
    A Passion For Real Estate Investments

    Join Fuquan Bilal for an enlightening journey designed exclusively for accredited investors. Discover the vast world of alternative assets and master the art of generating genuine passive income.
    en-usIntelligent Accredited Investor Podcast153 Episodes

    Episodes (153)

    Episode 155: Nick Elder

    Episode 155: Nick Elder

    Investing in multifamily properties in a high-interest rate market is like riding a wave of challenges and opportunities. On one hand, the elevated interest rates have increase the cost of financing, reducing the profitability of multifamily investments. Higher borrowing costs have also impacted property valuations, leading to tight profit margins, particularly for investors heavily reliant on leverage. However, this challenging environment also offers opportunities to investors, which we will discuss with Nick Elder in today’s show.


    In the episode, Nick shares that strategic investing, partnering with the right investors, and asset management are the keys to growing your wealth and portfolio in real estate. Nick is a former pharmaceutical sales rep turned real estate investor whose journey is one of resilience and determination. He started investing in 2019 on the side but turned his real estate side hustle into a full-time gig after being laid off from his pharmaceutical sales job in August 2022. 


    Nick’s first investment was in a house hack (a 3-bed, 3-bath single-family property) in Denver that eliminated his rent, increased his income, and provided the foundation for growing his wealth through strategic real estate investments. Nick is also a partner at his own company, and his wisdom extends to investing in smaller syndications and out-of-state fix and flips. He’s also a limited partner in several private equity funds at Ironton Capital, where he has contributed significantly to raising $20M. 


    That is part of what Nick shares with Fuquan today. He emphasizes the importance of effective asset management and partnering with someone experienced and full cycle. Nick's passion for real estate is evident, and he is committed to helping others grow their wealth through strategic real estate investments.


    Tune in to get insight into Nick’s investment strategy and top tips on how to optimize your investment strategy and find opportunities to expand your real estate portfolio. 


    Highlights from the Interview

    • A bit about Nick's background and how he started out in real estate 
    • Why Nick is passionate about real estate investing
    • Nick’s multifamily investment strategy and the deals size he’s focusing on
    • How Nick invests as a limited partner with developers and operators 
    • How the housing market is affecting Nick’s business on the multifamily side
    • Holding period and how it has evolved in small and big development projects
    • Nick’s capital raising and why it has slowed down in the current market
    • Nick’s buy buck and the small and large opportunities they would take
    • Finding the right partners to partner with in deals

    Episode 154: Aaron Letzeiser

    Episode 154: Aaron Letzeiser

    Real estate investment assets insurance is a critical aspect of property ownership and management in the modern real estate industry. It plays a pivotal role in protecting investors and investors from a wide array of potential risks and financial losses. This type of insurance covers damages caused by events like fire, natural disasters, theft, vandalism, and liability claims, offering a vital layer of security for real estate investments. It ensures that, as an investor, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the real estate market while minimizing the financial impact of unforeseen and unfortunate incidents. Real estate investment assets insurance policies not only safeguard the physical structures but also the financial interests tied to these investments, making them an indispensable tool for property owners.


    In the episode, Aaron Letzeiser shares that working with an insurance specializing in real estate investment assets is a win. They possess an in-depth understanding of the insurance processes and have streamlined systems in place to liaise with you, your lender, escrow, and your carrier, ensuring you receive all the necessary notifications. According to Aaron, if you are working with a specialist in the insurance space, you will run into fewer issues while still being able to take advantage of the programs that you find attractive for your portfolio. He also shed light on the availability of diverse policy options that offer effective coverage and flexibility, eliminating the need for multiple policy transactions. This not only reduces non-refundable policy fees but also provides consistency in your coverage, ultimately giving you congruity in your coverage. 


    Aaron started Obie in collaboration with his brother Ryan, who brought significant expertise from his career in real estate private equity, where he focused on purchasing apartments for value and engaging in fix-and-flip strategies for his rental portfolio. By the time they started Obie, Ryan had firmly entrenched himself in the real estate industry. In contrast, Aaron's professional background was rooted in insurance, having previously established several companies. However, his enduring interest in real estate drove their collective vision. Aaron explains that as an insurance technology company specializing in serving small and medium-sized residential real estate investors in the United States. Their goal is to make the insurance process more transparent and less painful than traditional insurance offerings—their mission centers on simplifying insurance for their target clientele.


    That is what Aaron shares with Fuquan today. He emphasizes the importance of collaborating with insurance specialists dedicated to real estate investment assets for long-term gain. Given that insurance ranks among the most substantial financial commitments for investors, Aaron's insights are invaluable to your investment journey. 


    Tune in to get insight into Aaron’s wealth of knowledge in the insurance space and discover how you can optimize your insurance strategies for sustained success in real estate investment.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Aaron’s background and how he got started in real estate 
    • The residential assets and areas that Obie covers in the insurance space 
    • Doing your due diligence on the listing offer for the T12 insurance rate 
    • Why new investors get different policy rates from what existing owners had 
    • Portfolio insurance vs insurance of a single asset 
    • How to strategically separate portfolio insurance policy with the notifications
    • The benefits of working with a specialist in the insurance space
    • The different types of policies that provide effective coverage for held-for-rent properties 
    • Finding a good agent who can help you understand your coverage and advocate for you 
    • Obie’s technology, how it works, and what differentiates it from other companies 


    Episode 153: Eudania Burrell

    Episode 153: Eudania Burrell

    Are you in a financial dilemma and not knowing what the future holds for you? Maybe your home was repossessed because you lost your job and could no longer pay the mortgages and bank loans. Such obstacles could be your way up to something better and bigger than you think. All you need is the right mindset and finding something to do, something you love, and something that gives you hope. Time and again, real estate investing has proved to be one of those strategies that gives hope after a shattered financial life. The good thing is that you are not alone. Eudania Burrell, who joins us in this episode, is one of the best examples to inspire you.


    Eudania has had a successful career at the Department of Homeland Security for over 20 years. Despite facing challenges, like nearly losing her job during the COVID-19 pandemic and her home flooding the same week, Eudania did not give up. She needed something to keep her going, something to be passionate about, and something to look forward to. Real estate investing provided her with just that. She joined the Connected Investors network, learned about their software, and charted her own course through some guidance. She secured her first three real estate deals in three months and successfully closed them, and she has never looked back since.


    In this episode, Eudania talks about the strategies she used to get herself off the ground, up to the point of launching a company, Renew Me Properties. Initially, the company focussed on wholesaling in order to help her build the capital reserves but recently got into subject 2 deals, buy and hold and also gap lending. She explains how her diverse approach to real estate has been a real success. Subject 2 deals are good if you do them with the right paperwork legally that protects both parties. She also points out that you do not need currency to get started in real estate. A good network is the first thing you need. A network is a form of currency in itself.


    She also points out that interest rates are not slowing down her real estate investing, and it should not slow you down, too. You just have to learn to pivot and become a better investor. She is not fixed on the strategies to use. All she does is wait for the deals to dictate the strategy. Through that, she has developed a mindset of not seeing challenges as setbacks but as potential to learn new things. Every deal has had something to teach her. The interest rates may be high, but you must understand that you are buying an asset that will pay for itself when you do it right. Learn how to move with the market. Do not be rigid in your strategies.


    Tune in to get insights into Eudania’s real estate strategies and tips for your success.


    Highlights from the Interview

    Eudania’s journey into real estate while still working in Homeland Security

    How the Covid pandemic impacted lives either positively or negatively

    A bit about Renew Me Properties, a company Eudania launched

    Why Eudania is so passionate about real estate investing

    Challenges she is going through in the market with increased interest rates

    Goals and predictions for her 2024 Q1 

    Eudania’s biggest challenge and what she is doing to overcome it

    Best ways to reach out and connect with Eudania

    Episode 152: Zachary Beach

    Episode 152: Zachary Beach

    Are you wondering how creative financing can fit into your current strategy and real estate business? As interest rates reach all-time highs and traditional financing becomes increasingly stringent, exploring alternative approaches to fund your real estate ventures can be a game-changer. Creative financing methods, such as seller financing, lease options, or crowdfunding, offer innovative solutions that can help you navigate the challenges posed by the fluctuating financial landscape. By embracing these unconventional avenues, you can adapt to the ever-changing market conditions, opening up new opportunities to expand and thrive in the world of real estate investment.


    In this episode, Zachary Beach shares "creative finance" as the solution to the market's volatility and financial challenges. According to him, while creative finance can be a valuable strategy, the key lies in executing it correctly, with the right paperwork from the beginning. When dealing with real estate subject-to transactions, Zacahry shares that they purchase properties within a family trust due to common concerns about tax implications and sales codes. This approach not only safeguards your investments but also ensures that you operate within the bounds of legal and financial regulations. Furthermore, buying real estate subject to existing loans can be a win-win situation, offering debt relief to families in need while maintaining consistent payments that keep the bank happy, transforming you into a favorable borrower.


    Zachary also underscores that while creative finance presents a lucrative opportunity, diligent research and caution are essential to steer clear of potential pitfalls. Regularly running title searches is a crucial aspect of this diligence. Zachary has encountered numerous challenges arising from unclear titles after investing substantial funds in property acquisition, often resulting in difficulties obtaining the necessary title or insurance. By exercising due diligence and maintaining transparency throughout the creative financing process, you can secure a win-win situation for both buyers and sellers while mitigating potential risks.


    That is what Zachary shares with Fuquan today. Zachary emphasizes the importance of first getting the skill set to build your confidence and ability when stepping into creative finance. Creative finance is not short wholesale deals or signing a contract. It’s like selling your bank for the next 3, 10 or 30 years. So, having the right paperwork and terms done at the beginning is important to prepare for a great exit strategy.


    Zachary is the CEO and Partner of Smart Real Estate Coach, a 3x Inc 5000 Fastest Growing Company focusing on transforming W2 employees into creative financing real estate investors. With a passion for business building, he is also a Partner in Original Real Estate, Wicked Smart Finance, and NatProcessing.com. Zachary is a 3x Amazon Best-Selling Author of Real Estate on Your Terms, New Rules of Real Estate Investing, and Sell with Authority for Real Estate Investors.


    Tune in to get insight into Zachary's top tips on how to optimize your real estate strategy and enhance your business using the power of creative finance.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • How Zachary got into creative finance real estate investing space
    • How to execute the creative finance strategy in the right way and paperwork 
    • Zachary first deal’s challenges as a bartender and personal trainer prospecting in a family business 
    • Why Zachary is so passionate about real estate and what keeps him going
    • Challenges that Zachary is facing with the market in creative finances space
    • Zachary's coaching program and the benefits it provides in creative finance


    Episode 151: CJ Calio

    Episode 151: CJ Calio

    In real estate investing, the options are as diverse as the properties themselves, each with its own unique appeal and potential for financial gain. However, amidst this sea of opportunities, the one constant that guides you toward the shores of long-term success is discipline and focus. It's the unwavering commitment to a particular strategy that truly sets you on the path to mastery. Real estate investing is not a sprint; it's a marathon. Set your sights on the long game because nothing truly valuable comes without dedication and hard work. Building your real estate empire demands determination and a relentless pursuit of results. It's in this unwavering dedication that the most remarkable stories of success are born.


    According to CJ, as an investor, you have to make choices and sacrifice time upfront at the beginning to put in extra work to be freed up afterward. There are so many options and variations of investing in real estate, but being disciplined with one thing served CJ well. CJ shares that he chose to be focused on and to stay with the rental properties investment strategy to become a master of it. He had moments of being yanked into the possibility of looking into flipping and other more appealing and attractive quick cash investment strategies, but he had to remind himself they were shiny objects and not his target and focus. More cash always speeds up acquisitions, but you have to learn a new skill set, a new market and build a new team, which will distract you from your focus and goals.


    CJ's journey from a hardworking UPS driver to a thriving real estate investor is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. For years, he had found contentment in his stable job, but one Christmas, a breaking point arrived, revealing the heavy toll it took on his personal life and well-being. Frustration, exhaustion, and a burning desire for change pushed him to reconsider his career path. CJ resolved to start some businesses, but it was a challenging road marked by failed business attempts and financial setbacks. After 69 months of tenacious effort, together with his wife, they embarked on a journey to create a life that allowed them more freedom and financial security in real estate with a focus on rental investing.  


    Their initial rental property purchase was the spark that ignited a passion for investing. The realization that they could generate income without being tied to a grueling schedule was a game-changer. Over five years, CJ and his wife strategically built a growing portfolio that not only allowed them to quit their jobs but also expanded into large-scale commercial properties, adding 12 such ventures to their impressive portfolio in the past five years. Their story is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and the possibilities that await those who dare to chase their dreams.


    That is part of what CJ shares with Fuquan today, emphasizing the enduring wisdom of staying committed to one's path in real estate investing. He underlines that one of the most remarkable aspects of success in real estate investing and staying true to your process is people take notice. Follow your course for success. Success is not the end. It's the start of your journey. 


    Tune in to get insight into CJ's journey from corporate to a thriving real estate career and top strategies for rental properties and large-scale commercial investments. 


    Highlights from the Interview

    • CJ's Christmas story that led to his journey and transition to real estate

    • CJ's obsession with real estate and his strategy for achieving work-life balance 

    • The success in focusing on a particular strategy to become a master of it

    • Why CJ is so passionate about real estate

    • How the current market is affecting CJ's business model and how he is mitigating the risks

    • How to set yourself up for the long game by holding 

    • What CJ is doing to educate and serve people in the real estate space


    Episode 150: Michael Moulton

    Episode 150: Michael Moulton

    Do late-night calls and property emergencies have you longing for a more tranquil investment experience? If you're in search of an asset class that promises both stability and peace of mind, self-storage could be your golden ticket. Self-storage facilities offer a unique proposition. They provide consistent and predictable income streams free from the erratic and high-maintenance demands often associated with residential property management. The beauty of self-storage lies in its minimal need for daily oversight, making it a compelling choice for investors who crave a more hands-off approach while still reaping the benefits of a resilient and evergreen asset class.


    In today's episode, Michael opens up about a common entrepreneurial pitfall - his relentless desire to invest in every facet of the real estate realm. Over the years, he's ventured into the complexities of short-term rentals, long-term single-family rentals, fix and flip, manufactured houses, and self-storage. His pursuit led him to do all the hard stuff, leaving him proficient at 70 to 75% in many different areas rather than 100% good at 2 to 3 things. Michael's passion for construction and development has been at the forefront, but he's now dialing back to focus on his latest goal: self-storage. He is making a significant shift into the self-storage asset class, a decision fueled by its streamlined operations.  According to Michael, self-storage has fewer moving parts, and nothing is a pressing emergency. It’s easier to manage and enjoy the business. Michael made most of his money by holding rentals, appreciation, and fix and flip, and his goal is to duplicate that on the commercial side. With 2.5 years of self-storage experience under his belt, Michael has developed a deep affection for this resilient and rewarding asset class.


    Michael's journey into real estate is a testament to the power of pursuing one's passion. After graduating from college, he worked for 7 years in a global IT role, a path that failed to ignite his enthusiasm. It was the world of real estate that truly captivated Michael's heart. While working in the corporate realm, he began investing in rental properties on the side, engaging in daring fix-and-flip endeavors, and seizing opportunities in the foreclosure market. The more he delved into these real estate ventures, the more he realized that the corporate world didn't align with his aspirations. This epiphany led him to make a bold decision - to follow his passion for real estate. Michael took courses in fix, flip, and rehab, and from there, his real estate journey took flight. He acquired his brokerage license, fired his manager back in 2005, and went full-time with a primary focus on lease options.


    That is what Michael shares with Fuquan today. Real estate is teeming with creative opportunities, offering investors the choice to work hard, smart, and even learn from their mistakes. The ultimate reward lies in the ability to pour one's efforts into a project and witness the tangible results. Michael underscores the immense satisfaction that a career in real estate can provide. As an investor, there are so many ways you can generate wealth, and no matter how many years you have been doing it, you will never learn it all.


    Tune into a wealth of insights on self-storage as an asset class and uncover Michael's invaluable insights and experiences gleaned from his extensive investing journey. 


    Highlights from the Interview

    • How Michael got into real estate and how his journey prepared him to be risk-averse 
    • Michael's diversity investing strategy and how it has affected his portfolio
    • Michael's transition into self-storage and how it has enhanced his business model
    • Why Michael is so passionate about investing in real estate 
    • Optimistic capital and Michael's transition from active investor to raising capital
    • How Michael is reshaping his business model to scale up in self-storage
    • Michael's 10X self-storage strategy to be better instead of bigger

    Episode 149: Brent Bowers

    Episode 149: Brent Bowers

    In a high-interest real estate market, the dynamics of land buying and selling are undergoing a significant transformation. As an investor, you will face increased competition, rising property prices, and the need for swift decision-making. On the other hand, land sellers find themselves in a favorable position as demand outstrips supply, allowing them to fetch higher prices for their land. In such a market, thorough research and due diligence become paramount for you as an investor to navigate the market complexities profitably. Timing and strategy are also critical as interest rates fluctuate, impacting affordability and the attractiveness of financing options. Additionally, getting insights from inventors who are making it can help you make informed choices and secure the best deals possible, which is why Brent is here today.


    Brent has honed a highly effective land investment strategy and emphasizes the power of the "Land Offer Letter," or LOL, as his key to success. This method involves sending targeted, customized land offer letters to landowners, specifying a purchase amount that ensures substantial profit. Upon receiving the offer letter, sellers can sign it, but it only becomes binding once both parties endorse it. Brent also mentions experimenting with a straightforward purchase agreement, though he finds the LOL consistently outperforms other approaches. He underlines the value of a focused approach, steering the most profitable methods to make money first. Brent's ultimate goal is to execute a few high-value deals each month, a marked transition from a bunch of smaller deals to creating a lifestyle business.


    Brent's journey in real estate has been a rollercoaster, having started in 2007 right before the economic downturn, experiencing setbacks and significant debt, only to re-enter the field in 2013. He joined the military in 2009 to take a break and reset his life but left service in 2018 after hitting the jackpot with land investing. According to Brent, land leverage and the strategic creation and sale of notes have allowed him to accumulate wealth and generate passive income while asleep, showcasing the vast potential of real estate investment. His insights provide a compelling glimpse into land investment and the financial opportunities it presents.


    That is part of what Brent shares with Fuquan today. You can do a lot with land leverage and make yourself wealthy while you sleep—by buying and selling land for a little bit more to create monthly income or passive income by just remarketing properly. You can accomplish so much more in real estate. 


    Tune in to get insight from Brent’s strategy on leveraging land and creating and selling notes to build wealth and make money when you sleep.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Brent’s ‘quit and came back’ journey in real estate investing
    • Brent's self-finance and private lenders financing strategy
    • Borrowing against your notes instead of selling them or against them 
    • Brent’s land investing strategy and how it has evolved to a more expensive category 
    • How the Land Offer Letter (LOL) works, converts, and its outperformance 
    • The markets Brent and his students are on in the land game 
    • Why notes resonate with Brent and how they work in the land space
    • Why Brent is passionate about real estate 

    Episode 148: Michael Tich

    Episode 148: Michael Tich

    Venturing into different markets has become increasingly attractive in today's ever-evolving real estate landscape. It allows you as an investor to mitigate risks, tap into various growth opportunities, and harness the potential of high-demand regions. However, one critical factor that can significantly impact the success of such investments is the prevailing interest rates. In an environment where interest rates fluctuate, being aware of these changes and adapting investment strategies is essential. Understanding the interplay between profitable investments, market selection, and interest rates can spell the difference between success and missed opportunities in real estate. It's a complex, intriguing puzzle that continues to evolve, making it an exciting space for those willing to embrace the challenge. 


    According to Michael, the home-sharing investing space is not just about finding roommates and a place to stay. It’s a space that turns every note into a unique opportunity. With an impressive background in managing digital marketing budgets and data science teams at Airbnb, he's seen it all. Michael emphasizes that staying in tune with the ever-changing interest rate environment is crucial. For him, strategy, flexibility, and investing in the right properties are the conductors that allow him to navigate these fluctuations, ensuring their investments hit all the right notes.


    Michael is one of the co-founders of HomeRoom, a home-sharing app that connects users to roommates, social opportunities, and a host of tech-enabled property management tools. Mike previously led marketing and data science teams at Airbnb, managing between $50-100M in annual digital marketing spend. After the pandemic led to Airbnb shutting down its marketing team in early 2020, Mike quickly realized that he could make much more money and found himself at HomeRoom. As CMO, he has helped the early-stage company secure $500,000 in funding, growing from 20 to hundreds of rental properties.


    That is part of what Michael shares with Fuquan today. According to him, investing in real estate is not just about four walls and a roof strategy but the adaptability and the ability to harmonize with different market fluctuations. Michael's journey from Airbnb to HomeRoom showcases the innovative and resilient spirit that thrives in this intriguing space. He's proven that, even in challenging times, there are always opportunities to create beautiful symphonies of success.


    Tune in to get insight from Michael’s top strategies and creative investment techniques in the room-sharing real estate space for building your real estate portfolio in different markets.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Michael's background and how he got into real estate
    • How Michael keeps the regulations and areas they focus on investing
    • Why Michael is passionate about real estate 
    • Michael’s full-service offering in finding property and property management 
    • Michael’s market average age score and turnover 
    • The challenges Michael is facing with the interest rates in different markets 
    • Michael’s property acquisition strategy and what they look for in properties 
    • How Michael and his team find resources for repair and renovation
    • The lessons Michael has learned and their strategy to improve their model
    • Michael’s long-term and short-term property management contracts

    Episode 147: Shannon Robnett

    Episode 147: Shannon Robnett

    Do you feel like you have been caught flat-footed in overpriced real estate due to the volatility in the market? Real estate market cycles are inevitable, and what goes up must come down eventually. Trying to capitalize on short-term success with day-trading strategies can be a risky undertaking in the current market. Instead, consider adopting a patient approach. Investing in a long-term window can help you better navigate the changing landscape and ultimately find profitable opportunities that swing in your favor. That is why we have Shannon Robnett to talk about this very topic. 


    Shannon Robnett gives “investing in industrial assets” as the answer. According to him, Industrial assets are solid asset class and can help you create residual money. The triple net lease makes the asset class stable for investors. It allows them to pass the maintenance cost, insurance cost, taxes, and rent escalation, which can eat away all the profit in a long-term lease to the tenants. With the industrial asset class, you can stay current with inflation, and your rent is your profit. There are no direct expenses on your income. Shannon also shares that Industrial assets are a hands-off asset class that continues to monitor themselves. You can sign a 40-year deal on your property with a single tenant, get a 20-year note, and come back in 10 years and see how it's doing.  


    Shannon grew up in a real estate family, but everything he learned at the kitchen tables besides his table manners was the 1031 exchange, how to avoid taxes, and how to make your investments work for you. With that background, Shannon thought he was smart and would go to college and do something real with his life, only to find himself watching his younger brother make handsome profits with just a high school education. Shannon rethought his strategy, got real estate, and started his investment journey in single-family homes but quickly discovered he didn’t want to be a homeowner. He pivoted to commercial construction but realized that the people he worked for were creating assets that made residual money. Shannon pivoted again in 2001 and built his first industrial investment, which still has 2 of the original tenants 22 years later.


    That is what Shannon shares with Fuquan today. He emphasizes that understanding the versatility and the ability of real estate not only to pay you today but also to lower your taxes and create income for a lifetime can help you achieve financial freedom. Real estate is one of the few vehicles that, when approached diligently, can provide residual income for a lifetime. 


    Tune in to gain insights into Shannon's industrial asset investment strategy and valuable tips on how to maximize your profitability in a volatile market, stay ahead of the game, and secure your financial future.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Shannon's background and how he got into industrial real estate space
    • How the volatility in the market has affected Shannon's business model
    • The depreciation, passive income, and tax advantages of holding real estate 
    • Why Shannon is passionate about investing in real estate
    • Investing in a long-term window for long-term gain
    • Why Shannon chose to invest in the industrial and not multifamily asset class 
    • Triple net lease strategy in industrial assets and how it makes them a stable asset class 
    • How to go deep in your market to find hot and strong markets

    Episode 146: Timothy Lyons

    Episode 146: Timothy Lyons

    Are you looking for ways to generate passive income in real estate? One avenue for generating passive income is through commercial real estate. Investing in commercial properties allows your money to work for you without doing the hard work. Unlike other asset classes, commercial properties often entail longer lease terms, and tenants are responsible for many operating expenses. This translates to a steady stream of passive income while still having the potential for property appreciation. However, the commercial real estate market is not without its challenges. Market returns can be influenced by economic fluctuations, vacancy rates, and regional trends, making it essential for you, an investor, to conduct thorough research and due diligence. 


    In the conversation, Tim explains that the reason many investors want to be passive is because they don’t want another job. Creating a passive income stream is about knowing the right questions to ask an operator and being in the right deals and market. To achieve this goal, Tim leverages commercial real estate. He invests in three asset classes: multifamily, self-storage, and industrial triple net lease assets, all of which are scalable. According to him, if you are a passive investor, you must do your due diligence, vet sponsors, vet track records, and work with experienced folks to ensure the deals you are involved in are well-capitalized.   


    Tim started his investment journey with self-education after realizing that trading time for money in two jobs was not conducive to creating the lifestyle he wanted. His drive to get into real estate was inspired by equity and cash flow. Tim's first investment was a 3-family rental property. He wanted to be a landlord but soon realized he got a third job and wanted a passive income. Tim continued with self-education and pivoted to investing in commercial real estate, where he was able to not only invest in bigger and better properties but also didn’t have to do the “hard work” he did as a landlord. 


    That is part of what Tim shares with Fuquan today. Passive income is the key to financial freedom, and commercial real estate can be a powerful vehicle to achieve that goal. Tim's journey exemplifies the transition many investors make from being actively involved in real estate to becoming truly passive investors.


    Tune in for an in-depth exploration of Tim's strategies and insights in capital raising, brokerage deals, and generating passive income through commercial real estate.

    Highlights from the Interview

    • Tim’s career backstory and how he got started in real estate
    • Why Tim is passionate about real estate investing
    • Tim’s brokerage deal and capital raising services and how they work 
    • Tim’s vetting process for the sponsors and how they manage the deals 
    • The asset classes that Tim plays a role in funding 
    • Tim’s single-asset deals and funds investing model 
    • Market returns and challenges in the syndication world 

    Episode 145: Ken Majmudar

    Episode 145: Ken Majmudar

    In real estate investing, a common limitation arises when many entrepreneurs reach the limits of their available capital. This predicament emerges when the number of potential opportunities surpasses the financial resources they have at their disposal. However, this challenge also presents an avenue to tap into external sources of funding. These sources can encompass private funding from individuals and investment funds that channel individuals’ and institutions' finances.


    In the conversation, Ken explains that as a fund manager, you are an intermediary, and your LPs are investors who have money and are trusting you to deploy their capital for them in an intelligent way. Having a fund comes with some cost, and you don’t work for free, so you want to make money doing a good job. Your compensation as a fund manager is tied to your performance. It's also worth noting that building credibility and trust with potential investors takes time and experience. So, identify what you want to be good at, whether that is single family, fix and flip, or wholesaling and niching down. Focusing on a niche can set the stage for success. 


    Ken started his investment journey by investing in stocks after studying Warren Buffet and his principles. He got into the public market and discovered there were two strategies to do it if he was going to help other people invest. Starting a Fund and bringing people to the fund, or managing separate accounts and adding the Fund later. Instead of bringing people to a fund, Ken opted to help them manage their own money and accounts. This approach gave them transparency and visibility into their funds and what he was doing with them and enabled him to build multiple funds. According to Ken, this is a better and more comfortable strategy to offer when you are starting out than bringing people into a fund. 


    That is what Ken shares with Fuquan today. Remember, with the manage account structure, you manage many accounts and build relationships with clients, which is stickier, and you can provide value in multiple ways. With a fund, you have one fund, and it’s one strategy, and if that strategy doesn’t go well, it’s hard to get another fund going.


    Tune in for an in-depth exploration of fund management insights and guidance on establishing and managing a thriving fund. Ken offers a wealth of knowledge that can propel your ventures in real estate to the next level.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Ken’s career backstory and how he became a fund manager 
    • Why Ken is so passionate about real estate investing 
    • The challenges and successes that Ken had creating his fund 
    • Managing account fund structure Vs. creating a Fund 
    • How to do strategic partnership as a fund manager 
    • Leveraging private money to invest in opportunities beyond your capital access
    • How to evaluate deals and structures in strategic partnerships and deals

    Episode 144: Greg Brooks

    Episode 144: Greg Brooks

    According to Greg, the need to endure the frustrations of paperwork and scaling processes is unnecessary when expanding your business. Virtual staff can be an essential asset in achieving both short-term and long-term goals, offering a variety of contract lengths to suit your requirements, whether it's for a month, six months, or even several years. This contractual flexibility is established from the outset, ensuring a clear and manageable arrangement. Should challenges arise, scaling back is always an option, with the virtual staff appreciating your considerate approach. They are also prepared to collaborate whenever you are ready to ramp up operations once more. 


    That is what Greg shares with Fuquan today. Remember, having a happy client, and an empowered, super-talented staff is the most successful relationship you can achieve in your business. Creating an elaborate process that can help you pass on the knowledge and invest in people will allow you to scale your business, yourself, and your time to be the strategic arm of your business. 


    Greg is the Chief Growth Officer and Rocket Station partner, overseeing everything business development and marketing. He joined the Rocket Station team with an immense background in sales and entrepreneurship, both in the public and private sectors. He has led teams in many industries, including sponsorship, fundraising, consumer packaged goods, military resale, and hospitality. On top of this, he has worked for some of the top Fortune 500 companies as well as having started and sold multiple companies of his own.


    Tune in to get insight from Greg on how to integrate virtual staff into your investment business effectively. Greg's wealth of experience positions him as an authority on optimizing the potential of virtual staff for business success. 


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Why investors struggle to implement virtual staff strategy and what you can do differently
    • How to create a process, system, and structure you can hand off, uptrain, and get your work done correctly.
    • Investing in people to scale your business, yourself, and your time to be the strategic arm of your business.
    • How to build a system-driven company that is a blend of international and local team members
    • How to balance building a high-performing business and strategizing your time where it’s best used.
    • The cost of Rocket Station virtual full-time and part-time programs and the Why behind the Philippines VAs
    • Developing steadfast processes and hiring super-talented and affordable people to level your business across the board.

    Episode 143: Tom Zeeb

    Episode 143: Tom Zeeb

    Wholesaling has been hurt, and things have been slowing down in the market for a while now. So many wholesalers are scared of buying and the after-repair value, but they have started to get more creative to overcome the challenges in wholesaling marketing. To help you through this challenging climate, Tom shares creative but simple negotiation, marketing, and investing techniques that set him free so you can do the same.

    According to Tom, wholesaling is just an extra strategy like all the others. It’s a choice of how you choose to get paid and get out of the deals, but you still need to get into the deals. We all get into the deal the same way, but many people get wrapped up in the extra strategy as a wholesaler. To maximize his outcome, Tom focuses on finding and negotiating the deals rather than taking the time to manage the properties by selling the position to someone else.   

    That is part of what Tom shares with Fuquan today. According to him, investing is just like whitewater rafting, there is risk in doing it, and you have to learn how to navigate the narrows to build a profitable portfolio.

    Tom is a passionate real estate investor, and he works with real estate investors of all levels to get their businesses built or rebuilt correctly so that their personal goals and lifestyle stay at the center of everything they do, giving them more money, more time, and more freedom to spend as they please.

    Tune in to get insight from Tom’s top strategies and creative investment techniques for building and scaling your business in an economic downturn.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Tom’s near-death experience while doing whitewater rafting 
    • The challenges wholesalers are having in the marketplace and Tom’s strategy 
    • Novation agreement strategy and how Tom does it for his business 
    • Why Tom is so passionate about real estate 
    • The things Tom is doing now to double down and triple down on his strategy 
    • Three main tools Tom is utilizing for lead generation in his business 
    • Tom’s program and how he helps people get in front of potentially motivated sellers


    Episode 142: Tom Higgins

    Episode 142: Tom Higgins

    Are you an investor in the multifamily asset class actively seeking an investing strategy that can give you a distinctive edge in the current real estate market? One that can offer you a dual advantage of accessing high profits and portfolio flexibility. The good news is that such a strategy exists, and Tom Higgins will teach you how to maximize your investment yields and build a cash-flowing portfolio.

    Tom Higgins gives the “small value add multifamily assets approach” as the answer. This approach holds the key if you want access to the highest yields and to create an expansive, income-generating portfolio within the multifamily sector. Mastering the strategy, the art of investing in recession-resilient assets, and strategically selecting deals with high cap rates will take you steps ahead of the game. This is the pathway to getting closer to the assets and getting profitable deals.

    Tom is a development and renovation expert. With over a decade's experience working with some of the US's largest and most influential real estate investors and development companies, Tom applies his expertise to successfully steer Terra's development teams and innovative Small Multifamily Aggregation Strategy. To benefit from the current market climate, he focuses on investing in recession-resilient areas using his innovative strategy.

    That is what Tom shares with Fuquan today. Remember, even when we are doing well, there is always something new to learn. Let every day be a challenge. There is always a new angle to multifamily investing and a new way to drive value. The amount of value a capable and roll-up-your-sleeve type of investor can provide is immense, and it provides an opportunity to get better and better.

    Tune in to get insight into Tom’s top tips on how to maximize your yields more and build a portfolio that will help you stay ahead of the game.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • How Tom started real estate in college to running his own company, Terra Capital
    • The model of investing in small-value add multifamily properties and why it’s better. 
    • What motivates Tom and his team to invest in recession-resilient areas 
    • The things Tom considers when picking recession-resilient areas 
    • Tom's test mechanism that helps him in targeting deals with a higher cap rate
    • Why Tom is so passionate about real estate investing 
    • Getting better as an investor and adding value to the investment community

    Episode 141: Jay Conner

    Episode 141: Jay Conner

    Have you ever wondered how to enter the real estate asset class, which offers both financial freedom and a recession-proof business model? Many of us have dreamed of such a business model, but the challenge lies in acquiring the necessary capital to get started.


    Traditional options like banks or getting a mortgage are often unappealing due to high-interest rates and numerous terms and conditions. And what if your credit history does not meet the bank's requirements? Does that mean your real estate investing dream will be shattered? Fortunately, there are alternative funding methods that are easier and more convenient. Private money funding is the solution you've been looking for.


    Join this engaging conversation with Jay Conner as we dive into private money funding for real estate investors. Jay provides valuable insights into investors' primary challenges when seeking capital for their real estate ventures while also unveiling effective strategies for cultivating confidence in this field. He also explores the profound impact of shifting market dynamics, such as escalating interest rates and inflation, on the landscape of real estate capital raising. Listen and discover how to get unlimited private money for your real estate deals without relying on traditional (or hard money) lenders.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Jay’s background and the value he brings to the real estate space
    • Common challenges people go through when raising capital for real estate investing
    • How to get confident in what you are doing in real estate 
    • How the market dynamics have changed the capital raising space
    • Comparison between real estate investing and other asset classes in the current market
    • Jay’s terms of private money lending you should know
    • Best ways to reach out and connect with Jay Conner and grab a free copy of his book


    Episode 140: Daniel Marcos

    Episode 140: Daniel Marcos

    Are you longing for a breakthrough in your business? Are you eager to propel your mid-market company to new heights? Wondering which essential tools can fuel your success? Perhaps you're considering the invaluable guidance of a coach but are uncertain about the right type of coach for you. If any of this resonates with you, then this episode is tailor-made for you. 


    Join Daniel Marcos, a renowned scaling-up coach, in this episode focused on rapid business growth. Let's unlock the secrets to success and propel your business to new heights. You will learn how to scale your business effectively and overcome challenges along the way, gain a growth mindset, and discover valuable tools for business expansion. 


    Daniel Marcos is the co-founder and CEO of Growth Institute, an online executive education company dedicated to helping C-level executives at fast-growing firms. With a passion for empowering entrepreneurs, Daniel aims to assist 1 million individuals in scaling their impact while minimizing complications. He possesses a wealth of experience, having successfully built and sold businesses, despite facing challenges like the 2008 financial crisis.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Daniel’s background and the value he brings to the entrepreneurship space
    • A backstory of what got Daniel into coaching entrepreneurs
    • Daniel’s take on the current market and what to expect
    • Why financial crises are important and the right mindset you need
    • How Daniel does one-on-one coaching with entrepreneurs
    • Best ways to reach out and connect with Daniel Marcos


    Episode 139: Daphne Wilson

    Episode 139: Daphne Wilson

    Investing in mortgage loans, specifically distressed second mortgage notes, can be a great choice for real estate investors. It is a promising avenue for real estate investors looking for potential gains, as it involves buying these notes at lower prices when homeowners are unable to pay. So, if you want to take the plunge and supercharge your real estate portfolio with mortgage notes, this conversation with Daphne Wilson has it all for you. 


    Daphne Wilson is a real estate investor and former IT Director who believes in achieving financial freedom through passive income. She founded Note Newbie Investment Education™ to educate individuals on alternative forms of investing in real estate debt instruments. Daphne is the creator of Distressed Seconds, an 8-week online program that empowers new investors to purchase mortgage notes nationwide, generating long-term passive income for their families with less time and money compared to traditional real estate investing. 


    With her extensive experience since 2014, Daphne retired from her 25-year corporate career in just two years. She has assisted numerous individuals, regardless of real estate experience, in acquiring mortgage notes across the country.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Daphne Wilson’s background and the value she brings to the world
    • How she decided to retire early by stepping into real estate
    • Why is Daphne so passionate about real estate investment
    • Her experience in the first year of note investing
    • The current market and how it is affecting the note business
    • Best ways to reach out and connect with Daphne Wilson

    Episode 138: Darrin Carr

    Episode 138: Darrin Carr

    Real estate requires a deep understanding of the market and finances and a well-functioning team to bring success to your ventures. However, the importance of building the right team is often overlooked, with many focusing solely on the properties themselves. 


    But without a team who shares your vision and passion for the business, your real estate ventures may not reach their full potential. That's why in this episode, we're joined by Darrin Carr to delve into the often-neglected topic of team building in real estate. Darrin will share his valuable tips, insights, and strategies to help you recruit the right people and ensure they're in the right positions to drive your business forward. So, whether you're just starting out or looking to take your real estate business to the next level, this episode is for you.


    Darrin Carr owns Carr Talent Acquisition, a recruiting and HR services agency. With 20 years of experience, Darrin has a proven track record of guiding hiring efforts at a high level and on the ground. He and his team of 26, including 20 recruiters, pride themselves on understanding deeply what makes candidates tick, their core values, and their vision for the future. Darrin's expertise has helped hundreds of companies achieve their hiring and HR goals.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Darrin’s background and some of the services he offers
    • A high-level overview of how Darrin’s carries out recruitment
    • The current market in terms of real estate recruiting
    • Hiring in-house vs. hiring virtually
    • Best ways to reach out and connect with Darrin Carr


    Episode 137: Gino Barbaro

    Episode 137: Gino Barbaro

    Investing in real estate can be an excellent financial gain and wealth-building opportunity. However, it's not as simple as buying a property and waiting for its value to appreciate. Successful real estate investors understand that education is crucial to achieving long-term success in the industry.


    Without proper education, investors risk making costly mistakes that can result in significant financial losses. Real estate education gives investors a deep understanding of the market, investment strategies, and financial analysis techniques. By arming themselves with this knowledge, investors can make informed decisions, minimize risks, and maximize returns. 


    Join this conversation with Gino Barbaro, and hear his secrets of growing his real estate portfolio to over 1,900 multifamily units & $250,000,000 in Assets under management. Together with his partner Jake, Gino is sharing his expertise and knowledge in the multifamily real estate space through Jake & Gino, a premier education community that helps others achieve similar success. Their students have collectively closed over 57,000 units and $4 billion in deals. In addition to his business ventures, Gino is a best-selling author of three books and a devoted family man residing in St. Augustine, Florida, with his wife and six children.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Gino's backstory and what got him interested in real estate investing
    • Greatest mistakes real estate investors make as they start on this journey
    • Best investing strategies in the current market conditions
    • Challenges Gino and his team are facing in finding deals
    • Best ways to reach out to Gino and learn from his wisdom


    Episode 136: Glenn and Amber Schworm

    Episode 136: Glenn and Amber Schworm

    Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck or working long hours without seeing the results you desire? Then you won't want to miss this episode with Glenn and Amber Schworm, the dynamic couple who have flipped over 1000 houses worth over $100 million through their successful real estate investing strategies. Their passion lies in helping others create wealth through the same methods that brought them success. They offer guidance in finding, funding, fixing, flipping, and holding properties to generate cash flow and passive income.


    Their journey in real estate investing began out of desperation as they were in $80K of credit card debt. Their first flip brought them $17,000 in profit, and they knew they were on to something after their second flip earned them $33,000 in just 33 days. Glenn and Amber Schworm didn't have a formal education in real estate investing, but their hands-on experience and strong desire for a better life allowed them to achieve their goals.


    Now, they share their success formula with others, hoping to change people's lives through real estate investing. They believe that there is more to life than a 9-5 job, and they encourage people to push through their doubts and fears to pursue their goals. Glenn and Amber Schworm are grateful for the life they have built and are proud to help others achieve similar success in the real estate industry.


    Highlights from the Interview

    • Glenn and Amber Schworm’s backstory and how they got into fix and flipping
    • Strategies they are doing to keep their team motivated and up to the task
    • Building a winning culture of the business
    • Coaching and training they offer
    • Common misconceptions about real estate 
    • Best ways to reach out and connect with Glenn and Amber