
    21 tips for building resilience

    Over the past year, there was no getting away from being bombarded with information regarding the future world of work and how the technological advances, disruption and innovation it will bring, will acutely change the world we live in and definitely also the world we work in. As people are all different, some reacted to this with excited anticipation and others with mistrust and fear.

    Did you know that it takes roughly 21 days to form a new habit? We want to take some time to focus on learning new habits that will leave us being more alive, more aware, more open, and better able to manage ourselves in the future. Therefore, over the next 21 days, while we all have more time for reflection and analysis, we want to invite you to join us on a journey of self-awareness and management.
    enUkwanda (JVR Africa)11 Episodes

    Episodes (11)