
    About this Episode

    You've probaby heard the saying "Eat the frog!" it's a metaphor for doing the tough thing you have for the day.

    But do you really have to 'eat the frog' every day, first thing?

    What if you are just not in the ideal place to do this?

    Do you manage to eat the frog each day? What works for you?

    Recent Episodes from Changing Habits - Changing Lives

    Top Gun Fighter Pilot - Habit Patterns, Meditation, and Stress - interview with Mark Williams

    Top Gun Fighter Pilot - Habit Patterns, Meditation, and Stress - interview with Mark Williams

    My guest Mark Williams is the real deal when it comes to being a Top Gun Fighter Pilot!

    We do cover his time as a fighter pilot and the approach you need to fly fighter jets at high speed (10 miles a minute).

    Mark is also a keen meditator and is a Director of Mindfulness Programs at Veterans PATH.

    In this episode we cover:

    • What it takes to be a fighter pilot
    • Similarities between military training and Bhuddist monks
    • Meditation
    • Self compassion - why it's important when you look to make changes in yourself or your life
    • We touch on the three pillars to build any change
    • and some thoughts today's stressful work and life.

    We are planning a second episode to delve further into meditation and psychedelics!  If you have any questions for the episode, drop me a note - coach@comentra.com

    If you enjoyed this episode please give it 5 stars/thumbs up.

    You can help me immensely by subscribing and sharing with one friend.


     How to connect with me:

     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azzyaslam

     Twitter: https://twitter.com/AzzyAslam

     Subscribe to my new YouTube channel:


     Website: https://comentra.com

     Blog: https://comentra.com/blog

    Thinking of Leaving Corporate and Going Solopreneur - Interview with Anna Britnor-Guest

    Thinking of Leaving Corporate and Going Solopreneur - Interview with Anna Britnor-Guest

    If you are thinking of leaving your corporate role and going solopreneur then this intervew is for you.

    My guest, Anna Britnor-Guest, gives us her experience of making the move to working for herself.

    We cover:

    • Expectations vs. Reality of going it alone
    • What were the biggest challenges
    • What Anna learned about herself along the journey
    • What help and support did she find helpful & useful
    • Which habits and routines helped along the way
    • What Anna would differently if she started again

    I hope this will help you prepare for your move and make it an awesome success!

    If there are things you want to know which I have missed in this episode, please get in touch with your questions.

    I will add them to another episode and get you some answers. Contact me on coach@comentra.com

    If you enjoyed this episode please give it 5 stars/thumbs up.

    You can help me immensely by subscribing and sharing with one friend.


     To get in touch with  Anna Britnor-Guest :

     Website: https://www.alatebusinessgrowth.com/

     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabritnorguest

     Podcast: Revenue Riser



     How to connect with me:

     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azzyaslam

     Twitter: https://twitter.com/AzzyAslam

     Subscribe to my new YouTube channel:


     Website: https://comentra.com

     Blog: https://comentra.com/blog

    Social Anxiety and Introverts with Mark Metry

    Social Anxiety and Introverts with Mark Metry

    From social anxiety and being an introvert to helping people going through similar challenges.

    My guest Mark Metry talks us through when he realised it more than just being shy. He had social anxiety, and how it even made him make plans to take his own life. 

    Listen to his journey from realisation to learning to manage and overcome the his social anxiety.

    We share some of the things we have learned through our lives which wil help you make changes to your mood, and mindset.


    If you enjoyed this episode please give it 5 stars/thumbs up.

    You can help me immensely by subscribing and sharing with one friend.


     To get in touch with Mark Metry and buy the book "Screw Being Shy":

     Website: https://www.markmetry.com/


     How to connect with me:

     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azzyaslam

     Twitter: https://twitter.com/AzzyAslam

     Subscribe to my new YouTube channel:


     Website: https://comentra.com

     Blog: https://comentra.com/blog

    Telling Your Story And Making It Entertaining with Jordan Gross

    Telling Your Story And Making It Entertaining with Jordan Gross

    We explore personal development from a different angle in this episode. My guest Jordan Gross is an author, entrepreneur, TED Talk speaker, and helps people make storytelling entertaining and using it as part of their personal growth. Which he calls "Magitivational".

    Lots of life lessons and reimagining personal development!

    He is the author of 3 books:

    'Getting COMFY'

    'The Journey to Cloud Nine'

    'What happens in Tomorrow World'

    All available online and local book store - please support you local store!

    Link to the e-book is below.


    If you enjoyed this episode please give it 5 stars/thumbs up.

    You can help me immensely by subscribing and sharing with one friend.


     To get in touch with  Jordan Gross and buy his books:

     Website: https://jordan-gross.com/

     e-book download: https://bit.ly/3je9M0M


     How to connect with me:

     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azzyaslam

     Twitter: https://twitter.com/AzzyAslam

     Subscribe to my new YouTube channel:


     Website: https://comentra.com

     Blog: https://comentra.com/blog


    What's going on in the brain when we create new habits

    What's going on in the brain when we create new habits

    A quick look at what goes on in our brain when you start to create new habits.

    Hope this explains what needs to happen to help you create and embed new habits.

    I cover the following:

    • What does a habit look like to the brain
    • What happens when we start to create a new habit
    • What happens as we try to embed the habit - make it stronger
    • The changes to make the habit automated
    • How long does all this take
    • What happens when we stop repeating a habit
    • Why does the brain dismantle new habits

    Follow the science and you will create and embed new habits!


    If you enjoyed this episode please give it 5 stars/thumbs up.

    You can help me immensely by subscribing and sharing with one friend.


     How to connect with me:

     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azzyaslam

     Twitter: https://twitter.com/AzzyAslam

     Subscribe to my new YouTube channel:


     Website: https://comentra.com

     Blog: https://comentra.com/blog

    The Art of Storytelling with Michael Harvey

    The Art of Storytelling with Michael Harvey

    I was curious about how to tell a good story.

    So, I invited master storyteller, coach, performance artist Michael Harvey to the podcast.

    Michael explains what makes a good story and how you can become an impactful storyteller.


    If you enjoyed this episode please give it 5 stars/thumbs up.

    You can help me immensely by subscribing and sharing with one friend.


     To get in touch with Michael Harvey:

     LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/michael-harvey-bb673123

     Email: michael@michaelharvey.org


     How to connect with me:

     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azzyaslam

     Twitter: https://twitter.com/AzzyAslam

     Subscribe to my new YouTube channel:


     Website: https://comentra.com

     Blog: https://comentra.com/blog


    If You Have New Year Resolutions Then Listen To This

    If You Have New Year Resolutions Then Listen To This

    Do You Have New Year Resolutions?

    First episode for 2022! After a short break, I'm back with tools, tips, and strategies to help you make new habits stick.

    Today, I look at New Year resolutions, and what you can do to make them work for you.

    If you want me to cover different examples or want help in making your specific resolutions to stick then drop me note. Email is on the podcast.

     If you found this episode useful, please subscribe, give it 5 stars (or thumbs up), and share with one friend.

    Thank you for all the support.


     How to connect with me:

     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azzyaslam

     Twitter: https://twitter.com/AzzyAslam

     Subscribe to my new YouTube channel:


     Website: https://comentra.com

      Blog: https://comentra.com/blog

    The Small Habits Which Helped Recovery From Severe Covid - Interview with Radha Ruparell

    The Small Habits Which Helped Recovery From Severe Covid - Interview with Radha Ruparell

    Severe Covid and the small habits to recovery

    My guest Radha Ruparell is a global cross-sector leader, with expertise in the fields of leadership development and personal transformation.

    Radha contracted Covid and at first it was the usual symptoms but quickly developed into a severe form. Even today Radha is building back her way life and health.

    Working with organisation from around the world, Radha turned to the skills and habits she was helping leaders with to help her get back her strength and life.

    Listen to Radha tell her story and the habits she turned to and developed to help her overcome the devastating effects of Covid.

    You can also read her gripping story in her book Brave Now – link to the book is below

    Please subscribe and share with one friend.


     To get in touch with  Radha Ruparell and buy the book:

     Website: https://bravenowbook.com/


     How to connect with me:

     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azzyaslam

     Twitter: https://twitter.com/AzzyAslam

     Subscribe to my new YouTube channel:


     Website: https://comentra.com

     Blog: https://comentra.com/blog

    If You Are Thinking About Suicide Please Listen To This

    If You Are Thinking About Suicide Please Listen To This

    If you are in a tough place and even thinking about suicide, please listen to this

    I’ve been off for a few weeks and no podcasts have been uploaded recently. The main reason was some devastating news I received.  I lost a friend to suicide. A friend I had known for nearly 30 years. Someone I thought would be the last person to take his own life.

    If you find yourself even thinking about taking your own life, then please take a few minutes and listen to this episode.

    You are not alone. There are people who can and will help. Life does change and will change for the better. Please talk to someone and tell them how really feel and what you are thinking. This the first step and people will step forward who can help.

    There are also many places you can reach out to for help and support. If you are in the UK, below are some organisations you can call if you don’t want to speak to anyone close to you at this point:

     The Smaritans  Tel: 116 123                       www.smaritans.org

     Shout  Text SHOUT to 85258                      www.giveusashout.org

     Mind  Mindinfoline: 0300 123 3393             www.mind.org.uk

     C.A.L.M        Tel: 08000 585858                  www.thecalmzone.net

     ChildLine      Tel: 0800 11 11                       www.childline.org.uk


    Please share this with someone who needs to hear it.


     How to connect with me:

     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azzyaslam

     Twitter: https://twitter.com/AzzyAslam

     InstaGram: @changinghabits_changinglives

     Subscribe to my new YouTube channel:


     Website: https://comentra.com

     Blog: https://comentra.com/blog