
    ageofthemage's podcast

    This is a podcast series for anyone interested in the magickal arts, spiritual concepts, paranormal events, and esoteric principles. All kinds of mysteries are about to be explored! We're at a critical juncture in time. Join us as we discuss how to use personal and collective magick and spiritual gifts to thrive in the emerging world atmosphere.
    enMary Gabrielle81 Episodes

    Episodes (81)

    Age of the Mage Ep. 80: Magic! Magick! Everywhere!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 80: Magic! Magick! Everywhere!

    We can increase our magical and spiritual abilities by bringing magic into all parts of our domain. Here are some easy and simple ideas that can lead to much more complex etheric designs in the future.

    Based on a recent dream, I felt this information was important to share with each of you. We can turn our ordinary spaces into magical places!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 79: Magical Guardians & Protectors

    Age of the Mage Ep. 79: Magical Guardians & Protectors

    Magical Protectors and New Earth Guardians! You have been called and activated to use your magick and spiritual powers! We all thank you for your service and for how much you do to protect those you love and your magical allies.

    In this episode, I review some general characteristics that you might recognize in yourself if you are a Guardian Archetype. Then, I offer some suggestions to help enhance and sustain your abilities. 

    For more information about the Protectors and the Guardian Magickal Archetype, listen to Episodes 22, 23, 44, and 49.

    Age of the Mage Ep. 78: Magical & Spiritual Healers

    Age of the Mage Ep. 78: Magical & Spiritual Healers

    Healers have their own kind of challenges. Whether a healer is working to eliminate a physical ailment, adjust a psychological setback, mend a soul fracture, or repair a dimensional rift, some general characteristics show up.

    Today's message is to remind the Magical Archetype of Healers of how they might be able to offset and enhance some of their unique capabilities. We review 5 general characteristics and list a few ways to ensure future success with the healing arts.

    Age of the Mage Ep. 77: A New-Earth Timeline Phenomena

    Age of the Mage Ep. 77: A New-Earth Timeline Phenomena

    Are connections unraveling? Do lines of communication seem shaky and unpredictable? Do everyday events unfold in familiar ways, or do they seem to be getting hijacked by invisible forces?

    As our earth moves through the new timelines and the upcoming transitions, we'll start to feel the effects of these major shifts. Even when we think we're prepared, we can be surprised by phenomena that could come with this transition. 

    As Mages and Sages, it will serve us to begin noticing new patterns and new phenomena as we move through these uncertain times.

    We can use our extra perception of pattern recognition to buffer ourselves from disruptions that might occur. Listen to see if you've noticed this particular phenomenon starting to occur in your life! Network Interference

    Age of the Mage Ep. 76: Magical & Spiritual Warriors!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 76: Magical & Spiritual Warriors!

    Do you feel the "warrior's" spirit running through your soul? Are you willing to tackle darkness with direct action? Do you face your enemies with courage? You may have the heart of a true warrior, and the world needs your magick now more than ever before!

    Learn more about fighting the dark forces in our midst by using your magical and spiritual talents. The Magickal Warrior is one of the Primary Magical Archetypes. We honor your presence and your willingness to risk your lives for the good of humanity.

    To explore the 9 Magical Archetypes, listen to Episode 45. Episode 47 discusses the Magical Warrior specifically.

    Age of the Mage Ep. 75: 3 Magical Exercises & Remote Viewing

    Age of the Mage Ep. 75: 3 Magical Exercises & Remote Viewing

    Try out these simple exercises to increase your sensitivity to the etheric space that surrounds you. This is the space where magic and spirit exists! Learn how to discern changes in this etheric field and work towards mastering your attunement to these invisible realms.

    The last suggestion to practice in this episode is a remote/ distance viewing exercise. Just relax and take note of any incoming sensations or information you receive about the image chosen as Target 2b.

    The image will be posted on the Age of the Mage Page on the Modernmasters.org site under "Bonuses & Extras: Remote Viewing Target 2b."

    You might also like to check out Episode 3: Mind the Gap, where I share a couple personal experiences I had with this "liminal" space.

    Also, in Episode 60, we did another remote viewing exercise. Feel free to listen to that one and try to read Target 1a. That image is also posted on the Age of the Mage Page. 

    Link to Age of the Mage Page for Results:



    Age of the Mage Ep. 74: Use Taurus Energy in Your Magick!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 74: Use Taurus Energy in Your Magick!

    Do you want to manifest a long-lasting project? Are you hoping to instill loyalty in friends and partners? Would you like to improve your stamina or steadfastness? Use the earth energies of Taurus to enhance these aspects in your life!

    Not only can we gain an appreciation of unique personal qualities through the study of astrology, but we can also take advantage of the times when certain cosmic energies are moving through our world. By understanding, harnessing, and incorporating these powerful energies into our magical and spiritual work, we can boost our ability to manifest our desires.

    Age of the Mage Ep. 73: 5 Magical Exercises

    Age of the Mage Ep. 73: 5 Magical Exercises

    Little things add up! Use these 5 simple exercises to upgrade your attunement to magick and spirit. With just a few minutes of focus, we can begin to open up to more expansive possibilities.

    I've chosen to list these 5 exercises because they are easily accessible to most of us and will greatly increase our sensitivity to the magical realms that surround us. Slow and steady practice can lead us to mastery!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 72: Guardians, Weavers & Dragons

    Age of the Mage Ep. 72: Guardians, Weavers & Dragons

    All realms are becoming active and intertwined with earth at this time. As a species, the human race is entering into a crucial phase of evolution and is approaching a critical choice point. We'll need to find alliances in higher dimensions in order to move through this frequency shift.

    It appears that many types of etheric beings are gathering in order to assist us. As protectors and guardians, we can come forward to offer our magical and spiritual assistance. As weavers, we will contribute greatly to the new earth webs that are being created. And as dragon kin, we are establishing strong allies with interdimensional beings who have come with great power to assist us with this transition.

    I invite you to accept your activation and calling if you resonate to this message. This acceptance will allow you to move into your full power.

    NOTE: If you're interested, please review previous episodes for more information on the Magical Archetypes of the "Guardian" and the "Weaver." 

    Age of the Mage Ep. 71: Claim Your Magical & Spiritual Powers!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 71: Claim Your Magical & Spiritual Powers!

    As Mages & Sages, We Must Claim Our Power if We are Going to Fulfill Our Destinies and Do What We Came Here to Do! In what realms do we thrive? Where can we make the most difference and be the most effective?

    By reviewing some of the aspects in the "Hunger Games" series, we can see that we are battling some very similar types of sabotage in our world. As those who believe in the powers of magic and spirit, we are often faced with additional interference.

    I truly believe we can change our world in significant ways if we become courageous enough to recognize and claim our powers. It is then that we will become a force to be reckoned with!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 70: Secrecy vs. Transparency

    Age of the Mage Ep. 70: Secrecy vs. Transparency

    Privacy! Secrets! Lies! Transparency! All important "buzz words" in our current reality. Should some things be kept secret? When do the boundaries of privacy become important? Does secrecy mean deception? How do we incorporate mystery into our magick and spiritual practices?

    Let's explore the importance of balancing our need for privacy and personal sovereignty with our attraction to transparency and light. As mages and sages, we need to understand and implement these concepts as they are meant to be used!


    Age of the Mage Ep. 69: Let's Talk Dragons!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 69: Let's Talk Dragons!

    Many people currently contacting us seem to have a strong affinity for or an interest in dragons. Because of this pattern, I've decided to spend some time talking about dragon energies and why we may be drawn to certain interdimensional species.

    Whether we find ourselves connected to various beings through karmic ties, past involvements, or soul contracts, we often feel a special kinship with a particular extra-dimensional species.

    I want to welcome those who feel a connection to the majestic Dragons and look forward to learning much more about their kind in the future. I feel that certain clans or divisions of the Dragons are interested in helping humans with our evolution, and because of that, may begin to show up as human allies more and more.

    For any who are interested, I covered the concept of Spiritual Overlays in Episode 41. An alliance with Dragons, or any other etheric race, may be due to a spiritual overlay.

    Age of the Mage Ep. 68: The Magical Weaver Archetype

    Age of the Mage Ep. 68: The Magical Weaver Archetype

    Do you often find yourself at a center of influence? Are you able to see widespread connections and patterns? Three kinds of magick are woven into the Weavers bag of tricks. In this episode, we'll be looking at the Nexus, the Spinner, and the Outfitter.

    Come explore the types of magick and spiritual work that Weavers practice. In the coming days, this type of magic will become very important. Not only will we calling on Protectors for personal reasons, but we'll be calling on Weavers to protect and create entire networks of energy. This is one powerful kind of magick!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 67: Do You Work With Magical Allies?

    Age of the Mage Ep. 67: Do You Work With Magical Allies?

    Do you feel a kinship with dragons or dolphins? Do you call upon angels when you're in need of assistance? Are you part of a living star family that hears when you call? Do ancient gods and goddesses grace your magical practice with their energies?

    Sometimes, it can be important for us to feel the support and guidance of outside forces. As we work our way through our human lives full of trials and challenges, tears and laughter, we long to develop meaningful relationships with others. 

    In this episode, I share some ideas about how important it's becoming to establish links with our allies in other realms. Times are changing at a rapid pace, and we will need to be prepared. Discovering and deepening your interdimensional associations will prove to be invaluable in the coming days.

    Age of the Mage Ep. 66: Trouble in the Magical & Etheric Planes

    Age of the Mage Ep. 66: Trouble in the Magical & Etheric Planes

    In this episode, I share a recent personal experience. As I approached trouble in the third dimension, I came to realize that the source of the interference was coming from etheric or astral realms. 

    In order to counter the invasions and correct the imbalances showing up in my physical reality, I was led to adjust and protect the invisible threads connecting me to magical and spiritual dimensions. 

    I now believe that this experience was meant to show me how important it is that we all begin to recognize and work even more with these invisible planes as we continue to develop our magickal and spiritual gifts.

    Age of the Mage Ep. 65: Spirit of the Sun & Magic of the Moon

    Age of the Mage Ep. 65: Spirit of the Sun & Magic of the Moon

    Calling in the Power! The majestic sun and mysterious moon are cosmic spheres that imbue our planet with their unique energies every day and night. We can absorb and invite these magical influences into our etheric energy planes using simple techniques and authentic requests. 

    In today's podcast, I suggest a meditative exercise we can use to bring the sun and moon energies into our lives. Our spirits can also use the cosmic polarities to enhance balance. It's pure magick!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 64: Do You Want to Leave the Matrix?

    Age of the Mage Ep. 64: Do You Want to Leave the Matrix?

    Do you feel that things are not as they seem? Do you sense there's much more going on behind the scenes that we perceive with our five senses? Do you want to know the truth about our reality?

    These are all questions that many of us are facing in these times of uncertainty and intense energies. We want to discover the truth about our systems of reality and what that truth could mean once it's properly understood.

    This episode introduces some of the first things we can do to begin a journey that goes beyond the framework of the illusory matrix we live in. Are you ready to take your first steps into new realities?

    Age of the Mage Ep. 63: Psychic Attacks & Spiritual Warfare Part 2

    Age of the Mage Ep. 63: Psychic Attacks & Spiritual Warfare Part 2

    Yes, psychic attacks and spiritual warfare exist! In these chaotic times, many of us are witnessing these kinds of events in our own lives and in the lives of close family and friends.

    We do not have to cower in fear or stand by in helpless states. We have skills and talents meant to offset these types of attacks. Now is the time to charge and activate the tools we've been given so that we can be ready to act!

    Today, we discuss how these things might appear in our lives and how we can take steps to counter any forces of darkness. It's important that we begin to take these forces seriously and prepare to stand against them before the time for preparation has passed.




    Age of the Mage Ep. 62: Spiritual Warfare & Psychic Attacks

    Age of the Mage Ep. 62: Spiritual Warfare & Psychic Attacks

    Can dark entities from other realms affect us in our physical states? Can negative energies be transmitted from one place to another and have real effects in the 3D world? Are we in a state of spiritual warfare at this time? Are we prepared for these kinds of interference?

    As magical practitioners and spiritual leaders, we need to understand the whole of our reality. When we become informed, we can become better prepared and ready for any kind of negative force. We'll also be ready to help others who struggle with some of these issues.

    This is Part 1 of two podcasts that discusses the reality and possible influences of dark forces and how we might prepare to stand against them. We can learn how to ward off darkness while maintaining our personal spheres of truth, light, and love.

    Age of the Mage Ep. 61: Kindred Souls are Gathering!

    Age of the Mage Ep. 61: Kindred Souls are Gathering!

    As a planet and as a earth human species, we're moving into unprecedented times. The intensity of the coming shifts in energy, frequency, and vibration are foreign to most of us. For these reasons, it's more necessary than ever to find others that we align with.

    As we discover friends and allies that resonate with our dominant frequencies, we'll find solace, support, and the inspiration we need to do what we came to do! In this episode, I suggest one simple way for us to begin to connect as an etheric network of light and love.

    Let's each light a candle and share our light with each other, one candle at a time!