
    Adventures Through The Mind

    Adventures Through The Mind is an interview-based podcast hosted by Canadian author and public educator, James W. Jesso. Although the show topics range---from spirituality, mental health, and emotional maturity; to love, relationships and sexuality; to history, philosophy, and neuroscience---there are two underlying themes that intersect them all: psychedelics & the mind. James W. Jesso is the author of Decomposing The Shadow: Lessons From The Psilocybin Mushroom and The True Light Of Darkness, both about his experiences exploring the potentials of psychedelics.
    enJames W. Jesso203 Episodes

    Episodes (203)

    ReAwakening Ancestral Wisdom And The Psychedelic Renaissance | Belinda Eriacho ~ ATTMind 167

    ReAwakening Ancestral Wisdom And The Psychedelic Renaissance | Belinda Eriacho ~ ATTMind 167

    Belinda Eriacho joins us today to explore the intersection of the psychedelic renaissance and ancestral wisdom; connecting with our own ancestry; and what indigenous people bring to the psychedelic renaissance and the problems created by their absence.

    We also talk about being in right relationship with sacred plants and where that does and doesn't not overlap with recreational use; how to cultivate reciprocity with indigenous peoples in psychedelic movements; the value and importance of supporting ethical psychedelic companies; and how legislating psychedelic medicine may help support the healing of intergenerational trauma held by indigenous people in North America.



    For links to Belinda's work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind167


    *Promo Art For This Episode Courtesy of Simon Haiduk (slightly modified by James)*



    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive!

    Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Ian C, Yvette FC, Alex F, Eliz C, Nick M, Michelle M, & Chloe C —— 




    Join Me For The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference!

    The episode is sponsored by The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, happening online and in Vancouver BC Nov 4-6

    This year's theme is "The Role of Psychedelics for a Planet in Transition" and they are featuring Dennis McKenna, Paul Stamets, Belinda Eriacho, Wade Davis, Chris Bache, Jeremy Narby, Laurel Anne Sugden, Jamie Wheal, and more. The conference organizers have been wonderfully generous in offering the Livestream of the conference at no charge, all you have to do is register to get access.

    Head to jameswjesso.com/spmc to learn more and register

    If you want to attend in person, or purchase the VIP digital access, follow that same link and use the promo code JWJ to get 11% off your ticket



    Episode Breakdown

    • (0:00) Join me for The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, Nov 4-6 2022, more details and no-charge access to livestream can be found here: https://www.jameswjesso.com/spmc
    • (2:22) Introducing our guest and the topic of the episode
    • (4:41) Thank you, Patrons!
    • (6:49) Interview begins
    • (7:46) Belinda’s offering of land acknowledgment
    • (8:53) Belinda Eriacho’s cultural lineage
    • (11:53) The meaningfulness of being able to openly speak indigenous languages
    • (14:34) Our indigenous ancestry lives on in our blood | awakening to our ancestry
    • (17:56) Connecting with our ancestry through the land, even if we no longer live on that ancestral land
    • (21:47) The reawakening of ancestral wisdom is underway
    • (25:39) The intersection of the Psychedelic Renaissance and Indigenous/Ancestral Wisdom
    • (28:33) The cultural and relational context needed to awaken ancestral wisdom | the different possibilities of ceremonial vs recreational psychedelic use
    • (33:38) What indigenous people bring to the psychedelic renaissance
    • (36:27) Discussing the potential value and losses of the “middle ground” of psychedelic use, neither fully recreational nor fully ceremonial
    • (44:46) Being in right relationship with sacred plants (and medicines)
    • (48:21) Holding even psychedelic chemicals with reverence
    • (49:56) Learning to deepen our relationship with all plants
    • (52:33) The music of the plants | training our gut feeling
    • (57:34) Connection, psychedelics, and the many levels of one’s being
    • (1:01:20) Psilocybin mushrooms are not a tool | additional value
    • (1:02:57) “Medicine” from a Native American perspective (is not the same as medication)
    • (1:04:57) The meaning of “understand” vs “innerstand”
    • (1:06:43) Two issues with indigenous people are not being included in the psychedelic renaissance
    • (1:11:01) Belinda’s thoughts on how to cultivate reciprocity with indigenous peoples
    • (1:16:35) The value of supporting ethical psychedelic companies
    • (1:18:37) Legislating psychedelic medicine and healing the intergenerational trauma of indigenous people
    • (1:27:27) We need to protect the spiritual element of psychedelic medicine
    • (1:29:58) Crazy;Wise (a documentary suggestion from Belinda)
    • (1:31:14) Why any of these actually matters
    • (1:33:43) Closing comments and a final invitation to listeners
    • (1:35:28) Follow-up links and contact information
    • (1:36:55) Outro | Please support ethical psychedelic companies/organization



    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Restoring The Kinship/Indigenous Worldview | Four Arrows & Darcia Narvaez, PhD ~ ATTMind 166

    Restoring The Kinship/Indigenous Worldview | Four Arrows & Darcia Narvaez, PhD ~ ATTMind 166

    Darcia Narvaez, PhD and Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows) join us to explore various precepts of the indigenous worldview—aka the kinship worldview—how we might restore that worldview in both our personal lives and the world at large.

    We also explore the basis of what a worldview is and why our guests propose there are only two, the indigenous/kinship worldview and the dominant/Western worldview. We go in-depth on the historical rise and impact of the dominant worldview and the intergenerational cycle of trauma it propagates; the left brain / right brain dynamic and how it aligns with worldview, perception, and behavior; how generations of anthropocentrism impact our capacity to perceive our interconnection with nature and each other; a substantial dive into death, dying, grief, and ceremony; and what it means to become fully human.


    For links to our guests' work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind166

    Their Book: Restoring the Kinship Worldview: Indigenous Voices Introduce 28 Precepts for Rebalancing Life on Planet Earth




    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive!

    Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Ian C, Yvette FC, Alex F, Eliz C, Nick M, Michelle M, & Chloe C
    Another special thanks to Lisa F for their generous one-time donation


    Episode Breakdown

    • (0:00) Opening
    • (1:30) Guest bios
    • (6:11) Patron thanks
    • (8:10) Interview begins
    • (10:35) How Four Arrows came into the indigenous worldview through a near-death experience
    • (14:05) How Darcia Narvaez came into the indigenous worldview through science
    • (16:39) An explanation of “shifting baselines” and why understanding it matters
    • (20:04) The dominant worldview, religion, trauma, the Roman conquest, and colonialism
    • (32:00) What is a worldview and why there are only two worldviews that exist: Western/Dominante and Kinship/indigenous
    • (35:16) Exploring these two worldviews and the history of their dynamic
    • (38:39) The intergeneration cycle of trauma embedded in us through the Dominant worldview
    • (43:53) How generations of anthropocentrism impact our capacity to perceive our interconnection with nature and each other
    • (51:02) Feeling interconnected with life decreases fear of death, and vice versa
    • (54:43) The left brain / right brain dynamic and how it aligns with worldview, perception, and behavior
    • (59:31) Exploring a visit from some giant birds
    • (1:02:10) A meditation practice on death from Four Arrows | Having a death song
    • (1:05:01) The difference between courage and fearlessness | trust the universe
    • (1:10:48) Ceremony and the indigenous worldview’s impact on death and dying
    • (1:14:23) Grief in the indigenous worldview vs the dominant worldview 
    • (1:21:22) Some anecdotes of psychedelic ceremony from Four Arrows 
    • (1:27:09) Being in relationship with the spirit of psychoative plants
    • (1:31:07) “Last resortism” in the medical system and Four Arrows’ journey with cancer
    • (1:33:44) James’ thoughts on the value of leaning on last resortism to Insitute psilocybin for dying people
    • (1:35:46) Cultivated interconnectedness and relationship throughout life and death | grieving together and ceremony
    • (1:43:14) Becoming fully human—neurobiologically and culturally
    • (1:46:08) Does it make sense to have hope that we will change our ways before it's too late?
    • (1:50:28) Further links and contact information for our guests
    • (1:53:16) Some closing words in Lakota from Four Arrows
    • (1:53:55) Outro



    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Psilocybin and The Evolution of Life | Jahan Khamsehzadeh, Ph.D. ~ ATTMind 165

    Psilocybin and The Evolution of Life | Jahan Khamsehzadeh, Ph.D. ~ ATTMind 165


    This is both an explicit question and an implicit guiding inquiry in the discussion you will hear on this episode Adventures Through The Mind. Our guest is Jahan Khamsehzadeh, PhD. He is the author of The Psilocybin Connection: Psychedelics, the Transformation of Consciousness, and Evolution of the Planet—An Integral Approach.

    Together we have a conversation that waves in and out from the microscopic to the cosmological. We explore topics such as

    • the role fungi have played and continue to play in the evolution and existence of life on this planet;
    • how psilocybin may have assisted in the development of human consciousness; the role psychedelics can play in cultivating a strong, but healthy ego;
    • why taking heroic doses is not the best way to heal or learn and it may actually hurt you;
    • why an understanding of psychedelics requires us to transcend reductionism and materialism;
    • and more.



    For links to Jahan's work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind165



    ❤︎❤︎❤︎ Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Ian C, Yvette FC, Alex F, Eliz C, Nick M, Michelle M, & Chloe C

    Another special thanks to Allison, Cameron, and Carl for their generous one-time donations


    Episode Sponsor


    Happening Tuesday, Sept 20, 2022 10 a.m. PDT/1 p.m. EDT/ 7 p.m. CEST

    Register now to secure your no-charge seat at this unique live event where you’ll meet and have the opportunity to interact with renowned psychedelic experts who will be revealing what they see on the horizon for the rapidly changing psychedelic landscape and the impact expected on those co-creating this burgeoning space.



    Episode Breakdown

    • (0:00) Episode Sponsor: 
    • (1:26) Intro & guest bio
    • (5:24) Patreon Thanks
    • (6:33) Interview begins
    • (8:15) Speaking about my own book with Jahan
    • (9:16) Participating in the wave of Psychedelic Culture
    • (13:17) Psychedelics actually grow the ego—for good and ill
    • (17:31) The Structure of Self, Life, and Reality
    • (19:11) Masculine and Feminine Energy | Archetypal Reality
    • (25:51) We are a symphony of selves, interpersonally and intrapersonally
    • (27:12)Psychedelic molecules and the evolution of Gaia Mind
    • (31:29) The damaging effects of failing to see the deep interconnection of life
    • (34:56) Why scientific materialism is inadequate to explain psychedelics
    • (39:38) Western reductionism is unable to see its own cultural frame of reference
    • (45:27) There is no “The” mystical experience | There is an infinite variability of Unity
    • (48:37) There is value in psychedelic experiences that aren’t “peak mystical experiences”
    • (50:55) The role of psilocybin in the evolution of human consciousness; the Stoned Ape Theory
    • (54:11) The role of fungi in the history of life surviving in the face of planetary crisis
    • (58:06) Without fungi, there would be no life as we know it on this planet
    • (59:52) The voice of the Mushroom; the voice of God
    • (1:02:41) The specific role that the psilocybin mushroom is playing in life and consciousness
    • (1:06:27) Taking heroic doses is not the best way to heal or learn, it may actually hurt you
    • (1:12:24) Stop worrying about having “the” mystical experience, there is so much more there for you
    • (1:13:39) The longing for belonging, Connection, and communion
    • (1:16:04) the root of depression is a lack of connection
    • (1:17:33) Disconnection beyond humanity
    • (1:20:38) Living awake and mature in a relational reality
    • (1:24:22) balancing care of self and service to others
    • (1:30:22) ADHD drove the evolution of human consciousness
    • (1:31:57) ADHD is not a cultural construct, it has a genetic basis that goes back thousands of years
    • (1:34:08) the evolutionary advantage of ADHD in early humanity; including being the first to eat psilocybin
    • (1:37:09) dismantling ADHD shame
    • (1:40:12) Psychedelics are helping resolve our crisis in perception
    • (1:43:58) Follow-up links
    • (1:44:53) Outro



    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Authentic Relating and The Art of Conversation and Conflict | Sara Ness ~ ATTMind 164

    Authentic Relating and The Art of Conversation and Conflict | Sara Ness ~ ATTMind 164

    Sara Ness joins us on Adventures Through The Mind to have a conversation about the art of conversation and its role in our relationships and vice versa.

    We also explore how play can help us develop and exercise our relational and conversational skills, specifically what are called Authentic Relating games.

    Furthermore, we also speak about how the possibilities of conversations can be both literally and phenomenologically psychedelic.


    For links to Sara's work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind164




    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive!

    Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Ian C, Yvette FC, Alex F, Eliz C, Nick M, Michelle M, & Chloe C 
    Another special thanks to Julie D for their generous one-time donation



    Episode Breakdown

    • (000) Opening
    • (2:39) Thank you :)
    • (4:02) Interview begins
    • (4:08) What is a conversation? The levels of a conversation
    • (8:40) Mindset context and its impact on meaning in conversation
    • (11:52) Beyond the self; conversation and the boundaries of relationship
    • (15:58) Conflict is not abuse
    • (17:34) We are more than a single self; “No wonder conversations are so complicated”
    • (19:02) The blurred line between what is conversation and what is relationship
    • (20:11) Wounds from past relationships cloud our ability to see each other
    • (23:15) Gaslighting and how do we determine if we are being gaslit?
    • (27:00) Having conversations across polarization/ severe ideological differences; befriending the enemy
    • (33:55) Meeting each other’s energy; navigating the levels of conversations
    • (37:56) Conflict: what it is and how can we navigate it effectively
    • (44:23) The value of conflict in relationship
    • (46:25) The difference between conflict, fight, violence, power-over, and mutually empowered intense play
    • (1:00:56) The value of listening
    • (1:04:29) The 4 different relating languages (and how to determine them)
    • (1:13:06) Games that teach us the skills we need to have healthy relationships; “authentic relating games”
    • (1:24:52) What authentic relating games can offer us is similar to what psychedelic experiences can offer us
    • (1:30:11) Accessing psychedelic experiences through authentic relating games; accessing shared flow state
    • (1:39:49) Healing our nervous systems from the threat of slowing down
    • (1:42:10) An authentic relating game for listeners to start with, “hot seat”
    • (1:46:24) Not just about building skills, but building relationships too
    • (1:47:47) Some follow-up links and content




    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Integrating Internal Family Systems and Psychedelic Therapy | Robert Falconer

    Integrating Internal Family Systems and Psychedelic Therapy | Robert Falconer

    Robert “Bob” Falconer has been bridging his long history of IFS and psychedelics together into the body of work that informs the conversation you will hear today.

    Bob lays the groundwork for what Internal Family Systems therapy is; its foundational propositions about the nature of the mind; and both how IFS works and how therapists work with IFS to bring about healing.

    From there we go into the unique benefit IFS has to offer psychedelic therapy and how to use IFS in both preparation for and integration of psychedelic experiences.

    We also talk about generative change vs counteractive change; the harms of isolation and the healing of connection; the porous nature of the mind and relational nature of reality; and even Bob’s perspective on how to work with spirit entities, demons, and the intelligence of psychedelic medicines.



    For links to Bob's work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind163




    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive!

    Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, Yvette FC, Chuck W, Alex F, Eliz C, Nick M, & Chloe C —— 


    Episode Breakdown

    • (0:00) Opening
    • (4:47) Thank you!
    • (7:06) Interview begins
    • (8:13) An introduction to Internal Family Systems IFS therapy
    • (12:34) What makes IFS “parts work” unique; Self-energy
    • (16:10) No bad parts; all parts have good intention
    • (19:54) Most people are civil wars, IFS helps heal us into a symphony
    • (23:12) How IFS addresses our wounded parts, e.g. our “exiles”
    • (26:58) “Insight is the booby prize”
    • (28:40) Counteractive change vs generative change
    • (32:00) The unique benefit of IFS for psychedelic therapy
    • (25:40) How Internal Family Systems therapy works best with psychedelics
    • (42:04) Where IFS fits into psychedelic integration
    • (46:26) Separating internal vs external change during our psychedelic integration
    • (47:37) Living in troubled times; therapy with the potential for exponential growth
    • (55:04) The mind is porous; reality is relational
    • (1:03:05) Falconer’s perspective on spirit entities and demons
    • (1:11:13) The utility of regarding the intelligence of the medicine as full spectrum personalities
    • (1:17:50) Some discussion on regarding nature as full-spectrum personalities
    • (1:23:15) The harms of isolation; the healing of connection
    • (1:27:19) IFS with MDMA or Ketamine?
    • (1:30:18) The specific nuances of doing IFS therapy with ketamine
    • (1:34:52) Can protector parts block the effects of psychedelics?
    • (1:40:31) We don’t always need support to have a great psychedelic experience, but it helps
    • (1:44:31) Suggestions on integrating IFS into your personal psychedelic practice
    • (1:48:39) A final offering for us from Robert Falconer
    • (1:49:22) Closing



    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Why Our Sense of Connection Matters | Psychedelic Café 9

    Why Our Sense of Connection Matters | Psychedelic Café 9


    This is the central question that guides the conversation you will hear today, another session in our Psychedelic Café series, where we featured a curated selection of guests to explore how "whether or not we feel connected affects everything".

    We also explore the neurobiological origins of our sense of connection/disconnection with each other and how that is wrapped up in personal and collective traumas; our sense of connection with nature and the consequences that our lack of it is having on our lives and all life on this planet; as well as strategies and pathways of increasing our sense of connection with ourselves, each other, and the natural world.

    We also talk about connecting with spiritual energies and our dead loved ones; ancestry in general; the importance of being able to grieve together; and the value of learning to turn towards pain.

    Our Guests for this Café are: Darcia Narvaez, Robert Gilman, Rita Bozi, Charley Wininger, Jean Robertson, Sky Otter, and Sam Gandy



    For links to our guest's work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/PsyCafe9




    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive!

    Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, Yvette FC, Alex F, Eliz C, Nathan B, Nick M, & Chloe C. — Another special thanks to Magnus D for their generous one-time donation


    Episode Breakdown

    • (5:37) Cafe begins; Introducing our guests
    • (12:00) Introducing the question “Why does our sense of connection matter?”
    • (26:58) Whether we feel connected or not affects everything
    • (29:42) The neurobiological origins of our sense of connection/disconnection
    • (31:36) The path out of early life trauma - our birthright is to live in a safe healthy state — learning to lift ourselves and each other out of trauma
    • (35:22) A brighter future is available to us through our reconnection with our origins
    • (38:24) Wondering about connection forged through war/displacement-based trauma
    • (40:40) Various ways/techniques that we come back into connection
    • (51:13) Increasing connection with nature, increases the sense of connection more broadly
    • (54:57) Longing is the first step to coming back into connection
    • (56:49) How to do a neurological reset (a technique for resetting the nervous system)
    • (1:02:42) Building relationships of deep connection with each other
    • (1:08:23) Connection with ancestry, dead loved ones, spiritual energies, and different generational perspectives
    • (1:20:14) Our shared  ancestral trauma of war
    • (1:24:23) Grief, grieving in community, and turning towards pain
    • (1:30:59) How we respond to a stubbed toe as an example of moving through pain
    • (1:35:00) Calling in “Reverence”
    • (1:36:37 ) Closing thoughts on the conversation from each guest



    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Getting Discomfortable With Shame | A.J. Bond ~ ATTMind 162

    Getting Discomfortable With Shame | A.J. Bond ~ ATTMind 162

    A.J. Bond—author of Discomfortable: What Is Shame and How Can We Break Its Hold—joins us on Adventures Through The Mind to talk about what shame is, what it feels like, and how it impacts our sense of self and perception of the world.

    We also talk about healthy vs unhealthy shame; internal vs. external shame; attachment styles and shame’s link to our developmental past and early relationship with our parents; intimacy and how shame hinders our ability to truly connect with others; unconditional love and ayahuasca’s impact on AJ’s healing through shame; and, of course, how to navigate shame in a way that supports healing the wounds around which our shame directs us.


    For links to A.J.'s work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind162



    This episode is sponsored by Maps of the Mind and their upcoming workshop Facilitating Psychedelic Experiences, happening on Saturday, July 2nd

    More details can be found here: mapsofthemind.com/facilitating-psychedelic-experiences-workshop/
    Use discount code JESSO40 in the section that says 'have a coupon' to get a ticket for £40



    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive!

    Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, Yvette FC, Chuck W, Alex F, Eliz C, Nathan B, Nick M, & Chloe C


    Episode Breakdown

    • (0:00) Opening | Ad for upcoming workshop sponsoring this video
    • (6:01) Interview Begins
    • (6:31) Why shame is an important topic for psychedelic culture
    • (8:31) Shame: what it is and what its made of
    • (11:57) The affect of shame
    • (13:34) Shame as an evolutionary survival adaptation 
    • (21:07 ) Healthy vs. unhealthy shame
    • (24:30) Internal vs. external Shame
    • (27:58) Narcissism, canceling, and toxic shame
    • (34:35) Shame’s link to our developmental past and early relationship with our parents
    • (40:01) Healing the past to liberate ourselves from unhealthy shame | getting discomfortable with shame
    • (46:18) Why how we do a thing matters as much as the thing we do
    • (51:58) Bringing our shame healing/liberation to a systemic level
    • (55:40) All the ways shame will weave itself into your healing
    • (57:32) Intimacy and how shame hinders our ability to truly connect with others
    • (58:18) Connection and relationship is essential components of our healing 
    • (1:05:07 ) Unconditional love and ayahuasca’s impact on AJ’s healing through shame
    • (1:11:59) Develop a meta-scaffolding that allows us to be with our reactivity in a healthy way
    • (1:14:06) Some basic steps for navigating shame
    • (1:18:26) Follow-up and social links
    • (1:20:41) Outro | Info about workshop sponsoring this video



    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Safeguarding The Sacredness of Psychedelics Against Profit-Driven Industrialization | Martijn Schirp

    Safeguarding The Sacredness of Psychedelics Against Profit-Driven Industrialization | Martijn Schirp

    Martijn Schirp of Synthesis Institute joins us on Adventures Through The Mind to wonder with us about the potential harms that will come from the profit-driven industrialization of psychedelics and psychedelic therapy; how we might safeguard the sacredness of psychedelics and people seeking psychedelic therapy against those harms; and where and how he sees Synthesis Institute as attempting to do so.

    We also talk about cultural maturity; the systemic issues that lead to broad-sweeping ill-health amongst modern people; why no, it’s not “just business”; psychedelics’ role in helping us to learn to be better people in uncertain times; indigenous issues, and our personal sense of where we land in the long history of colonial harms; and why choosing love ain’t easy, but well worth it. 


    For links to Martijn's work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind161




    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive!

    Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, Yvette FC, Chuck W, Alex F, Eliz C, Nathan B, Nick M, & Chloe C


    Episode Breakdown

    • (0:00) Opening
    • (1:59) Overture
    • (4:28) Guest bio
    • (640) Support the show
    • (7:29) Interview begins
    • (7:48) What is (and what inspired) the Synthesis psychedelic retreat centre?
    • (12:39) The complex legality of psychedelics (psilocybin) in the Netherlands
    • (18:53) The impact of capital on the psychedelic space/industry
    • (26:42) How profit-driven management will impact people undergoing psychedelic therapy
    • (36:08) What is the proper container for holding the full depth of learning present in learning to institutionalize psychedelic therapy?
    • (38:08 ) Psychedelics’ role in being better people in uncertain times
    • (43:14) Further possible issues of psychedelic underground therapy in the growing industrialization of psychedelics
    • (46:01) Psychedelic therapy is expensive; who’s gonna pay for it?
    • (53:44) Cultural maturation | It’s safer to critique than to do the work
    • (58:28 ) Choose love. It ain’t easy, it’s but well worth it.
    • (1:02:06) Safeguarding the sacred through Steward Ownership
    • (1:10:53) How might Synthesis’ move to steward ownership positively impact the larger psychedelic space
    • (1:14:51) Why work towards greater ethics as a company, even though it might not succeed financially
    • (1:22:44) No, it’s not “just business”; how you use money is a reflection of who you are
    • (1:26:21) What is making us sick? | Systemic institutional change is needed to optimize psychedelic healing
    • (1:33:56) Addressing these questions in the context of indigenous issues
    • (1:43:02) Wondering about our place in the long history of colonialism
    • (1:48:20) Is the shadow of historical displacement and ancestral disconnection at the root of white nationalism?
    • (1:52:52) Compassionately wondering about the psychological impact of widespread displacement from heritage amongst Western people
    • (2:01:31) Information about Synthesis’ facilitator training course
    • (2:06:18) Synthesis’ new psychedelic retreat centre in Oregon, USA
    • (2:08:16) Follow up links
    • (2:11:20) Outro



    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    The Dark Side Of Dharma: Adverse Effects Of Meditation | Anna Lutkajtis ~ ATTMind 160

    The Dark Side Of Dharma: Adverse Effects Of Meditation | Anna Lutkajtis ~ ATTMind 160

    Anna Lutkajtis is the author of The Dark Side of Dharma: Meditation, Madness and other Maladies on the Contemplative Path.

    Lutkajtis joins us on the Adventures Through The Mind podcast to discuss mediation; the adverse effects of meditation; where those adverse effects may arise from; the importance of meditation teachers having psychotherapeutic skills; the nerfing of spirituality; and why it is that Western meditation contexts not only generally lack an awareness and understanding of mediation adverse effects, but why those harms are seemingly actively and explicitly ignored.

    Furthermore, we touch on psychedelic experiences as well; the media landscape surrounding their industrialization; the influence psychedelics have had on meditation culture (and vice versa); and how Anna’s research into the adverse effects of meditation overlaps with the growing interest in psychedelics amongst clinical practice, investors, and the wellness industry at large.


    For links to Anna's work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind160




    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive!

    Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, Yvette FC, Chuck W, Alex F, Eliz C, Nathan B, Nick M, & Chloe C —— 


    Episode Breakdown

    • (0:00) Opening
    • (2:05) Overture
    • (4:05) Guest Bio
    • (6:56) Patreon Thanks
    • (8:51) Presenting the thesis of The Dark Side Of Dharma
    • (12:42) What is Mediation? | Transcendental Meditation, Vipassana, & Mindfulness
    • (18:02) The adverse effects of meditation (including spiritual crisis)
    • (21:33) Pathologizing the adverse effects of meditation might be a mistake
    • (25:48) The harms of secularising/decontextualizing meditation from its historical traditions
    • (32:53) Colonial extractivism and the distorted hubris of Western secularism
    • (36:38) The central role of mediation is a response to colonial conquest
    • (39:34) Repackaging Buddhism as a science to appeal to the Western Mainstream
    • (41:19) What’s missing in Western meditation contexts vs traditional ones (a personal story)
    • (44:38) Traditionally, “Having good health is a prerequisite for meditation” not the other way around
    • (49:26) Some adverse effects can come from the misinterpretation of meditation (and psychedelic) insights
    • (55:14) The trickster energy of high dose psilocybin
    • (58:04) The importance of meditation teachers having psychotherapeutic skills
    • (1:05:03) A concussion-symptom break
    • (1:09:19) Presenting meditation as a cure-all is harmful | what drives this presentation?
    • (1:19:09) Might the shifting media-tech landscape support psychedelics from falling into traps of corporate branding
    • (1:24:42) Anna asks James about how he feels The Dark Side Of Dharma might apply to psychedelics
    • (1:27:06) The influence psychedelics have had on meditation culture (and vice versa)
    • (1:27:37) Once you open the door, it can never be closed again
    • (1:29:56) Nerfing spirituality, spiritual bypassing, deception, and no, it’s not all good.
    • (1:34:08) Places to reach out if you are experiencing adverse effects
    • (1:36:11) Follow-up links
    • (1:37:46) Outro



    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Reconciling Humanity and Nature Through Ethnopharmacology | Psychedelic Café 8

    Reconciling Humanity and Nature Through Ethnopharmacology | Psychedelic Café 8

    Featuring speakers from the ESPD55: Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs symposium, this cafe explores the question:

    What does ethnopharmacology have to teach humanity in our present times? 

    Topics include: the reconciliation of humanity with nature; what traditional and indigenous knowledge systems hold for our capacity to facilitate this reconciliation; the importance and challenge of good reciprocity, fair compensation, and the prioritization and protection of indigenous sovereignty in the process; the importance of all of this in the face of a growing, global ecological crisis; and where psychedelic plants and psychedelic experiences fit within it all.

    Our guests: Michael Coe, David F. Rodriguez-Mora, Colin Domnauer, and Jerónimo Mazarrasa


    For links to our guest's work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind159




    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, Yvette FC, Chuck W, Alex F, Eliz C, Nathan B, Nick M, & Chloe C —— Another special thanks to Tanya for their generous one-time donation


    Episode Breakdown

    (0:00) Opening
    (5:38) Cafe begins | Participant intros
    (11:02) What does ethnopharmacology have to teach humanity in our present times?
    (28:52) The reconciliation of the relationship between humanity and nature
    (33:01) The hubris of thinking we can create all that we need in a lab
    (39:58) When customs become products
    (45:51) Reconnecting with the spirit of nature for the good of the future
    (50:14) The importance of financially compensating indigenous cultures
    (52:49) Extracts and Standardisation vs whole plant medicine
    (55:42) The challenge of financially compensating indigenous cultures
    (59:05) Could the industrialization of psychedelics help fund global ecological/cultural sustainability?
    (1:06:05) Supporting the sovereignty of indigenous peoples
    (1:09:53) Given the scale and complexity of the problems, is it even possible to solve them? Does it even matter if solutions are possible?
    (1:18:15) Taking an honest look at ourselves; being a catalyst of change
    (1:24:50) Participants concluding thoughts on the conversation
    (1:26:12) “The lungs of the world?”
    (1:28:09) There is so much to learn
    (1:35:21) Closing



    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Adventures Through The Mind Podcast | James W. Jesso

    Adventures Through The Mind Podcast | James W. Jesso
    ATTMind is an interview-based podcast focusing on psychedelics. It is hosted by Canadian author and public educator, James W. Jesso.

    Thanks for checking it out.
    Thanks again for subscribing!

    ◇ Main website with all show notes, audio-only streams, and other work by James W. Jesso -- https://www.jameswjesso.com


    A Cartoonist Vision of Psychedelic History | Brian Blomerth

    A Cartoonist Vision of Psychedelic History | Brian Blomerth

    Brian Blomerth joins us on ATTMind to discuss his journey into drawing and comics, his artistic process, the intense journalistic research that went into both his psychedelic history graphic novels Mycelium Wassoni and Bicycle Day, the strange findings and complexities he uncovered during that research, and why making these cartoonist accounts of Psychedelic History matter to him.


    For links to Blomerth's work, full show notes, and a link to watch this episode in video, head to bit.ly/ATTMind159




    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, Yvette FC, Chuck W, Alex F, Eliz C, Nathan B, Nick M, & Chloe C

    Another special thanks to Tanya for their generous one-time donation



    Episode Breakdown

    (0:00) Opening
    (2:43) Episode overture
    (6:26) Patreon thanks
    (8:24) Interview begins
    (10:20) The history of dog people in comics
    (11:29) Brian Blomerth’s inspiration and journey into cartooning
    (13:26) What inspired Brian to explore psychedelics as a topic for his comics
    (16:16) The role psychedelics play in Brian Blomerth’s creative and artististic journey
    (17:09) Creative inspiration vs the grind in the artistic/creative process
    (20:33) The research involved in the production of Mycelium Wassoni
    (22:43) The easter eggs Brian has woven into the background of the art
    (25:14) Brian’s experience with mushrooms before producing this book
    (27:34) Exploring some history of R. Gordon and Valentina Wason
    (29:25) Why Brian chose to strongly feature Valentina Wasson’s part of the story
    (32:29) The strange discoveries Brian made while researching the Wasson story
    (34:24) The CIA controversy with R. Gordon Wasson, psilocybin mushrooms, and the differing opinions of how it unfolded
    (39:53) Some discussion around Wasson’s obsession with Soma
    (42:23) A review of the bicycle day story, and what we often get around about it
    (46:13) The powerful impact of couples in the psychedelic history
    (47:53) Maggie and the dolphin; and other stories of dolphin love
    (51:35) No person is an island
    (54:50) Follow up links and contact info
    (57:00) Closing




    OR you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Reclaiming Our Humanity with The Evolved Nest | Darcia Narvaez PhD - ATTMind 158

    Reclaiming Our Humanity with The Evolved Nest | Darcia Narvaez PhD - ATTMind 158

    Dr. Darcia Narvaez joins us on Adventures Through The Mind to explore how early life experiences shape our morality and culture in adulthood and the kind of early life that leads to human thriving—what she calls The Evolved Nest.

    We also explore the impact 10,000 years of unnested children is having on our psychology, our morality, and our civilization as a whole; how early life nesting experiences lead to what Narvaez’s calls Cycled Of Cooperative Companionship; and how the undercare of being unnested leads to Cycles Of Competitive Detachment—the cycle most of us are locked into now, a cycle that is definably unhuman. 

    Furthermore, we explore what it means and what it takes to break that competitive detachment cycle and come back into healthy connection with ourselves, each other, and the natural world.

    For links to Narvaez's work, full show notes, and to watch this episode in video, head to https://bit.ly/ATTMind158
    ***Full Topics Breakdown Below***
    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially my $23+ patrons, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C,

    Yvette FC, Chuck W, Alex F, Eliz C, Nathan B, Nick M, & Chloe C

    Another special thanks to Andrea, Luke, Andrew, & Makea for generous one-time donations
    Episode Breakdown

    (0:00) Opening
    (1:48) Episode Overture
    (7:09) Patreon Thanks
    (8:05) Setting up for this episodes content
    (11:03) The Nine Components of the Evolved Nest (see below for a list)
    (22:12) The cycles of adult behaviour, culture, and child rearing echoing from the impact of early life experiences.
    (27:08) Early life stress leads to self-centered morality in adulthood
    (30:30) Early life “nestedness” leads to Cycles of Cooperative Companionship
    (31:51) The early life experiences that lead to the Cycle of Competitive Detachment
    (34:33) How the cycle of competitive detachment impacts the community
    (38:18) Undercare of children leads to authoritarianism, tribalism, and supremacy in adult cultures
    (46:13) North American culture raises of to be unhuman
    (52:44) Connection is an essential nutrient and its deficiency creates a society of hungry ghosts
    (57:00) The differences between how undercare impact males vs females
    (1:03:46) The pandemic isolation has damaged our nervous systems
    (1:05:35) It’s important to expand our sense of connection beyond our anthropocentric conditioning | Connecting with nature
    (1:09:58) Are we really more busy than before, or just more inclined towards an anxious stress response
    (1:11:47) Practices to increasing our sense of connection | https://ecoattachment.dance
    (1:18:02) The potential impact of psychedelics to increase our sense of connection
    (1:21:36) The wellness-informed pathway vs the trauma-informed pathway
    (1:24:18) My sense of the value of Darcia Narvaez’s work
    (1:26:18) Links for further connecting with Dr. Narvaez
    (1:27:22) Closing

    ► Or, you can buy a copy of one of my books!


    Astrology and Tarot for Psychedelic Preparation and Integration | Noah Cebuliak ~ ATTMind 157

    Astrology and Tarot for Psychedelic Preparation and Integration | Noah Cebuliak ~ ATTMind 157
    Noah Cebuliak joins us to explore what Tarot and Asotlrogy are and are not; their use and history of involvement with psychedelic work; wagering fair skepticism with pragmatism and opportunity; the use of astrology for spiritual bypassing; how we can work with both astrology and tarot for our psychedelic preparation and integration; and more.
    For links to Noah's work, full show notes, and to watch this episode in video, head to https://bit.ly/ATTMind157
    ***Full Topics Breakdown Below***

    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, Yvette FC, Dima B, Chuck W, Alex F, Eliz C, Nathan B, Nick M, & Chloe C

    Another special thanks to Makea, Trent, Bernie, and Peter for the generous Paypal donations.


    ***Feature Image made from the art of Oliver Hibert and his Psychedelic Tarot Deck***
    Episode Breakdown
    • What Astrology is (and is not)
    • Astrology is correlation, not causation (Grof and Tarnas)
    • Using astrology to time our psychedelic journeys
    • How "the godfather of LSD" Stanislav Grof discovered astrology’s link to psychedelic experiences
    • Wagering fair skepticism with pragmatism and opportunity
    • Omen logic and navigating the brilliant mystery
    • What a natal chart is, how to get one, and how to use it
    • Mercury retrograde and Saturn’s return—the good, the bad, and the bypassing
    • We need to grow up out of cultural and spiritual neoteny
    • Your life is not about you
    • What Tarot is (and is not)
    • Noah’s perspective on how I (James) use tarot
    • Debating the value of using a book reference to read tarot
    • Reading tarot while on psychedelics
    • The conflict between the medical model and encounters with entities?
    • The bottom line is that we need to have humility to navigate the Mystery
    • How astrology and tarot can help with psychedelic integration
    • How to start with tarot
    • Noah’s contact info
    ► Or, you can buy a copy of one of my books!

    Deep Ecology, Earth Connection, and The Miracle of Life | Sky Otter/Bill Pfeiffer

    Deep Ecology, Earth Connection, and The Miracle of Life | Sky Otter/Bill Pfeiffer

    Sky Otter (Bill Pfeiffer) joins us to talk about Deep Ecology, the problematic place we are in as a planet, and the profound healing potential still available to us, personally and collectively, through coming back into ecstatic communion and relationship with the Earth.

    For links to Otter's work, full show notes, and to watch this episode in video, head to https://bit.ly/ATTMind156
    ***Full Topics Breakdown Below***
    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, David WB, Yvette FC, Ann-Madeleine, Dima B, Eliz C, Chuck W, Nathan B, & Nick M
    Episode Breakdown
    • Deep ecology, alienation, and spiritual activism
    •  The value of a spiritual connection to the earth
    • The trauma of disconnection, perpetuated
    • A civilization of misery and violence
    • Hatred against our greatest villains
    • Jeff Bezos is a hero (and a villain)
    • The profound grief of collapse; the profound miracle of being alive
    • What do we do about this? Deep Ecology
    • Skepticism and the separate-self
    • Changing our perceptual apparatus towards Connection and Mystery
    • A moving quote from John Seed
    • Finding balance in facing collapse
55 Feeling the pain of the earth; community holds the grief
    • Doing the best we can, even though it's nearly impossible
    • The role of psychedelic plants in healing our disconnection from nature
    • A ceremonial community of psychedelic practice is vital
    • Ceremonial maturity in our psychedelic practice
    • Befriending our parts through psychedelic mushrooms
    • Are psychedelics “tools”?
    • The fungi open us up to the ongoing revelation of nature.
    • Links to more of Bill/Sky’s work
    • Landscape Shamanism (course)
    • Bill’s dream for your life
    ► Or, you can buy a copy of one of my books!
    Adventures Through The Mind
    enDecember 31, 2021

    The Healing Potential Of Expanded States | Psychedelic Café 7aling Potential Of Expanded States | Psychedelic Café 7

    The Healing Potential Of Expanded States | Psychedelic Café 7aling Potential Of Expanded States | Psychedelic Café 7

    What are the healing potentials of expanded states?

    It is this question that guides the conversation featured on this episode of Adventures Through The Mind, another Psychedelic Café episode.

    Our guests are Maria Papaspyrou, Nir Tradmor, Natasja Pelgrom, and Renee Harvey.

    For links to our participants work, full show notes, and to watch this episode in video, head to https://bit.ly/PsyCafe7


    ***Full Topics Breakdown Below***




    ► Patreon: https://patreon.com/jameswjesso

    ► Donations: https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=383635S3BKJVS

    ► Merchandise: https://www.jameswjesso.com/shop/

    ► More options: https://www.jameswjesso.com/support/


    ► Newsletter: https://www.jameswjesso.com/newsletter


    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, David WB, Yvette FC, Ann-Madeleine, Dima B, Eliz C, Chuck W, Nathan B, & Nick M


    Episode Breakdown

    • Introducing participants
    • One clear thought on the question (round 1): What is the healing potential of expanded states?
    • Open discussion (round 2)
    • Entering into the “we” space, relational work, the healing of connection
    • Getting permission from the plant | giving permission to meet ourselves
    • The shadow of the mainstream medical psychedelic narrative
    • The judgments against “recreational” psychedelic use
    • The importance of arriving to psychedelics with beginner’s mind
    • The psychedelic other | can we trust what “the medicine” tells us?
    • The spirits have ego, too | negotiating with
    • The purge as a healing mechanism
    • Psychedelic marketing and the cringey direction of mainstream psychedelic culture
    • “Who owns psychedelics?”
    • The impact of psychedelics on how we approach death
    • Reciprocity with psychedelics medicine
    • Why do we sabotage ourselves?
    • The healing potential of expanded states to help us connect with ourselves
    • The value of sharing our gratitude for each other
    • Belonging, feeling alone, and grieving the loss of belonging
    • Psychedelics and working with psychosis
    • Closing thoughts on the question (round 3)
    • Social Media details for each participant





    ► Patreon: https://patreon.com/jameswjesso

    ► Donations: https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=383635S3BKJVS

    ► Merchandise: https://www.jameswjesso.com/shop/

    ► More options: https://www.jameswjesso.com/support/


    Adventures Through The Mind
    enDecember 17, 2021

    The Regenerative Power Of Mushrooms | Alex Dorr ~ ATTMind 155

    The Regenerative Power Of Mushrooms | Alex Dorr ~ ATTMind 155

    Alex Dorr joins us on Adventures Through The Mind to provide us an overview of mushrooms and the fungi kingdom; the anatomy, life cycle, and evolutionary history of mushrooms; and the role fungi play in the very foundations of life on this planet.

    We also talk about mycoremediation, mycotechnologies, and go in-depth about the health effects of functional mushrooms such as reishi, lion’s mane, and cordyceps. 

    For links to Dorr's work, full show notes, and to watch this episode in video, head to https://bit.ly/ATTMind155
    ***Full Topics Breakdown Below***

    ▷ AFFILIATE: Mushroom Revival inc
    Mushroom revival is a functional mushrooms supplement company focusing on high-quality, science-informed mushroom extract products.
    Use promo code ATTM to get 10% off your order

    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, David WB, Yvette FC, Ann-Madeleine, Dima B, Eliz C, Chuck W, Nathan B, & Nick M
    Episode Breakdown
    • An overview of mushrooms and the fungi kingdom
    • Mushroom evolution, anatomy, and life cycle
    • How mushrooms support the foundation of life itself
    • Mycoremediation (using fungi to fix industrial pollution)
    • Using psilocybin is mycoremediation of human trauma
    • Criticisms of the mainstreaming and industrializing of psilocybin
    • Functional mushrooms and their benefit on human health
    • The health effects of Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, and Reishi mushrooms
    • Four guidelines to follow for finding good quality functional mushrooms (sourcing, extraction, lab-tested, dose)
    • Issues around Chaga mushroom extraction and sourcing
    • Importance of ensuring good extraction methods
    • The importance of ensuring functional mushrooms are certified organic and lab-tested
    • Getting the right dose for your functional mushrooms
    • Mycoprotein, aka mushroom meat
    • Mycowood for making musical instrument
    • Mycopesticides for malaria mosquitos 
    • Malaria medication nightmares
    ► Or, you can buy a copy of one of my books!
    Adventures Through The Mind
    enDecember 03, 2021

    Veteran PTSD, Ayahuasca Healing, And The Military-Industrial Complex | Jesse Gould ~ ATTMind 154

    Veteran PTSD, Ayahuasca Healing, And The Military-Industrial Complex | Jesse Gould ~ ATTMind 154

    Jesse Gould of Heroic Hearts Project is on the show for this episode to talk about his own battle with PTSD and his recovery through ayahuasca therapy. We also talk about the challenges of integrating back into civilian life after combat, the tragic mental health and suicide statistics amongst veterans, and the role Heroic Hearts Project is playing to help those veterans.

    More than that though, Jesse and I speak about what it’s like as a soldier to find out that their government lied to justify the war they were traumatized by being in; the impact of military expansionism on the climate crisis; whether or not “the psychedelic cure” will be used by governments to justify continuing war; and, whether or not ayahuasca healing has any noticeable effects on one’s political stance on the military.

    For links to Gould's work, full show notes, and to watch this episode in video, head to https://bit.ly/ATTMind154
    ***Full Topics Breakdown Below***


    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, David WB, Yvette FC, Ann-Madeleine, Dima B, Eliz C, Chuck W, Nathan B, & Nick M
    Episode Breakdown
    • What is Heroic Hearts Project?
    • The mental health crisis amongst veterans
    • The two extreme realities of veterans’ life though
    • The challenges of becoming a civilian after being made a soldier
    • Jesse’s journey from the Military, through PTSD, and to ayahuasca
    • Harming and self-harming amongst veterans
    • The mismanagement of mental health care on behalf of the Veteran Associations
    • Jesse’s journey into ayahuasca and what he learned
    • A powerful story of a Veteran's transformation out of PTSD through ayahuasca
    • The crisis of meaning when a soldier learns that the reason they were at war was based on lies
    • Does ayahuasca change a veteran's perspective on the military-industrial complex?
    • Does ayahuasca change a veteran's perspective on the military, itself?
    • No, psychedelics do not fundamentally alter your political views or make you a better person
    • Responding to the ecological destruction of the military-industrial complex and military expansionism
    • Will “the psychedelic cure” for veteran PTSD be used by the military to justify continuing war
    • The shifting cultural tides in the USA regarding kinetic warfare
    • What Heroic Hearts is up to now (services and research)
    ► Or, you can buy a copy of one of my books!
    Adventures Through The Mind
    enNovember 19, 2021

    Plant Intelligence | Monica Gagliano, PhD ~ ATTMind 153

    Plant Intelligence | Monica Gagliano, PhD ~ ATTMind 153

    Dr. Monica Gagliano takes us on a deep dive into the results of her scientific research into plant intelligence. But she also shares the profound impact of her personal encounters with the living intelligence of the natural world, and what those encounters have revealed about herself, about life, and about the murderous consequences of modern scientific training.

    We also explore definitions of intelligence and plant intelligence; the impact of anthropocentrism on our relationship to the natural world; listening to and learning from plants; and the role of altered states and psychedelics in our capacity to directly communicate with not only plants, but the intelligent life of nature itself.


    For links to Dr. Gagliano's work, full show notes, and to watch this episode in video, head to https://bit.ly/ATTMind153
    ***Full Topics Breakdown Below***
    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, David WB, Yvette FC, Ann-Madeleine, Dima B, Eliz C, Chuck W, Nathan B, & Nick M
    Episode Breakdown
    • What is intelligence?
    • What is plant Intelligence?
    • Why we assume plants aren’t intelligent
    • Gagliano’s transformation away from “cold-hearted scientist”
    • How anthropocentric bias in Academia delegitimizes plant intelligence research
    • Plant bioacoustics and shamanic medicine songs
    • Voice, plant voice, and how we silence them
    • An example of listening to plants
    • Appropriation and the silencing of plant intelligence
    • The history of our enslavement to wheat
    • What if plants listened to plants as a “someone” and not a “something”
    • Slowing down and letting yourself be confused is a good thing
    • The role of altered states in communicating with and learning from plants
    • The psychedelic experience is happening all the time
    • The role of plant dietas in healing
    • Allowing our encounters with the natural world to become meaningful moments of learning and insight
    • What medicine means
    • A closing poem from The Spoke The Plant

    ► Or, you can buy a copy of one of my books!
    Adventures Through The Mind
    enNovember 05, 2021

    Hallucinogen Perception Persisting Disorder (HPPD) | Ed Prideaux ~ ATTMind 152

    Hallucinogen Perception Persisting Disorder (HPPD) | Ed Prideaux ~ ATTMind 152
    Ed Prideaux joins us to discuss what Hallucinogen Perception Persisting Disorder (HPPD) is, its symptoms, its history, its association with other mental health conditions, how widespread it seems to be, and how it isn’t necessarily a negative experience.

    We also speak of psychedelic flashbacks--what they are and what they are not; the role of memory, trauma, and neuroplasticity in HPPD; the pathologizing of neurodiversity; and each of our personal experiences of the condition.


    For links to Prideaux's work, full show notes, and to watch this episode in video, head to https://bit.ly/ATTMind152
    ***Full Topics Breakdown Below***
    *** Extra BIG thanks to my patrons on Patreon for helping keep this podcast alive! Especially, Andreas D, Clea S, Joe A, Ian C, David WB, Yvette FC, Ann-Madeleine, Dima B, Eliz C, Chuck W, Nathan B, & Nick M
    Episode Breakdown
    • What is Hallucinogen Perception Persisting Disorder?
    • James’ personal experiences of HPPD
    • HPPD is much more common than we realize, and not always negative
    • The potentially serious negative consequences of HPPD
    • The harm of drug stigma, cultural ignorance, and pathologizing of neurodiversity
    • The urgency of HPPD
    • The pharmacological treatments for HPPD
    • Psychedelic flashbacks: what they are, and what they are not
    • HPPD is not necessary the consequence of psychedelics
    • Genetic predispositions to HPPD
    • Memory triggers, Neruoplastiocity and being traumatized by psychedelics (bad trips)
    • HPPD can be positive, too
    • The current treatments for HPPD
    • The relationship between Cannabis and HPPD
    • Something everyone should know about HPPD
    • Why do people who don't have HPPD think it’s not real?
    • How to create better awareness around Hallucinogen Perception Persisting Disorder
    • Links to Ed Prideaux’s Twitter, The Perception Restoration Foundation, and some Australia studies happening now/soon

    ► Or, you can buy a copy of one of my books!
    Adventures Through The Mind
    enOctober 22, 2021