
    A Swift Kick In the Ass

    A Swift Kick In The Ass, is a podcast about the forces that motivate us to create positive personal change. The thought provoking show discusses strategies to help the ordinary person achieve extraordinary change. The show was started in 2014 being hosted by lifelong friends John W. Curren and Tom Stewart. Tom died of brain cancer on 9/16/2020. John continues the quest to disrupt conventional thinking and find true freedom through living life on his terms.
    enJohn Curren152 Episodes

    Episodes (152)

    Math is the New Sexy

    Math is the New Sexy

    With Tommy out on Medical Leave, John takes on the topic of nerds ruling the world, how to stop living paycheck to paycheck and what he did to get traction on a plan that got him out of a $200k hole. Don’t worry. There is no actual math involved in this episode. No need to bring your pillow either as this episode will help you turn financial pain into financial pleasure. You won’t want to this episode

    The Power of The Unexpected

    The Power of The Unexpected

    Ep 94 The Power of The Unexpected - A Swift Kick In The Ass Podcast.

    As illness prevents lifelong childhood friends Tom Stewart and John Curren from creating regular content, this is the first episode completed where John flies the show solo focused on how the power of the unexpected effects the terms of our life and what to do about it.

    Find out more on http://www.aswiftkickintheass.com
    —-Listen to the podcast on iTunes—

    Positivity - Living Life Like A Samurai

    Positivity - Living Life Like A Samurai

    episode 92 A Swift Kick In The Ass. Lifelong childhood friends Tom Stewart and John Curren discuss how to live positively while faced with a terminal illness. For the last 5 months, Tom struggled with an unknown neurological illness. A wrong diagnosis led him to seek a 2nd opinion and ultimately a brain biopsy to reveal what was wrong.

    The biopsy revealed three stage 3 tumors known as anaplastic astrocytoma a rare form of brain cancer. Now he is in the biggest fight of his life while trying to remain positive, his life depends on it.

    A Swift Kick In the Ass
    enApril 27, 2018