
    You’ve Been Warned, The Second Amendment Under Attack (Ep 1496)

    enApril 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Skepticism towards Biden's abilities and the need for a 'BS counter'Biden's speech raised concerns, leading to discussions on his abilities and the importance of fact-checking. Online privacy was also emphasized, with ExpressVPN recommended.

      During the latest episode of The Dan Bongino Show, the host and his team discussed Joe Biden's recent speech and the need for a "BS counter" due to the numerous false claims made. Bongino shared his skepticism towards Biden's abilities, suggesting he might be dopey, a liar, or cognitively impaired. The team also highlighted the importance of online privacy and encouraged listeners to use ExpressVPN to secure their data. Additionally, Bongino announced he would be filling in for Jesse Watters on the upcoming Saturday show and expressed his thoughts on Prince Philip's passing and the upcoming royal family drama.

    • The Second Amendment is not absoluteThe Second Amendment allows for certain restrictions, such as denying firearms to specific individuals and requiring background checks for purchases from licensed dealers.

      The Second Amendment, like all constitutional rights, is not absolute. The ongoing debate around gun control measures does not infringe upon this right, as certain restrictions have been in place since its inception. For instance, certain people were not allowed to bear arms. Regarding the gun show loophole, despite its frequent mention by politicians like Joe Biden and liberal Democrats, it does not exist in law. Instead, background checks are required when purchasing firearms from licensed dealers. The misconception arises due to private sales at gun shows, which do not involve background checks. However, these transactions account for a small percentage of overall gun transfers. It's crucial to separate fact from fiction in the ongoing gun control discourse to make informed decisions.

    • Universal background checks not solely for reducing gun violenceUniversal background checks may not effectively reduce gun violence and could be used to create a list of gun owners potentially for confiscation

      The push for universal background checks by some liberals is not primarily about reducing gun violence, but about creating a comprehensive list of gun owners. Criminals, who are the primary perpetrators of gun violence, do not abide by background checks. Thus, universal background checks would not effectively address the issue. Instead, the ultimate goal appears to be to have a list of gun owners, which could potentially be used for confiscation. This perspective challenges the common belief that universal background checks are solely intended to prevent gun violence.

    • Misconceptions about Gun Shows and Firearm TransfersGun shows are not exempt from federal background check requirements for firearm transfers. Private sales between individuals may not require checks, but only within specific states.

      There is no gun show loophole when it comes to firearm transfers. Commercial transactions require federal background checks, while private transfers only need them if conducted within specific states. Gun shows are not exempt from these rules. The ongoing discussion about this issue often involves misconceptions, such as the "gun show loophole" and the "fire in a crowded movie theater" analogy. These misconceptions are not based on facts and only serve to confuse the issue. It's essential to understand the actual rules regarding firearm transfers to have an informed discussion about gun control policies.

    • The 'fire in a crowded movie theater' analogy is a misconceptionThe misuse of the 'fire in a crowded movie theater' analogy by politicians to restrict free speech and gun rights is inaccurate and misleading, as the real legal restriction is that speech must incite imminent lawless action.

      The analogy of "fire in a crowded movie theater" is a common misconception when it comes to discussing free speech and gun rights. This analogy, popularized by the Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, was never actual law and was overturned decades ago. The real restriction on free speech, as outlined in the Brandenburg v. Ohio case, is that speech must incite imminent lawless action. The repeated use of the "fire in a movie theater" analogy by politicians like Joe Biden, despite knowing it's inaccurate, is misleading and an attempt to manipulate public opinion. It's essential to understand the actual legal framework surrounding free speech and gun rights, rather than relying on outdated and inaccurate analogies.

    • Startmail prioritizes user privacy with email encryption and anonymous aliasesStartmail encrypts every email and offers unlimited anonymous aliases to protect user privacy, unlike some free email services that sell user data.

      Startmail is a secure email service that prioritizes user privacy. It encrypts every email, keeping personal information safe even if the recipient doesn't use encryption. Startmail uses its own servers and offers unlimited anonymous aliases to protect users' identities from spam and phishing attacks. Unlike some free email services, Startmail does not sell user data. The assault weapons ban that existed from 1994 to 2004, as advocated by President Biden, did not significantly reduce mass shootings, according to evidence. The ban did not effectively ban assault weapons and there are more guns in circulation today than before the ban. These facts underscore the importance of Startmail's commitment to user privacy and the need for individuals to take control of their personal information.

    • Two-tiered society and unequal opportunitiesThe debate over gun control raises concerns about equal opportunities and individual rights, with potential for infringement on constitutional principles.

      The discussion highlights the concern over the potential creation of a two-tiered society, where certain groups face discrimination and unequal access to opportunities. The example given was the practice of HR hiring managers rejecting job applicants based on their support for former President Trump. This goes against the fundamental principles of a constitutional republic, where everyone is supposed to have equal access to the same opportunities. Another topic touched upon was the debate over gun control, specifically the effectiveness and constitutionality of gun confiscation and assault weapons bans. The speaker argued that there is no substantial evidence to support the claim that such measures reduce gun violence or gun ownership. Instead, they may serve to further attach citizens to the government and infringe upon their individual rights.

    • Unequal Immigration System: Concerns over National Security and FairnessThe current US immigration system allows for unequal treatment, with legal citizens undergoing rigorous checks but illegal immigrants potentially flying without proper documentation, raising national security concerns and questions of fairness.

      The current immigration system in the United States appears to be unequal and inconsistent. While legal citizens and residents go through extensive background checks and identification processes to fly domestically, illegal immigrants can reportedly fly without proper documentation. This raises concerns about national security and the fairness of the system. Additionally, the President's support for boycotts in different contexts, such as Atlanta and China, highlights the complexity and potential hypocrisy in applying principles of equality and fairness.

    • U.S. decides against Beijing Olympics boycott despite concernsThe U.S. won't boycott the Beijing Olympics due to human rights concerns, but there have been calls for boycotts in the past based on race and political ideology. A relief band using nerve stimulation to alleviate nausea was also discussed.

      Despite concerns over human rights violations and potential military action by China, the U.S. State Department has decided against a Beijing Olympics boycott. Meanwhile, there have been calls for boycotting Atlanta due to its majority black population, and some have suggested a separate "Communist" line at the TSA. The discussion also touched on the importance of recognizing accomplishments and wins, even in challenging times, and the introduction of a relief band for nausea relief. The technology behind the relief band was developed over 20 years ago in hospitals and uses a nerve stimulation to block the signal from the brain that causes nausea.

    • Discussing the effectiveness of The Relief Band and a discount offerThe Relief Band is an effective over-the-counter wearable device for treating nausea and vomiting, currently offering a discount with promo code Bongino on its website.

      The Relief Band is an effective over-the-counter wearable device used for treating nausea and vomiting, which has been used in hospitals and oncology clinics. It's currently offering a discount with the promo code Bongino on its website, reliefband.com. The discussion also touched on Hunter Biden's laptop controversy, where Hunter Biden is denying ownership of the laptop despite evidence of his signature and emails on it. The speaker, Dan Bongino, finds it suspicious and encourages viewers to check out the evidence for themselves. Additionally, Bongino mentioned that people send him a lot of gizmos and shared some of them in the podcast. Lastly, he mentioned an article in The American Spectator about fans tuning out on "woke sports." Despite the challenges in the country, Bongino emphasized the importance of not being depressed all the time and focusing on the good things happening.

    • Long-term damage to sports viewershipSocial and political issues have caused a significant portion of fans to tune out of sports, and the damage is predicted to be long-term, potentially turning sports into niche interests

      The speaker believes the damage to sports viewership, particularly in the NFL and MLB, is a long-term problem due to social and political issues. He believes that a significant portion of fans have tuned out and will never return, despite their previous obsession with sports. The speaker also expresses his personal disappointment that his children have not developed the same emotional connection to sports that he did growing up. He predicts that the sports will continue to lose viewers and may eventually become niche interests, similar to bar darts. The speaker also discusses the ongoing efforts to improve voter integrity measures in various states, which he sees as a positive development.

    • The Power of Forgiveness and GraceAmidst adversity, forgiveness and grace bring healing and hope. Brant's story of forgiving the woman who killed his brother inspires us to extend mercy and compassion.

      Even in the face of adversity and tragedy, the power of forgiveness and grace can bring healing and hope. The story of Brant John forgiving the woman who killed his brother, Botham, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of extending mercy and compassion, even to those who have caused harm. Despite the ongoing fight against election fraud and the need for continued vigilance, it's essential to celebrate small wins and moments of grace and forgiveness that remind us of the best in humanity. The speaker encourages everyone to watch the full video of Brant's testimony for a truly inspiring and emotional experience. In a world that can often be divisive and filled with anger, the message of forgiveness and grace is a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion.

    • Ask local radio stations to carry Dan Bongino's new radio showListeners can request their local radio stations to broadcast Dan Bongino's new radio show starting May 24th, while the podcast will continue on various apps like Spotify, Amazon Music, and TuneIn.

      Dan Bongino's new radio show is starting on May 24th and listeners are encouraged to reach out to their local radio stations to ask if they will carry the show. The radio show will air from 12 noon to 3 p.m. Eastern time every day, and the podcast will continue as well. Bongino will be able to take calls and do live guests on the radio show. He will also be filling in for Jesse on APM Saturday at 7 p.m. Eastern time. Unfortunately, the Google Podcasts app is going away this spring, but listeners can still enjoy the show on other apps like Spotify, Amazon Music, or TuneIn. Be sure to follow the show on your preferred app to never miss an episode.

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