
    You were right all along

    enJuly 28, 2024
    Why is it important to trust your instincts?
    How can negative relationships impact personal growth?
    What role does social media play in feelings of rejection?
    How can embracing enjoyment help overcome negativity?
    What is the speaker's view on failure and success?

    Podcast Summary

    • Negative RelationshipsReflect on past relationships, learn from them, and trust yourself to make decisions earlier to avoid morally corrupt individuals and focus on personal growth.

      It's important to trust your instincts and let go of attachments to negative relationships. Reflect on past friendships that didn't last or enemies who caused harm. Consider their actions and how they reflect on their character. People who switch between being friendly and hostile are morally corrupt and lying. Rejection can be devastating due to our social media habits, but learning to trust yourself and make decisions earlier can help you dodge these bullets. Remember, not all relationships are worth holding onto, and focusing on self-trust can lead to personal growth.

    • Values and PeopleSurround yourself with givers, not takers, and recognize the difference between people's words and actions. Value self-acceptance and self-awareness to build true confidence.

      It's essential to surround yourself with people who align with your values, particularly those who are givers instead of takers. The speaker shares their experience of being taken advantage of and the importance of recognizing the difference between people's words and actions. It's okay to acknowledge your attributes and value your kindness without being arrogant or narcissistic. True confidence comes from self-acceptance rather than relying on others' opinions. The speaker also shares their personal story of overcoming self-doubt and becoming more self-aware. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance, self-awareness, and being selective with the people we allow into our lives.

    • Intuition and beliefsTrust your intuition and beliefs, even if unconventional, as they may prove right and validate your feelings. Surround yourself with supportive individuals.

      Trusting your intuition and beliefs, even if they seem unconventional to others, is important. The speaker shares her past experiences of being dismissed by friends and therapists when she felt strongly about someone's energy affecting her. However, she later proved to be right when that person reached out to her. It's essential to stay open to new people and not allow others to minimize or reduce us. If someone truly knows us and understands our heart, they will validate our feelings instead of dismissing them. Don't keep room in your life for people who don't appreciate or respect you. Instead, make space for those who recognize and value your unique perspective. Trust yourself, stay true to your beliefs, and surround yourself with supportive and understanding individuals.

    • Self-love and authenticityStay true to oneself, acknowledge power in self-love, every experience has value, trust instincts, believe in abilities, find non-compromising happiness

      It's essential to stay true to oneself and maintain a clean energy to navigate the constant change and challenges in life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-love and acknowledging one's power to find peace and happiness. Every experience, whether positive or negative, is valuable, and even broken relationships serve a greater purpose. The fast-paced world we live in can make relationships and friendships harder to maintain, but trusting one's instincts and staying aligned with one's authentic self is crucial. The speaker encourages listeners to believe in their abilities and not let others diminish their self-worth. Ultimately, the goal is to find a non-compromising happiness that comes from loving oneself deeply.

    • Toxic friendshipsRecognize when friendships aren't serving you positively and have the courage to separate yourself, even if it's painful at first. Healthy relationships are worth the effort.

      Sometimes, it's important to recognize when a friendship isn't serving you positively and to have the courage to separate yourself, even if it feels painful at first. The speaker shares her experience of being in a group of friends who put their romantic interests above their friendships and displayed ignorance and intolerance towards those who didn't align with their views. The speaker felt ostracized and used, but in hindsight, she realized she had dodged a bullet. It's important to remember that if you go against the ideology of a narcissistic group, they may try to make you feel like the problem or the scapegoat. But, you are special and deserve to be in healthy, supportive relationships. It takes time and self-reflection to move on, but trust that the experience will ultimately lead you to better places.

    • Embracing isolationBeing different or isolated doesn't define you negatively, it could be a sign of bravery and authenticity. Embrace yourself and trust your path even during challenging times.

      Being different or feeling isolated doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. In fact, it could be a sign that you're full of love and capable of creating your own environment, rather than just reacting to it. Bullying, ostracism, and lack of popularity are not desirable traits, but they can be seen as compliments if you choose to view them that way. They may be signs that you've been brave and bold in your life, sacrificing parts of yourself to find the truth. Embrace who you are and have faith in yourself, even when it's challenging. Remember that those who seem normal or popular may not be living fulfilling or authentic lives. Trust that your guides know what's best for you, even when you doubt yourself. And know that every failure and period of isolation has the potential to lead you closer to your true path.

    • Failure and GrowthFailure is a necessary step towards growth and success, and the ability to maintain confidence during hardships can lead to personal growth and greater opportunities.

      Failure is not the end, but rather a necessary step towards growth and success. The speaker shares how every seemingly unfortunate event in their life led them to where they are now, which feels like a great achievement. They emphasize that confidence should not be derived from external circumstances, but rather from faith and belief in oneself. The ability to maintain confidence during hardships and trust that things will work out for the better is a sign of a true master of one's thoughts. The speaker encourages giving oneself permission to access the inner strength and confidence that already exists. Failure may be devastating at the time, but it can ultimately lead to greater opportunities and personal growth.

    • Emotional controlWe have the power to choose happiness over negative emotions and thoughts by recognizing our worth and taking breaks to focus on positive emotions

      We all have the ability to access and control our emotions and thoughts, allowing us to choose between happiness and misery. Happiness is something we're familiar with and can actively pursue, while things like a "hypocrite frogger pig" are unfamiliar and don't have the same impact. When we feel overwhelmed, taking a break and focusing on positive emotions can help us regain control. It's important to recognize our own brilliance and worth, and to allow ourselves to fully embrace the concept of enjoyment as a way to move forward and leave negative emotions behind.

    • Language and thoughtsThe language we use shapes our experiences and mindset, so it's important to use positive affirmations and words of encouragement to foster joy and fulfillment.

      Our words and thoughts have the power to shape our experiences. When we express excitement and positivity, we're essentially casting a spell of joy and enjoyment. Conversely, when we express doubt or fear, we're setting the stage for potential negativity. It's important to be mindful of the language we use, as it can significantly impact our mindset and the outcomes we encounter. So, aim to fill your day with positive affirmations and words of encouragement. Embrace the magic of your thoughts and let them guide you towards a more joyful and fulfilling experience. Remember, every day is an opportunity for a big delicious cuddle – metaphorically or literally – and to believe in yourself and your abilities. So go out there and cast your positive spell!

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