, it's essential to consider the long-term implications and plan accordingly. Parents can support their children by providing guidance and encouraging personal growth, but ultimately, the responsibility lies with the individual.

    • Ensuring alignment in long-term relationshipsTo build a strong and lasting relationship, both partners should be on the same page financially, spiritually, and personally. Addressing potential issues before marriage may not be ideal, as growth and changes should ideally occur afterwards. Honesty and practical steps are key to overcoming challenges.

      When considering a long-term relationship or marriage, it's essential to ensure that both partners are on the same page spiritually, financially, and personally. The speaker expressed concerns about the interviewee's relationship, as they mentioned wanting their partner to grow spiritually and financially before committing. They also mentioned potential issues with their partner's job and debt from veterinary school. The speaker suggested that the ups and downs in the relationship could be a red flag, and that significant growth and changes should ideally occur after marriage rather than before. Additionally, the speaker offered suggestions for reducing the cost of veterinary school and encouraged the interviewee to reconsider their priorities and approach their dream as an adult. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being honest and realistic in relationships and taking practical steps to address potential challenges.

    • Unequal dynamics in relationships and the importance of equalityThe Total Money Makeover Weekend offers valuable resources and knowledge to help individuals improve their financial situations with early bird tickets available for $99, including a signed book and a lineup of Ramsey personalities.

      Equality and mutual respect are essential in relationships. The speaker expresses her discomfort with what she perceives as an unequal dynamic, where one person takes on a paternal role towards another. This issue extends beyond the specific relationship discussed and highlights the importance of having equal footing in all relationships. Additionally, the Total Money Makeover Weekend event was announced, emphasizing the opportunity for individuals to take action towards their financial goals. Early bird tickets are available for $99 and include a signed copy of the 20th anniversary edition of "The Total Money Makeover" book. The event will feature a lineup of Ramsey personalities, covering various topics related to money management. This event is a testament to the ongoing commitment to providing valuable resources and knowledge to help individuals improve their financial situations.

    • Considering Long-Term Consequences Before Selling AssetsWhen facing financial difficulties, it's crucial to weigh the long-term consequences before selling assets. Negotiating with vendors and seeking support can also help alleviate debt.

      Despite having significant debt and a difficult financial situation, it's important to consider the long-term consequences of selling assets like a house or a truck. The speaker, Rob, was considering selling his house to pay off his debts, but the co-hosts advised him to consider selling his truck instead, as it was the biggest debt and would move the needle the most in terms of debt reduction. They also suggested negotiating with vendors from his previous construction business to clear some of the debt. While selling the house is not an immoral or unethical act, the co-hosts believed that keeping the house, especially for the sake of his children's bedrooms, could be a better decision in the long run. The conversation also touched on the emotional toll of going through financial hardships and the importance of seeking advice and support during difficult times.

    • Prioritize Debt Payment and Make SacrificesFocus on debt repayment using savings, sell high-value items, and make sacrifices for a debt-free future. Roll over retirement funds into an IRA and start fresh with a smaller emergency fund and focused investments.

      A listener named Melissa and her husband were seeking financial advice on their current situation, which involved a 401k, credit card debt, and a high-value car. The Ramsey Show team encouraged them to prioritize paying off their debt using their emergency fund and selling their expensive car. They also suggested rolling over the 401k into an IRA and starting fresh with a smaller emergency fund and focused investments. The team emphasized the importance of making sacrifices and feeling the need for change to effectively improve their financial situation. They also reminded listeners that they can make significant progress in a short amount of time by staying committed and disciplined.

    • Reducing large debts for financial stabilityFocus on paying off large debts and avoiding new borrowing for financial peace and stability. Save and invest wisely instead.

      It's generally advisable to avoid carrying debt and focus on building an emergency fund and investing for the future. In the specific situation discussed, getting rid of a large, out-of-balance debt like a high-value car and credit cards, and focusing on paying off smaller debts as quickly as possible, can help individuals achieve financial peace and stability. Additionally, putting borrowed money into high-yield savings or investments may seem appealing, but it comes with significant risks and may not lead to wealth accumulation. Instead, living below your means, saving, and investing wisely are proven paths to financial success.

    • Secure a job and pay off debts quicklyGraduates should prioritize graduating with no new debt, aim for a financial buffer, consider selling real estate investments to pay off significant debt, and use extra income to pay off debts as fast as possible.

      Focusing on graduating with no new debt should be a top priority, even if it means carrying some smaller debts or savings over into the post-graduation period. The ultimate goal is to secure a job and use any extra income to pay off debts as quickly as possible. If possible, graduates should aim to have a financial buffer before starting a money makeover plan. Additionally, for those with real estate investments, selling to wipe out a significant portion of debt could be an option, but careful consideration should be given to timing and future financial needs.

    • Managing Finances During PregnancyConsider emotional and spiritual space when making financial decisions during pregnancy. Explore options like paying off debt, selling a condo, or holding onto it for appreciation. Avoid overspending on a wedding.

      When considering financial decisions during pregnancy, it's essential to keep in mind that a baby doesn't require much physical space but takes up significant emotional and spiritual space. The speaker suggests several options, such as continuing to live in a condo and paying off debt, selling the condo and renting a larger place, or holding onto the condo until it appreciates enough for a down payment on a new home. The speaker also advises against overspending on a wedding, emphasizing that it's a shared event between both partners and their families. In this discussion, Jade Ramsey and Dave Ramsey offer practical advice on managing finances during pregnancy and planning a wedding while balancing debt and savings.

    • Creating a Wedding Budget and Prioritizing ExpensesCouples should create a detailed wedding budget, prioritize expenses, and stick to their financial plan to avoid going into debt during the wedding planning process.

      When planning a wedding, it's essential to create a detailed budget and prioritize expenses. The couple in this discussion aims to pay off their debts totaling $14,000 and $22,000 within a year and a half, and then allocate funds towards their wedding with a budget of $20,000. However, they need to break down the budget into specific categories, such as the dress, reception, and photographer, to ensure they don't overspend. Planning and prioritizing expenses can help the couple avoid going into debt during the wedding planning process. Additionally, it's important to remember that every wedding is unique, and what one couple spends on their wedding may not be the same as another's. The key is to create a budget that fits their financial situation and stick to it.

    • Creating a Will Online is Now Simple and ConvenientOnline will creation is accessible, quick, and legally binding. Use a quiz at Ramsysolutions.com/willsquiz to determine if it's right for you.

      Making a will is simpler than ever before, and can be done online. Excuses like not having enough time no longer hold water, as creating a legally binding will can be done on a laptop. For those unsure if they can make their will online or require a lawyer, a quiz is available at Ramsysolutions.com/willsquiz. In other news, three new books have been released: I'm Glad for What I Have, a children's book on contentment by Rachel Cruze; Breaking Free from Broke with George Camel, which hit bestseller lists this week; and Money's Not a Math Problem by Jade Washall, a quick read that also hit the bestseller list last week. These, along with other offerings, can be found at RamseySolutions.com. During the show, a caller asked about prioritizing savings for a career change to become a pilot over buying a house. The decision ultimately depends on individual circumstances, including the cost and length of pilot training, current income, and savings. While it may seem appealing to take advantage of a cheap grant and pursue the career change, more detailed information is necessary before making a final decision. It's crucial to research the specific school, number of hours required, and available jobs and their salaries.

    • Become a Pilot: A Significant InvestmentTo become a pilot, plan for a substantial time and financial commitment, research costs with a clear flight school plan, and consider balancing career aspirations with economic realities.

      Becoming a pilot requires a significant investment of time and money, with around 1500 hours needed for certification. It's essential to work with a flight school that provides a clear plan and cost breakdown. Additionally, pilots often start with lower salaries than expected, so it's crucial to research and plan accordingly. The desire to fly should be balanced with economic realities, and waiting for a spouse to become a pilot may be necessary for some. Overall, careful planning and a solid understanding of the financial and time commitments involved can help ensure success in this career path.

    • Achieving Financial Security through HomeownershipPaying off a mortgage brings financial security, peace of mind, and personal satisfaction. Consider starting with a mortgage before tackling other debts.

      Financial security and peace of mind come from minimizing debt, particularly mortgages. The speaker, who has already achieved financial success, emphasizes the importance of having a paid-off home and suggests starting there before considering paying off other debts. This not only improves cash flow and reduces risk, but also brings a sense of spiritual, psychological, and relational satisfaction. However, the speaker also acknowledges that personal circumstances, such as the need for extra space for family, may influence the decision to pay off a mortgage early or expand instead.

    • Financial freedom through debt repayment and real estate investmentsPay off debts for financial freedom, use mutual funds for college savings, manage budgets for unexpected expenses, and increase income for savings

      Having a clear financial goal and being debt-free can lead to financial freedom and peace of mind. The speaker, who has a net worth of $1.7 million at the age of 37, emphasizes the importance of paying off mortgages and other debts to free up cash flow and build wealth through real estate investments. He also suggests using mutual funds instead of prepaid college plans for more flexibility and higher returns. For those facing obstacles in saving for debt repayment, such as unexpected expenses, it's important to manage the budget by cutting expenses and increasing income. In the case of the caller, who needs to save for custody exchanges, it's recommended to plan for these expenses in the monthly budget and explore ways to increase income.

    • Creating a budget and managing debts for financial stabilityEliminate debts, increase income, adjust withholding, and follow a proven financial plan to improve financial situation and reach financial goals.

      Managing debts and creating a budget are crucial steps towards financial stability and reducing financial stress. The discussion highlights a couple's situation, where they are spending a significant amount on travel to visit their children, leading to high expenses on gas and food. To improve their financial situation, they are advised to work on eliminating debts, increase their income, and adjust their withholding to receive more money each month instead of a yearly refund. By doing so, they can put more money towards their debts and save for future financial goals. Additionally, it's recommended to follow a proven financial plan, such as the one outlined in "The Total Money Makeover" and Jade's new book, to help get a handle on finances and make progress towards financial freedom.

    • Secure your financial future with a paid-off home and retirement savingsFocus on paying off your home and contributing to retirement accounts to secure a substantial nest egg and potentially retire earlier

      Paying off your home and investing in retirement accounts are key to securing a stable financial future in your golden years. By focusing on these two essentials, you can reduce your largest expense and increase your savings, leading to a substantial nest egg. For instance, if you pay off your house in 10 years and contribute 15% of your income to good growth stock mutual funds in your 401k and Roth IRAs for the next 15 years, you could have a substantial sum of money. Additionally, every extra dollar you can put towards paying off your home faster allows you to add more to your retirement savings, potentially allowing you to retire earlier. Ultimately, having a paid-for home and a substantial nest egg are crucial for financial peace and stability in retirement. Remember, personal growth is essential for organizational growth, and seeking guidance from experienced leaders can help you overcome challenges and achieve success.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    Balancing Business, Motherhood & Money as a Momprenuer. Virginia Elder

    Balancing Business, Motherhood & Money as a Momprenuer. Virginia Elder

    Do you feel like a circus performer, frantically juggling motherhood, business, and personal finances? Our guest Virginia Elder has lived this struggle. She joined me at FinCon 2023 to share her story. While raising infants, coping with family crises, and working full-time, this mompreneur and founder of Podcast Abundance, accumulated over $80,000 in debt. Her rock-bottom breaking point became the catalyst to completely transform her money mindset.

    Virginia's story provides a roadmap for moms on how to master finances while succeeding as a mompreneurs and as a parent. 

    Learn Virginia's tips for overcoming financial shame, setting boundaries, making tough choices all the while successfully balancing business, motherhood and money. 

    Join us as Virginia's shares her vulnerable insights and wealth wisdom.


    Links Mentioned:

    Virginia's Website: https://podcastabundance.com

    Could one dollar change your financial story? - https://go2.money/book-deal

    More on this episode - https://go2.money/momprenuer

    #14 The Pros + Cons of Multigenerational Living

    #14 The Pros + Cons of Multigenerational Living

    As people who moved back in with their parents a few times in adulthood, Vee and Joe can confidently say there’s a palpable shame associated with multigenerational living. 

    In today’s episode they go over who is living in multigenerational homes, how many of these people cite financial stress as a reason for their “choice,” and why you shouldn’t feel badly if this is your living situation. 

    In this episode you’ll learn more about:

    • Who is living in multigenerational homes
    • The pros and cons of multigenerational living
    • Top reasons people live in multigenerational homes
    • History of multigenerational living + more




    For Fox Sake is a financial education and personal development podcast dedicated to deconstructing money shame, sharing money stories, and discussing the often “off-the-table” topics of life. 

    HOST BIO: 

    Vee Weir is an award-winning, anti-capitalist personal finance content creator and business owner. Her main focus and mission is to challenge common money myths, dismantle barriers preventing access to financial information and examine how capitalism negatively impacts the working class. 

    In the past 7 years, Vee has amassed a following of over 25k+ online and has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, CNBC, and more. 

    When she’s not online she spends her time hiking with her husband and three dogs in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. 



    • This show may contain affiliate links or links from advertisers where we earn a commission, direct payment or products.
    • Information shared on this podcast is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.
    • The views and opinions expressed by guests on this platform are their own and do not reflect the views or opinions of the institutions with which they are affiliated. Any information provided by guests is intended for informational and discussion purposes only. It is important to note that individual perspectives may vary. 
    • The hosts and the platform do not endorse or validate the opinions expressed by guests regarding their respective institutions. Listeners are encouraged to independently verify any information provided and to form their own opinions based on a comprehensive consideration of various perspectives.
    • Opinions are our own.


    17. Staying Motivated in Debt Payoff & Building Wealth with MelannialMoney

    17. Staying Motivated in Debt Payoff & Building Wealth with MelannialMoney

    In this episode, we interview Meriam Seboka from @MelannialMoney about how culture and upbringing influence our money values, budgeting for debt freedom, building wealth while paying off debt, teaching high schoolers about personal finance, managing money in a high cost of living area, and staying motivated during your financial journey.

    More from Meriam: https://www.melannialmoney.com @MelannialMoney on IG

    More from Rachel: https://teacherstalkmoney.com​ @TeachersTalkMoney on IG and YouTube

    More from Christy: https://financiallyfitteacher.com​ @FinanciallyFitTeacher on IG

    021 | From Nothing but a Dream; One Family's Journey to 73 Rentals

    021 | From Nothing but a Dream; One Family's Journey to 73 Rentals

    Harve and Kori Jones are parents of 3 sons and have been married for 18 years, they started investing in real estate in 2005 with just $10k cash.

    Since that first duplex purchase, they’ve grown their portfolio over the last 14 years to $4 million in assets and a total of 73 apartments!




    • HarvetJones (at) gmail.com
    • KoriCVJones (at) gmail.com