
    You're Only Ever a Contrarian or a Victim in Natural Resource Investing

    enMarch 04, 2024

    About this Episode

    Dan and Corey kick off the show by discussing Warren Buffett's recent letter to Berkshire
    Hathaway shareholders. In it, he honored his late colleague and friend Charlie Munger, plus
    gave updates on some of Berkshire's businesses. Dan and Corey also cover Apple switching
    its resources over from electric vehicles to artificial intelligence. (0:41)

    Next, Rick Rule – president and CEO of Rule Investment Media – joins the conversation. He
    goes into depth on models, such as the discounted cash flow model. He talks about the flaws
    with models, why models are only useful for apples-to-apples comparisons, and how a model
    can be used on exploration companies or similar companies that don't have revenues.

    After, Rick goes into detail on the uranium market. He describes why uranium companies
    have mothballed production, what makes uranium so unique in the natural resources world,
    the differences between the spot and term markets, and how to interpret uranium
    companies' financials. (33:18)

    Lastly, Rick calls out several commodities that present good investing opportunities today.
    He describes one of them as "stupidly cheap"... another he says is hated by investors and its
    market is in disarray... and the final two, he explains, are being sold off because of an
    incorrect belief that we don't need internal-combustion engines anymore. Rick even goes
    one step further and namedrops specific companies that could be worth looking into to take
    advantage of these price discounts. (49:15)

    Recent Episodes from Stansberry Investor Hour

    'Boring' Times Ahead Could Mean Fantastic Gains

    'Boring' Times Ahead Could Mean Fantastic Gains

    Dan and Corey kick off the show by discussing famed economist Nouriel "Dr. Doom" Roubini
    and his current bullish stance. They explore whether Dr. Doom is correct in his optimism, if
    gold's new all-time highs are here to stay, and what could happen next with bitcoin. (0:41)

    Next, Stansberry Research editor Brett Eversole joins the conversation and talks about
    where he thinks stocks will go this year thanks to the election. After, he analyzes the overall
    health of the market using several different metrics, urges investors to invest based on the
    size of a company's market capitalization, gives his thoughts on whether small-cap stocks
    can catch up to the rest of the market, and reviews moments of extreme volatility in history.

    Further, Brett describes a shareholder yield fund and how it works. He points out that if you
    buy companies that return a lot of cash to shareholders, those companies tend to go up a lot
    over time. He also discusses the strategies he uses in his True Wealth publication to find
    winning stocks, buy in at the right time, and protect capital. (29:35)

    Finally, Brett explains why he isn't investing in individual Chinese stocks today, but he
    provides one unique way to still profit from China that you may have never heard of. (47:15

    Stansberry Investor Hour
    enMarch 11, 2024

    You're Only Ever a Contrarian or a Victim in Natural Resource Investing

    You're Only Ever a Contrarian or a Victim in Natural Resource Investing

    Dan and Corey kick off the show by discussing Warren Buffett's recent letter to Berkshire
    Hathaway shareholders. In it, he honored his late colleague and friend Charlie Munger, plus
    gave updates on some of Berkshire's businesses. Dan and Corey also cover Apple switching
    its resources over from electric vehicles to artificial intelligence. (0:41)

    Next, Rick Rule – president and CEO of Rule Investment Media – joins the conversation. He
    goes into depth on models, such as the discounted cash flow model. He talks about the flaws
    with models, why models are only useful for apples-to-apples comparisons, and how a model
    can be used on exploration companies or similar companies that don't have revenues.

    After, Rick goes into detail on the uranium market. He describes why uranium companies
    have mothballed production, what makes uranium so unique in the natural resources world,
    the differences between the spot and term markets, and how to interpret uranium
    companies' financials. (33:18)

    Lastly, Rick calls out several commodities that present good investing opportunities today.
    He describes one of them as "stupidly cheap"... another he says is hated by investors and its
    market is in disarray... and the final two, he explains, are being sold off because of an
    incorrect belief that we don't need internal-combustion engines anymore. Rick even goes
    one step further and namedrops specific companies that could be worth looking into to take
    advantage of these price discounts. (49:15)

    Stansberry Investor Hour
    enMarch 04, 2024

    Tactical Turning Points Are the Secret to Finding Winners

    Tactical Turning Points Are the Secret to Finding Winners

    Dan and Corey kick off the show by discussing new highs in the S&P 500 Equal Weight Index, Japan's Nikkei 225 Index, and chipmaker Nvidia's stock. They analyze what these new highs mean, whether the U.S. is still in a mega-bubble, what's happening with the Japanese economy, and if Nvidia can continue its outperformance. (0:41)

    Next, Chaikin Analytics Chief Market Strategist Pete Carmasino joins the conversation and describes his investing style. He notes that he mainly looks at price. By using technical analysis and studying the fundamentals, trends, and the relative strength versus the market, he can decipher whether a stock is overbought. (20:28)

    Further, Pete talks about the importance of risk management and taking advantage of tactical moves. He gives investors advice for how to determine when something is a tactical sell or a tactical buy, discusses the relationship between technicals and fundamentals, and explains why he looks at both offensive and defensive sectors for investing opportunities.(25:55)

    Pete then details why he's never too bullish or bearish at any given time, plus how the Chaikin Analytics Power Gauge system helps him find potential winners. He describes his process for interpreting the signals and discusses the fundamentals he needs to see to be interested in a stock. (39:47)

    Lastly, Pete hammers home the importance of rates – particularly the unemployment rate, since the Federal Reserve uses it to determine the federal-funds rate. He also shares the top five subsectors currently and names a few stocks within those sectors that could be worth keeping an eye on. (51:15)

    Stansberry Investor Hour
    enFebruary 27, 2024

    Tactical Turning Points Are the Secret to Finding Winners

    Tactical Turning Points Are the Secret to Finding Winners

    Dan and Corey kick off the show by discussing new highs in the S&P 500 Equal Weight Index, Japan's Nikkei 225 Index, and chipmaker Nvidia's stock. They analyze what these new highs mean, whether the U.S. is still in a mega-bubble, what's happening with the Japanese economy, and if Nvidia can continue its outperformance. (0:41)

    Next, Chaikin Analytics Chief Market Strategist Pete Carmasino joins the conversation and describes his investing style. He notes that he mainly looks at price. By using technical analysis and studying the fundamentals, trends, and the relative strength versus the market, he can decipher whether a stock is overbought. (20:28)

    Further, Pete talks about the importance of risk management and taking advantage of tactical moves. He gives investors advice for how to determine when something is a tactical sell or a tactical buy, discusses the relationship between technicals and fundamentals, and explains why he looks at both offensive and defensive sectors for investing opportunities.(25:55)

    Pete then details why he's never too bullish or bearish at any given time, plus how the Chaikin Analytics Power Gauge system helps him find potential winners. He describes his process for interpreting the signals and discusses the fundamentals he needs to see to be interested in a stock. (39:47)

    Lastly, Pete hammers home the importance of rates – particularly the unemployment rate, since the Federal Reserve uses it to determine the federal-funds rate. He also shares the top five subsectors currently and names a few stocks within those sectors that could be worth keeping an eye on. (51:15)

    Stansberry Investor Hour
    enFebruary 27, 2024

    Now Is a Great Time to Be a Bond Investor

    Now Is a Great Time to Be a Bond Investor

    Dan and Corey kick things off by discussing Lyft shares soaring after a numeric typo in the company's earnings report, market volatility after the latest consumer price index release, the possibility of "Volmageddon" 2.0, and the harms of passive investing. When speaking about all the trouble brewing in the markets today, Dan notes, "Risks don't register until they happen." (0:41)

    Next, Stansberry Research editor Mike DiBiase joins the conversation and shares his concerns about the bond market. Specifically, he believes that we're in the early stages of the next credit crisis. He goes into detail about why we're overdue for such an event, which specific indicators are signaling turbulent times ahead for the market, and whether the Federal Reserve could do anything to lessen the inevitable damage. (24:53)

    Mike also analyzes the stock market and how it paints a bleak picture. As he explains, corporate earnings declined in 2023 even though many companies had a fantastic year and posted incredible numbers. And despite this "earnings recession," stocks are still trading at all-time highs. (32:25)

    Then, Mike covers why he believes the struggling U.S. consumer is going to usher in the next credit crisis, how today's market is so similar to 2008's, and why corporate bonds still make for good investments. (35:38)

    Lastly, Mike discusses how this new era of high interest rates has irreversibly altered the investing landscape that people have grown accustomed to over the past 40 years. He explains that stocks were the favored investment when the Fed was keeping rates near zero, but bonds are back on a more equal playing field thanks to high interest rates. (48:34)

    Stansberry Investor Hour
    enFebruary 21, 2024

    Don't Let Your Ego Drive You to Make Bad Decisions | Harley Bassman

    Don't Let Your Ego Drive You to Make Bad Decisions | Harley Bassman

    Dan and Corey kick things off by discussing bitcoin hitting a new multiyear high. They also critique a popular bullish argument for bitcoin, which is based off the U.S. dollar collapsing. After, they talk about the S&P 500 Index surpassing 5,000 for the first time ever and whether this level is sustainable in the long term. (0:40)

    Next, Harley Bassman of Simplify Asset Management joins the conversation and explains a concept called "convexity." He covers the three kinds of risk in bond investing, why short convexity is always lurking during market downturns, and why negative convexity is so difficult for investors to process. (24:53)

    Harley also goes into detail on mortgage-backed securities funds. He describes what mortgage bonds are, why they yield more than corporate bonds, and how the Federal Reserve plays a huge role in all of this. (32:20)

     Lastly, Harley talks about Simplify and how it offers a unique service by jamming derivatives of all kinds (futures, options, etc.) into ETFs so civilians can invest in them. He also discusses what it was like working at Merrill Lynch during the great financial crisis, gives general investing advice, and explains what pin risk is. (48:55)

    Stansberry Investor Hour
    enFebruary 14, 2024

    It's Time to Upgrade Capitalism

    It's Time to Upgrade Capitalism

    Dan and Corey kick off the show by discussing debt spirals, death spirals, their effect on 
    things like GDP and economic growth, and the increasing reliance on debt spending. They
    point out that the U.S. government's annual interest payment on debt will soon surpass the
    budget for national defense. Dan also speculates that the government is using illegal
    immigration as a means to depress wages. (0:41)
    Next, crypto expert Eric Wade joins the conversation by discussing his current thoughts on
    the crypto market as a whole. He notes that the U.S. just approved bitcoin spot ETFs, which
    will allow investors to profit from bitcoin without actually holding the token. He also brings
    up the bitcoin halving that's happening this April, AI's role in crypto, and how crypto is being
    used to solve real-world problems. Eric briefly name-drops two such cryptos that have real-
    world applications today. (22:08)After, he goes into detail on his new book called America vs. Americans: How Capitalism Has
    Failed a Capitalist Nation and What We Can Do About It. This book focuses on American
    "laborism," the shortcomings of our current capitalist system, and how all of this could be
    improved. Eric describes that government, economics, and politics are a lot closer together
    than they should be. He explores the history of capitalism and talks about the glaring flaws
    of the economic system that preceded it – mercantilism. (35:30)
    Eric then transitions into talking about laborism and how it could be an upgrade from
    capitalism. He spends the rest of the episode detailing how it could pull millions of folks out
    of poverty, why it would be so closely tied to education, and the fact it would call for a hard
    currency and a smaller government with less government intervention. As he explains, it
    could solve many of the country's problems. (42:35)

    Stansberry Investor Hour
    enFebruary 05, 2024

    Successful Trading is the Antithesis of Human Nature

    Successful Trading is the Antithesis of Human Nature

    Dan and Corey begin the show by discussing evidence that we're still in a bear market. They bring up equal-weight indexes fizzling out since December, the now "Magnificent Six" tech stocks still dominating, and the possibility of a decade long sideways market. 

    After, contrarian trader Jason Shapiro of digital publishing company Crowded Market Report joins the conversation and gives an overview of his trading style, his financial journey, and how his strategy differs from many other traders'. While others are looking to ride the trend, Jason explains that he's looking to "fade" it and find when the trend will turn. When speaking specifically about putting the risk-reward ratio in his favor over time, he says the discounting mechanism in the market is not price – it's participation.

    This segues into a discussion about how Jason's process works. He gives advice to individual investors who are just starting out, including warning of the dangers of following trends and "copy trading." He also details how trading goes against human nature.

    Then, Jason discusses automation in his field of work – when he uses it and when he ignores its advice – and provides some examples of his strategy in action. He emphasizes that market confirmation should always come first

    Lastly, Jason explains why he's so adamant about sharing his approaches and techniques with everyday investors that they can't find in traditional financial media. And you won't want to miss Jason's answer to the final question... He shares what he believes is the real secret behind making money in the markets.

    Stansberry Investor Hour
    enJanuary 30, 2024

    The Easiest Way to Rank Almost 5,000 Stocks

    The Easiest Way to Rank Almost 5,000 Stocks

    Dan and Corey kick things off by discussing Argentine President Javier Milei's incendiary speech at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. They start by quoting some passages from it and covering the main themes – from the negative consequences of government intervention to potentially abolishing the central bank. After, they talk about why this type of rhetoric from a politician would never fly in the U.S., even though it reflects a lot of people's feelings.

    Next, Stansberry Research Director of Research Matt Weinschenk joins the conversation and elaborates on what type of investor he considers himself to be. He brings up value investing, the importance of bottom-up business-quality analysis, and how he uses quantitative tools to find the best businesses.

    Matt then explains the "Stansberry Score," which ranks nearly 5,000 stocks from first to last. It assigns each stock both an overall number and letter grade, plus letter grades for financials, capital efficiency, and valuation. Investors can use it to check ratings on stocks they may be interested in, or they can use it to find hidden gems. If you're interested in learning more about this tool and trying it for free, you can check it out at StansberryAnnouncement.com.

    Matt also goes into detail on The Quant Portfolio. This new portfolio is fully optimized and uses Stansberry Score data to evaluate each stock. Entirely using computers and algorithms, it looks at the relationships between each stock and picks out the best ones that will work together to provide the highest returns. And so far, it's blowing the market out of the water! Matt emphasizes that in the past two years of live testing, The Quant Portfolio is up 20%, while the market is only up 5. 

    Lastly, Matt talks all things econometrics – what it is, whether it's worth studying, and its interplay with machine learning.

    Stansberry Investor Hour
    enJanuary 29, 2024

    Get Ready for Volatility warns Greg Diamond

    Get Ready for Volatility warns Greg Diamond

    Dan and Corey kick off the show by discussing car-rental company Hertz selling one-third of its electric-vehicle ("EV") fleet and planning to reinvest in gas-powered cars. They talk about the reasons for this move, why EVs might not be a popular choice as rentals, signs that oil and gas companies are still thriving, and how the green-energy transition could lead to higher inflation.  

    Next, welcome Stansberry Research analyst Greg Diamond joins the conversation and analyzes the current volatility in the markets. He explains that investors and the financial media believe the Federal Reserve has beaten inflation and is going to start cutting rates soon. But as Greg notes, the opposite is most likely to happen. He also goes into detail on his study of cycles.  

    Then, Greg predicts important inflection points for 2024, describes how legendary trader W.D. Gann influenced his trading strategy, and explores the potential ramifications of the Fed ending its bank lending program in March. He also details why he'll be trading sectors for the first half of the year rather than individual stocks. 

    Lastly, Greg talks about correlations between the S&P 500 and specific exchange-traded funds. He assesses what it means for the markets when divergences happen and how extreme volatility leads to great buying opportunities. As Greg sums things up, "I think it's going to be a rough ride for bulls and bears."

    Stansberry Investor Hour
    enJanuary 17, 2024