
    About this Episode

    Have you ever stopped to think about the time and place into which you were born? Our background, our family, our city and country and even the time period in which we grew up, all play such a major part on who we become as adults. Our values, beliefs and perspectives have all been shaped and influenced by these things.

    As you journey towards discovering your purpose, you need to look deeper than just your gifts and passions. If it is here and if it is a part of you then it has meaning and purpose. 

    The experiences you’ve encountered up to this point in your life serve as valuable components on your journey to discovery, because they helped to make you the person you are today.

    Take a listen to this episode as I read a chapter from the book I'm writing on PURPOSE! If you haven't already listened to the first chapter, go back and listen to the last two episodes on Your Possessions and Your Passions.

    Feel free to send me a note letting me know how the time, place and experiences that you've encountered, have impacted your journey and how you can use them to fulfill your purpose.

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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    Recent Episodes from The Work On Purpose Podcast



    If you’re wanting to be more disciplined and have more self-control so you can make changes in your life and pursue your big dreams and goals, there’s hope.

    What I found in my own journey, is that discipline and self-control are things you can have and use with ease. It requires just one simple thing – commitment. Commitment is the pre-requisite for staying disciplined and focused on your goals.

    In this podcast episode we discuss commitment and how much discipline and focus you'll be able to have when you are committed to your dreams.

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know your thoughts about this episode and how you plan to start being more committed to the things you say you want in your life.

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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    There’s a credo in the service industry that goes like this: Under promise and over deliver.

    It’s ultimately a concept that helps to set an appropriate level of expectation and subsequently ensuring that that expectation is exceeded. 

    Expectation is an interesting phenomenon. Two people can experience the same event, each with a different expectation level and their perspectives will be drastically different.

    Why? Because the expectation about that event beforehand was different and so the perspective is different.

    In this podcast episode we discuss how to set your own expectations with your family and friends, on the job and with yourself.

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know your thoughts about this episode and how you plan to start setting appropriate expectation levels for yourself.

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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    Who Knows You?

    Who Knows You?

    Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you”? It’s more significant than you know.

    You see, when we’re young, we think that it’s impressive to name-drop; to let others know who we know, as a measure of our significance.

    Name-dropping might impress your friends, but it won’t advance your career, or provide openings you could never create or strategically put you in places you could never get to on your own.

    In this podcast episode we discuss the importance of who knows you, rather than being impressed with who you know.

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know your thoughts about this episode and how you plan to start to let your actions, your work and your thoughtfulness speak volumes for you.

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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    Bloom Where You're Planted

    Bloom Where You're Planted

    Bloom where you’re planted. Have you ever heard this phrase? It’s a pretty popular saying, basically to remind people that they can and should let their light shine wherever it is that they find themselves.

    That phrase is really about excellence, about using your gifts no matter where you are and about being the best you now, where you are, on your way to where you’re going.

    In this podcast episode we discuss why it's important to not despise the day of small beginnings and how you can enjoy the journey to your purpose, even if you don't like where you are right now.

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know your thoughts about this episode and how you plan to bloom in the place you're planted.

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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    Being Childlike

    Being Childlike

    We intellectually know that we cannot be any younger than we are. In fact, each day that goes by makes us one day older. But many of us do things that help to give us a younger appearance, or if we're in our 40s-50s we may even do things to make us feel younger (read: mid-life crisis behaviors).

    None of these things truly work of course, but I wonder if perhaps we could try adding some other childlike behaviors that could be beneficial to us, to our physical, mental/emotional and even our spiritual health.

    In this podcast episode we discuss three simple things that children innately do, that if we incorporated them into our lives, we just might have less stress, more joy and a life more fulfilling than we ever thought possible.

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know your thoughts about this episode and how you plan to adopt some of these simple childlike behaviors.

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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    The Impact of Your Environment

    The Impact of Your Environment

    There are many factors that go into goal achievement and yes, some of them start with proper goal setting. But there is one specific factor, that many people overlook on their journey to achievement.

    I sometimes refer to it as a silent disrupter because of how harmless it can be, at least in the beginning.

    It’s your environment.

    In this podcast episode we discuss the impact of your environment on you and on your ability to achieve your goals and dreams.

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know your thoughts and how you plan to "clean up" your environment so you can become unstoppable!

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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    The Comfort Zone

    The Comfort Zone

    The Comfort Zone. It should be called the "don't go anywhere good in life" zone. I tell you comfort is 100% the enemy of your greatness. Anything worthwhile achieving is going to cause discomfort or even outright pain. There is no avoiding it, it is guaranteed. But it is oh so worth it!

    In this podcast episode we discuss why it's so important to get out of your Comfort Zone and pursue the things that are truly on your heart to do.

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know your thoughts and what results you had when you finally decided to step out and leave your comfort zone behind.

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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    Wake Up To Your Life

    Wake Up To Your Life

    When was the last time you took an assessment of your life in general? Is this where you thought you’d be when you were a child? How about the plans you had for yourself when you graduated from high school or college? 

    This is something that often times gets overlooked as we blindly roll from one season into the next and before you know it a year has passed, or two or five.

    In this podcast episode we discuss why it's so important to WAKE UP to our lives and not let each day just pass us by, because we aren't promised tomorrow. And each day that goes by is a day we'll never have again.

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know how you plan to Wake Up to your life!

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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    To Decide. It’s the difference between success and failure, advancement and retreat, growth and stagnation. I once heard Tony Robbins describe the word decide as being derived from a Latin word that means “to cut off”. When you cut something off, it means it is no longer a part of what is left.

    When you decide a thing, it can and does have impact. So, the next time you’re faced with a decision, large or small, just remember the potential impact it carries and DECIDE wisely. 

    In this podcast episode we discuss what it means to DECIDE and the impact of your decisions. 

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know how your decisions have impacted your life and the life of those around you.

    And if you're interested, check out this ebook I wrote called, I DECIDE.

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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    If you focus on negativity or how difficult something is, or on all the reasons why you cannot do something, then all those things that you’re focusing on, will just get larger and large in your life. It’s as if they gain even more strength the longer you focus on it.

    BUT, if you focus on all the things that could go right, all the reasons why the thing you’re pursuing will work out in your favor, all the ways in which you are well-able, then those things will develop strength and show up and out even more in your life.

    In this podcast episode we discuss the whys and the hows of focusing on the RIGHT things. The things you want to see more of in your life.

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know how you plan to focus on all that is good and how you will starve the negative voice.

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

    Finally, if you would like to have more inspiration delivered weekly to your inbox, join my newsletter and get that extra edge you need to start your week.

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