
    About this Episode

    Every emotion is valid. Emotions inform us about what's important to you.

    Emotions want to be seen, heard and felt, not stuffed down in your gut.

    Your avoidance of emotions is also understandable and valid. Unless you were made to feel they were acceptable, and you were effectively modeled how to be with, explore, feel and express emotions, then they can be downright overwhelming and frightening. 

    When you really feel, hear, acknowledge and allow your emotions, the body softens and I can bet you would welcome that. 

    The Happy Inside Podcast is for you if you experience anxiety, stress, gut symptoms and disorders, IBS, IBD, SIBO, food intolerance, elimination diets, Low FODMAP dietary restrictions and chronic illness.

    Happy Inside attends to the psychological, emotional and behavioural aspects of gut disorders and chronic illness; old wounds, life misalignments, the fear, anxiety and stress around symptoms, the hypervigilence, the limitations, restrictions and impacts these are having on your life - all those conversations you’ve been waiting to have are happening right here. I hear you and you’re not alone. 

    Recent Episodes from Happy Inside - Conquering the Stress of IBS

    90: How to Feel Safe

    90: How to Feel Safe

    Do you experience anxiety? 

    If yes, then you know a WHOLE LOT about not feeling safe. 

    It just perpetuates itself, right? And I'm guessing the last thing you want is MORE anxiety. 

    Fortunately you can have less anxiety, which feels like what...?

    Security, stillness, grounded, safe, at ease, content. 

    Come and find out how.

    Want even more value?
    Visit https://happyinside.com.au

    87: How to Stop the Fear Based Hypervigilence

    87: How to Stop the Fear Based Hypervigilence

    It's absolutely possible to move out of the very narrow and tight fear based hypervigilence you're stuck in.

    There's another really simple way that actually minimises your symptoms, your worrisome thoughts and your fears.  

    It's not a bandaid. You can change this permanently to be your new way of being. 

    Want even more value?
    Visit https://happyinside.com.au

    84: GUEST - Julie - Where Do You See Yourself in Her Story?

    84: GUEST - Julie - Where Do You See Yourself in Her Story?

    Come and meet Julie, who has lived with severe gut dysbiosis for 14 years. 

    She shares how this developed, how it affected her whole life, the journey she's been on, and where she is now. 

    Where can you see yourself in Julie's experience?

    Which insights can you borrow for your own experience?

    - how gut dysbiosis can affect your whole quality of life, including your mental health
    - how chronic symptoms and illness can exacerbate and highlight underlying stress and anxiety
    - how not resolving stress and anxiety can prevent you from overcoming gut symptoms...and even make them worse. 

    If you'd like to be a guest on the podcast, email hi@happyinside.com.au

    81: Illness is a Signal to Change

    81: Illness is a Signal to Change

    Your body constantly signals where it's at. 

    If you're feeling sick, tired, stressed, anxious, unhappy and unwell, your body is signalling for change. 

    I share the insights of Dr Sidney M. Baker, the author of Detoxification and Healing whose final message in his book is "Illness is a signal to change".

    It's profound, and speaks the truth.  Come and find out what he means by this. 

    77: The One Magic Bullet You've Longed For (Whether You Have IBS or Not)

    77: The One Magic Bullet You've Longed For (Whether You Have IBS or Not)

    Ever wondered what the one magic bullet is?

    It's no secret.

    It's our mindset. Our psychology. Our thoughts. 

    Have you noticed for yourself the depth of misery your mind can create, or the absolute joy and happiness it offers?

    All from a thought. Or a series of thoughts. And in it's worst state, the entire mindset.

    The quality of your life is directly determined by your thoughts. 

    Let's breakdown what mindset really is.