
    A Giant Leap of Faith

    This is a series of podcasts which explores the relationship between religion, science, and logic. It attempts to address the most common questions posed by people of doubt.
    enraida jarrar17 Episodes

    Episodes (17)

    Contradictions in Atheism

    Contradictions in Atheism
    Regardless of anyone's particular beliefs, all atheists share some from of denial for a Creator and Designer. This denial leads to many contradictions:
    Believing there is no design necessarily means believing in chance and randomness, which leads to adopting fantastical unproven hypothesis to explain order without a designer, rationality and intelligence from dumb irrational processes, life from dead matter, free choice for a creature with no purpose.
    Once you deny God you start treating universal laws selectively (e.g. yes to gravity, no to causation), adopting a stolen concept fallacy when you use causation to practice any empirical science but deny causation in the creation of the Universe and us.
    You cannot deny God, which is also denial of an objective source for morality, yet assume a higher moral ground and attack the morals of religious figures.
    To explain the fine-tuning which most scientists agree on, atheists need to practice self-deceit and non-scientific bias by attributing God-like creative qualities to dumb physical processes, such as natural selection, mother nature, gravity, etc. with no empirical evidence (what Lewontin and Gould call “just so” stories.)

    Quran Only/ Drop Hadith

    Quran Only/ Drop Hadith
    We hear a lot of talk nowadays about making do with the Quran and abandoning the prophetic tradition as a secondary source for Islam. The words Sunnah, Prophetic tradition, and Hadith in this video are used to refer to the preserved authenticated tradition of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
    This is part of a series to address contemporary issues for Muslims.
    If I got anything right, it is by the grace of God. I I got anything wrong, it is my mistake and I ask God, then you to forgive me.
    A Giant Leap of Faith
    enSeptember 29, 2019

    Why the Hijab?!....

    Why the Hijab?!....
    Why do Muslims have a dress code? Why do women cover their hair and not men? Isn't this oppression of women? Are women forced into Hijab? Isn't it behind the times?

    This is the second video of the Series: Life Situations and the Believer. It is inspired by the many questions on hair cover from Muslims and non-Muslims.

    This point of view is based on what I know of Islam. If it is correct, it is by the grace of God. If it is wrong, it is from myself and I ask your forgiveness.
    A Giant Leap of Faith
    enJuly 04, 2019

    Which is the right religion?

    Which is the right religion?
    This is part of the Series: A Giant Leap of Faith which discusses the relationship between faith, logic, and science.
    You believe in God, but you're confused by the many religions. Are you put off by organized religion? Should you follow your own path to God?
    The information in this video is from what I know of Islam. If I got anything right, it is by the Grace of God. If I made any mistakes, they are mine and I ask for your forgiveness.
    A Giant Leap of Faith
    enJuly 04, 2019

    DNA for kids

    DNA for kids
    The wonders of God's creation in the DNA: our body's blueprint, software, operating system, hardware manufacturer, and inspector - all in one.
    I have attempted to be as accurate as possible in the presentation of this material. What I got right is by the grace of God, what is wrong is my mistake and I ask God and ask you for forgiveness.
    A Giant Leap of Faith
    enJune 27, 2019

    Faith is for the Ambitious

    Faith is for the Ambitious
    This is part of the Series a Giant Leap of Faith. It addresses the following questions:
    Does this world meet your ambitions? Can you realize your wildest dreams? Does religion restrict motivation?
    A Giant Leap of Faith
    enJune 03, 2019

    Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?

    Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?
    Why does God allow evil to exist? Why do we have to suffer? Is this the best of all possible worlds that a Merciful God can produce. This video attempts to address these questions. It is part of the series: A Giant Leap of Faith, which discusses the relationship between faith, logic, and science.
    A Giant Leap of Faith
    enApril 28, 2019

    A Giant Leap of Faith - Part I - It Takes Blind Faith To Deny God

    A Giant Leap of Faith -  Part I -  It Takes Blind Faith To Deny God
    This video was inspired by a sentence uttered by an 11-year-old genius. He said it takes more faith to not believe in God that it takes to believe. It is also inspired by Surat Al Tur which poses several logical questions to Man with regards to his existence.
    It is part of the series: A Giant Leap of Faith which discusses the relationship between science, religion, and logic.
    A Giant Leap of Faith
    enApril 11, 2019