
    About this Episode

    Turns out our ancient ancestors might've been much smarter than we give them credit for. Modern research has uncovered ancient computers and deep knowledge about space. AUTHENTIC host Shawn Boonstra shows you the data.


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    Recent Episodes from AUTHENTIC with Shawn Boonstra

    The World's Religion

    The World's Religion
    Turns out there might be a really deep reason the world's major religions share a common thread—a collective memory. And Shawn Boonstra says that's a really big deal for the way religion has shaped society.

    The Secret of Forty-Two

    The Secret of Forty-Two
    Maybe. Just maybe you can figure out why you exist. Historical records indicate that people have tried for millennia, so Shawn Boonstra says it must be important. Presented by Voice of Prophecy.

    Magical Thinking

    Magical Thinking
    Sitting in circles makes you a witch, right? Turns out medieval thinking and superstition still plague modern religion. Shawn Boonstra explores how the backstory can help you find a more meaningful life today. Presented by Voice of Prophecy.

    Why Learn?

    Why Learn?
    What's the point of investing in your future, if everyone's going to die anyway? Shawn Boonstra tackles one of life's biggest questions. Presented by Voice of Prophecy.

    What Child Is This?

    What Child Is This?
    The baby Jesus wasn't just born to die—as an eventual sacrifice at the cross. Christ was born to LIVE! Host Shawn Boonstra charts how 33 authentic years became eternity's liberating bridge between heaven and earth, and how Christmas is no mere birthday party.

    History of the Bible, Part 2

    History of the Bible, Part 2
    This week on Authentic, Shawn gets to the heart of what exactly "inspired by God" means when it comes to Scripture—writing it, compiling it, interpreting it. And what about all those "extra" books of the Apocrypha? Are they Scripture? Join us for part 2 of our series on how the Bible came to be.

    History of the Bible, Part 1

    History of the Bible, Part 1
    Almost one-third of humanity sees the Bible as “God-breathed.” But it didn’t appear out of thin air...so where did these scriptures come from, and who decided they were authoritative? Join Shawn Boonstra for a new Authentic series on the astounding history of the Bible. We’ll start with the rich cultures of ancient Mesopotamia—and take a moment to debunk a popular myth from “The Da Vinci Code.”

    Controlling the Future

    Controlling the Future
    Join Shawn Boonstra on Authentic as he examines our moral responsibilities to future generations. Shawn questions our ability to engineer a utopia, reflecting on past failures and the pitfalls of ideological pursuits. Delving into ethical considerations and the value of divine guidance, this week's episode challenges our perspective on shaping a brighter future.