
    Your Kingdom Come: Prepare for the Return of the King Pt. 1

    en-usNovember 21, 2021

    Recent Episodes from First Irving Sermons

    Acts 4:5-31 | In Christ Alone

    Acts 4:5-31 | In Christ Alone
    Driving Question. What do we learn about the gospel from these Spirit-filled Apostles when they are opposed by the Jewish leaders for ministering in the Name of Jesus? The Gospel of Salvation is exclusively found in Jesus’ Name (5–12) 3 temptations we face today in caving to speak of the exclusivity of Christ That we would be found arrogant That we would be found as intolerant That we would be charged with being narrow-minded Opposition to the gospel will come because of Jesus’ Name (13–22) There are times when we obey God rather than magistrates. If the government said we could not preach the gospel (God commanded us to Mk 16:15) If the government said we could not preach against sinful lifestyles (1 Pet 2:21) If the government said we couldn't gather as the church (Heb 10:24–25) Despite opposition, we keep proclaiming the gospel in Jesus’ Name (23–31) Takeaways. Marvel at the Savior and Rejoice in the gospel. He shapes our rest He shapes our boldness He shapes our work He shapes our mission Prepare to be opposed because of Jesus’ Name.

    Acts 3:11-26 | By Faith in His Name

    Acts 3:11-26 | By Faith in His Name
    Driving Question/or Main Idea. Why is Peter’s message more glorious than the miracle it follows? Because the message shifts all the focus onto Jesus. Because his message conveys that healing is found in Jesus’ Name (12–16) Because his message offers an even greater healing in Jesus’ Name (17–21) And then Peter provides 3 purpose clauses (that)... that serve as 3 promises to the one who repents: 1. that your sins may be blotted out, 2. that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. 3. that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, 21 whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago. Because his message reinforces that Jesus is the One they’ve been waiting for (22–26) Takeaways. Jesus is provided to bless you (v.26). The value of Jesus as the glorified One (v.13).

    Acts 3:1–10 | The Wonders of Christ

    Acts 3:1–10 | The Wonders of Christ
    Main Idea: The mission of Christ unfolds as His Spirit-filled witnesses bring hope to the hopeless and credibility to their Christ. 1. The Mission of Christ (vv. 1-4) 2. The Wonders of Christ (vv. 5-10) -The Wonder of His Name (v. 6) -The Wonder of His Power (v. 7) -The Wonder of His Hope and Grace (v. 8) -The Wonder of His Identity (vv. 8-10) Response 1. Live on mission with Christ 2. Reflect on your desperate state before Christ saved you 3. Commit to being a channel of God’s power and grace in the lives of others

    Acts 2:14-41 | This Jesus

    Acts 2:14-41 | This Jesus
    Driving Question: Who is this Jesus whom Peter is preaching? The One Whom the Spirit Speaks About Through Prophets (vv. 16–21) The One Whom The Apostles Witnessed (vv. 22–32) The One Whom The Father Exults (vv. 33–36) The One Who Offers You Grace in His Name (vv. 37–41) Responses. Proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ with bold conviction, and clear presentation. Glory in the Gospel daily. Repent and be baptized.

    Acts 2:1–13 | The Mighty Works of God

    Acts 2:1–13 | The Mighty Works of God
    Driving Questions. Who is the Holy Spirit? What is his purpose? Who is the Holy Spirit? His Manifestation Confirms That He is God (1–3) Who is the Holy Spirit? He is the Fulfillment of God’s Promises (4) What is his purpose? His Message Proclaims God’s Mighty Works in Christ Takeaways. (Theological connections) God comes to us through His Spirit. The Spirit of God is the Agent who strengthens ordinary people to boldly testify. The Gospel is for the nations.

    Acts 1:12–26 | Prayer, the Scriptures, and Providence

    Acts 1:12–26 | Prayer, the Scriptures, and Providence
    Main Idea: Jesus’ followers seek the Lord’s will together by uniting in prayer, relying on the inspired Scriptures, and trusting God to direct sovereignly. Driving Question. What can we learn from Jesus’ followers about seeking the Lord’s will? Jesus’ followers were unified and devoted to prayer (14) Applications for prayers. - Confess your tendency to be busy and not pray. - Remain diligent in prayer, for it keeps you from being divided. - Unite together and pray for God's redemptive purposes. - Submit humbly to Christ. Jesus’ followers were dependent on the inspired Scriptures (15–20) Apply. - Trust the Scriptures as your authority. - Look at the Scriptures through the lens of Christ. - Run to the Scriptures to interpret your life. Jesus’ followers agreed and trusted in God’s sovereign direction (24–26) Takeaways. - Obey and practice what God has clearly revealed in his word. - Let the Scriptures inform wise, logical decisions that are connected to his mission and the spread of the gospel. - Be devoted to a group of like-minded people who share the same beliefs and convictions about Christ.

    Acts 1:4–11 | Christ's Ascension and our Mission

    Acts 1:4–11 | Christ's Ascension and our Mission
    Framing Question: What is the plan that Christ has for the church, and why is the ascension important to the plan? The ascension. Is a significant part of the ministry of Jesus Christ and the plan for the church. He gives gifts to men that he might fill all things (Eph 4:8–10) We have an interceding High Priest, who has passed through the heavens (Heb 4:14–16) We have a King who has full authority, and all things are subject to him (angels, authorities, powers) (1 Pet 3:22) We have an Advocate before the Father- Jesus Christ the Righteous (1 Jn 2:1; Rom 8:34) We are citizens of heaven, our lives are hidden with Christ in God who is in heaven (Col:2–3) Jesus sends the Advocate- the Holy Spirit to empower his church (Jn 14:6; 16:7; Lk 24:49). Man now sits enthroned in heaven, whom God has granted all authority (Gen 1:28; Matt 28:18; Eph 1:21–23). Main Idea. After Jesus’ ascension, his ministry continues through the church, by the Holy Spirit, to the ends of the earth. Driving Question. How is the ministry of Christ continued? King Jesus Provides Us The Message to Proclaim (vv. 4–8) The Gospel King Jesus Provides The Means to Empower Us (vv. 4–5, 8) The Holy Spirit Apply: Pray for a fresh work of the Spirit. King Jesus Provides Us The Mission to Obey Before He Returns (vv. 9–11) The Great Commission Takeaways. Christ is with you. Repent of complacency and trust the Spirit to help. Commit to letting the Book of Acts change our view of the church. Pray. Be active in the Great Commission.

    Luke 14:15-24 | An Invitation to The Great Banquet

    Luke 14:15-24 | An Invitation to The Great Banquet
    Who will attend the great banquet of Christ? 1. Those who are humble. (v.15) 2. Those who truly value Christ. (v.16-21a) 3. Those who receive His mercy. (v.21b-24) How do we respond? For those who do not follow Jesus: Embrace the mercy that God extends to you today. For those among the church: Pray that the Lord would grow you in humility. Pray that the Lord would grow your affections for Jesus. Pray that the Lord would grow your gratitude towards the mercy of God