
    About this Episode

    Sonja Lewis has an intriguing chat with Dr Lisa Doodson about how to get the best out of family life, particularly if you are a part of a blended family, also known a step-family. 

    The podcast deals with overcoming challenges by applying effective communications and sound conflict resolution.  

    A must listen for anyone who is living in a blended family. 


    Recent Episodes from You Inside Out

    Your Wellbeing Matters

    Your Wellbeing Matters

    Sonja Lewis chats with rapid transformational therapist Cat Williams about how to cope with bullying.

    The podcast not only examines the importance of healthy emotional and mental wellbeing, but also offers excellent advice on how to stay well. 

    Your Wellbeing Matters is a must listen for all teenagers, whether a victim of bullying or the actual bully, as well as their parents, guardians and advocates. 




    Your Education Matters

    Your Education Matters

    Sonja Lewis chats with specialist counsellor Donna Morgan about how to get the most out of your school years, regardless of your future plans. 

    Whether headed for higher education or straight to the job market, your education matters. This podcast looks at why and then how to make the most of it. 

    A must listen for all teenagers approaching their final years of school.

    Dealing With Grief

    Dealing With Grief

    Sonja Lewis chats with grief specialist Kristi Hugstad about how to cope with personal bereavement, as well as the unprecedented collective grief experienced owing to the global pandemic.

    Loaded with encouraging advice, the podcast examines the importance of accepting grief as a journey, considering its various layers and understanding its meandering nature.

    With much opportunity for introspection,  the podcast is filled with tips on how to deal with grief and also how to support others.

    Highly recommended for anyone grieving!

    How To Talk About Race Now

    How To Talk About Race Now

    Sonja Lewis details some of her own personal experiences with racial injustice, while providing  a historical context on how the Black Lives Matter movement was born. 

    This intimate podcast examines why it is important to talk about race now,  albeit constructively, and offers essential tips on how to do so.

    From the importance of understanding the history of racism to putting your own racial history into the context of the big picture, How To Talk About Race Now covers key fundamental points, as well as vital practical tips such as the importance of setting and know goals and having boundaries.

    A must listen for teenagers of all backgrounds.

    Navigating The New Normal

    Navigating The New Normal

    Sonja Lewis chats with coach and public speaker Suzie Lavington about how to acclimatise to the new normal.

    From grieving losses such as sitting exams to graduating from high school, the podcast covers how to stay motivated under the uncertain cloud of the global pandemic.

    Also, the conversation is filled with tips on how to balance social media use, how to face fears and how to cope with mounting anxiety.  Highly recommended for teenagers and their guardians alike.


    Staying Safe At School During The Covid Era

    Staying Safe At School During The Covid Era

    Sonja Lewis has a candid conversation with school experts and students from both the US and UK about how to stay as safe as possible at school during the COVID-19 era. 


    In the midst of a changing landscape, the panel of five talk about how to bend and not to break. At the heart of the discussion is how to find balance in the face of uncertainty.


    Listen to discover practical tips on staying safe in your physical, virtual and emotional world. Recommended for  students, teachers and parents alike.


    How To Use Change For Betterment

    How To Use Change For Betterment

    Founder of Inspiring Women Change Makers Anj Handa joins Sonja Lewis to discuss how to harness change, the only thing in life that is a constant.


    From understanding the power of the ripple effect to employing emotional correctness, the podcast is full of essential information about ways to use change to transform a situation.


    It also includes loads of hot tips on how to find opportunities in the midst of loss.


    A must listen for anyone who wants to make positive change, particularly during difficult times.


    How To Use Your Voice For Sustainability

    How To Use Your Voice For Sustainability

    Student environmentalist Zaqiya Cajee joins Sonja Lewis for a straightforward conversation about sustainability and how she is using her voice to influence change.

    Founder of SwopitUp, a student clothing exchange, Zaqiya discusses the importance of starting off with a niche and making changes step by step. The key is making your change itself sustainable.

    From changing something as minor as your toothbrush to starting a fully fledge campaign,  the podcast is full of practical tips and essential info for all teens on how to make a difference right where you are, even during lockdown.