
    Your Perception and how it influences everything you do

    enFebruary 20, 2023
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    What is your perception? 

    There are two types of people in this world: those who view the glass as half-full, and those who see the glass as half-empty. This phenomenon is called perception, and our perceptions profoundly impact how we experience life.

    "Perception molds, shapes, and influences our experience of our personal reality

     “Perception is merely a lens or mindset from which we view people, events, and things.”

    In other words, we believe what we perceive to be accurate, and we create our own realities based on those perceptions. And although our perceptions feel very real, that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily factual.

    Our past experiences greatly influence how we decode things. Certain people, things, and situations can trigger you to interpret things through a positive or negative lens based on those past experiences.

    Your perceptions influence all areas of life. "The totality of your perceptions— regarding yourself, your life, life in general, others, and so on—creates and impacts your personal reality and ultimately your experience of life," If you perceive things in a positive light, you’ll experience a happier existence.

    Perception informs your relationships, too. “If you constantly perceive people (your boss, teacher, parent, sibling) as always being against you, you will most likely react in a defensive, combative, negatively reactive, and victim-like way. “This way of perceiving people can lead to experiencing intense levels of unhappiness, and both inner-personal and outer disturbances.” On the flip side, perceiving people through a positive lens leads to experiencing higher levels of joy and inner peace.

    You misperceiving certain situations, likely because of previous negative experiences you’ve endured, can also cause you to miss out on some fantastic things life has to offer, such as promotions at work or romantic relationships.

    Fear also influences the way we view things, but that’s not always a bad thing. If our perception is based on fear, then we may end up avoiding things that we misperceive as dangerous when in fact, they aren’t, At the same time, our perception of a situation may keep us safe from harm. To distinguish between the two, question how accurate your perceptions are or are not.

     How to switch to a more positive perception of life

    1. Take personal responsibility

    Changing your perceptions requires that you, first and foremost, take responsibility for your past unconscious reactions, It’s only then that you can begin to see people, events, things, and even yourself from a more neutral or positive perspective.

    2. Have compassion for yourself and others

    Shifting the way you view the world is no easy feat, so it’s essential to be patient and gentle with yourself. “Have compassion for yourself as you work [on] taking proactive steps towards perceiving your reality in a more conscious and empowered way,”

    the changes you make in your perception may even ruffle other people’s feathers, so express compassion for them, too. Your growth may be a catalyst for their growth as well

    3. Have a willingness to see things differently

    Change requires willingness. Often people say they want to change, but they aren’t actually prepared to make said changes. So having a desire to see things differently is a vital component. creates room for us to learn and create new perceptions.

    4. Activate your pause button when triggered

    Whenever you feel triggered by someone, something, or some situation, take a moment to breathe and ground yourself into the present moment so you can choose how you will respond from a more empowered place.

    And if a few deep breaths aren’t enough to help you shift, don’t be afraid to give yourself a grown-up time-out. Dr. Humphreys recommends letting other people know that you need some time to process things, and that you will address the issue at a later time.

    5. Enlist support

    We’re so accustomed to perceiving things a certain way that sometimes it’s difficult to see our blindspots and where perhaps we’re not looking at things in the most favorable light.

    run your perceptions past someone else. Whether it’s a trusted friend or family member or a professional such as a psychologist, talk to someone who can help you see things from a different perspective that you might not have thought of before. “It’s the only way we improve our perceptions and reduces the number of mistakes we make,” he says.

    6. Look for patterns

    “We all have patterns, the way we perceive things. To spot those patterns, he recommends asking yourself if other independent, objective people would look at the same situation and come to the same assessment as you have.

    This practice will cause you to think more critically and less emotionally, and open you up to notice things that you may have initially missed because you were caught up in your pattern.


    Is your perception your reality?

    According to Psychology Today, Perception is not reality, but, admittedly, perception can become a person's reality (there is a difference) because perception has a potent influence on how we look at reality. Think of it this way. Perception acts as a lens through which we view reality.

    1. Our energy and abilities impact our perspective

    Several studies show that our physical bodies and our ability to move influence how we view our surroundings. For example, researchers have found that if you are obese or tired, distances look farther to you

    If you are holding something that extends your reach—like a grabber—things appear closer to you, too. In sports, successful baseball batters literally see bigger balls coming at them from the pitcher, and golfers who put well see bigger holes.

    2. Our body awareness affects our decisions

    People that tend to have more stress in their lives tend to only see the bad stuff and make poor decisions.

    3. Being hungry (or not) changes our choices

    Our body’s energy levels also impact decision-making. In one experiment, participants who drank a sugary drink made better decisions and delayed immediate gratification longer than people who gulped down a sweet-tasting drink without glucose. Similarly, when judges make parole decisions just before their lunch breaks or the end of their day, they tend to deny parole. That’s because a decision to grant parole requires more careful consideration—and, so, more energy.

    4. Feeling bad makes things seem harder

    Anyone who’s ever felt sad or depressed knows it’s hard to face the world when you’re down. But it’s interesting to note that these feelings also change our sensory perceptions. For example, people listening to melancholic music tend to think a hill looks steeper than people listening to happy music

    5. Having other people around make things seem easier

    Our social connections seem to play a role in reducing stress, which might be why being with others changes our perception of pain or difficulty, making them both easier to bear. These studies and more point to the centrality of our social relationships for resilience when things are hard.

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    Taking charge of your overwhelming situations

    Taking charge of your overwhelming situations

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    In this episode, I talk about taking charge of your overwhelming situations.

    Things happen in your life every day that will overwhelm you if you let them. If you don’t keep your life on track things will catch up with you. You can take in all the bad news, all the family drama, and people wanting your attention. It can overwhelm you if you let it. We all want to be the ones to help others, even if they end up taking advantage of us.

    Or you keep going deeper and deeper into a project or deadline you want to hit. Then we feel it is sucking the life out of us. Once that happens, that task is controlling you instead of you controlling it. This can also go with your side hustle. Let’s take resellers for example. Many people including me will start a side hustle and find ourselves stocking up on so much that it becomes overwhelming.

    In clothing resales, they call these death piles. Piles of clothing that are not getting listed but are piling up on the floor. This can become a serious thing. Your office, workspace, or computer fills up so much that just the amount of stuff sets you into anxiety and the feeling of overwhelm. You become trapped. You actually feel worse because you have to see it every day.

    Now I want you to remember when you say I’m overwhelmed because. You make up reasons why. You will start saying things to yourself like” I’m overwhelmed because my family won’t help”, or “there doing this”. You have to rethink your perspective on the issue. You have to remember; nothing is overwhelming you. You’re overwhelming yourself. It goes back to “there is no good or bad” it’s just how you perceive it. You are letting it overwhelm you. It all comes back to how you perceive what’s going on around you. And how you can change your thoughts and feelings to take control of the situation.

    Step back and breath  

     Take a deep breath and step away. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, a quick way to begin to alleviate those feelings is by doing breathing exercises. If the thing that’s overwhelming you is in front of you, try taking a step away from it to create some separation between you and whatever is making you feel this way. Deep breathing exercises are a great way to promote relaxation and lower your stress response.

    Separate yourself from the cause of the overwhelm.

    This could be someone that wants your attention constantly. Or a list of tasks that need to be finished. After you separate yourself, think of the best way to jump back in and finish the task without the overwhelm.

    Create a “no” list.

       Protecting your time and space can help give you a sense of control over your schedule. If you don’t want to do something or have been dreading that virtual happy hour, don’t feel like you have to go. Replace the activities you don’t want to do with something that you’ll enjoy. Healthy boundaries are crucial for your well-being!

     Be kind to yourself.

    Remember that feeling overwhelmed is OK. It also helps to remember that feeling overwhelmed doesn’t have to last. Give yourself some grace – if you don’t get to that chore or have to ask for an extension at work, you can. Your mental health is a top priority.

     Ask for help from a loved one.

    Your family and friends are there for you to lean on if you need to vent or talk things through. Reach out to a friend for a virtual chat or pick up the phone and call a family member. Ask them to join you in a park or a walk.


    Make a List of What’s Overwhelming You

    Looking carefully at what’s overwhelming you can make it feel less scary and threatening. Write down a list of each thing that’s creating stress in your life, whether practical or personal. Next, consider which action steps can you take to address each item on your list. Would a tutoring session help you do better on a midterm or paper? Can you ask for assistance with a project at work? If issues within a friend group feel overwhelming, could you all get together and have an honest conversation?

    It’s true that some big, stressful issues are outside our control—like political and social inequity or the future of the planet. But taking control of the things that are in our court frees up energy for coping emotionally with those that aren’t.


    Recognize You’re Not Alone in Feeling Overwhelmed

    At the same time, don’t compare yourself to others who might deal with stress more easily. We each have different strengths and different areas that are difficult for us. Some people are more easily able to deal with stress but might have a harder time in other areas.


    Meditation is one of the healthiest things you can do to overcome the feeling of overwhelm. Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace, and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. You can also use it to relax and cope with stress by refocusing your attention on something calming. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace.


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    In this episode, I have a special guest. Jen will talk about saving money on clothing. we all know that clothing is a huge expense. We can slash our budget by buying smarter. This is how we are getting out of debt and into a more fulfilled life. 

    The importance of saving money is simple: It allows you to enjoy greater security in your life. If you have cash set aside for emergencies, you have a fallback should something unexpected happen. And, if you have savings set aside for discretionary expenses, you may be able to take risks or try new things.

    Poshmark is a social commerce marketplace where users can buy and sell new and secondhand fashion, home goods, and electronics. The platform has over 80 million users, with over 200M available listings.


    Taking your brain out for some exercise

    Taking your brain out for some exercise


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    Just as our bodies require care and exercise over the course of our life, so do our brains — especially as we age. Lifting weights strengthens our muscles while strengthening our mental “muscles” improves our memory, attention, brain speed, people skills, intelligence, and navigation.

    The key is variety. Similarly when we exercise our body, if doing something becomes too easy, it’s time to make a change to build brainpower. The more something is second nature, the less our brain has to work to do it.

    People of all ages can benefit from incorporating a few brain exercises into their lives to stay mentally sharp for the long haul. All it takes is a few minutes each day. Studies have found it’s most beneficial to work on these exercises a little bit each day, instead of spending a few hours each week

    Play games

    Doing crossword puzzles, Sudoku games, jigsaw puzzles and other games that rely on logic, math, word, and visuospatial skills are great ways to increase brainpower. These types of games require multiple cognitive abilities, which challenge your brain and improve processing speed and memory. Now you know it’s OK, even healthy, for adults to carve out a few minutes each day to play games.

    Read a variety of books

    Books are filled with interesting characters, infinite information, and facts. Challenge your brain by reading a variety of topics, from historical fiction to contemporary classics to romance. Your brain will get a workout imagining different time periods, cultures, and people while learning new things and building vocabulary. Plus, you’ll be developing interesting stories to share with others.

    Use all your senses

    Try incorporating activities that simultaneously engage all five of your senses, from taking a cooking class to visiting a farmer’s market or food festival to trying a new restaurant. Using all your senses helps to strengthen your brain by focusing on smelling, touching, tasting, seeing, and hearing all at the same time.

    Daily meditation

    Meditation is known to calm your body, slow your breathing and reduce stress and anxiety. But, what you may not know is daily meditation also can improve your memory and processing power. By creating a calm mental state, you engage your brain in new and interesting ways. All it takes is stealing five minutes each day to meditate in a quiet spot.

    Learn a new skill

    No matter your age, your brain is capable of learning new skills at any point in your life. It’s a great way to strengthen brain connections because when you learn a new skill, you work multiple areas of your brain. For example, your memory comes into play, your brain learns new movements and you associate things differently.

    Learning to play an instrument, building a ship in a bottle, learning new dance moves, or a new language all challenge your brain in new ways and can add something fun and interesting to your life, to boot.

    Then, once you’ve learned the new skill, teach it to someone else. It’s one of the best ways to expand your learning — and brainpower.

    Train your brain

    Brain training has become a popular exercise in recent years. From formal courses, online programs, and books, people are realizing the benefits of training their brains to sharpen response times and attention. 

    One example program is called BrainHQ. It’s a brain-training program that offers dozens of brain exercises designed to improve memory, attention, brain speed, intelligence, navigation, and communication. BrainHQ works by continually measuring your performance to serve up exercises that are tailored for you. The exercises take less than 5 minutes and can be done at home using your computer or phone.

    The old adage rings true: “You don’t use it, you lose it.” Whichever exercises you choose, focusing on your brain health has been proven to improve your concentration, focus, memory, and mental agility, no matter your age. Hey, you may even learn something new and enriching along the way.


    Rat yourself on a scale from 0-10 on how you are doing in these aspects.

    How are you doing in each category?

    1.      Good brain diet.

    2.      Automatic Negative Thoughts.

    3.      Exercise

    4.      Brain nutrition  

    5.      Positive peer group

    6.      Clean Environment

    7.      Sleep

    8.      Brain Protection

    9.      New Learnings

    10.    Stress Management

    1, A good brain diet

       hear are some good foods to feed your brain. Avocado Blue berries Eggs, coconut Oil, olive oil, green leafy dark vegetables, salmon, Turmeric

    2.Automatic Negative Thoughts.

       Stopping your automatic Negative thoughts, stopping your negative self-talk. Self-harming thoughts like, “am I getting too old to do this”, or why can’t I do this. If you ask, why can’t I, you cant. If you tell yourself, you’re unable to do something you won’t do it.

    3 Exercise

       Non-general movement. Getting up and moving. Doing a steady focused repetitive movement to build and burn. The number one function of your brain is to control movement. We live in a sedimentary life where we need to tell our body to move. Moving your body stimulates Neurogenesis and builds neuroplasticity.

       A big thing now is our kids. Kids are not moving as much as they should. We are taking outside playgrounds away from the kids. We are allowing kids to sit for hours every day and do nothing but sit on there electric devises. Sitting is the new smoking. A great example of this is, look at the photos from the past. How many fat people do you see in those pics?

    4  Brain nutrition  

             Supplements and Vitamins, we do not get the right nutrients from the foods we eat.  

             There are several different kinds of supplements. But you really need to get the right ones for your genetics. this is where you should go to your healthcare provider and get, Hormonal test, full spectrum test, food sensitivity test and or a Pharmacogenetic test done. Telk a few people about this. Such as health food stores and even a brain therapy clinic.

      Most doctors say the most important is DHA.   DHA is

    5. Positive peer group

           How inspired, encouraged, and challenged are you and your close friend? How do your close friends Inspire, encourage and challenge you, in a good way. Do you inspire to be like them? Are you challenged to become a better person because of them? These are the people you choose to have in your life. Not your family. Although some of us have family members you’re inspiring to be like.

    6. Clean Environment

        How clean is your environment? Your home, workspace, where you spend your time. Your external world affects your internal world.  Think about how you feel after you cleaned your room or desk off. You suddenly have “clarity of mind”. Your more energetic and you actually are calmer.

    7. Sleep

       How good is your sleep?

       Sleep is more important than you think. You may stop when you’re sleeping but your brain doesn’t. This is when you’re growing new neurons and synapsis. This is when your brain is processing and “cleaning your thoughts”. This is when your brain is consolidating short term to long term memory. It’s like when you work out. You do not build muscle when you’re working out. You build muscle when you’re resting. and your body is repairing itself.

    During sleep is when your cleaning out the plack in your brain. which leads to dementia and other brain injuries

    8. Brain Protection

    Are you protecting your brain? Are you wearing a helmet? but more importantly are you protecting your brain from high levels of EMF? The levels of EMF have risen to a dangerous level in the past few years. Cell phones, Wi-Fi, earbuds. People, especially kids (90%), are sleeping with their phones under their pillows or inches from their brains. This is extremely dangerous. Keep your phone at least 3 feet away from you as you sleep. Even the new wiring in your offices is emitting high levels of EMF’s.

    9. New Learnings

          Are you learning new things daily? Are you searching out new things and trying them? Doing new things or trying different ways to do things. Grow new connections in your brain. There was a study on nuns that found there living longer and healthier than the average person. Why? Because they’re constant learners. Reading every day.  Their beliefs in a higher power.  And there are high levels of gratitude.

    10. Stress Management

         How stressed are you? This is both physical and mental stress. Stress is the number one cause of brain and body decay. When your stressed you shut down Cortisol , adrenaline.

    Changing Your Growth Mindset Exercising your Brain

    Changing Your Growth Mindset Exercising your Brain


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    What if your true learning potential was unknown, even unknowable, at best? What if it were impossible to foresee what you could accomplish with a few years of passion, and training? People have been taught that we are born with a certain level of intelligence. this is not true, as we grow and learn, we increase our intelligence. This isn’t some hypothetical situation, dependent on any manner of factors from genes to environment. It’s a mindset. And it’s one you can cultivate at any point in life.

    A “growth mindset,” is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a tendency to believe that you can grow. a “fixed mindset” assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens that we can’t change in any meaningful way, a growth mindset thrives on challenge and sees failure “not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.”

    Why is a growth mindset so powerful?

    With a growth mindset, you know that you can change over time, and therefore you are more open to reflect, learn and grow from challenges. Because failure is less threatening, you are more willing to embrace life's challenges, take feedback as a learning opportunity and continue to learn and grow throughout life

    What is an example of a growth mindset?

    Growth Mindset: I can improve my skills with effort and practice. Tip: Ask children if they have ever struggled to master a skill, and then improved over time. Examples may include reading, writing neatly, riding a bike, or playing an instrument.

    What is the most important characteristic of a growth mindset?

    Having a growth mindset means believing that a person's abilities aren't innate but can be improved through effort, learning, and persistence. A growth mindset is all about the attitude with which a person faces challenges, how they process failures, and how they adapt and evolve as a result.

    What is a strong growth mindset?

    Growth mindset: “In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.”

    What is a growth mindset as a core value?

    Those with a growth mindset are more likely to embrace challenges, use feedback and learn from failures and mistakes rather than dwell on them. Someone with a growth mindset will enjoy learning new things. They will, therefore, accept challenges, persist, and be driven to achieve their goals

    What is a good mindset quote?

    “Mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world.” “Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” “Happiness has to do with your mindset, not with outside circumstances.”


    25 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset

    1. Acknowledge and embrace imperfections.

    Hiding from your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome them.

    2. View challenges as opportunities.

    Having a growth mindset means relishing opportunities for self-improvement. Learn more about how to fail well.

    3. Try different learning tactics.

    There’s no one-size-fits-all model for learning. What works for one person may not work for you. Learn about learning strategies.

    4. Follow the research on brain plasticity.

    The brain isn’t fixed; the mind shouldn’t be either.

    5. Replace the word “failing” with the word “learning.”

    When you make a mistake or fall short of a goal, you haven’t failed; you’ve learned.

    6. Stop seeking approval.

    When you prioritize approval over learning, you sacrifice your own potential for growth.

    7. Value the process over the end result.

    Intelligent people enjoy the learning process and don’t mind when it continues beyond an expected time frame.

    8. Cultivate a sense of purpose.

    Dweck’s research also showed that students with a growth mindset had a greater sense of purpose. Keep the big picture in mind.

    9. Celebrate growth with others.

    If you truly appreciate growth, you’ll want to share your progress with others.

    10. Emphasise growth over speed.

    Learning fast isn’t the same as learning well, and learning well sometimes requires allowing time for mistakes.

    11. Reward actions, not traits.

    Tell students when they’re doing something smart, not just being smart.

    12. Redefine “genius.”

    The myth’s been busted: genius requires hard work, not talent alone.

    13. Portray criticism as positive.

    You don’t have to used that hackneyed term, “constructive criticism,” but you do have to believe in the concept.

    14. Dissassociate improvement from failure.

    Stop assuming that “room for improvement” translates into failure.

    15. Provide regular opportunities for reflection.

    Let students reflect on their learning at least once a day.

    16. Place effort before talent.

    Hard work should always be rewarded before inherent skill

    17. Highlight the relationship between learning and “brain training.”

    The brain is like a muscle that needs to be worked out, just like the body.

    18. Cultivate grit.

    Students with that extra bit of determination will be more likely to seek approval from themselves rather than others.

    19. Abandon the image.

    “Naturally smart” sounds just about as believable as “spontaneous generation.” You won’t achieve the image if you’re not ready for the work.

    20. Use the word “yet.”

    Dweck says “not yet” has become one of her favorite phrases. Whenever you see students struggling with a task, just tell them they haven’t mastered it yet.

    21. Learn from other people’s mistakes.

    It’s not always wise to compare yourself to others, but it is important to realize that humans share the same weaknesses.

    22. Make a new goal for every goal accomplished.

    You’ll never be done learning. Just because your midterm exam is over doesn’t mean you should stop being interested in a subject. Growth-minded people know how to constantly create new goals to keep themselves stimulated.

    23. Take risks in the company of others.

    Stop trying to save face all the time and just let yourself goof up now and then. It will make it easier to take risks in the future.

    24. Think realistically about time and effort.

    It takes time to learn. Don’t expect to master every topic under the sun in one sitting.

    25. Take ownership of your attitude.

    Once you develop a growth mindset, own it. Acknowledge yourself as someone who possesses a growth mentality and be proud to let it guide you throughout your educational career.


    love yourself and somone will love you back

    love yourself and somone will love you back

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    In this episode, I talk about how self-love works and why you need to have it in your life. You're not being selfish or conceding you're healing your body and soul. 

    Love Yourself

    Your confidence controls your actions.

    If you constantly tell yourself negative things about yourself, how do you think your life will be.

    You may not tell yourself that you hate yourself, but you may be saying “I’m so stupid. Or I’m not smart enough for that? You don’t have to have a hate speech in your head. You just need to talk down to yourself or have self-doubt. Not only do your thoughts affect you but they affect everyone around you. Your thoughts about yourself affect how you attract someone into your life.

    If you are constantly down on yourself then you will attract someone that is the same way.

    Self-love can mean something different for each person because we all have many different ways to take care of ourselves. Figuring out what self-love looks like for you as an individual is an important part of your mental health.

    Think of this. Think of a child that grows up with an abusive father that constantly tells that child how bad he is. How he is stupid and will never get anything he wants. Imagine that in your mind. How do you see that playing out? Well, that’s nothing different than what you’re doing to yourself. The abuser is you. You know that a child can walk away or move out. But you can’t walk away from yourself. If you talk down to yourself or shame yourself you are your own abuser, you have to admit it to yourself. Until you do you will not change. 

    Ok here is something I want you to do. This comes from a great coach I listened to. Take out a piece of paper and write down every bad thing you say about yourself.  But write it down as if you’re talking to yourself. Things like “Your fat”, your stupid, your ugly, you never finish the things you do.  Now take your list into the other room, sit down, and read it to your little sister.  They say “I can’t do that: Well, if you can't say those things to your little sister then why are you saying it to yourself?

    Another good example is a good friend of yours gets dumped by someone and she calls you crying. And instead of you supporting her you say things like “Well what do you expect you're overweight you're not fun to be around You're negative and you're ugly.” No, you would not, so why are you saying it to yourself? What do you say to yourself when you're looking in the mirror? You need to stop thinking all those negative thoughts about yourself and stop saying positive things. This is the law of attraction.

    Another thing you need to stop doing is comparing yourself to someone else. You look at other people that are in better shape have more money are more successful. And think to yourself well why am I not there? Well, you will be there if you put in the work that they did.


    How do you feel when you haven't seen someone in a while and they see you and they praise you about how good you look and how much you've accomplished? Doesn't that make you feel good? Well, you can get that same feeling by telling yourself that. And you can put in the work to get to that point where people say that to you all the time.

    Once you start loving yourself you're putting that energy into the universe and once again the universe will give you that love back. Focusing on yourself is not being selfish. You will attract what you want in your life by being the person that you want to be.

    Ways to practice self-love include:

    Becoming mindful. People with more self-love tend to know what they think, feel, and want.

    Taking actions based on need rather than want. By staying focused on what you need, you turn away from automatic behavior patterns that get you into trouble, keep you stuck in the past, and lessen self-love.

    Practicing good self-care. You will love yourself more when you take better care of your basic needs. People high in self-love nourish themselves daily through healthy activities, like sound nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, intimacy, and healthy social interactions.

    Making room for healthy habits. Start truly caring for yourself by mirroring that in what you eat, how you exercise, and what you spend time doing. Do stuff, not to “get it done” or because you “have to,” but because you care about yourself.

    5 Ways To Learn To Love Yourself

    Do something kind.

     Being kind to others brings back kindness to yourself.

    Become your hero for the day.

      Do something for yourself. Something to boost your energy and happiness.

    Retrain your thoughts.

      Instead of thinking I can’t ask yourself how can I?

    Admit your flaws and take action.

     Acknowledge and change.

    Relationship analysis.

      How do you treat others and how do they respond? 

    You will have negative thoughts about yourself But with time that will change. You will become a better and happier person.


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    Bringing big money into your life in 30 days

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    In this week’s episode, I discuss bringing more money into your life in the next 30 days. You can achieve this by using the law of attraction. It is easy if you follow the steps I have laid out.


    bringing money into your life in 30 days using the law of attraction.

    Are you happy? are you doing the things that make you happy?

    raise your standards

           Live your life by constant never-ending improvement

    raise your confidence set goals

           Hold your head high walk with confidence. Live with a positive attitude and positive goals

    model the rich

          look at how they live

    Find a rich person to admire. Learn to admire wealthy and successful people

    love yourself, invest in yourself

        take classes, read books look up positive media

    find a coach

    or a mentor you can talk to. Do what they do or say.

    apply the knowledge you know

        What are you good at or what is your passion

    visualize money coming easily into your life

        go to YouTube and listen to my sleep money affirmation videos

    fill your life with gratitude

    pick up change that you see on the ground and give thanks that the universe is sending you money

    What's the law of attraction?

    The law of attraction in its basic form states that whatever you put out into the universe the universe will give you that back. This is one of the 12 universal laws of hermetic philosophy and was made famous in Rhonda Byrne’s book “The Secret.”

    At the core of this philosophy is positivity. Positive thinking is linked to better physical health, longer life. Research shows that developing a growth mindset has mental health benefits, too. It’s a powerful tool that can reduce anxiety and depression while helping manage stress.

    You can use positive self-talk, visualization techniques, to feel more optimistic about our current situation and embrace change for a better future.

    This improved emotional state keeps us on track to build more skills, ultimately leading to greater success.   

    A positive attitude doesn’t mean promoting toxic positivity. Adopting an unrealistically optimistic attitude can be as damaging as an unyielding negative outlook. There’s space to acknowledge your reality and recognize that the real world doesn’t always work in your favor.

    Bad things happen, and you’ll experience setbacks. But you’ll rise above these obstacles more easily when embracing a positive outlook — and the law of attraction encourages you to do just that.

    The power of positive tinging is not Looking at your garden and repeating “here are no weeds, there are no weeds”.  Weeds will grow. You still have to take action. You have to do the things to keep the weeds out of your garden. 


    How does the law of attraction work?

      The first is a mindset, and the second is action.  You create what you desire in life when you focus intently.

    Whether looking for financial abundance or wanting to improve our relationships. We must bring our whole selves to everything we do, both professionally and personally.

    Your outlook on the world shapes many aspects of your life. Actively looking for the positive side of an issue helps you grow your self-esteem and confidence to become a better leader.  

    Being open-minded and focusing on positive emotions attracts others who feel the same way.


    What are the ​​7 laws of attraction?

    There are seven sub-laws within the law of attraction. While we don’t subscribe to any of these being natural laws, there are some worthwhile nuggets. See what you can find here in the seven laws of attraction:

    1. Magnetism

    This sub-law explains that like attracts like. Negative thoughts attract one another, but positive thinking does the same.

    If all we do is remain pessimistic, negative experiences will continue to come our way. But if we seek out the positive aspects of life, our perspective will focus more on finding uplifting opportunities and experiences, which results in improving our well-being.

    2. Manifestation

    This sub-law advises us to focus our attention and energy on the present to change it.

    Fretting over the past or worrying about the future doesn’t ignite change. But if we put in the work now, we’ll create a better future and make our dreams come true.

    3. Right action

    Some negative aspects of our lives can be removed or changed. Toxic workplaces, unhealthy relationships, or unsatisfying careers can prevent us from living meaningful lives.

    By removing these negatives, we can fill the empty space with things that help us be more purposeful with our lives. Having a clear idea of your purpose and personal values will help guide you to the replacements most likely to improve and enrich your life.

    4. Delicate balance

    Some days are great — but they can’t all be. You might fail or experience a setback every once in a while. Here's the thing: that's part of life. It's good to acknowledge our failures because they're an opportunity to learn. Just as we celebrate our wins, we need to recognize our losses.

    5. Unwavering desires

    This sub-law is all about staying focused on the goals and desires that will improve our lives. Clear, purposeful goals help us gain better health, succeed in our careers, and have healthy relationships.

    Throughout the stages of our lives, we can experience many changes. But we need to know how we feel about our values and desires to stay grounded. And while our values or desires might evolve over our lives, having a clear sense of self will help us remain steadfast in accomplishing our most important goals.

    6. Harmony

    The harmony that we have around us can influence our energy. Tapping into the energy surrounding us helps us maintain a positive outlook while working toward our goals.

    When we have people around us that share the same mentality toward achieving goals, it only benefits us. They're a source of encouragement, support, and inspiration.

    7. Universal influence

    This is integral to the law of attraction. What we put out into the world we get back. How we treat others has a direct impact on our lives. If you disrespect someone, you fuel them with reasons to do the same.

    And if you’re positive and hard-working, people will want to live and work alongside you and you’ll enjoy better community-building and a more enjoyable, friendly workplace.

    Remember: offering a helping hand goes a long way to generating positive returns, even if you don't think it directly benefits your life. Consider putting into the world what you hope to get out of it by helping others.


    How to use the law of attraction to reach your goals

    Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can help you improve areas of your own life, either personal or professional, but it’s not the whole deal.

    An intentional, continuous, and effective effort will ultimately pave the way to our goals. Here's how to use the law of attraction in seven ways to achieve your goals:

    Understand burnout and how to recover from it

    Incorporate more positive affirmations and self-talk into your inner dialogue

    Look for the positives, no matter how big or small, in every situation you're in

    Practice visualization by keeping a manifestation journal or creating a vision board

    Spend some time in self-reflection, looking for coincidences and patterns

    Learn how to identify when you start thinking negative thoughts

    Practice journaling your ideas, values, and plans


    Reasons why the law of attraction might not work

    The law of attraction isn't a fool-proof way of achieving your goals and living your dream life. It’s not magic. If, despite your efforts, you find that it isn't working out as you'd hoped, take some time to reflect on your actions.

    Think about your behavior and how you're applying the law of attraction to your life. Here are a few reasons the law of attraction might not be working for you at the moment:

    You lack objectives and/or a purpose

    You aren’t sure what goals you want to achieve

    You’re feeling unmotivated and unable to put in the hard work

    Your self-esteem and self-confidence are low

    You're experiencing a lot of mental fatigue and stress, so you lack the necessary energy



    Thinking positively but procrastinating won’t bring us anywhere. But now you know that an optimistic viewpoint can inspire and drive you to work harder to reach your goals.

    The right attitude is one thing, but our behavior, discipline, and clear objectives will reward us with opportunity and change. So does a little luck or serendipity. Finally, perseverance will keep us going when nothing else is working our way.


    Jumpstart your life with the law of Atraction

    Jumpstart your life with the law of Atraction

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    What's the law of attraction?

    The law of attraction in its basic form states that whatever you put out into the universe the universe will give you that back. This is one of the 12 universal laws of hermetic philosophy and was made famous in Rhonda Byrne’s book “The Secret.”

    At the core of this philosophy is positivity. Positive thinking is linked to better physical health, longer life. Research shows that developing a growth mindset has mental health benefits, too. It’s a powerful tool that can reduce anxiety and depression while helping manage stress.

    You can use positive self-talk, visualization techniques, to feel more optimistic about our current situation and embrace change for a better future.

    This improved emotional state keeps us on track to build more skills, ultimately leading to greater success.   

    A positive attitude doesn’t mean promoting toxic positivity. Adopting an unrealistically optimistic attitude can be as damaging as an unyielding negative outlook. There’s space to acknowledge your reality and recognize that the real world doesn’t always work in your favor.

    Bad things happen, and you’ll experience setbacks. But you’ll rise above these obstacles more easily when embracing a positive outlook — and the law of attraction encourages you to do just that.

    The power of positive tinging is not Looking at your garden and repeating “here are no weeds, there are no weeds”.  Weeds will grow. You still have to take action. You have to do the things to keep the weeds out of your garden. 


    How does the law of attraction work?

      The first is a mindset, and the second is action.  You create what you desire in life when you focus intently.

    Whether looking for financial abundance or wanting to improve our relationships. We must bring our whole selves to everything we do, both professionally and personally.

    Your outlook on the world shapes many aspects of your life. Actively looking for the positive side of an issue helps you grow your self-esteem and confidence to become a better leader.  

    Being open-minded and focusing on positive emotions attracts others who feel the same way.


    What are the ​​7 laws of attraction?

    There are seven sub-laws within the law of attraction. While we don’t subscribe to any of these being natural laws, there are some worthwhile nuggets. See what you can find here in the seven laws of attraction:

    1. Magnetism

    This sub-law explains that like attracts like. Negative thoughts attract one another, but positive thinking does the same.

    If all we do is remain pessimistic, negative experiences will continue to come our way. But if we seek out the positive aspects of life, our perspective will focus more on finding uplifting opportunities and experiences, which results in improving our well-being.

    2. Manifestation

    This sub-law advises us to focus our attention and energy on the present to change it.

    Fretting over the past or worrying about the future doesn’t ignite change. But if we put in the work now, we’ll create a better future and make our dreams come true.

    3. Right action

    Some negative aspects of our lives can be removed or changed. Toxic workplaces, unhealthy relationships, or unsatisfying careers can prevent us from living meaningful lives.

    By removing these negatives, we can fill the empty space with things that help us be more purposeful with our lives. Having a clear idea of your purpose and personal values will help guide you to the replacements most likely to improve and enrich your life.

    4. Delicate balance

    Some days are great — but they can’t all be. You might fail or experience a setback every once in a while. Here's the thing: that's part of life. It's good to acknowledge our failures because they're an opportunity to learn. Just as we celebrate our wins, we need to recognize our losses.

    5. Unwavering desires

    This sub-law is all about staying focused on the goals and desires that will improve our lives. Clear, purposeful goals help us gain better health, succeed in our careers, and have healthy relationships.

    Throughout the stages of our lives, we can experience many changes. But we need to know how we feel about our values and desires to stay grounded. And while our values or desires might evolve over our lives, having a clear sense of self will help us remain steadfast in accomplishing our most important goals.

    6. Harmony

    The harmony that we have around us can influence our energy. Tapping into the energy surrounding us helps us maintain a positive outlook while working toward our goals.

    When we have people around us that share the same mentality toward achieving goals, it only benefits us. They're a source of encouragement, support, and inspiration.

    7. Universal influence

    This is integral to the law of attraction. What we put out into the world we get back. How we treat others has a direct impact on our lives. If you disrespect someone, you fuel them with reasons to do the same.

    And if you’re positive and hard-working, people will want to live and work alongside you and you’ll enjoy better community-building and a more enjoyable, friendly workplace.

    Remember: offering a helping hand goes a long way to generating positive returns, even if you don't think it directly benefits your life. Consider putting into the world what you hope to get out of it by helping others.


    How to use the law of attraction to reach your goals

    Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can help you improve areas of your own life, either personal or professional, but it’s not the whole deal.

    An intentional, continuous, and effective effort will ultimately pave the way to our goals. Here's how to use the law of attraction in seven ways to achieve your goals:

    Understand burnout and how to recover from it

    Incorporate more positive affirmations and self-talk into your inner dialogue

    Look for the positives, no matter how big or small, in every situation you're in

    Practice visualization by keeping a manifestation journal or creating a vision board

    Spend some time in self-reflection, looking for coincidences and patterns

    Learn how to identify when you start thinking negative thoughts

    Practice journaling your ideas, values, and plans


    Reasons why the law of attraction might not work

    The law of attraction isn't a fool-proof way of achieving your goals and living your dream life. It’s not magic. If, despite your efforts, you find that it isn't working out as you'd hoped, take some time to reflect on your actions.

    Think about your behavior and how you're applying the law of attraction to your life. Here are a few reasons the law of attraction might not be working for you at the moment:

    You lack objectives and/or a purpose

    You aren’t sure what goals you want to achieve

    You’re feeling unmotivated and unable to put in the hard work

    Your self-esteem and self-confidence are low

    You're experiencing a lot of mental fatigue and stress, so you lack the necessary energy



    Thinking positively but procrastinating won’t bring us anywhere. But now you know that an optimistic viewpoint can inspire and drive you to work harder to reach your goals.

    The right attitude is one thing, but our behavior, discipline, and clear objectives will reward us with opportunity and change. So does a little luck or serendipity. Finally, perseverance will keep us going when nothing else is working our way.

    One Percent Better Every Day with Constant and never-ending improvement

    One Percent Better Every Day with Constant and never-ending improvement

    Become 1% better than yesterday

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    Have you ever asked yourself, why did I try to make a change but not succeed? Often, it’s “how” we define ourselves that can lead to either our success or stagnation.

     “The most powerful force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves.” In fact, the single most important element in understanding what drives a person is to understand how they identify themselves. Identity is simply the culmination of the beliefs that shape how we perceive ourselves. These beliefs control how we think, feel and interact with the world around us. They also influence what we decide to do (and not do) in our own lives.

    “If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.”

    1. Identity is the most important power that determines our actions

    We will act according to our views of who we truly are—whether these views are accurate or not.

    2. Once we know who we are, we must learn to be ourselves

    Trying to live in a way that’s inconsistent with our true nature will create a life of frustration, stress and disappointment. We must learn to embrace our deepest needs, desires, strengths, fears, values and beliefs in order to create harmony and tap into our tremendous potential.

    3. Sometimes, people maintain the illusion that their behaviour decides who they really are

    Nothing could be further from the truth. We have all experienced moments of anxiety and defeat, and as a result have said or done things that don’t reflect who we are. This does not make these behaviours a part of our identity. Rather, they are momentary lapses or unique attempts to meet our needs in the moment.

    4. When you take responsibility, you restore your identity

    When we create unfavourable or hostile situations, we should take action to repair any harm that we may have caused.

    5. The fastest way to expand our identity is to do something that’s inconsistent with our current self-image

    6. Our personal identities are in a constant state of evolution

    We all contain the power to reinvent ourselves and create a new, empowered identity that expands what is possible in our lives. The key is to take conscious control of the beliefs we are creating about ourselves, so they can propel us toward what we desire most.

    Boosting your Energy through Vibration

    Boosting your Energy through Vibration

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    In this episode, I talk about how and why you need to raise your energy by rising your vibration.


     Music is vibration and sound. Vibration changes your frequency. Everything is vibrating. By listening to music, you can change your biological vibration. You can raise or lower it. Your mood and your thoughts are directly related to your vibrational energy.  I start my day with music. I don’t start with Facebook or the news. I put on some New Orleans jazz. I get up and get into the shower. I leave the music on while I’m making breakfast. Then I eat (if it’s warm out) I go out and sit on the deck with the music turned down a bit. I still like to hear the morning noises. Then I come in and turn on some meditation music. This is soft music that will calm me down and let me meditate.

    What to listen to.

       How is this influencing my mood, life and productivity?

      What emotions am I getting from the music.

    How are the lyrics guiding your thoughts?

            The words we listen to, and repeat are Affirmations. Do the words in the songs you listen to affect your life in a positive way? Just like the foods you put into your body the sounds and words you put into your mind can help or hurt you. 

    How do you feel? Are you having a bad day? Music can brighten your day. Music can change your mood, and you will accomplish more.


    How music has shaped my life.



      This is something I do every day before I leave for work. Although you might think it lowers your energy, it actually doses the opposite. It gives you the focus to think about your day and what you want to accomplish. Now I do go to work and I’m not really accomplishing anything for myself. But it also puts me in a calm state of mind and makes the day go better. It is along with the “acknowledge and move on feeling”. When I used to come home from work and sit, I found myself sitting for a couple hours and not getting things done. So, I changed it up a bit and now I come home, cook dinner and will I there eat on the deck or eat in the living room (I don’t have a kitchen table). But when I eat in the living room, I make sure I don’t sit for hours. I finish up and get up and start doing things.  

    Get outside

    Getting out into nature or just outside will raze your energy. This come’s from getting more sunlight, getting better air to breath. And just getting out of the house.

        go for a walk, a drive, or just sit on your deck.


     I don’t uselay exercise first thing in the morning or rite after work. I tend to go to the gym, Walk or ride my bike later in the evening. That’s just how I am. Some people like to exercise first thing in the morning, but I have to go to work in the morning.

    People your around

     the people you have in your life will ither suck your energy or give you energy.

    social media

    This goes back to getting the rite people in your life. Social media is a way where people hide behind their phones. Drama is ramped up on social media, and you need to Unfriend or unfollow the people that are not bringing positive energy into your life. I have Unfollowed people that I know personally because of the negativity their posting on Facebook.

    The information you are consuming on a daily basis has a direct affect on your life. I make sure that I only consume information that I know will help me grow and prosper. That motivates me to the life that I want. This is tough because there are people in your life that you love but sometimes don’t agree with. That’s ok, you have to think about yourself first. Now is the time to make your life better. That’s wht this journey is all about

    If you want more energy in your life, turn off the phone.


     the food you put in your body completely controls your body energy. 

    Limit added sugar

    When you feel tired, it can be easy to reach for a sweet, sugar-filled snack. However, although sugar can give you a short-term energy boost, it also wears off very quickly and can leave you feeling more tired than before.

    This is because high sugar foods cause a sharp spike in blood sugar levels, followed by a crash as the body releases a large amount of insulin to transport sugar from the bloodstream to the cells (33Trusted Source, 34Trusted Source).

    Interestingly, one study showed that people reported experiencing 26% more fatigued when they followed a diet high in refined carbs and added sugar, compared with when they consumed a diet filled with whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables (35Trusted Source).

    Eating large amounts of added sugar may also increase your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, so limiting your intake of added sugar can benefit both your energy levels and your health

    Eat a nutritious diet

    If you’re always feeling tired, sluggish, and low in energy, switching up your eating habits could be beneficial.

    Following a well-rounded diet can not only reduce your risk of several chronic conditions but also significantly affect your energy levels (24Trusted SourceTrusted Source, 25Trusted Source).

    Choosing whole, nutritious foods can provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function at its best. On the other hand, eating lots of processed foods that are high in sugar and fat can negatively affect both your energy levels and your overall health (26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source).

    Additionally, some studies show that skipping meals may be linked to fatigue, anxiety, and poor attention (28Trusted Source, 29Trusted Source, 30).

    It’s also important that you eat enough food to fuel yourself during the day.

    This is because severe dietary restrictions can result in a lack of both calories and essential nutrients, such as iron, which could take a toll on your energy levels


        Action comes before motivation.


    The Philosophy of Money and how it affects your life

    The Philosophy of Money and how it affects your life

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    What Is the Psychology of Money?

    The psychology of money is the study of our behavior with money.

    Success with money isn’t about knowledge, IQ or how good you are at math. It’s about behavior, and everyone is prone to certain behaviors over others. Once you become aware of your tendencies, you can harness the power of your own mind, your thoughts and your will—and you can literally change your life.

    Money management is 80% Behavior and 20% knowledge.

    Money management is about emotions, and how you behave with your money. Spending with cash gives you a sense of loss. It activates the pain receptors in your brain. Normally activating your pain sensors is a ad thing but in this case it helps you control your spending. Spending with credit cards or even debit cards give you no sense of loss. When you give the cashier your card you are given your card back. There is no sense of exchange. You leave with your card and your purchase. there is no feeling of making the purchase. It is important to have that feeling of spending your hard-earned cash.

    Doing a monthly budget helps you control where your money is going. You’re telling your money where to go instead of not knowing where it went.

    Getting control of your finances puts you in control of your life. The #1 cause of divorce, and family fights are money and debt.

    Being in debt is being a slave to


    Why the Psychology of Money Matters

    I’ve come to value self-awareness as a tool. I need to learn more about the way my mind works if I want to grow. Whether we’re talking about money or life as a whole, knowing yourself is a huge factor in creating meaningful change.


    4 Ways Psychology Affects Your Money

    I love digging into money tendencies and how money plays out in someone’s story. Like I said before, everyone is different, and none of these tendencies are right or wrong. It’s just how you’re naturally wired. Here are four things I want you to identify in your money mindset:

    1. Spender vs. Saver

    Most people find it pretty easy to determine if they’re a spender or a saver. Spenders can see so many creative possibilities when it comes to money.

    On the other hand, a saver’s first instinct is to not spend their money. They feel much better about having money tucked away. Savers are patient and willing to wait to make a purchase.

    What’s dangerous for spenders and savers both is going to the extremes. As a spender, if you spend everything you make, you’re going to be broke. And savers, if you save everything you make, you’re going to miss out on a lot of fun experiences that bring joy to your life. This is pretty obvious when we think about it—but the point is that we need to think about it.

    I seem to fall in the “scarcity life feeling” although im the one that says you become what you think of. I struggle with this thinking. When I think about a perchance whether its small or large I think “I can’t afford it”. Although most of the time I can. This comes from all the years of struggling with money.


    2. Nerd vs. Free Spirit

    Have you heard of the two types of budgeters? Nerds thrive on crunching numbers. They genuinely look forward to organizing their budget. Weirdos. (Just kidding!) It gives them a sense of satisfaction to see where their money is going each month and to find ways to make it work even better. Everything has a nice, neat place, and they love it.

    Free spirits are . . . Well, we’re the party! We don’t get too bogged down in the details, and that frees us up to enjoy life. If you’re a free spirit, just reading the word budget might make you break out in hives, but the shopping and entertainment categories are basically your love language. Free spirits like to live life to the fullest!

    Nerds need the free spirits to inject some fun money into the budget for nonessential categories, like date nights, vacations and birthday parties.

    Free spirits need the nerds to help them make a realistic budget


    3. Safety vs. Status

    Are you financially motivated by safety or by status? For this one, you may have to do some real soul-searching. Be honest with yourself as you think through what motivates you when you spend or save. This piece is key to making the psychology of money work for you.

    People who value safety want the security that money can bring. They want to know they can withstand job loss, a medical emergency or even just a dip in income. If you’re a safety person, you need to watch out for living in fear. Fear can keep you from giving generously, investing in retirement, or even spending money on a new pair of shoes when the ones you wear every day have a hole in them and clearly need to be replaced.

    If money is about status for someone, it’s how they measure success. The amount of money they have affects the type of home they live in, the activities they’re involved in, and their ability to go on that dream vacation. (More on this motivation later.)


    4. Your Family and Childhood

    The way you heard your parents talk about money—or not talk about it—definitely influenced your attitude about it from an early age. This alone won’t define your money mindset, but it’s good to be aware of.

    Here’s an example of how your past experience can lead to money fights as an adult: Does it drive you crazy and start a fight when your spouse splurges on, say, the cage-free, brown, organic eggs? “It’s just $2 more than the gross white ones,” he protests. “That’s $2 that could go toward something else!” you argue.

    Have you ever asked yourself why you’re really worked up over organic eggs? Is it because the grocery budget was a stressor in your household growing up? Or did you have a parent who rolled their eyes at hippie-dippie farm-to-table groceries? Or maybe you’re a saver-safety person because you grew up with very little, and spending extra on anything makes you feel, understandably, insecure.

    I don’t know your background. Maybe it’s not a dozen eggs that’s causing tension around money in your life, but I bet there’s something. This is where knowing yourself can lead to healing, change and more progress than you’ve seen before. 


    How the Psychology of Money Affects Your Decisions

    The truth is that money is just a magnifying glass—it makes you more of who you are. If you’re kind and generous, you’ll be even more kind and generous with money. If you’re rude and self-centered, you’ll be even more rude and self-centered with money. Money is simply a tool, and you get to determine what to do with it. 

    There are hundreds of little decisions that we make each day without even realizing it that are influenced by the psychology of money. One example for me is in the safety vs. status tendency. I naturally bend toward status. I’m more likely to value a name-brand purse or luxury car, and I’m more likely to find a way to justify a larger purchase if, on some level, it makes me feel successful.

    On one hand, this just means I like nice things—and please hear me when I say there’s nothing wrong with having nice things if you can afford them. But knowing that I have that status tendency means I have to keep my spending in check. I need to remember that the stuff I own doesn’t define me as a person.

    I know this stuff is hard work, but you can do it. I know you can, because I’ve seen millions of people from all backgrounds and income levels find the courage to make lasting change, not just for them, but for their whole family tree! It’s not easy. But the good news is, it is possible, and you can get started today.

     Money Assessment will give you clarity on your personal money tendencies. Once you’ve got this insight on your own money mindset, you’ll finally understand why you have the money fears, dreams and tendencies you have. Knowing why you make decisions the way you do will make progress possible. Get the assessment today!


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