
    10th Rule Books podcast

    An old school radio serial featuring fast moving, bad-ass, pulp fiction that skips the boring parts. Crime fiction, Horror and Sci-Fi or sometimes all three delivered for your listening pleasure.
    enTodd Morr51 Episodes

    Episodes (51)

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “What are you doing?” Janet asked as she pushed the pistol so it was aiming at the floor.

    “I’m making sure we both don’t end up as lion food.”

    “He doesn’t mean anything by it, he’s a lion acting like a lion.”

    “Yeah? Well, I’m a man acting like a man. Men like to shoot things, especially things that see them as food.”

    This episode feature's the conclusion of Bodie Myer's Death Chick 666 and in The Lion, the Bitch, and the War on Everyone it's a choice between big guns or big teeth for Janet and Big.

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “What about me?” 

    “Maybe you shouldn’t have volunteered to teach redneck Andy Warhol how to make the lion eat us."

    It's time for some horror and Bodie Myers is bringing it in part one of Death Chick 666.

    Chucky the lion gets in on the action and Felix finds himself in some trouble int he next installment of The Lion, The Bitch, and the War on Everyone.

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “What did you do in the circus, little man? Were you a clown?”

    “Last guy who called me a clown got punched in the dick.”

    “Then what?”

    “I was never in the circus, you Andy Warhol-looking piece of shit. I’m not here to do tricks or entertain your albino ass.  Before you ask, I don’t know Frodo, Snow White, or Santa Claus either, you skinny-ass, melatonin-lacking, freakshow.”

    “You are a nasty little man aren’t you?”

    “Take these things off my wrists and I’ll show you…”

    This week Todd Morr brings the late-night drive-thru noir with his story Alberto's and it's a visit to the lion's pit in The Lion, The Bitch, and the War on Everyone.

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “There’s a fence.”

    “Is it twelve feet tall?”




    “Does he have dogs?”

    “No, he hates them. He does have a lion.”

    “You told me, does it roam the grounds free?”


    “Does it bark?”

    “No, it’s a lion.”

    “I think Felix and I can handle a fence.”

    Bill Baber brings the grit and the vengeance with his flash fiction piece,  Darkness or Light, and shit gets blown up in the next chapter of The Lion, The Bitch, and the War on Everyone.


    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

    “Well, that can be arranged."

    “It can?”

    “Sure, we’ll hurt you first. Bad enough you won’t be worrying about her anymore.”

    “Come on…”

    “Don’t plead. You’re a fucking lion tamer for god’s sake, you should have nuts the size of basketballs.”

    Stratton pointed to Sapphire, “You don’t see her whining.”

    John Thompson guides us through the Dog Days and it's another explosive chapter of The Lion, The Bitch, and The War on Everyone.


    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “Just stay low, they won’t be looking for you.” 

    “Staying low is kind of my specialty.” 

    “You know what my specialty is Marco?” 


    “Shooting people who fuck with me in the face.”

    This week Scott Cumming seeks to influence the influencers in the most extreme way possible in his flash fiction piece Influence This.

    Janet and the crew have to do some improvising and take on a new partner in the next installment of The Lion, The Bitch, and The War on Everyone.

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “I’m not dressing like a clown.”

    “Of course you are. You’re a wanted fugitive. If you're going to get out of this RV and help me I can’t think of a better disguise.  It’s also the best way to get a second person insideHendrixe's place.”

    “So, I’m not just pretending to be a clown but a clown whore?”

    “I prefer clown escort.”

    This week Hector Duarte Jr. brings us a visit from Bunny the Cat and in part 5 of The Lion, The Bitch, and The War on Everyone Sinclair reveals his plan.

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “Are you implying I might be a pimp?”

    “Am I wrong?”

    “I might have made some suggestions and facilitated the process.”

    “You turned her out. You’re a goddamn clown pimp.”

    “You make it sound like a bad thing.”

    “Is there a way to make it sound like a good thing?”

    We've got Flash Fiction from the great Beau Johnson, which means Bishop Rider is in the house.

    Part two of The Lion, The Bitch, and The War on Everyone has Sinclair pitching his plans for a heist while two rogue bounty hunters put themselves into the mix.

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “He told me he didn’t kill my mom.” 

    “So? He’s a brain dead psychopath.” 

    “True, but why would he lie? He was proud of what he’d done.” 

    “I don’t know, I can’t think like a brain dead murdering psychopath.” 

    “Oh, I think you can. Throw greedy in there and I think it describes you perfectly.” 

    “Look, we’ve been through a lot here…” 

    The season finale has Tom Pitts returning with A Loaded Question and the shocking conclusion to The New Mexico Institute of Re-Animation.

    Do things get nasty and bloody? Hell yes.


    10th Rule Books Od School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Od School Radio Serial Podcast

    “Getting killed won’t save her,” Denise told him, “You don’t even know if she’s alive.” 

    “She might be, and I’m not leaving if she is.” 

    “She isn’t. Bandsaw Bobby Burke doesn’t take prisoners.” 

    “You don’t know that.” 

    “I kind of do, remember I did a ton of research so we could make it look right.” 

    This week Paul D. Brazil brings us some noir from the other side of the pond with Anger Management.

    It's a bloody good time in the lab as Bandsaw Bobby goes to work in the second to last installment of The New Mexico Institute of Re-Animation.

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “Damn I can’t feel it,” he said before pulling out a handful of partially digested flesh and tossing it to the side, “Bastards been stuffing himself with dead body parts all morning.”  

    “That’s disgusting.” 

    “You’re telling me,” he said as he reached in again, “Found something.” 

    Gloria turned to look as Duncan said, “Shit, it’s just Sally’s watch. It’s a nice one, do you want it?”

    “Uh, no.”

    This week Ryan Sayles brings some truly apocalyptic Flash FIction with Before They Died They Called Me God.

    Duncan and Gloria fight for their lives in part 10 of The New Mexico Institute of Re-animation.


    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “Are you going to cut off his head?” 

    “Yeah, this isn’t my first time dismembering someone. Remember?” 

    “I know, she was a lot thinner though.”

    James laughed as he worked the blade, saying, “Not that much thinner.” 

    Paul Heatley brings his twisted version of boy meets girl in Lady's Choice.

    In part 9 of The New Mexico Institute of Re-Animation James and Denise fight for their lives.

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    Bandsaw pointed at the holes again and once more asked, “Why?” 

    “Are you serious?” 

    Bandsaw pointed and asked, “Why?” 

    “You killed my mother,” Ashley told him, “You stalked her and took her then you dismembered her and spread her body all over town.” 


    Bodie Myers tells us what happens when a heist gone bad meets the supernatural in The Clerk.

    In the next chapter of The New Mexico Institute of Re-Animation, the newly risen dead continue to wreak havoc and Ashley learns a secret.

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    10th Rulle Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast


    “Find a weapon.” 

    “I don’t think he saw us.” 

    “Find one anyway.” 

    A Night at Swinging Dick's Saloon contributor Todd Morr brings the noir with Rock, Paper, Scissors.

    It's dead mobsters versus Ashley and family and live mobsters vs, the channel 7 crew while recently reanimated doctors and serial killers look to feast on everybody. All Hell is breaking loose this week at The New Mexico Institute of Re-Animation.

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “You said someone bit one bit you. Was it one of the re-animates?” 


    “You need to get to our infirmary or even better a hospital, as soon as possible.” 

    “No shit. I’m missing half my face,” Stick said as his skin began to tingle again. 

    “It’s not just that.”

    A Night at Swinging Dick's Saloon contributor Hector Duarte Jr. brings the flash fiction this week with a dark tale of teenage revenge by the name of Fish Hook.

    In part six of The New Mexico Institute of Re-Animation Stick learns the hard way what a re-animate bite does as the risen dead run amok.

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast

    “Should we call the cops?” 

    “Company policy forbids it unless we know definitively this is a law enforcement situation.” 

    “Someone shooting in the hallway doesn’t count?” 

    “Not here. We like to handle things in-house whenever possible. With the controversial nature of the company, it’s better to keep a low profile with the police.”

    This week Wolfgang Potterhouse brings some futuristic madness with his flash fiction piece Wires.

    In part five of The New Mexico Institute of Re-Animation all Hell breaks loose at as ravenous undead mobsters break loose and Bandsaw Bobby gets more people to kill and bring back to life.