
    A Force For Good Podcast

    We are Scotland's foremost pro-UK campaign organisation. We publish high-quality, well-researched Podcast episodes to demonstrate the benefits of the British Union and to promote the United Kingdom as a Force For Good in the world.​

    While we highlight the dangers of separation, we focus on making positive arguments. Our work has developed a rich pro-UK philosophy that offers original insight into constitutional, economic, historical and cultural perspectives on the British Union.​

    It is important to appeal to hearts as well as minds, and this is central to our approach.
    enA Force For Good33 Episodes

    Episodes (33)

    The Carry-On Covid Political Pantomime

    The Carry-On Covid Political Pantomime
    A typically eclectic programme today covers so many bases in an Integrated British Way. We say, the plug has to be pulled on the "Carry On Covid" Nicola Sturgeon TV Show – her own political party broadcast every day; we speak about the relevance of the film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" to Covid Non-Conformism; we say thank goodness for the British Treasury; we note that Nats are eternally ungrateful - because it is only through being eternally ungrateful that they can push the cause of separation.

    Our 100% correct advice to the British Treasury is that if there is money to be spent in Scotland we need to build up the Scottish Office (the British Parliament in Scotland) again; and we need to spend money directly into the bank accounts of people and companies in Scotland - this must be over the heads of the SNP. Remember that the SNP will give you no credit for any British Taxpayer money spent in Scotland, whatsoever.

    Yet, the truth is that "the Union is the best insurance policy ever devised", something we need to keep saying!

    We point out that sheer noise often triumphs over considered logic and reason (Nicola's Carry On Covid Show enjoys Full Spectrum Dominance), hence the apparent SNP lead in the polls.
    We remember the importance of tourism from the rest of the United Kingdom for the Scottish economy, and we note the extent to which Scottish nationalism remains ignorant of that fact, even at the highest levels.

    Our amazing "Wee Book for the Union" is described (get your historic first issue before it sells out tonight). We speak about the importance of developing manufacturing in the UK in order to create quality jobs and pay off the debt which is accumulating; and in This Week in British History we speak about the Protestant Succession during the Glorious Revolution and its relevance to the Parliamentary Union of 1707; the wonderful Live Aid in 1985, and so much more!

    Mask Wearing Law in Scotland
    See Section 6B

    "There's nothing wrong with the air"
    'Close Encounters', clip

    Build Up the Scottish Office Again

    Royal Salute at Live Aid 13 July 1985

    Opening Song at Live Aid
    Rockin’ all over the World, by Status Quo

    Thin Red Line, by Saxon

    A Wee Book for the Union, available here

    AFFG Flag Badge, available here

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    Covid Conformism Scottish Unionist Speaks

    Covid Conformism Scottish Unionist Speaks
    Alistair McConnachie of Scottish Unionist group A Force For Good (AFFG) says we need opposition to Covid Conformity, including the sinister Mask-Wearing Law, because it is training us to obey Mother Sturgeon and to think of Scotland separately; we emphasise that the UK is one Nation, not "4 nations"; and we need to get this right if we are to keep our one Nation together, because reality is created by the words which come out of politician's mouths. We announce our new "Wee Book for the Union"; we speak about the dangers of the Hate Speech laws, which should just be wiped off the statute book; this week in British History, including the first Asian MP at Westminster (when do you think that was), and much more. This is our weekly "Saturday Street Stall" (4-7-20).

    If you like what we are doing, then we can only do this with the financial support of every one of you out there. 👉

    Please consider joining our fantastic monthly Union Supporters who are helping us do this, from £1.15 a week (£5 a month) at

    or monthly via PayPal or GoCardless here

    Union Supporters are entitled to request our quarterly, 8-page magazine Union Heart, and a free Union Heart enamel badge. They also receive an invite to our exclusive Union Social at the end of the year.

    ➡️or you can make a ONE-OFF contribution here

    Our AFFG pro-British T-shirts and Hoodies here:

    Badges, Flags, Shoppers, UJ Scarfs, Umbrellas, Posters, Books and more:

    Our new AFFG Flag Badge:

    'Statue Sunday': Glasgow Defends its Heritage

    'Statue Sunday': Glasgow Defends its Heritage
    Alistair McConnachie of British unionist group, A Force For Good (AFFG) says that "Statue Sunday" 14 June 2020 - the day when Glasgow stood up to defend its Statues in George Square - will go down in history; why many people have woken up but 'don't want to get out of bed'; why 'conscience is the virtue of the observer and not the agent of action'; why we should not condemn those who are doing something if we are doing nothing; why an organised minority will always beat a disorganised majority...and much more ESSENTIAL POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE.

    How Dare you Attack Glasgow's Founding Fathers

    How Dare you Attack Glasgow's Founding Fathers
    Podcast of Scottish Unionist group A Force For Good's Saturday Street Stall (6-6-20). We speak about the SNP's mania for "facemasks"; the absurdity of politically-correct "kneeling Secretarys"; MSP oddball who wants us to "stare down" people who don't wear masks; the obvious "racism" of the BLM movement; the importance of standing up for our Founding Fathers here in Glasgow; 5 ways to protect yourself against the politically-correct "enemy opposition" mainstream media; the coming week in British History; and so much more!