
    You Can’t Blame Your Way to a Better Life

    en-usSeptember 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Considering retirement options? Investing a lump sum could yield higher returnsYounger individuals may benefit from taking a lump sum and investing it wisely for retirement instead of relying on a pension. Consult a financial advisor and invest in growth stock mutual funds for optimal results.

      When considering retirement options, taking a lump sum and investing it wisely can potentially yield a higher return than relying on a pension, especially for younger individuals. The speakers on the Ramsey Show emphasized this point based on their experiences and financial expertise. They encouraged listeners to consult with a financial advisor and invest in growth stock mutual funds for the best possible outcome. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of planning for the future and considering the potential financial needs of loved ones. They also highlighted the uncertainty of life and the importance of being prepared for unexpected events.

    • Taking Control of Your Finances for Retirement SecurityInvest wisely, diversify, consider real estate, and stay proactive for retirement savings security.

      Having control over your own finances and investing wisely can provide a sense of security and financial stability, especially when it comes to retirement savings. The speaker expresses concerns about the reliability of pension plans and the potential for unexpected events, such as company bankruptcy or economic downturns, that could impact those savings. Therefore, it's recommended to have a significant portion of savings in personal control, invested diversely across different asset classes, and consider purchasing real estate when financially able. Additionally, it's never too late to make career changes or start new ventures, even in one's fifties or beyond. Overall, taking a proactive and intentional approach to personal finance can lead to long-term wealth and security.

    • Unexpected medical bills and mental healthClear communication and documentation from healthcare providers can help alleviate financial and emotional stress from unexpected medical bills.

      Dealing with unexpected medical bills can significantly impact mental health. Ashley shared her experience of undergoing multiple surgeries and the mental strain caused by unexpected medical bills. Despite making progress, they received a bill from two years ago for physical therapy, which was about to go into collections. Although they negotiated the amount down, they were unable to get a final written notice, causing anxiety and stress. The speaker offered suggestions, including finding creative ways to earn extra money, but emphasized the importance of trusting oneself and focusing on small wins to regain confidence and move forward. The conversation underscores the importance of clear communication and documentation from healthcare providers to help alleviate financial and emotional stress.

    • Managing Unexpected Medical Bills or Financial HardshipsMaintain detailed records, prioritize income, focus on catching up debts, consider selling items, working extra jobs, or finding creative ways to earn extra income, and ensure financial security with term life insurance.

      When faced with unexpected medical bills or financial hardships, it's essential to prioritize and take consistent, disciplined steps towards improving your financial situation. Keeping detailed records of all transactions and communications with healthcare providers or collections agencies is crucial. In the case of past-due bills, it's recommended to focus on getting income back up and catching up on debts before saving for an emergency fund. The key is not to rob Peter to pay Paul. If necessary, consider selling items, working additional jobs, or finding creative ways to earn extra income to get back on track. Remember, the least expected events can and will happen, and having term life insurance can provide peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones.

    • Avoiding Unnecessary Debt with Credit CardsFocus on paying off debts quickly and avoiding unnecessary borrowing through credit cards to reduce stress and financial risks.

      While it may seem like a good idea to use a credit card to earn bonuses and pay off bills quickly, it's generally not recommended due to the potential for added stress and the fact that credit card companies often rely on consumers carrying debt to make profits. Instead, it's important to focus on paying off debts as quickly as possible and avoiding unnecessary borrowing. In the context of the discussion, Zander Insurance was highlighted for its simple and touchless process for obtaining term life insurance, offering competitive rates and plans that don't require an exam. It's important to prioritize securing necessary protections like life insurance and avoiding unnecessary debt.

    • Using credit cards out of desperation or keeping up with othersCredit cards can lead to financial trouble if used due to desperation or to keep up appearances, resulting in late fees, overbalance, and eroding confidence in managing money independently.

      Some people use credit cards due to a sense of desperation or feeling compelled to keep up with the Joneses, as they believe they cannot manage their finances without the safety net provided by credit cards. However, this mindset can lead to financial trouble as many credit companies thrive on customers' failure to pay on time, accumulating late fees and overbalance. Moreover, these companies can erode individuals' confidence in their ability to manage money independently. Therefore, it's essential to reconsider the relationship with credit cards and assess whether the benefits outweigh the potential risks.

    • Credit card usage and its hidden costsUsing credit cards can result in additional expenses from fees and potential overspending, emphasizing the importance of mindful usage and debt repayment.

      Using credit cards can lead to higher expenses due to transaction fees and potential for overspending, costing you more money in the long run. Appreciation and generosity were also themes discussed during the podcast, as the hosts expressed gratitude to their listeners and shared a story about Dave Ramsey's gesture of thanking the people behind the scenes of his television appearances. Manuel from Houston called in to share his personal financial struggles, totaling around $75,000 in debt from credit cards, personal loans, a $50,000 car, and a $5,000 motorcycle. Both Jade and John offered their advice and encouragement for Manuel to take responsibility for his mistakes and start making a plan to pay off his debt. Overall, the podcast emphasized the importance of being mindful of credit card usage, expressing gratitude, and taking action towards financial goals.

    • Believe in yourself and take action to improve your financial situationFind ways to increase income, sell assets, make tough decisions, and believe in yourself to overcome debt and financial hardships

      No matter the amount of debt or hardships faced, it's important to believe in oneself and take action to improve the situation. The speakers in this conversation emphasized the importance of finding ways to increase income, selling assets, and making tough financial decisions to get out of debt. They also highlighted the importance of self-belief and taking responsibility for one's financial situation. The conversation also touched upon the idea that while debt can seem overwhelming, it can be paid off if one stops creating new debt and focuses on increasing income. The speakers shared their own experiences of going through financial hardships and coming out stronger. Overall, the message was one of hope and determination in the face of financial challenges.

    • Eliminating Debt: Increase Income and Decrease ExpensesTaking responsibility for debt repayment, even when forgiveness is possible, can save you money and contribute to the greater good.

      With dedication and hard work, it's possible to eliminate debt and improve your financial situation. The speakers on the show emphasized the importance of increasing income and decreasing expenses to make progress towards debt freedom. They encouraged listeners to seize opportunities to pay off debt, even if there's a possibility of forgiveness, to avoid burdening others with the cost. Brian's question about student loan debt led to the discussion about the importance of taking responsibility for paying off debts and not relying on potential forgiveness. The speakers emphasized that nothing is truly free and that someone else would ultimately pay the cost if forgiveness were to be granted. They encouraged listeners to pay off their debts if they have the means, as a way of contributing to the greater good.

    • The importance of keeping commitments and living up to our wordCommitting to things and honoring our promises shapes our character and affects our well-being. It's crucial to take responsibility for our financial decisions and educate ourselves to avoid regret.

      Integrity and honesty have profound psychological and physiological effects on us. When we commit to something and keep our word, it shapes how we carry ourselves. Even when we make mistakes, like signing up for loans without fully understanding the consequences, it's essential to honor our commitments. The consequences of not doing so can be severe, and we may regret not investing that money wisely. The discussion also touched on the importance of taking responsibility for our financial decisions and educating ourselves about compound interest and the potential pitfalls of forbearance. In a broader sense, the conversation emphasized the importance of living up to our commitments and not shirking responsibility, even when it's challenging or uncomfortable. Finally, the speakers encouraged listeners to read Dr. John Deloney's new book, "Billing and Anxious Life," which offers insights on living a non-anxious life in a society plagued by anxiety.

    • Prepare Financially Before Buying a HouseEnsure a fully funded emergency fund, determine monthly expenses, and calculate affordable mortgage payments based on income and debt.

      Before making a major financial decision like buying a house, it's crucial to have a solid financial foundation in place. This includes having an emergency fund, determining your monthly expenses, and calculating what you can realistically afford based on your income and debt. John and his wife, who recently paid off their student loans and are considering buying a house, were given advice to ensure they have a fully funded emergency fund, determine their monthly expenses, and calculate what they can afford based on a 15-year fixed rate mortgage that doesn't exceed 25% of their take-home pay. It's important to remember that buying a house should be a blessing, not a burden. So, do your research, run the numbers, and make sure you're financially prepared before making the leap into homeownership.

    • Considering the financial implications of homeownershipEvaluate priorities, reduce expenses, increase income, or reconsider desired locations to make homeownership feasible.

      While desiring to live in a specific location or having certain amenities may seem appealing, the financial reality of affording a home in that area might not be feasible. The speakers on the show emphasized the importance of evaluating priorities and considering the long-term financial implications of homeownership. They encouraged listeners to consider reducing expenses, increasing income, or reevaluating desired living locations to make homeownership a possibility. Additionally, they offered resources such as a book release event and a money and marriage getaway to help couples improve their financial situation and achieve their goals.

    • Struggling Family's Debt and Financial StrugglesA family of four faces financial instability due to high debt from student and personal loans, limited income from working part-time and studying, and the need to make tough choices to prioritize financial stability over long-term goals.

      The family in question is currently unable to make ends meet, with a significant amount of debt from student loans and personal loans, totaling $115,000. They are not able to pay all their bills and are struggling to keep up with minimum payments on their debt. The situation is further complicated by the fact that both parents are in school and working part-time, with limited income. To improve their financial situation, they need to focus on increasing their income and stopping the accumulation of debt. The long-term goals of continuing education and specific careers may not be feasible given their current financial situation, and difficult choices may need to be made to prioritize financial stability. The family's financial struggles can also negatively impact their children, who absorb the tension in the home.

    • Balancing Priorities and Making SacrificesMaking important life decisions involves prioritizing and making sacrifices. Seek help and adjust work arrangements to find balance. Understand every decision comes with a trade-off.

      Making important life decisions involves prioritizing and making sacrifices or trades. The speaker shared her personal experience of having to put her education on hold due to financial constraints and the need to take care of her family. She emphasized that everyone's situation is unique, and it's crucial to assess priorities and make difficult choices. The speaker also suggested seeking help from community resources or adjusting work arrangements to find a balance. Ultimately, the goal is to find peace and freedom, and sometimes that means letting go of certain dreams or goals in the short term to focus on what truly matters. It's essential to remember that every decision comes with a trade-off, and understanding what you're gaining or losing can help make the process clearer.

    • Consider selling investments to pay off debtSelling investments to pay off debt can be a tough decision, but it's important to prioritize debt repayment over potential investment gains. Automating savings and investments can help ensure long-term financial goals are met.

      When trying to pay off debt, it's important to consider liquidating investments, even if it means taking a loss. In Michael's case, he had a significant loss on an investment and was hesitant to sell due to the potential tax implications and the possibility that the market might recover. However, since his goal was to pay off his debt, the experts advised him to sell the investment and use the proceeds to pay off the debt. This decision may have been difficult, but it was the best course of action given his financial situation. Additionally, the experts encouraged Michael to automate his savings and investments to ensure he was consistently contributing towards his retirement goals.

    • Be intentional with your moneyForming intentional habits with savings and spending can lead to significant financial progress over time, while being aware of potential risks and taking steps to mitigate them is crucial.

      Being intentional with your money is key to financial success. Whether it's automating savings for retirement or mortgage payments, or being mindful of your spending habits, every decision matters. Even small, consistent actions can lead to significant progress over time. Additionally, it's important to be aware of the potential risks, such as debt or market fluctuations, and take steps to mitigate them. Remember, the habits you form today will shape your financial future. So, be intentional, be consistent, and don't let small problems become big ones.

    • Trusting Professionals and Intuition for College Students with Eating DisordersParents should trust mental health professionals and their intuition when deciding whether to send their child with an eating disorder to college. Resources and support systems can help students grow and heal, but parents must take necessary precautions to ensure their child's safety and well-being.

      Parents who have children struggling with eating disorders and are considering sending them to college should trust the professional opinions of mental health professionals, while also trusting their own intuition and taking necessary precautions. The speakers emphasized the importance of sharing resources and supporting each other, as well as acknowledging the challenges and risks involved in letting go and allowing children to take the next step in their lives. They emphasized that disordered eating is a serious mental health issue, and that with the right support systems in place, college can provide opportunities for growth and healing. Ultimately, the speakers encouraged parents to find a balance between trusting professionals and trusting their own instincts, and to take action to ensure their child's safety and well-being.

    • Trusting Professionals and Support Systems During College TransitionParents should trust in professionals and support systems while allowing children to grow into adulthood. Communication and openness are key during the college transition. Consider individual financial situations regarding Bitcoin.

      Parents going through the transition of sending their adult children off to college should trust in the professionals and the support systems in place, while also allowing their children to grow into adulthood. Smaller schools may not necessarily be better, as resources and safety depend on the specific situation. It's important for parents to communicate openly with their children, expressing love and support while acknowledging the challenges of letting go. Regarding Bitcoin, the speaker advises evaluating individual financial situations and considering selling if it aligns with long-term financial goals. The Ramsey Show offers resources and advice for various financial and life challenges.

    • Managing Finances for Retirement and Children's Education: A Unique Journey for Every FamilyConsider individual circumstances, start small, and prioritize for retirement and children's education savings.

      When it comes to managing finances for retirement and children's education, every family's situation is unique. While contributing to retirement and a 529 plan for children's education are important, there's no hard and fast rule on the amount or frequency of contributions. Parents should consider their individual circumstances, including the number of children, their future educational goals, and current debts like a mortgage. Starting small in the 529 plan and gradually increasing contributions can lead to meaningful conversations about education goals and funding plans. Ultimately, the decision on how much to allocate to retirement versus education savings depends on each family's priorities and financial situation.

    • Understanding priorities for financial peaceHaving clear financial goals, reducing debt, building an emergency fund, and minimizing volatile investments are key steps towards financial peace.

      Having a clear financial goal and understanding your priorities can help guide your decisions, such as whether to pay off a mortgage or sell an investment. The speaker shared his personal experience of shifting his focus towards financial peace and reducing debt after having a child. He emphasized the importance of keeping volatile investments, like Bitcoin, to a minimum and focusing on debt repayment and building an emergency fund. The conversation also touched on the importance of having a budget and understanding your income and expenses to make informed financial decisions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of having a solid financial plan and being mindful of your financial priorities.

    • Managing severe financial difficultiesBe open-minded to drastic measures, work multiple jobs, or make temporary lifestyle adjustments for long-term debt freedom and increased confidence.

      When faced with financial struggles, it's essential to be open-minded and willing to make sacrifices. A seemingly insurmountable debt, like $20,000 in student loans, can feel overwhelming when income is low, but it becomes more manageable as income increases. However, when financial difficulties are severe, drastic measures may be necessary, such as working multiple jobs or making temporary lifestyle adjustments. These changes may be challenging, but they lead to long-term benefits, such as debt freedom, increased confidence, and the ability to prioritize effectively. Remember, every storm in life eventually passes, and the resilience built during tough times is invaluable.

    • The value of perseverance and sacrificesPersevering through difficult times, managing finances, seeking support, and learning new skills can lead to significant rewards and improved quality of life.

      Making sacrifices and grinding through difficult times can lead to significant rewards in the future. Mikayla's experience of working and sacrificing to provide for her family, allowing her to be fully present with her children, is a powerful reminder of the value of perseverance. The use of a budgeting app and eliminating debt can also bring about financial freedom and improve one's quality of life. The importance of having support during challenging times, whether from family, friends, or community, cannot be overstated. And finally, seeking out resources and knowledge can lead to new opportunities and unexpected benefits.

    • Belief and mindset shape personal growthChallenging negative thoughts and surrounding yourself with positivity can lead to personal growth, despite limitations or obstacles.

      Personal growth and improvement are largely dependent on belief and mindset. The advice and resources offered may not work for everyone, but the power to make them true lies within each individual. It's easy to fall into the mindset of disempowerment and believe that progress is impossible, but it's crucial to challenge those thoughts and keep pushing forward. Surrounding yourself with positive influences and seeking help when needed can lead to significant progress, no matter how small the steps may seem. The words we use and the beliefs we hold shape our reality, so it's essential to focus on opportunities and possibilities rather than limitations and obstacles.

    • Dreaming and Planning for the Future Despite Financial StrugglesHaving a clear vision and plan can help overcome financial struggles and achieve goals, even when they seem insurmountable. Don't give up and take small steps towards your dreams.

      It's important to take time to dream and plan for the future, even when facing financial struggles and overwhelming debts. As shared in the conversation, the speakers, John and Sheila, had a combined $460,000 of debt and felt they couldn't achieve their goals, such as starting a family. However, by having a clear vision and reversing engineering their goals, they were able to identify the necessary steps to improve their situation. The speakers emphasized the importance of having a map or a plan to reach your goals, as wandering aimlessly without a clear direction can make it difficult to progress. They also encouraged listeners to not give up, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, and to take small steps towards their goals, such as reaching out for help when needed. Overall, the message is to not let current circumstances define your future and to always keep striving towards your dreams.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    Build Wealth by Doing What Rich People Actually Do

    Build Wealth by Doing What Rich People Actually Do
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "Is it ever okay to spend $50k on a trip?" "My dad wants me to pay for his life insurance..." "Should we buy a house if we're going to move in 4 years?" "We disagree about paying off our cars," "We make $400K but can't pay extra on debt," "I co-own a house with my girlfriend's parents..." "My employer wants me to stop my side hustle" Support Our Sponsors: Zander: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today. Health Trust Financial BetterHelp: betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month Next Steps 🏠 Selling Your House? Check out one of our Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agents 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🎟️ Reserve your seat for Summit 2025 today! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    All About Family Money Drama!

    All About Family Money Drama!
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

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    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 05:39 Student Loan Consolidation 06:51 Your degree is useless 10:02 What a mess... 15:41 Spend Spend Spend 17:39 There's MORE?! 21:30 More BS spending 26:36 You need to budget! 29:38 CLEAN UP THIS MESS 35:15 This is WILD 40:28 Please just do this... 44:13 Hammer Financial Score

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    Mind The Gap: How To Make More Than You Spend In Retirement - 131

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    #34 Healthcare Options Before Age 65

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    Invest Wisely     3 things you can do to ignore the voices in your head

    I'm starting to hear voices in my head. Maybe you are too. They're asking "Should I move to the sidelines? Should I wait to invest?"  Certainly we've heard these voices on our beloved financial media outlets. Over the last 3 weeks or so, equity markets have had some big down days and it's making people nervous.

    Don't base your investment strategy off of intuition, regardless of how well reasoned you think it is. The fact is professional investors struggle with timing markets. Even those that have great "market calls" can't do it consistently enough to be of much use to you or I.

    1. Stop chasing rainbows. Turn off all financial that peddles predictions, forecasts, etc. Don't fall for the siren sound of predicting the future. It's hard to tune out. We all want certainty. We crave it. It's uncomfortable to sit with not knowing. You must though if you are going to focus on the things you can control
    2. Revisit your cash reserves. Having enough cash so your long-term investments can be long-term. Selling at the wrong time because you need the money can be a disastrous to your portfolio.. Initially target 3 months lifestyle expenses and increase it if your income is less certain. For retirees, we target 18 months of expected lifestyle expenses.
    3. Rebalance your portfolio. If you haven't rebalanced your portfolio to your target risk/return profile, do it. Part of investing wisely is consistently rebalancing to your targeted risk/return profile.

    Plan Well     Health Insurance Options Before Age 65

    This week I talk again with Misty Kimbrough from Red Apple Insurance. She and I discuss the insurance landscape if you've been blessed to retire early. We discuss:

    • How COBRA coverage works
    • Insurance options before you're eligible for Medicare
    • Individual insurance plans (Bronze, Silver & Gold)
    • How to structure your individual policy
    • Should you go on your spouse's plan
    • Insurance add on options.

    Retirement Answers     How Do I Choose Long Term Care Insurance

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    09: Alphabet Soup: A Medicare Tell-All to Get You Ready for Enrollment

    09: Alphabet Soup: A Medicare Tell-All to Get You Ready for Enrollment

    For the most part, everyone’s heard about Medicare, right? The problem is that many people don’t understand exactly what it is or how it works, which is crazy because everyone who turns 65 signs up for it. You would think that because it’s a government program, for virtually everyone, they would make it clear and easy to understand, but hey, we’re talking about the government here, so it comes as no surprise that it’s about as clear as mud.

    This year, in 2021, the Medicare enrollment period is from October 15th through December 7th, so we’re in the thick of things at this point in time. If you’re facing this decision, we want you to be prepared. In this episode, we are going to go through the nuts and bolts of Medicare, including:

    • The history of Medicare
    • How you qualify for Medicare
    • An in-depth breakdown of Parts A, B, C, and D
    • What Medigap coverage is
    • Why you DON’T want to miss your enrollment period

    And more!

    Choosing Medicare coverage is a big decision. One that can have many pitfalls where you may miss out on getting the correct type of coverage for your needs. Our goal is to help you get on the right path from the very beginning. So, we encourage you to grab a copy of the “Know Your Possibilities Guide,” listen in, and share this episode with anyone approaching 65.

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