
    7 Figures Secrets

    When we are old and on our death bed, we won't regret the things we did, we will regret the things we didn't do. When your 90 and not mobile, you can't start the business that dreamed of launching. You can't go back and create a life filled with freedom and possibilities. The journey to build a 7 Figures Empire is the only way to live a life on your terms with absolute freedom where anything you dream is possible. In this podcast you will learn from our mistakes and missteps how to build your own 7 Figures Empire. This podcast will share the secrets we have learned to create a 7 Figures Empire, a 7 Figures Life and a 7 Figures Family.
    en7 Figures Secrets23 Episodes

    Episodes (23)

    024: Patience & Persistance

    024: Patience & Persistance
    We live in a society of instant gratification. We can get anything we want, pretty much whenever we want. From information to groceries, anything can be ours without even lifting a finger. If you were driving home and wanted a new CD, you can purchase, download, and listen to the CD in a matter of minutes. If you wanted, you could order food online and it would arrive at your doorstep within minutes.

    This incredible access to goods and services has made us increasingly lazy. Why would we work for something when it can be placed directly in our hands by someone else?

    In this episode of Seven Figure Secrets, Mitch Plowman and Leo Kanell explain why breaking away from this mentality can lead to success.

    023 Your MVP

    023 Your MVP
    Your Minimum Viable Product. Are you a tinkerer? One of those people that just like to fiddle with things until they are "perfect." Then, once they are perfect there are always little things here and there that you can fix, adjust and restructure? If you are that person this episode is going to mean alot to you, because we talk about launching something, your most valuable product, your mvp.

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    021 Duplicate Yourself

    021 Duplicate Yourself
    Hiring and and scaling. These are some of the hardest trials that all entrepreneurs have to face. This goes for 100,000,000 dollar business and the smallest of teams. Today we chat about how to keep yourself from wearing all the hats and scaling in a way that promotes real growth; in not only you, but your company.

    This Episode is brought to you by seeyourscore.com
    Your credit report unlocks the door to personal and business opportunities. Knowing your credit score is essential, whether you’re looking for good interest rates on mortgages, cars, or credit card offers; applying for a job; or trying to secure business funding. Regularly monitoring your credit keeps you informed of potential errors or red flags affecting your score, allows you to know exactly what you qualify for when applying for loans or lines of credit, and brings any signs of identity theft or credit fraud to your attention.

    020 Rest and Recharge

    020 Rest and Recharge
    This week we go a little meta. Why are you doing the business that you are doing? Why are you working the 100 hour work weeks, 52 weeks a year? This episode we dive into the importance of knowing when and how to hustle, but maybe more importantly how and when and WHY to take a break. The balance of your life and the reason why you do when you do need to be looked at right in the face.

    Because, sometimes you need to take a break, allow the juices to flow again. This is not only important as a business person but also as a human being living in a social world.

    This Episode is brought to you by Fundwise Capital. Fundwise Capital helps entrepreneurs, start-ups, small business owners and real-estate investors secure the best funding they can qualify for, guaranteed. Go to fundwise.com today to harness the power of 0% capital to make your amazing business idea a reality. We are here to help you in achieve your fuel your 7 figure life by more than just podcasts, but in business as well. Call us for your free, no commitment consultation at: 88-741-0441

    019 Exercise

    019 Exercise
    This may seem simple, but it is these types of things that have changed my life. Today is just Leo again keeping everything moving steadily forward. We talk today about something we all know we should do but often don't. The same thing that irks us every time we look at the $500 treadmill sitting in the corner of our room, holding our hoodie and acting like a coatrack.

    Check it out, and enjoy this episode by Leo.



    018 Having a Vision

    018 Having a Vision
    “Begin with the end in mind” one of the 7 habits of highly effective people (see below). What is your vision and what are you doing to achieve it. Your overarching purpose should be the signpost that helps you effective make and achieve all your goals in your personal and public life. In this episode, Leo breaks down this highly important and foundational principle.


    017 The 7 Figure Secret Code

    017 The 7 Figure Secret Code
    Like a code of honor, the Seven Figure Code is something that helps us as entrepreneurs and businessmen and women forward. This code is how we build a tribe and community that also create a high level of self-improvement that actually goes to benefit our progression in whatever we are doing. This runs from meditation to goal setting, and it is this code that we want to talk about today.

    This is because out of the 28,000,000 business in the United States, more than 16,000,000 of them aren't going to make more than 40,000 in revenue in a year. So your ability to grow, and push yourself past your current self and curcumstances will be what sets you apart. And the first step, is getting yourself an office.
    7 Figures Secrets
    enApril 20, 2018

    016 Minimum Viable Product

    016 Minimum Viable Product
    Welcome back to 7 Figure Secrets. This is a wonderful episode where we talk about escaping paralysis by analysis and releasing that MVP, that Minimum Viable Product. Now we know that there are perfectionists out there who like to tinker and fiddle with things until they are 'ready' to be released out into the market. Mitch was one of those people in fact, but we have found the key to making a successful product or service is letting the market decide what the needed tweaks and changes that need to be made.

    Remember that learning how to market your product is not coming out with the best widget, but learning how to communicate to your market and sell them what they want. Moreover, in order to do this is by keeping a promise to yourself and your business, that is keeping a strict deadline to releasing that product, even if it is only in phase one or one barely variable. We talk about that today and more on this episode.

    015 Being a Business Owner and a Parent

    015 Being a Business Owner and a Parent
    We all want to live lives that would make our children proud, but sometimes when you have to balance work and raising children, no matter your circumstance, it can be difficult. Today we wanted to bring things back to that important foundation of family and raising children all while running a business. We try to give you the hacks and tools that we use, as we too work to live this 7 figure life.

    What are the non-negotiables in your life? How do you set them up and manage the all-important life in for family through setting up those boundaries in your life.

    This episode is brought to you by: seeyourscore.com Manage and monitor your credit.

    010 Failure is the Key to Getting Where You Want to Go

    010 Failure is the Key to Getting Where You Want to Go
    Steven Covey's 2nd key to being a successful person is "Beginning with the end in mind" That end for people is rarely making mistakes, falling down and often strewing up. However, as businessmen and women you need to fall down before you can rise and kill it.

    As Entrepreneurs we need to learn to yearn for mistakes, try to avoid them and learn from other people's mistakes, but use them to push forward toward a 7 figure life.

    009 How to Make 7 Figure Decisions

    009 How to Make 7 Figure Decisions
    The decisions that you make now will have a major effect on the person you become, and the business that you create. No matter what point you are at in your business, learning how to look forward and grow your life.

    The keyword that we continue to talk about this episode is trust. Trust yourself, trust your partners, and trust your processes, and trust your product.

    008 Future Based Cause

    008 Future Based Cause
    Business and personal success is largely predicated upon more than branding and more than just trying to take advantage of now. It is in large part to build and see things as they can be. You don't need to be able to see into the future, you don't need a seer. What you need is a cause, a future based cause that will carry you and your customers.

    We talk about this in detail and how it relates to price, freedom and power to move forward.