
    YourStake, YourStory Ep. 6 - Investing with Your Values without Compromise, ft. David Roth, BFA(TM) and Michelina Roth, Co-Founders of Fair Planet Advisors

    enMay 16, 2022

    About this Episode


    Gabe Rissman  00:06

    Hi and welcome to another episode of your steak your story. We're a video series with advisors and for advisors focused on highlighting best practices around values based investing. Today I'm really excited to have Dave and michelina with me. Dave has been working in the financial industry for more than 20 years. And fair planet advisors represents the culmination of Dave's years of professional experience, combining his passion for protecting the goals and dreams of his clients, and doing so in a sustainable matter. And Melina is excited to bring her passion for individuals in those they love to fair planet advisors, she's committed to building a just and sustainable world for all their professional and personal life. They have michelina really excited to have you on. Thanks. Good. Cool. So I'm gonna start with my favorite question that I always asked at the beginning. Just with the audience would love to know a little bit about you. Where'd you grow up? Was your journey to financial advising? And maybe how did you meet?


    David Roth  01:10

    How did we meet? Oh, that's, that's a whole nother SIX series, how we got into where we are now. So I grew up in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. So my mom joined the military. And she went on and I went with her to a number of different base assignments. So as a military brat throughout high school, ending up in Frankfort, West Germany, all of her siblings were big eight or big six CPAs. So I was basically voluntold from them that I was going to be an accountant, I didn't really have a choice. My mom was a psychiatric nurse practitioner. So she was in the medical field. And it's 25 years in the military. So after graduating college doing accounting, I realized I didn't want to be back office anymore. I wanted to do service, I wanted to help clients more than just pushing numbers. And I discovered this thing called Investing in finance. And that kind of started the path on to being a front office support to clients.


    Michelina Roth  02:06

    And I grew up in the Pacific Northwest in Southern Oregon. I had a family that was really involved in the social justice movement. And really, that was a big part of conversations around the dinner table. And so that was always really important to me, I went to college to study French and theology, I kind of just that philosophical approach and interested in making connections with people. So I did a year abroad in France and that ability to connect with people I was just really passionate about. And then we met in Denver, Colorado, through actually through through some youth group stuff and just church activities. And I got married a year later. And when we had our first children child, I decided to be a stay at home mom and went on to homeschool our boys was really passionate about helping them feeling like the most important thing for them to learn was who they are and what was important to them. And so I've been doing that for the last 20 years basically, and about three years ago joined our business really excited about also bringing that message to other people. I feel like that's what ESG investing is, is is helping people connect with what's important to them. And not we just our planet can't afford to have people who hold their noses and don't live the way they believe and know is true in their hearts. So


    David Roth  03:22

    I gave you mentioned kind of the audiences or other advisors that do what we do. So they'll also relate to this comment probably that we sometimes find ourselves kind like being marital counselors for our clients. So I'm going to share a little bit here so I'm gonna government owe you a copay for a little marital counseling here on our, our podcast. But when we were deciding where to go back, Kellyanne and I were dating, I was working for what I thought was my forever job Smartscope Capital Management, Denver, Colorado as CFO right out of college thinking, while I'm in the industry, I'm doing accounting for large cap mutual fund, this is gonna be fun. And Mick wanted to go to grad school. So we did the won't tell us what and why write the pros cons list. So I put together this giant thesis of all the reasons why we should stay in Denver, I should continue to work for this firm, and how it's going to benefit our family. And Michelina had basically two words on her side, you promised and so we moved, and we left the job. And that was the launching into because we got to I got to see behind the scenes of what goes on in that industry versus just accounting. So it really planted that seed. And we had no clue but ended up working for a venture finance firm after that and continue in the accounting world, that we would then circle back around to that passion that was instilled by this working at that farm for a few months. So she was right. I did promise but who knew that that was kind of decisive in our in our whole business plan.


    Gabe Rissman  04:42

    That's amazing. I'm so excited to dive into a lot of what you said I just want to start at I always liked the decision points. It's really interesting to hear about why you made a particular like life transition and path so you wanted to move out of the back office into the front office. How did you go about doing that? What Is that? Like, did you bounce around for a while before you settled on what you're doing? And then if you want to both talk about, like, from that journey, how you came to fair planet, that'd be, that'd be really cool.


    David Roth  05:14

    I will say, doing different careers, learning the things that we didn't know, really built our bandwidth. So we're better advisors were a better team. I mean, going through that process, even back when we were first decided to leave Denver or not, that was critical to how we built our business or not, right? There's certain times where you just have to have a partner relationship that you have this trumps all else. ESG was one of those moments later on. We didn't know what at the time, but we're building towards that. And so even the way we do all the other stuff in the family was building towards that. So


    Michelina Roth  05:48

    yeah, I mean, I don't know that I have a whole lot to add to that. But we we've always made our decisions together. And we did have Dave started out, he has worked for a couple other firms before we were independent. And then when he was first independent, he was doing a lot of DSP for but when we talked about knee joint coming in joining the team, I said, let's just go under percent. This is what we believe in. This is what we've always done in everything else we do, you know, in terms of conscious shopping, and considering fair trade and sourcing and all of those things, we'd always been making those decisions. And so it made sense, to just continue that and say, This is what we do. 100%.


    David Roth  06:27

    And one thing I'll add is all the sales training I've ever been through, whether you're talking insurance or investments, they're always like, Oh, just you know, fake it till you make it in my mind in ESG, you really can't fake it, if you really are talking about it and doing talking to clients that are really passionate about it. It was an easy transition for us because we were already living this organic life, we already want it to be values based because that's how we did things at home. You know, whether it was I was Rotarian, or scouting, you know, when I was 17, you know, someone told me, no one should ever have to ask you to if you're an Eagle Scout, your action should just show it an ESG. Someone shouldn't have to ask us for ESG. It's just we exude that it's what we do. It's how we are we got be certified because it was the right thing to be a B Corp. We aligned with USF because it's the right thing. So it just it just should be there.


    Gabe Rissman  07:16

    I love that. So So you were running your own practice. And then when michelina was going to join, you were already doing some ESG and then went all in? Can you talk about what that was like? And? And what was available for you? And how, like, did you have to what what were all the things that you had to change to go from maybe exploring yesterday a little bit into into all with?


    Michelina Roth  07:40

    Well, Dave, started at our annual broker dealer conference, we were looking for more and better options. We were meeting with a couple of different folks and just exploring things and we went to a seminar.


    David Roth  07:55

    So everyone on the call has been if there have been with a broker dealer, you go to the national conferences, you have the tracks, like what which topics do you want to go listen to. And so we're watching this from home going, Okay, here's where we want to go. And we see the track. It's like ESG investing, and we're going, we want to align with ESG. This, we're going that track. So we start going into this. And we're going through all the large we know conversation Hall at the big convention center. And they have an opportunity for questions. So I'm not very shy. So I raise my hand I stand up. And I and there's a board up there with all the different panelists. And I go Excuse me, Mr. Mrs. National Fund leader who's making all these decisions? How do you determine and what do you use to evaluate your funds based on ESG? Information? Because we want to know we're trying to learn like, how do we do this? What's our story about our client,


    Michelina Roth  08:40

    and this is the breakout session on ESP fMRI, you're the experts,


    David Roth  08:46

    give them just like all 1000s of advisors, this is the moment you all are gonna go here. And they looked at me and they said, Oh, just trust us. And I said, I'm sorry, I must rephrase my question. Well, I wanted to know what specifically you do that says that fun versus this fun under your umbrella is ESG. And I'm thinking in the back of my head, what do you change light bulbs and the security standard? And now all of a sudden, your ESG? Because that's an LED versus you know, the old style? And again, there's Oh, no, you know, we're just that's a core of our nature. It's who we are. And I'm going back to like, well, if you were my neighbor, I would look at how you live and do everything. But since you're a large manager, having worked in management firms with this, like, there's a lot of back behind the scenes work that goes in. And if you can't tell me the process, that probably means there is no process because if that moment, you would probably be singing your praises, like thank you for asking. Let me just, you know, give you all the overall sales that we're always told not to do with the, you know, too much, that was just lacking. And so we just sat down like disheartened, like, we can't be ESG because we couldn't find it. We didn't know where to go where our national conference we're getting no answers. And then someone comes up and says this what happens?


    Michelina Roth  09:57

    Yeah, another financial advisor. ever said that? Thank you for asking that question. That was a ridiculous answer that they gave you. And I'm, you know, want to share what I know. And, and that was the beginning of getting involved in in the ESG community and feeling wasn't like, Hey, your clients from me or there's a competition, it was just, I believe in what I'm doing from this other advisor. And I will help you and I will show you what I have learned over the last 30 years. So,


    David Roth  10:28

    and it was really one of those moments where I went from Doggy Dog Commission's base, I'm going to steal your client, if you're not there to take the phone calls, because your person sitting next to you is going to take that lead to way we're ESG Sri advisors, we're here to help each other, better the planet better the world. And I'm going to show you everything that I do. And oh, by the way, I'm in a different chain. I'm not getting any override on you or anything else. But I'm going to open up the entire toolbox. And she did was a she in this case, and she just loved on us. And it was one of those most refreshing moments because we were just down and out like how we build this business. How do we do it? There are no answers. That's an


    Gabe Rissman  11:08

    amazing story. And I don't know if I've ever heard a clear, like, this is the moment or I need to do something. And you had that guardian angel that that came in. I've I've also the reason why I love being in this space, is we found that as a technology provider, people want to welcome you into the community, we found that people want to, like, everyone loves being introduced to the ESG study group and just forming these bonds, because it's a shared mission, which I guess you don't really see as much across the industry. So I think that's really cool. And you've been a big part of, of being part of our community, which is really amazing. What were some of the things that maybe surprised you? Or what were the biggest roadblocks that you've had to overcome that this advisor and then others in the community as you continue on your journey?


    David Roth  11:53

    Well, you'll remember us trying to get your state onto our platform took about 13,000 years, I think was well over a year. And I think I was the only advisor ever asking to get something like your information your platform in and why our due diligence departments like, but why why do you want this and we had to walk them through and educate them. And that I think they now finally see why why is it important? Because it's a data tool. And we need that information that was lacking, that the other mutual fund managers didn't have the time that the industry is shifting towards. So that's been a part of is trying to push the envelope. And we're going against these stereotypes of if you're an ESG, you're gonna take a haircut, if you're an ESG, you're only gonna have two or three options, you're not gonna have anything available, you're not going to really get the data because no one's really providing anything. All of those things have been disproven for the most part. And I think clients are now able to make better choices, because there's data points available.


    Gabe Rissman  12:55

    So it seems like having a tool to show the data was a really crucial part. And now we're getting a lot more people requesting that. But when you were getting started, you're right, it was totally new, and no one knew why you need an ESG tool. Was it also difficult to find investment options? Was it difficult to have that conversation with clients about financial performance? Was it difficult? Did you ever have to do things like come up with an SSRI policy statement, war, war, all the things that maybe you didn't even think about? Or what were the biggest challenges in in making that transition?


    David Roth  13:28

    I think once we heard from the other advisor, they already kind of Blazing that trail, a lot of those other roadblocks that would have been kind of like insurmountable, we're already kind of clear, because we're able to build upon those were before us. So there are industry leaders that have been doing this 30 and 40 years plus, that when we look at what they've brought to the table over those years, we're really standing on their shoulders. Yeah. And it kind of makes us pause and go as we meet new advisors or other opportunities, it's our responsibility to share that same data. And that leads from the standpoint of there's plenty of business, we need to operate from the sense of abundance versus scarcity so that others can do what we were so fortunate to get introduced to.


    Michelina Roth  14:13

    Yeah, it was actually relatively easy. I feel like once we got past that initial hurdle, we haven't faced that many roadblocks. I mean, certainly there. There are little difficulties, but mostly it's been, it's been pretty easy to find. And to serve clients.


    David Roth  14:29

    We moved from that, you know, just trust us thing to now trust but verify with the data. And then as the world has changed, we as a firm have come out with statements of support for different areas, that sometimes some of our clients that were earlier on before we made kind of the switch to be, I would say big tree hugging firm that we are realized, oh, maybe you're a little bit too ESG for us. So we came out with a support during the riots and different things with the plan. Lives Matter.


    Michelina Roth  15:01

    Right after George played smarter, we put out a statement in support of Black Lives Matter. And we lost a client over that. And we were actually it was, I mean, I was completely okay with it. But it was, it was hard to lose that relationship.


    David Roth  15:16

    But we kind of pride ourselves as a firm, I can count on literally two hands in the last 10 years, the number of clients we've lost for whatever reason other than passing away, right? So when I lose a client, when we lose a client, I'm emotional. But I'm like, Whoa, what happened? We're and this is not one of those that we know the family, there's all that it was just, we've gone a direction that's taking them a little too far. And but we're okay with that. As a firm, we have to push that envelope, we have to do what we believe in, or otherwise, we're just not a firm. We're just, you know, faking it. And we won't fake it.


    Gabe Rissman  15:50

    As you delve more into ESG. What was it like having those conversations with clients that were already working with you before you started talking about this? How did you have that conversation with clients that were


    David Roth  16:01

    not involved, and we introduced them to ESG, it was almost like a breath of fresh air, because some of them didn't know what they didn't know. And here's that relationship. Most clients want to work with you as a firm as whatever, because they trust you. They like the branding, or they trust you as advisors. So when we come to a client, and we're sharing with our overall client base, they had no idea what these acronyms meant. But we had the education, we had the background, we had their backs, we had that best interest piece, that fiduciary thing, before people were forced into doing it, we're already thinking, this is already good for you. Let's talk about this. So if you could make this decision based upon your values, and if we can show you that it probably isn't gonna hurt you on diversification and performance. Why wouldn't you want to do this? Because it's not as telling you your values. It's us asking you, Mr. Mrs. client, or entity or nonprofit? What are your values? What's important to you? What do you want to stand with? What do you want to stand against? And if we can make that happen? Would that be okay? That piece has been very powerful.


    Michelina Roth  17:06

    And I think there's been a shift in these last few years, people, people don't want to not know anymore. They don't want to hold their noses, they. So they're very refreshed to hear oh, I can know what's happening. And I can feel good about it. And I'm still going to be okay.


    Gabe Rissman  17:24

    michelina, can you talk about when you were even talking about your philosophy and raising your children? It was helping people find their purpose? What does that look like? What's an example conversation? How do you do that with clients to be able to figure out what ESG means to them?


    Michelina Roth  17:40

    So we started the conversation by saying, you know, our values aren't necessarily going to be the same as yours. There's lots of hard questions in this industry, we go through sort of an inclusion exclusion process where people can choose, you know, big oil, private, for profit prisons, what things do you want to exclude, some of those things like nuclear, for example, are not going to be the same for for everyone. That's okay. What we what we say is, we really, truly believe if we, if we're going to change this world, collectively, together, we're going to change it so that our children and our children's children have a planet and have a future. We have to as individuals, we have to say, something's important to me, and I'm going to act upon that. And even if we're not all making the same choices, just by listening to our inner voice, and being true to ourselves, like the planet will be better the world we live in will be better. We can't I think we had a long period where people just sort of were numbing themselves and saying, I can't live in this world and do what I believe and live my true, you know, heart's desires for lack of a better expression. I can't do that. And I think that that just breeds hopelessness, if we want to plan it, hope is what we need. So. So that's kind of how we start the conversation is saying, you know, what do you believe in and we'll help you do that.


    David Roth  19:01

    And I think one of the things that we've been end with with clients is, well, there's this decision of how to include or exclude or divest from, but that doesn't even touch on the shareholder advocacy piece of it. So you can go into and say, I don't want to be an X, Y, or Z. And I'm going to hold my nose if I have to buy a plastic toothbrush, because that's the only way that toothbrushes are coming for it's hypothetical example, right? But you can then decide, I'm going to go to those makers. And we want to put a shareholder piece with and say, Let's not make those things out of plastic anymore. Can we do with bamboo or make them out of cement, whatever it is, right, the right answer, and move that bar. And so when people hear there's a dual prong approach to this, and then we add in comprehensive financial planning with the diversification, we're actually talking about the holistic side of it. They're like, wow, why are more people not doing this? And my question to answer that is like, I don't know, I think if more advisors realized it wasn't that hard to do, I think they would do it. It's just they don't know what they don't know. So this kind of a service to come out and talk and share. If people hear this and go, What are you all doing, call us, we'll tell you, we're not going to hide anything. Because there's how many people in this world that need to make this a better place. We need more people doing this more firms.


    Michelina Roth  20:18

    And I think most people who are in financial advising are hedge because they care about their clients, right? They want to help their clients live their best lives. We just became a certified B Corp, and the B Corp model is considering all stakeholders, right? So that's clients, that's, that's profit. But that's also sourcing materials, fair trade all of those issues. And it's I think, if you're dealing with your financial advisor, you already want to help your client just ESG allows you to expand that and say, you know, we can help all parts of this equation, and we really come to work every day, super excited and energized. And so I feel like it just could be that for so many more advisors.


    Gabe Rissman  21:00

    Do you want to tell a couple of examples, stories of maybe even with clients that don't come in knowing that they're all in on ESG? But you can work? Through that? I think that'd be really cool to share?


    Michelina Roth  21:12

    Do you have someone in mind or situation?


    David Roth  21:15

    So we've had, I'm going to do some very unfavorable stereotypes, some just put my disclaimer out there. I wouldn't say that there are a few typical clients that may say, we just want profit, right? All we're looking for is return. I hear you, David michelina, that you're kind of touchy feely, and you know, you want to worry about this and that, but we're looking at you for you know, just make sure our retirement accounts there. And we have plenty to spend. Well, we were able to show some numbers and say, Okay, well, if we went this direction, you're gonna get this kind of return. If we go this direction, we'll get that kind of return. And not to say, you know, that whole disclaimer, past history future performance piece, but we're able to line him up and go, you know, what some of the things that we may lean, say more green ESGs arrived, keeping pace, outpacing maybe even way superior performance, or boards that are going to be more receptive to some of the shareholder efficacy pieces, or maybe companies that may actually be here in 30 years, versus people that have just depleted the resources or the industry sector they're in? Where would you want to be when you look at the board of directors don't make up the planet, the resources and all that. And oh, by the way, that piece that you're talking about profit may get sucked along in there as well. And maybe we say it's gonna be better. Some clients are like, absolutely. But don't tell me about all that other stuff, I just wonder about the profit. But either you got us there. So we are kind of, you know, I won't say force feeding, but it kind of feels like you are a little bit because you're like, right, now we can say the numbers are really strong. So if it pivots for those clients, we've got to, you know, stop and rebalance and look, but you know, right now, it's killing it. So


    Gabe Rissman  22:57

    there are plenty of people convinced by the thesis that ESG is just better investing?


    Michelina Roth  23:03

    Well, I mean, I think, you know, COVID is a strong example of that, if you were a corporation that wasn't really caring about their employees going into going into a pandemic, then then how do you survive, right, you have to some of these things, just it just makes sense. To me, if you're considering everybody, you're going to be able to last the long haul and profit tomorrow is really nothing if it's not profit, and sustainability for the long term.


    David Roth  23:28

    And I would say all the advisors on this call, especially if they're listening, because it's you know, the your estate spin in it, realize there are billions of dollars moving from traditional investments over to more of the ESG tranches, if you will. And the big wire houses, there's a reason why they're buying up everybody else out there that has that something, something ESG in them, or some kind of screening values based, because they have to have an answer to retain their clients. So as we look at the next 150 years, whatever it is out there, you know, global investing, if we're not aware of what's going on the planet, we're not going to be here, folks, you know, we've got to shape up and figure this out. And, you know, one of the stories I tell when I'm talking to high school to kids is my theory of you know, the Pottersville versus bay of Bedford Falls, right, which which side of that story you want to be in from, It's a Wonderful Life, you know, and I look back and go, that movie wasn't a big hit, when it came out. It took however many years for it to become irrelevant, you know, ESG now is becoming irrelevant. It took a while for it to get there. But we're at the stage where if we don't all show up, because, you know, mas calm people on the phone, and George needs money. You know, our planet needs help. And we've got to decide which way we're gonna go. And these are those moments where people are gonna watch us. And so you've got to be on visible and honest with your clients. If you've got a passion for leaving something for people behind, stand up and change what we're doing. And this is one way we can do it in our industry is by where we can invest in how we invest, you know, and then we take it to our local communities and our neighbors, but the time is over for somebody else is going to do it for us. Nobody else is going to do it for us.


    Gabe Rissman  25:11

    Yeah, I'm loving what you're saying, I think that a lot of people will really resonate with that as they're listening to this call. And a lot of people want to know how they can contribute and make a difference. And that's what gets a lot of advisors interested in ESG. There's obviously, people getting into man, but sometimes the advisor drives it based on their values and what they really want to do. So I think that when you believe it, and have that passion, and can speak like the way you do, I'm sure your clients are really receptive to that. Because they, I mean, they get alongside that inspiring comments and realize that they're not sacrificing, or likely not sacrificing returns and getting something that's really more powerful and being part of a movement.


    David Roth  25:52

    And that's not to say, we haven't had clients walk in the door and go, thank you for sharing, but we really want to do this or that and we look and go, that's not us, and they walk right out the door and they go somewhere else. That's okay. You know,


    Michelina Roth  26:04

    for most people, knowledge is power, right? So we had, we were talking to and it's one of my issues I'm passionate about, and it was for this person too. And she said to me, that's that's kind of a little bar to just say, Oh, I'm out of out of immigration detention for profit prisons. And I said, You know what, it is a really low bar. But gosh, at least if you care about that, is that something you're gonna show up? Or maybe even protests on the street? Don't you want it out of your investment portfolio? And, and I think a lot of people really just haven't known Oh, I didn't, you know, I had no idea how heavily I was invested in these things that I am adamantly against. So not, you know, knowledge is power. And people are not willing, I think less and less people are willing to just not


    David Roth  26:51

    know. And I think whether you've kind of asked a couple different ways gave, is that, following the clients and their values, you know, it, it touches on the point of that greenwashing, like, what is greenwashing what is out there? How do you trust but verify that our industry is in a prime situation where we need to have what the FDA had to go through versus natural foods versus certified organic foods, we need clear, auditable statements. And if you're talking Sarbanes Oxley, back in the accounting days, where you are held liable for and responsible for your actions of a firm, if these are true statements or not, we need that in investing. So that we can then say you say this is this, but it's not certified organic, because you're doing all these other things, to simplify it for advisors, and ultimately for clients. Because it's too hard. It shouldn't be this hard that you shouldn't have to dig as hard as we had to dig to get this, you know, we're 3040 years into as an industry. We now need standards.


    Gabe Rissman  27:54

    couple thoughts and responsible both, you said I think they tied together really well. Last year, there were four major surveys that came out from from giant asset managers. Showing that I mean for decades and decades, the entire history of ESG ESRI financial performance was the big concern among investors for ESRI. But now, for the first time last year, greenwashing and data quality are the biggest concerns among retail and institutional investors. And having a way to show instead of you can't have that trust me argument anymore. Well, that inspired you from the start, that's not going to fly and it shouldn't have ever flown. And I think what you're saying michelina About the for profit prisons, there's a lot more data and knowledge that is out there that clients can find on their own. And if advisers don't have good responses and information themselves, and that's, that's an uncomfortable position they can be and we hear that all the time where advisors are getting educated by by their clients, and they then are inspired to know more. And michelina one last request for you to face Dave while your


    David Roth  29:05

    bodies have to get close. Good thing we're married, right, we're not getting our problems.


    Gabe Rissman  29:14

    That's a great point. Um, so if you have anything that you wanted to say in response to that, go for it. I also would love to hear what you currently find to be the most challenging parts of ESRI that you're that you're encountering with clients now.


    David Roth  29:29

    So I think my biggest thing that I hear, or what I'm seeing from clients that they don't know, is they're buying what I would consider the greenwashing Hey, you know, our old fun family came out with something and I'm okay. And without even naming names, have fun. Everyone has these stories, they can do the research. And you may be in a fund that the fund itself could be phenomenal. But what about the parent company? What about all the other holdings? What about everything else that it's doing? And you can say, Okay, I'm buying my water from a company that has fantastic water, but another side, they're spitting uranium out the doors, right? They're poisoning the water down the road. It's there's a greater impact than just saying that one does check out well. But what about the next one that you're related to Mr. Mrs. Business Owner or board? Are you doing that same thing across the board? Or are you just putting out something so you retain clients? And that's a bigger ask. And some of those large firms have stepped up and supported some shareholder advocacy things that I sit back and go, thank you. That's fantastic. You are really coming to the table. But it was great for that 32nd marketing piece. What are you doing now? What's that next step? Come on, let's get on board because they can make the change in this world as larger firms. You know, we're a small shop, we can help folks, we're not going to change the planet based on the way we got certified as a B Corp. They could, although I will say


    Michelina Roth  30:55

    I think I think part of the problem all along and people feel like our world is just so big. And you know, what can I do with my little bit, my little tiny investments, everybody feels like they're too small. But really, that's not true. Like you and I, and our neighbor. And each of our clients, we're pushing the bar, we're having that ripple effect. And really, that's all anything ever was, is a ripple effect, you know, of in a positive direction or a negative direction. But what each of us does matters. And I think that that's what we bring to the conversation is it's not just, it's not just, oh, no, I'm just one tiny little frog in the pond, it doesn't matter what I do. No, it does. And you make a difference. And you push those shareholder advocacy conversations, each of us does.


    Gabe Rissman  31:43

    I love what you're saying. And this is, in terms of how Yes, you can scale as a movement. We found that like three is the tipping point. And I'll explain what that means. We found that when three clients or one really big one asks their advisor for for ESG, they start signing up for demos with us, and they start looking into actual solutions, only three clients out of maybe 100, whoever knows. And then with fund managers, you get three financial advisors, asking the fund manager about their shareholder advocacy asking their fund manager about why are you investing in for profit prisons, whatever else it might be, it really does not take that much because people know that this direction things are headed. So they get a couple squeaky wheels. And they'll get the grease and and you will see that that's what we've seen empirically is that only a little bit of action, and a little bit of using your voice can lead people to really start considering this deeply and trying to come up with solutions.


    David Roth  32:46

    And that's why we fought our broker dealer so hard to get platforms like you on our platform, because we were going to use you some way, this way or the other anyway, it wasn't so much for our clients, it's for the other 5000 advisors on the platform that then are a part of the larger platform that can roll up and now you're talking, you know, 80,000 advisors really could if they actually asked you, oh, it's already approved. So if you're on this call, and you don't know what your broker dealer has, call your broker dealer, and ask them, it may be already approved by a sister organization somewhere in your tear. So just asked and see what's there.


    Gabe Rissman  33:22

    Love that. And also, I just wanted to touch on what you were saying earlier about the intentionality of affirm, it sounded like that is I could very much understand that being a really important but a difficult communication challenge. That is not just what your fund is investing in. But it's who's behind that fund. And what firm are they a part of? Do you find that clients are receptive to that kind of logic? Or is that something that they struggle to wrap their minds around? Or what's what's that like?


    Michelina Roth  33:52

    I think it goes back to knowledge. I think people are really receptive to that they want to know, and there's so much to absorb in this world and our media's news cycle and all of that. So if we have those answers, they're like, yes, please, please let us know. And we will continue the conversation.


    David Roth  34:10

    Yeah, it's like a client wanting to give to a charity, we can go out there and check out your charity evaluation tools, and you go, Wow, this charity really is taking every dollar you give them maybe a penny or two, and it goes to the boots on the ground for the activity that it's about. That's what we need an ESG. That's what your tool allows us to do is we're able to say, let's drill into this and find out what is it. And then when those holdings keep popping up on all those different values that the client wants. We may not know what the symbol or the ticker is, but we know what the values are that it's getting alerted. And we're able to say it hit on 28 out of 300. Is that enough for us to change or it may just be it hit on one that one hit may be enough for us to move and divest or invest depending on what the criteria is we're looking at. So the facts because otherwise we can't look at the data and the industry and the commodity and what's going on the world and understand what Responding to clients lives, we have to rely on services and tools to allow us to bring those all together for the clients and act as the quarterbacks if you will, for their financial futures.


    Gabe Rissman  35:11

    Love it. We are running up on time. The last question that I have is your thoughts on where ESG is headed?


    Michelina Roth  35:21

    Well, I mean, I think the movement is just gonna continue to grow. It gives me a lot of hope, I think hope is really the most, the most promising thing we can do for our world. So I see it growing.


    David Roth  35:36

    So I'm gonna take it back to where it started. For me, high school in Germany. There were beer purity laws there that I was 17 That shouldn't have known about, but I knew about, and they're still there now. And you don't have to go to Germany and get a certified beer. It's just the way it is. There's just this is how you do beer. And you can do it the right way. I think ESG is going to get that point where it's not going to worry about greenwashing and this tool. It's just we do it the right way. So we need to live on our planet the right way, and stop looking for all these things that tell us, here's how you act. We know how to act, we just need to do it. So I think it's just going to continue to grow.


    Michelina Roth  36:15

    And I think people want that more and more. I mean, I think it's really exciting to see this movement growing and I think it holds a lot of answers for our planet.


    Gabe Rissman  36:25

    Love it. So hey, you said that if people want to reach out they should. They should contact you. What's the best way to do that?


    David Roth  36:31

    email. Go to the website fair planet advisors or info at fair planet advisors. put your questions in. We'll share what we know.


    Gabe Rissman  36:41

    Thank you so much for joining me today. I really appreciate this conversation. I learned a lot actually again, and love to hear your stories to that they're sort of really incredible.


    Michelina Roth  36:51

    Thank you, Gabe. It's so nice to talk to you. We appreciate so much what you're doing


    David Roth  36:54

    need to get a sax player in your background Miles is good. But you know alto tenor sax, that's the way to go.


    Gabe Rissman  37:00

    You're playing you're talking about heartstrings right now. I grew up playing trumpet. I got this poster. Oh, I'll move the camera a little showing Miles Davis, for my Bar Mitzvah is Bar Mitzvah gift. I was a trumpet player. And the only reason why I was a trumpet player is I couldn't make the sound on the read. But I am such a big fan of the saxophone. I have so much sax envy. It's, it's why


    David Roth  37:22

    you're gonna love this third or fourth grade. I'm at school in Pittsburgh and they'd have the band people come out. I'm like, I want to play trumpet. And they put my mouth on trumpet like, Oh, you're gonna play a sax. I'm like, I want to play trumpet. So I played sax through college and all that. And so a little bit of a ying and yang there.


    Gabe Rissman  37:40

    Yeah, that's what is the opposite situation. So who's your favorite trumpet player


    David Roth  37:46

    than trumpet? I don't really like him. I'm all sax now. All right, Mr. Wood. You are right.


    Gabe Rissman  37:58

    It's pretty well send me some of your favorite hits because I'm always looking for new Stax music, so that'd be great.


    David Roth  38:07

    Sounds good? Yeah, I listen to a lot of day Sandborn so you might get some of that.


    Gabe Rissman  38:10

    Sounds good. Thank you so much for joining.


    David Roth  38:14

    But see you bye bye.

    Recent Episodes from YourStake, YourStory

    Ep 20: Hospicing the Old, Midwifing the New: Building the Financial Future with Angela Barbash, CSRIC, CoFounder & CEO at ReValue Investments

    Ep 20: Hospicing the Old, Midwifing the New: Building the Financial Future with Angela Barbash, CSRIC, CoFounder & CEO at ReValue Investments

    Revalue is a values-driven investment firm founded in 2013 by Angela Barbash, an experienced investment advisor with over 20 years of service. The firm's mission is to assist individuals in aligning their finances with their values by divesting from the extractive economy and investing in the regenerative economy.

    Revalue focuses on providing investment options in the public markets that support impact-oriented communities and organizations. They work closely with clients to identify their desired impacts and narrow down their investment preferences, including the type of organizations, investment structures, and specific impact areas such as community development, renewable energy, or local businesses.

    Taking a partnership approach, Revalue offers proactive due diligence on investment opportunities. They maintain a data room where clients can access information on funds, community investment funds, and other vetted investments. Additionally, Revalue encourages clients to scout for direct investments in their communities, such as local businesses or projects. The firm provides guidance and support in evaluating these opportunities to ensure they align with the client's investment policy statement and risk tolerance.

    Revalue's approach to values-driven investing goes beyond traditional financial metrics. They prioritize qualitative factors and impact metrics, allowing clients to invest in line with their values and contribute to the transition from the extractive economy to the regenerative economy.

    With a team of eight employee-owners, Revalue has experienced significant growth and serves a diverse client community, including accredited high net worth investors, institutional investors, and non-accredited wealth builders. Over the past decade, they have educated thousands of individuals, and currently have nearly 200 clients in their community.

    Revalue's success in aligning finances with values has inspired other advisors in the industry. To support this growing interest, Revalue recommends starting with a small group of highly motivated clients to beta test their approach and gain valuable experience. They also emphasize the importance of joining peer-to-peer learning communities within the industry to share due diligence efforts and learn from one another.

    In conclusion, Revalue is a pioneering values-driven investment firm that assists clients in aligning their finances with their values. Through a partnership approach, they help clients divest from the extractive economy and invest in the regenerative economy. By prioritizing impact metrics and qualitative factors, Revalue enables clients to make investments that reflect their values and contribute to positive change in their communities.

    Revalue assists clients in divesting from public markets and investing in impact-oriented opportunities in the private community markets. They believe in aligning clients' finances with their values and helping them make a positive impact through their investments.

    When clients express interest in divestment and reinvestment into regenerative finance and the local economy, Revalue starts by assessing their risk tolerance and building an investment policy statement (IPS). The IPS helps identify the appropriate percentage of the portfolio that can be allocated to impact investments, ensuring clients are comfortable with the level of risk involved.

    Revalue offers two tracks for clients to explore. Some clients already have knowledge about divestment and impact investing and come to Revalue specifically for their expertise in these areas. Others may have personal finance questions and needs and are looking for a values-aligned advisor. For the latter group, the concept of divestment may be new, and Revalue educates them on the possibilities and benefits.

    The next step is to narrow down the scope of the impact investments based on the clients' preferences. Revalue helps clients target the specific impacts they want to have, such as investing in solar energy or supporting local food systems. This process helps clients navigate the vast array of offerings in the private markets and makes it more manageable.

    Revalue has a partnership approach with their clients. They proactively look for investment opportunities like community investment funds and CDFI notes, which they include in their data rooms for clients to review. On the other hand, clients are encouraged to be scouts for direct investments, such as local businesses or projects in their communities. Revalue provides guidance and due diligence support to ensure that these investments align with the clients' IPS parameters.

    Revalue's approach to impact investing in the private community markets differs from the traditional focus on quarterly earnings and benchmarking against the S&P 500. They take a more qualitative approach, considering the broader impacts and outcomes of the investments. This approach allows clients to make investments that align with their values and contribute to the transition from an extractive economy to a regenerative one.

    For advisors interested in incorporating impact-oriented opportunities in the private community markets, Revalue suggests starting with a beta group of highly motivated clients. This group can help test the process and provide valuable feedback. Revalue also recommends joining peer-to-peer learning communities like Rad Planners or attending conferences like ESG for Impact to connect with other advisors and share due diligence efforts.

    Overall, Revalue's mission is to assist clients in divesting from public markets and investing in impact-oriented opportunities in the private community markets. They believe in the power of aligning finances with values and are dedicated to helping clients make a positive impact through their investments.

    Revalue, as highlighted in the podcast episode, places great emphasis on assessing clients' risk tolerance and developing an investment policy statement (IPS) to guide their impact investments. This approach ensures that clients' values and financial goals are aligned and that their investments are tailored to their specific needs.

    When clients express interest in divesting and investing in impact-oriented communities, Revalue begins by assessing their risk tolerance. This assessment goes beyond just their financial ability to take risks and also considers their emotional risk tolerance. By understanding clients' risk tolerance, Revalue can determine the appropriate allocation of their portfolio towards impact investments.

    The next step in the process is the development of an investment policy statement. This statement outlines the percentage of the overall portfolio that is suitable for impact investments and sets the direction for the client's investment strategy. In some cases, the IPS may also serve as a destination point, outlining the desired composition of the portfolio in the future.

    Revalue recognizes that impact investments in the private markets can be overwhelming due to the diverse range of offerings and the lack of organization in this space. To address this, Revalue takes a partnership approach with its clients. They proactively search for investment opportunities such as community investment funds and CDFI notes, which they then make available to their clients. On the other hand, clients are encouraged to act as scouts for direct investments, such as local businesses or projects in their communities. Revalue provides guidance and due diligence support to clients as they explore these opportunities.

    Throughout the process, Revalue acknowledges that knowledge and savviness about investing are not determined by wealth or income. They approach each client with an open mind, recognizing that clients may come from diverse backgrounds and levels of financial literacy. Education and a learning journey are key components of Revalue's approach, ensuring that clients have a solid understanding of impact investing and are empowered to make informed decisions.

    Overall, Revalue's emphasis on assessing risk tolerance and developing an investment policy statement reflects their commitment to aligning clients' values with their financial goals. By tailoring impact investments to each client's unique needs and providing ongoing support and education, Revalue aims to empower clients to make meaningful and impactful investment choices.

    Ep 19: Harnessing unique data to develop competitive advantages with Bill Davis, Founder & Portfolio Manager at Stance Capital

    Ep 19: Harnessing unique data to develop competitive advantages with Bill Davis, Founder & Portfolio Manager at Stance Capital

    Welcome to the latest episode of "Your Stake, Your Story," in this episode we welcomed Bill Davis, the founder of Stance Capital. With our co-founder and host, Gabe Rissman, the discussion navigates through Bill's unique career path, which spans from the direct mail industry to renewable energy, ultimately leading to his groundbreaking work in applying complex data models to ESG investing. His expertise sheds light on the intricate dynamics of the ESG landscape, and the challenges and triumphs in aligning investment strategies while finding ways to incorporate values without compromise into the portfolio-building process.

    "You can't scale an industry if you're offering concessionary returns. It was sort of like you're not going to maybe make as much as you otherwise would, but you're going to sleep a lot better at night. But if you really want to scale it, you have to prove that it's free. So that has always been what we have been trying to prove.” - Bill Davis

    This episode also delves into Bill’s strategic innovations in developing new investment products that synergize the benefits of both private and public market investing. The conversation encompasses the pivotal role of major corporations in global decarbonization efforts and the influential impact of public markets in fostering sustainable investment practices. Furthermore, Mr. Davis discusses his unique approach to ESG data analysis in building out material risk factors in his strategies.

    Key Points of the Episode:

    • Finding the thread of Bill’s Career Path from the direct mail business to Stance Capital and discussing the through line between.
    • Data-Driven Decision Making: Learn about Davis's approach to leveraging data across different sectors, emphasizing his innovative methods in informed decision-making within ESG investing.
    • The Role of using both Private and Public market investing as tools to generate impact for clients.
    • He shares his thesis for starting Stance Capital and how that’s changed over time and how the ESG conversation has shifted in the last few years.

    Watch the full video: https://youtu.be/ktwmH1JzEpM

    About Stance Capital

    Stance Capital specializes in quantitative ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) asset management and research. They are a Boston-based Registered Investment Advisor, and their clients are individuals, families, endowments, and institutions. They also build products for other investment firms under research and sub-advisory agreements.

    Stance Capital took a critical evaluation of the ESG industry and found three key flaws that we aim to solve:

    1. Ethical Consistency: Aligning capital with client values is generally not being done in a thoughtful or consistent manner
    2. Value for fees: Many PMs are NOT adequately active for the level of fees they generate
    3. Risk Management: Risk efficiency is arguably a large source of out-performance that is not properly implemented

    Given the rise of disclosure of ESG metrics Stance can take advantage of advances in big data, distributed cloud computing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to help their clients achieve their investment objectives. They have built a fully data-driven and systematic approach to Investing that gives quantifiable impact and performance metrics for their clients.

    About Bill Davis:

    Bill Davis is Founder & Portfolio Manager at Stance Capital. Prior to forming Stance Capital, LLC, Mr. Davis was co-founder and Managing Director of Empirical Asset Management, and Portfolio Manager on EAM Sustainable Equity, a strategy he launched in 2014. Prior to co-founding Empirical, he was the founder and CEO of Ze-gen, a venture and private equity backed renewable energy company. Mr. Davis received a B.A. from Connecticut College, and his career in business has included serving as CEO or founder of numerous companies including: Database Marketing Corporation in 1986, Holland Mark in 1997, and Cambridge Brand Analytics in 2003. He is Vice Chair of Impact Infrastructure, LLC, and serves on not-for-profit boards of Ceres and Seven Hills Global Outreach. He is a founding member of the President’s Council of Ceres. Mr. Davis has taught at Columbia University Center for Environmental Research and Conservation, and guest lectured at Harvard College, Harvard Business School, MIT, MIT/Sloan, Vanderbilt, and Boston University. Mr. Davis holds a Series 65.

    To learn more about Bill Davis and Stance Capital:

    Bill Davis LinkedIn

    Stance Capital

    Stance Performance

    Hennessy Stance ESG ETF

    Earth Day Special! Ep. 16 - Are your portfolios tobacco free? - ft. Rebecca Brown CFP, of Tobacco Free Portfolios

    Earth Day Special! Ep. 16 - Are your portfolios tobacco free? - ft. Rebecca Brown CFP, of Tobacco Free Portfolios

    [00:02:31] Financial advisors and tobacco-free. [00:04:35] Tobacco's unsustainable impact. [00:08:42] Youth and tobacco industry marketing. [00:13:21] Harmful effects of smoking. [00:17:48] Tobacco-free finance pledge. [00:22:20] ESG ratings for tobacco companies. [00:26:31] Tobacco-free investing.

    Ep. 15 - Being financial activists - ft. Maureen Maguire, CFP, AIF, and Vanessa Jilot, CFP, CRPC, of Terra Blue Wealth Management

    Ep. 15 - Being financial activists - ft. Maureen Maguire, CFP, AIF, and Vanessa Jilot, CFP, CRPC, of Terra Blue Wealth Management

    In this episode of Your Stake Your Story, we are joined by Maureen Maguire, CFP, AIF, and Vanessa Jilot, CFP, CRPC, the founders of Terra Blue Wealth Management, an ESG-only wealth management firm. 

    Together they discuss how they met and founded Terra Blue, how they look at ESG investing, the role of activism and politics in investing, and share their experiences serving clients across wide generation gaps to accomplish the same goal: protect the planet, and have a strong financial future.

    In this episode, Gabe, Vanessa, and Maureen discuss:

    • How Maureen and Vanessa tackle ESG investing with different generations of clients
    • How social justice and activism are core to their work
    • Debunking the ESG performance myth
    • How values-based investing is emerging as a component of their practice

    About YourStake Your Story:

    The YourStake, YourStory podcast is designed to amplify voices in the financial industry who are leading the charge for socially responsible investing practices.

    Each episode, we are joined by experts in the field to hear their stories about what brought them into the industry, why they are passionate about ESG and values-based investing, and much more.


    Terra Blue Asset Management

    Maureen Maguire, CFP, AIF LinkedIn

    Vanessa Jilot, CFP, CRPC LinkedIn


    YourStake, YourStory Podcast Home

    YourStake, YourStory
    enApril 05, 2023

    Ep. 14 - How aware of investment harm are you? - ft. Marco Vangelisti, CFA, founder of EK4T

    Ep. 14 - How aware of investment harm are you? - ft. Marco Vangelisti, CFA, founder of EK4T

    When Marco Vangelisti first started in finance, he was part of a Quant Team using performance analysis tools and optimization packages for Wall Street portfolio managers. 

    Soon after, Marco managed investment equity portfolios on behalf of large foundations and endowments focused and was part of a $20 Billion emerging market equities, long-only, strategy that had the best 10-year track record at the time, and outperformed their index by 13%. His model worked, and the team delivered fantastic returns to his clients, including environmental foundations.

    However, as time went on and Marco explored the stocks behind the portfolio, he saw an emerging trend that didn’t sit right with him. While some stocks delivered high performance, it was mainly derived from the destruction of animal habitats and the natural world. 

    When he had a conversation with the CIO of an environmental foundation and shared that the palm oil company delivered the high returns had in fact destroyed a habit of Orangutans, the CIOs response was that he was focused on the investment side of the foundation and his task was to protect the assets, not the planet.

    That was a wake-up call for Marco where he felt there was something fundamentally wrong with the way finance works and led him to shift gears, divest from stocks that created harm, and start the slow money movement.

    Since leaving his portfolio management life behind in 2009, Marco set out on a mission to be a 100% aware and no-harm investor with a longstanding commitment to Positive and Restorative investing. He is a founding member of the Slow Money movement  and is on the leadership team of Slow Money Northern California since 2020.

    In this episode, Marco and Gabe discuss:

    • Marco’s awakening moment of being part of a highly successful Quant team to understanding the trade-off of high returns to the environmental impact at the time.
    • The complexity of ESG investing and the shift to no-harm investing, and restorative investing.
    • Explain and explore unaware, reduced risk, no harm, positive, and restorative investing styles.
    • Why transparency into investments is key to understanding how they bring about change and positive impact.
    • How consumer change is easier at the product level versus portfolio change, but tackling investments is more impactful
    • The future of no harm and positive investing in the near and far future, and why there is a massive transformation coming.

    About YourStake Your Story:

    The YourStake, YourStory podcast is designed to amplify voices in the financial industry who are leading the charge for socially responsible investing practices.

    In each episode, we are joined by experts in the field to hear their stories about what brought them into the industry, why they are passionate about ESG and values-based investing, and much more.

    Resources and Links Mentioned in the Episode:

    EK4T's website: https://ek4t.com/

    EK4T’s investment classification course: https://ek4t.com/classification/

    The upcoming MQU course: https://www.mqre.org/events/2023-towards-aware-and-values-centered-investing/

    CNote: https://www.mycnote.com/

    RSF Social Finance: https://rsfsocialfinance.org/

    To learn more about us:


    YourStake, YourStory Podcast Home

    Ep. 13 - How to serve a diverse set of clients and advisors through strong data, and comprehensive manager due diligence - ft. Fabian Willskytt, Associate Director at Align Impact

    Ep. 13 - How to serve a diverse set of clients and advisors through strong data, and comprehensive manager due diligence - ft. Fabian Willskytt, Associate Director at Align Impact
    Fabian is an Associate Director at Align Impact, leading public markets research primarily across areas of fund manager selection and due diligence, leading reporting on financial and impact factors, and finally leading portfolio construction and implementation of client portfolios for both clients and B2B partners. Listen to Fabian and Gabe discuss the important area of Fund Manager Due Diligence, how to utilize engagement as a way to drive change, and how firm commitments to ESG topics can lead to greater management for investment products. In this episode, Fabian and Gabe discuss: How Fabian got into this industry after a volunteer trip to Ghana Examining the complexity of data in ESG ratings The process to bring values into clients and businesses portfolios Accessing how the new regulations across ESG investing will help set up stronger reporting and comparison between investments.

    Ep. 12 - An often overlooked mega-trend: Planet-based proteins - ft. Elysabeth Alfano, CEO, VegTech Invest

    Ep. 12 - An often overlooked mega-trend: Planet-based proteins - ft. Elysabeth Alfano, CEO, VegTech Invest


    Elysabeth Alfano, CEO of VegTech, is the fund manager and advisor to the world’s only plant-based ETF, EATV. She is driven and passionate about addressing climate change in a matter of years not decades. Often, many reports say we have till 2050, but she argues that we need to look at 2030 as the date we need new systems in plate to reap the existential rewards by 2050. 

    While many issues related to climate change like renewable energy and green transportation are imperative to a healthier planet, looking at how agriculture contributes 14.5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, according to the United Nations is an area many aren’t considering and this sector is ripe for disruption. 

    Listen to Elizabeth and Gabe discuss this hidden mega-trend that can help create a meaningful impact on our planet and learn about how our agriculture industry connects to food security, the global supply chain, public health, and animal welfare.

    In this episode, Elysabeth and Gabe discuss:

    • The growing issue of how to create more food in a shorter amount of time while causing less damage to our planet
    • How raising 80 billion animals affects issues of land management and our own health.
    • How alternative proteins are created and why using fermentation and fungi creates massive amounts of proteins with low resource use.
    • How to bring planet-based innovation into client portfolios and how to talk about its impact on the environment

    Ep. 11 - How beekeeping brought me into ESG investing- ft. Jonathan Kvasnik, ChFC of Cherokee Investment Services

    Ep. 11 - How beekeeping brought me into ESG investing- ft. Jonathan Kvasnik, ChFC of Cherokee Investment Services

    Beekeeping also created an opportunity for clients of his to shift investments into ESG funds, every year, Jon would give each client a small jar of his honey, and there sparks a curiosity around how the honey was made, sharing ideas on how bees connect to the environment, societies and even governance bring clients to say, “I like this idea and I didn’t think I could put money into issues that I care about, so how can I make this work?”

    For many clients, starting a conversation around do they want ESG is not an impactful lens to apply for investing, but having conversations framed around what they cared about and what they were interested in was far more impactful and helpful in guiding investment decisions with their portfolio. In fact, Jon’s alignment of values with portfolios allowed them to enhance and reinforce what clients already were doing. 

    With the massive growth in data around ESG investing, he’s able to find investments that align with his clients' values. Jon explains it as “If there’s a certain bank and they’re not doing the governance the way we like it, maybe they’re opening fake accounts or behaving in fraudulent ways, I can search for 50 other banks, and all we have to do is look at the data and find out if one of them is equal in their performance, but smarter in the way that their culture works and their governance.” Jon finds himself helping to create personalized portfolios with his clients by leaning on good ESG data and a strong understanding of what his clients find most important to their investment alignment.

    Listen to the full episode, as Jon and Gabe discuss:

    • Prospecting new clients using a small jar of homemade honey
    • Building better conversations around ESG investing by talking about client’s gardens and how they’re looking for new steps to engage with bettering the world
    • Using ESG data to find investment opportunities without the need to compromise on returns
    • Understanding client preferences and thresholds for company actions and how to utilize tools to build the right portfolio for them

    About YourStake Your Story:

    YourStake aims to provide advisors with everything they need to understand ESG issues, analyze portfolios, and report to clients. We want to equip you with the underlying data and analysis tools to navigate ESG. The YourStake, YourStory podcast is designed to amplify voices in the financial industry who are leading the charge for socially responsible investing practices.

    Each episode, we are joined by experts in the field to hear their stories about what brought them into the industry, why they are passionate about ESG and values-based investing, and much more.


    YourStake, YourStory
    enSeptember 21, 2022