
    Your Dreams Are Not a Joke: It’s Time to Dream Big Again & 3 Ways to Get Started

    enNovember 10, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Unlock Your Dreams and Live Your Life!Believe in yourself, take action and don’t overthink the process. With determination and hard work, you can make your dreams come true. Start now and unlock your dreams to live your life!

      You have a life to live and dreams to guide you along the way.Don't waste time ignoring them and getting stuck in the day-to-day.Today, let your friend Mel become your coach and help you on the journey.Believe in yourself, take this seriously and don't overthink the process.Be ready to face the truth and take action - your dreams matter, and you only have one life to live.It's time to bring them to the forefront and make them a reality.With determination and hard work, you can make your dreams come true.

    • Ignite Your Pilot Light and Unlock Your DreamsRealizing our potential and living a fulfilling life is our birthright. We must take responsibility for our dreams every day and never give up on them. Let Mel Robbins be your biggest fan and cheer you on to success and happiness!

      Living a fulfilling and meaningful life is our birthright.Our dreams are the key to unlocking the potential of our lives.We may not always know what that dream is, but it is always there waiting for us to turn towards it.It's like a pilot light; it may be flickering, but it is always burning.We have to fan the flame and take responsibility for our dreams every day.Mel Robbins is here to be our biggest fan, cheering us on to success and happiness.Let's not give up on our dreams and instead use them to create the life we deserve.

    • Overcoming Fear and Self Doubt to Pursue Our DreamsOur dreams are serious business and we must take action to pursue them. With courage and determination, we can conquer our fears and self doubt and realize our goals.

      We all have dreams, but sometimes fear and self doubt prevent us from pursuing them.Today, we are going to tackle these fears and doubts.We are going to get clear on what our dreams are and learn how to make them a reality.We need to stop denying our dreams and recognize that they are serious business.Take Barbara for example, she had a dream to be an actor and a comic since she was 18.Despite her hard work, she had given up on her dream.However, with a master coaching session and an ass kicking of a lifetime, Barbara was able to reignite her flame and pursue her dreams.Today, we are going to learn how to do the same and knock off our excuses and fears and self doubt.

    • Unlocking Your Potential and Pursuing Your DreamsTap into your potential by pursuing your dreams and never limiting yourself. Don't let yourself feel small and have the courage to be the loudest and brightest voice for your dreams. Find your purpose and never be small.

      Tapping into our potential is something we all should strive for in life.We should not limit ourselves, stop ourselves, or tell ourselves that we are small.Half a million people around the world have taken courses to learn this, and it's the number one thing they have noticed.Doing things that make us feel small and telling ourselves it's okay is the biggest problem.If we don't know what we want, it's likely because we're doing things that make us feel small.To prevent this feeling of being lost, we need to embrace our big dreams and stop telling ourselves we can't have them.We should be the loudest and brightest voice for our dreams and have the courage to pursue them.We can look to Mel's example. Fifteen years ago, she started a radio show and knew immediately that it was what she wanted to do with her life.We can be like Mel and find our purpose and learn to never be small.

    • A Story of Dedication and Never Giving Up on DreamsAcknowledge and embrace your dreams, and be determined to make them happen. Be honest with yourself and dedicate yourself to the goal - with dedication, anything is possible!

      The story of a person who was inspired by a radio host, followed his dream and ended up on the mic, winning an award and going on to television, highlights the importance of never giving up on a dream, even if it takes 11 years to get closer to it.At times, fear and insecurity can stop us from achieving our goals, but what matters is to acknowledge and embrace our dreams, and be determined to make them happen.The first step is to be honest with yourself, and think about what it is that you want and how you can make it happen. With dedication, anything is possible!

    • Owning the Truth of Pursuing DreamsWe often downplay our dreams, but we must allow ourselves to truly feel the desire and possibility of achieving them. Pursuing our dreams is not scary, but liberating and can create something magical.

      Barbara's story is a reminder for us to get honest with ourselves about what we really want.We often downplay our dreams, make excuses and become scared at the thought of them coming true.We must allow ourselves to feel the desire and possibility of achieving dreams and stand close to that flame, instead of dousing it with water.We must own the truth that pursuing our dreams is not scary, but liberating.And if we do, we can create something magical.

    • Unlocking Our Dreams to Achieve RealitiesStart each day by writing down five dreams, without judging them. Visualize them and take steps to make them come true. Believe that with the right actions, dreams can become realities.

      Dreams are there for a reason and all of us have them.But we often get in a mode where we don't give ourselves permission to dream.To tap back into our dreams, we can start by writing down five things that we want every morning, be it big or small.This exercise helps clear out all the doubts, excuses and blockages in the path of our dreams.We should not judge our dreams, instead visualize them and take the necessary steps to make them come true.We should believe that if we take the right steps, our dreams might just become a reality.So start dreaming, write them down and make them happen.

    • Unlocking the Power of the Zygarnik EffectThe Zygarnik effect is a powerful mental checklist that helps remind us of our dreams and desires. Writing down our dreams every morning can help us tap into this effect and take steps to make them a reality.

      Once you get in touch with your dreams, it can be tempting to make excuses, downplay them, or joke about them.But that's where the Zygarnik effect comes in.It is a mental checklist function in the brain that takes note of what's important to you and helps remind you of it.This effect is so powerful that it is even used in software design! Writing down your dreams every morning can help tap into this effect, which can help you take action and make your dreams a reality.All you need to do is to get your dreams and desires flowing freely and let the Zygarnik effect work its magic.

    • Barbara's Dreams: Taking Them SeriouslyDreams are serious business and should not be taken lightly. We must be honest with ourselves, take risks, and have the courage to do what it takes to make them come true.

      Barbara had a dream of moving back to LA, but was held back by her own doubts and excuses.Despite her tendency to joke around, Barbara's friend was determined to help her take her dreams seriously.They had a serious conversation and Barbara almost decided to move back to LA.But it wasn't until her friend reminded her that her dreams were not a joke and that she had to be honest with herself that Barbara was able to make the decision to move back.Our dreams are serious business and we should not let our doubts, excuses or jokes hold us back from achieving them.We have to be honest with ourselves, take risks and have the courage to do whatever it takes to make them happen.

    • Living Life to the Fullest: Taking Risks and Pursuing DreamsTaking risks and pursuing dreams is the key to living life to the fullest. Be brave enough to follow your heart and write down your dreams, then work hard and practice self-love to make them happen. Believe in yourself and stay focused on achieving your goals.

      Living life to the fullest requires taking risks and having the courage to pursue what you truly desire.Cameron was brave enough to follow her heart and not go to law school, and this decision led her to discover a tool that would help her to align with her dreams.Every day, Cameron wrote down her five dreams, allowing her to start dreaming with the lid off and to explore what truly made her come alive.She realized that she had to work hard to achieve her goals, but also that it was important to give herself permission to want things and to practice self-love.To stay on the path to success, she asked herself every day if she was for or against her dream, and if she was feeling neutral, she knew that she was actually against it.Once she began to claim her dream and to see the evidence of others achieving similar goals, Cameron's flame started burning brighter and her dream became a reality.

    • Believe in Yourself and Dream BigWhen life gets tough, remember your dreams. Be your own biggest cheerleader, and imagine a blank check to light the fire within and to keep pushing forward.

      It is so important to remember your dreams when life gets tough.They are there to remind us that the challenge is temporary and that there is something greater ahead.It is our responsibility to be the loudest cheerleader for ourselves and to believe that our dreams are possible.To ensure we are dreaming big, it can be helpful to imagine a blank check in front of us and to pay ourselves whatever we want for the year.This will help to light the fire within and to keep pushing forward, no matter what.

    • Letting Go of Fears and Embracing Our DreamsFacing difficult challenges and committing to our dreams can help us unlock our true potential and lead a life of purpose and fulfilment.

      Everyone has dreams and aspirations, but sometimes we let our fears limit us.We focus on what we are afraid of and being comfortable, instead of doing the thing that scares us.Life will give us what we need to be happier, but this often means facing difficult and uncomfortable challenges.It might take a long time to reach the destination, but if we let go of our fears and go for it, we can achieve amazing things and look back with pride at our journey.By committing to our dreams, we can unlock our true potential and lead a life of purpose and fulfilment.

    • Embrace Your Dreams and Believe in YourselfBelieve in yourself and never let age, lack of money, or anything else stand in the way of your dreams. Everything we experience in life prepares us in some way to chase our goals. It's never too late or too early to start. Today is the day to start.

      Believing in yourself is key to achieving your dreams.Barbara's emotional reaction to being encouraged to pursue her dreams is evidence of this.We can learn from her that sometimes it takes time to realize our potential and that we should never let our age, lack of money or anything else stand in the way of our dreams.Everything we experience in life, even the bad parts, prepares us in some way to chase our goals.It's never too late or too early to start.Today is the day to start believing in yourself and to start working on making your dreams come true.

    • Unlock Your Dreams and Take the ChallengeBelieve in yourself, be honest, and take action. Don't make excuses and don't give up. Have faith and accept the challenge of achieving your goals. The universe is there to help - go out and make your dreams come true!

      Life is full of possibilities and you have the power to make your dreams come true.There is no deadline to achieving your goals and no age limit on when you can pursue something new.Whether you're 18 or 82, your dreams are within reach.Stop making excuses and start taking action.Believe in yourself, be honest with yourself and accept the challenge of achieving your goals.The universe is on your side, offering clues and guidance to help you get there.Have faith and don't give up; your friend Mel Robbins is here to support you every step of the way.Life is your oyster - go out there and make your dreams a reality!

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    Today’s episode is a masterclass on how you can unleash the full potential of your brain.

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    In this episode, you’re getting the simple, science-backed hacks and daily practices you can start implementing today – and they are easier than you think.

    6 world renowned experts, including the #1 brain doctor, a professor from Harvard Medical School, and other esteemed researchers are giving you a step by step guide to build a better brain. 

    After you finish listening, you’ll love the full podcast episodes with each of the experts featured today.

    Check out the full episodes here:

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    Dr. Joseph Ferrari: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-127

    For more resources, including links to the 6 experts’ websites, research, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

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    How to Build Closer Friendships & Get Rid Of Loneliness

    How to Build Closer Friendships & Get Rid Of Loneliness

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    Today, Mel is finally having the conversation on how to find your people, have more fun, and create meaningful friendships as an adult. 

    In this deeply relatable episode, you’ll learn the 5 lies that you tell yourself about friendship that are keeping you from having the best relationships of your life—and the truths you must know. 

    If you’ve been feeling lonely, left out, or just like your friendships are not as strong as they used to be, you’ll feel empowered and encouraged by the time you finish listening. 

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    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, especially the last 10 minutes of it (you’ll have to listen to know what I’m talking about!) you’ll love this one next: This One Hack Will Unlock Your Happier Life

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    You Learn This Too Late: This One Idea Might Change Your Entire Life

    You Learn This Too Late: This One Idea Might Change Your Entire Life

    Today’s episode is a wake-up call. 

    By the time you finish listening, you’ll have an entirely different approach to how you think about life. 

    This is one of the most profound and insightful episodes of all time on The Mel Robbins Podcast. 

    Joining Mel today is the renowned clinical psychologist and spiritual teacher, Dr. Shefali. 

    This conversation strikes deep into the core of what it means to be alive and the mistakes that you are likely to make in every relationship you have. 

    It is an invitation for you to really consider your own experience and how your parent-child relationship impacted you, including how you show up in your day-to-day life and how you do (or will) show up as a parent. 

    Dr. Shefali will help you break cycles and reparent yourself. She’ll give you the steps to find your authentic self and maybe even have a spiritual awakening. 

    And you’ll learn the BEST advice for raising kids (and supporting adult children) that Mel has ever heard. 

    Dr. Shefali received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Columbia University. She's an expert in family dynamics and is known as the pioneer of the conscious parenting movement. She specializes in the integration of Western psychology and Eastern philosophy and is a New York Times bestselling author of 7 books.

    Her simple words will change how you think about yourself, your life, and your relationships in a whole new way. 

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Shefali’s research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this enlightening episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: Life Is Short (How to Spend It Wisely)

    Connect with Mel:


    This One Hack Will Unlock Your Happier Life

    This One Hack Will Unlock Your Happier Life

    Today, you are going to learn one of the best science-backed hacks to feel happier, more connected, and even make you more successful. 

    The simple tools Mel shares today will boost your mood, lower your stress, and make your life more meaningful.

    In this deeply personal episode, you’ll learn 4 specific applications of this powerful and profound research – and you may be surprised by how simple it is to find and bring into your life.

    By the time you finish listening, you’ll be inspired to take immediate action to create a positive ripple effect in your life and your relationships.

    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next with Dr. Adam Alter, who is mentioned in today’s episode: 6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

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    The Most Important Sex Advice No One Ever Told You: Revamp Your Sex Life in 10 Minutes

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    Or even know how often you should be having sex – according to research?

    Today, Dr. Rena Malik, MD is in the house to answer all of your uncomfortable sex questions.

    Dr. Malik is an absolute powerhouse who is known for her viral, no-shame, straight-to-the-point advice on how to have the best sex of your life. 

    She is a top urologist, pelvic surgeon, and sexual health expert – and she’s here today giving you the truth, based on medical research, on things like G-spots, orgasms, libido, and even erectile dysfunction. 

    You’ll also learn the single biggest thing that you are getting wrong in your sex life, according to one of the top urologists in the country.

    Dr. Malik is an assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the Director of Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery. She is also a researcher who has published over 100 peer-reviewed research articles, multiple review articles, and book chapters.

    You're going to want to share this conversation and all the juicy details with every one of your friends, and most importantly, your significant other.

    Great sex starts today.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Rena Malik’s research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: The #1 Neuroscientist: After Listening to This, Your Brain Will Not Be the Same.

    Connect with Mel:


    How To Stop Waking Up Feeling Tired: 7 Tips From a Harvard Researcher

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    Today, you’ll learn 7 easy, accessible, science-backed tips that will help you (and the people you love) perfect your sleep and as a result give you (almost) limitless energy.

    Joining Mel on the podcast today is the renowned Harvard sleep scientist Dr. Rebecca Robbins, PhD. 

    Dr. Robbins is a Research Investigator in the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders and the Departments of Medicine and Neurology at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

    You’ll love the simple, free, and evidence-backed tips that Dr. Robbins shares. These easy habits will boost morning energy, make you feel incredible, and best of all: you can easily add them into your life today.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Rebecca Robbins research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Want to know what to listen to next? Mel shared Dr. Rebecca Robbins’ research on an episode about evening routines: 4 Easy Nighttime Habits to Feel Energized & Sleep Better.

    And, you’ll also love this hit episode, which also cites Dr. Robbins’ work: 3 Small Decisions That Make You Feel Incredible: Do This Every Morning After Waking Up

    Connect with Mel:


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    Master Class on How To Fix Your Digestive Issues & Gut Health (With a Renowned GI Doctor)

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    In today’s episode, you’re getting an appointment with one of the most renowned GI doctors in the world. 

    She is here today with her step-by-step protocol to help you reset your gut health, beat the bloat, and find more energy today.

    Dr. Robynne Chutkan, MD is a renowned gastroenterologist. For two decades, her integrative clinic, Digestive Center for Wellness, has helped patients to help them uncover the root cause of GI disorders. She’s worked at Georgetown Hospital for 27 years and has a deep wealth of knowledge and experience.

    She is going to inform you of the simple things that you can do starting today to:

    - Have a healthier gut

    - Beat the bloat

    - Settle your IBS

    - And address constipation once and for all

    You’ll get her nutritional plan to heal stomach problems and optimize your gut for mental and physical health… and you’ll even learn exactly WHAT your poo should look like (and when you should go to the doctor).

    This is THE master class on your gut health, and it’s filled with compelling, tactical, and easy to understand science.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Robynne Chutkan’s research, website, and social media click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love this episode with Dr. Mark Hyman: Reset Your Health in 10 Days: Advice From a Renowned MD

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    Before You Waste Time, Listen to This

    Before You Waste Time, Listen to This

    In today’s episode, you’re going to learn how to take back control of your time. 

    New research shows that you’ll spend 20 years of your life on your screens. 

    It’s time to stop wasting your time – and your life – and learn how to use technology in a way that works for you, your brain, and your body.

    Here to deliver the wake up call of a lifetime is Dr. Alok Kanojia, MD.

    Dr. Kanojia, also known as Dr. K, is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist specializing in modern mental health and the impact of technology on the brain. He is beloved by the millions of fans of his YouTube channel Healthy Gamer for his clear, no-nonsense advice about motivation, technology, and making the most of your life.

    You will be shocked by what Dr. K shares with you about:

    - Why you feel tired all the time.

    - The impact that looking at your phone in your has on your attention span.

    - Why you don’t want to do anything after binging hours of social media.

    - How to know if you truly have a problem with your technology.

    - The exact scripts to talk to someone whose phone, social media, or game use is concerning you. 

    This episode is a resource that you are absolutely going to want to share with everyone that you know.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Alok Kanojia’s research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love this episode with NYU’s Dr. Adam Alter, that also discusses the impact of technology: 6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better.

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    Transform Your Life at Any Moment: The Surprising Science of Happiness

    Transform Your Life at Any Moment: The Surprising Science of Happiness

    Today, you’ll learn the surprising science of what creates a meaningful life, based on 8 decades of research.  

    This conversation is so profound that you might need to take a second listen. 

    Prepare to laugh, cry, and leave feeling empowered to find and create the happiness and connection that you want. 

    Because the truth is, you can transform your life at any moment. 

    There is nothing more important than this conversation. 

    Because by the time you are done listening, you will understand how one tiny step might just change how you think about your entire life. 

    Get ready to be blown away by the groundbreaking research and heartwarming stories that will prove just how powerful unexpected connections can truly be. 

    And more importantly, how you can start making them today. 

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love this conversation with Harvard’s Dr. Robert Waldinger: What Makes a Good Life? Lessons From the Longest Study on Happiness

    This episode is sponsored by our exclusive insurance partner, Amica.

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    How to Motivate Yourself (and Others) to Change Any Behavior

    How to Motivate Yourself (and Others) to Change Any Behavior

    Do you want to know the secret to unlocking motivation in yourself or someone you love? 

    If you want to change any behavior for the better…. 

    Or if you’ve got someone in your life (don’t we all?!) who you wish would change… 

    Today’s episode is for you. 

    You’ll learn why guilt, pressure, fear, crying, threats, and ultimatums will not help anyone change, and there’s a scientific reason why. 

    Then, you’ll learn the 3 very specific tactics that inspire anyone to quickly change their behavior for the better, including specific scripts that you can use with even the most stubborn people.

    Teaching you today is #1 neuroscientist, Dr. Tali Sharot. She’s here to debunk the myths of behavior change and teach you how to make any change, big or small. 

    Dr. Sharot is a behavioral neuroscientist, professor at both University College London and MIT,  and the director of the Affective Brain Lab at University College London.

    Her research integrates neuroscience, behavioral economics, and psychology to study motivation and behavior change.

    By the time you finish listening, you’ll know EXACTLY what to do to create any change you want.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Tali Sharot’s research, website, and social media click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love this episode: The #1 Neuroscientist: After Listening to This, Your Brain Will Not Be the Same.

    Connect with Mel:


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