
    Aligned and Magnetic Podcast

    Wish it was easier to make money in your business doing what you LOVE?
    The Aligned and Magnetic Podcast is your go-to learning lab for building success YOUR way.

    Accredited Aligned Business Coach, Money Mindset and Manifestation Queen, Lauren Ashley, is committed to helping you co-create with the Universe, step into the best version of yourself, magnetize your desires and make more money as you build the life and business of your dreams.

    You’ll find lessons on building an authentic brand to attract your soulmate clients; balancing the divine feminine and masculine to manifest more powerfully; ethical sales that feel good AND make you more money; manifesting in a way that works for you; asking the right questions and tapping into your inner wisdom as your personal GPS to making your dreams a reality.

    Lauren’s speciality? Asking the right questions to help you think bigger, work smarter and open up to receiving more from life in a limitless way.

    New episodes every Wednesday!
    enLauren Ashley48 Episodes

    Episodes (48)

    27. The #1 Thing You Need to be Doing to Attract More Clients

    27. The #1 Thing You Need to be Doing to Attract More Clients
    Feeling like it’s harder and harder to get seen online? Ready to stand out (despite the crowds) and attract soulmate clients with more ease?

    This episode is part of a 5 day series called Client Attractor, a series where you’ll learn how to attract soulmate clients, sell with more ease and confidence so that you can hear more yeses and less not right nows, and my three part framework that I use with my clients to help them to consistently crush their income goals. Get ready to hear:
    • My journey in MLM and why it turned me off from sales
    • The moment I realized I couldn’t sell without actually talking to people
    • How I went from not selling at all to making sales work and feel good to me
    • How to make more money selling YOURSELF and not trying to be someone else
    • How to show up and promote your services authentically so that you can fill your programs with the clients that you love to work with.
    Sign up for Client Attractor to receive the full 5 day series and meditations: https://coachlaurenashley.com/client-attractor-live-series

    Ready to put the magic into your business and replace your 9-5 income in your service-based business? Join us inside the Aligned & Magnetic Business Accelerator for business MAGIC: https://coachlaurenashley.com/accelerator

    Ready to create the business of your dreams and make more money doing what you love? Book a connection call with Lauren here to see how she can support you: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Wanna join our free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join Lauren’s community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    26. 5 Ways to Start Living Your Dream Life TODAY & Manifest More Quickly

    26. 5 Ways to Start Living Your Dream Life TODAY & Manifest More Quickly
    Ever feel like your dream life is 5, 10 or even 20 years away from being a reality? Wonder why other people are living their dream life and for whatever reason, you’re not?

    In this episode we’re diving into how to make your dream life a reality TODAY. That’s right. You don’t actually have to wait 5, 10, or 20 years to live the life you dream of. In this episode, you will hear about:
    • How even when you DO have your dream life, you need to intentionally live it
    • Lauren’s personal experience with having her dream life but still feeling trapped in her old life (and how she solved this)
    • Remembering that you have freedom of choice and the power to change your reality
    • Letting go of limiting beliefs
    • How to micro-dose your dream life TODAY and other ways you can manifest your dream life FASTER
    Ready to put the magic into your business and replace your 9-5 income in your service-based business? Join us inside the Aligned & Magnetic Business Accelerator for business MAGIC: https://coachlaurenashley.com/accelerator

    Ready to create the business of your dreams and make more money doing what you love? Book a connection call with Lauren here to see how she can support you: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Wanna join our free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join Lauren’s community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    25. Why Checking all the Boxes ISN’T the Way to Find Happiness and What IS with Erin Gibb

    25. Why Checking all the Boxes ISN’T the Way to Find Happiness and What IS with Erin Gibb
    Have you checked all of the boxes and yet feel that there’s still something lacking in your life? Whether it’s happiness, fulfillment or you’ve realized that maybe what you thought you wanted isn’t really all that it’s cracked up to be... You know there's got to be more to life.

    Tune into this episode for a conversation with Erin Gibb, therapist, clinical supervisor, group practice owner, podcast host, Therapist Fulfillment coach, and early adopter of the weird and wonderful that accelerates expansion.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:
    • Erin’s story of discovering alignment by feeling out of alignment (after doing everything she thought she had to do to become successful)
    • Why checking all the boxes ISN’T the way to find happiness
    • Common myths about success and fulfillment
    • How to start the deconditioning process to create true fulfillment
    • How to create more ease and joy in your life
    • Tools to help you become aware of your reality and make a shift
    Listen to Erin’s Podcast here: https://therapist-expanded.captivate.fm/

    Follow Erin on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/therapistexpanded/

    Learn more about Erin’s Therapist Fulfillment Activation here: https://erin-gibb.mykajabi.com/therapist-fulfillment-activation-wl-version

    Ready to put the magic into your business and replace your 9-5 income in your service-based business? Join us inside the Aligned & Magnetic Business Accelerator for business MAGIC: https://coachlaurenashley.com/accelerator

    24. How to Make Sales Easy as F*ck (without being salesy)

    24. How to Make Sales Easy as F*ck (without being salesy)
    Shying away from sales because you don’t want to sound like a used car salesman, come off as desperate or pressure your audience into working with you?

    I HEAR you.

    Sales took me a LONG time to figure out and once I finally got it, my results changed dramatically! I’m pulling back the curtain on my sales process and conversations to give you an inside look at how to make sales easier for you (cause if you’re not selling… Do you really have a business?).

    In this episode, we cover:
    • The top 4 reasons you’re not attracting soulmate clients yet and how to shift it
    • What sales REALLY is…
    • Letting go of pressure and templates to sell more authentically and with ease
    • How to do DMs and follow-ups with more ease and confidence (for better outcomes)
    • How to hold space for objections without forcing or pressuring your prospects to make a decision
    • How to let go of the outcome and lean into trust for better results
    Ready to put the magic into your business and replace your 9-5 income in your service-based business? Join us inside the Aligned & Magnetic Business Accelerator for business MAGIC: https://coachlaurenashley.com/accelerator

    Ready to create the business of your dreams and make more money doing what you love? Book a connection call with Lauren here to see how she can support you: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Wanna join our free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join Lauren’s community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    23. How My Client Manifested Her Dream Job as a Coach

    23. How My Client Manifested Her Dream Job as a Coach
    Wanna know what it really takes to do work you love AND make money from it?

    This week, Lauren is highlighting a client success story along with some of her own experience as a coach building a coaching business that actually pays the bills so you can get a clear picture of the work that goes on behind the curtain. In this episode, you’ll hear about:
    • How Lauren's client manifested her dream job as a coach (that actually pays the bills)
    • Lauren’s not-so-overnight success with building her business and replacing her 9-5 job
    • Lauren’s thoughts on multiple streams of income while building your own practice or business
    • Inspiration to keep going even when it looks like things aren’t working
    • Being and embodying your next level
    • Opening up to the possibility of finding your dream job (even if you don’t think it exists or is far away)
    • Saying no to what is no longer aligned so you can open up to opportunities that light you up
    • Having faith and continuing to take action even when it looks like things aren’t going the way you want.
    Ready to put the magic into your business and replace your 9-5 income in your service-based business? Join us inside the Aligned & Magnetic Business Accelerator for business MAGIC: https://coachlaurenashley.com/accelerator

    Ready to create the business of your dreams and make more money doing what you love? Book a connection call with Lauren here to see how she can support you: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Interested in becoming a certified coach? Book a call with Lauren to learn more about coach training and certification: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/Coach-Training-Connection-Call

    Wanna join our free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join Lauren’s community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    22. Boss-like Boundaries: What Sending my Dog to Rehab Taught me About Manifestation

    22. Boss-like Boundaries: What Sending my Dog to Rehab Taught me About Manifestation
    Does life or business ever feel like a rollercoaster, leaving you wonder how you can get the fluck off? Want to finally figure out how you can create more stable and consistent results in your business?

    It all starts from within you.

    In this episode, our furry friends take center stage as Lauren shares her journey of bringing her pup back from doggy rehab. You won't believe the lessons she re-learned about energy, behavior and manifestation along the way!

    Learn how to find your zen and create a sense of calm in yourself FIRST so that you can see changes on the outside. Lauren emphasizes the importance of embodying the frequency of calmness, and how it can positively impact your relationships and business ventures. She also dishes out some great advice on setting boundaries (like a boss) and stabilizing your emotions - both in your personal and professional life.

    Walk away with practical lessons you can implement in your life and business to start shifting your results.

    Ready to put the magic into your business and replace your 9-5 income? Join us inside the Aligned & Magnetic Business Accelerator: https://coachlaurenashley.com/accelerator

    Want to chat with Lauren to see how she can support you first? Book a connection call here: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Wanna join our free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join Lauren’s community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    21. Stop Overcomplicating your Business: Learn how to Create Success with Ease and Flow

    21. Stop Overcomplicating your Business: Learn how to Create Success with Ease and Flow
    It's easier than ever to make money online doing what you love. It literally gets easier every single day, and yet we can still find ways to overcomplicate it. Ready to un-complicate your business and create from a place of ease and flow?

    In this episode, Lauren dives into the topic of doing things with ease and flow in business (the opposite of what we’re taught). She emphasizes the importance of allowing an easier solution to come through and not overcomplicating things, as that can lead to burnout and disappointment. Lauren shares her own experiences with pressure and overthinking, and how those tendencies can pull you off track and get you into a hustle mentality.

    Walk away with the inspiration to tune into your intuition and what feels true for you, rather than relying solely on external sources for answers. Learn how to avoid unintentionally copying other people’s ‘successful’ business models and building a business that doesn't align with your desires.

    It's possible to make money and achieve your goals with ease. It's all about your expansion and energetic capacity to hold the vision and the result of what you desire. Doing things with ease and flow is a lifestyle that is available to everyone. Lauren offers practical tips for how to accomplish this.

    Ready to put the magic into your business and replace your 9-5 income in your service-based business? Join us inside the Aligned & Magnetic Business Accelerator for business MAGIC: https://coachlaurenashley.com/accelerator

    Ready to create the business of your dreams and make more money doing what you love? Book a connection call with Lauren here to see how she can support you: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Wanna join our free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join Lauren’s community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    20. Your Reality is a Mirror (pt. 2): My 6-part process to help you shift into the reality you DESIRE

    20. Your Reality is a Mirror (pt. 2): My 6-part process to help you shift into the reality you DESIRE
    In this episode, Lauren shares her effective 6-step Mindset Model that she uses herself and teaches to her clients to master their mindset and shift limiting beliefs or behaviours.

    Everything we receive in life is a reflection of our beliefs and attitudes. Lauren’s 6-step Mindset Model will help you to identify and accept your feelings, as well as uncover the patterns and beliefs that shape your thinking.

    You’ll learn how you can reframe your thinking and adopt a new perspective, which can help you to create a new mindset and belief system that will support you in accomplishing your goals. Lauren will also share how you can take aligned action based on your new beliefs, which will help you to embody the reality you desire.

    By following this 6-step model, you can gain deeper insights into your point of attraction (or thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors) and develop a positive and empowering mindset that can help you achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life.

    Walk away from this episode with inspiration to create a new empowering story and shift out of old patterns that no longer serve you so you can create your dream life and business.

    Ready to put the magic into your business? Join us inside the Aligned & Magnetic Business Accelerator: https://coachlaurenashley.com/accelerator/

    Book a free coaching demo with Lauren to experience true coaching: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=40659549

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachlaurenashley/

    19. Your Results are a Mirror: How I've used disappointments as feedback to get what I really want

    19. Your Results are a Mirror: How I've used disappointments as feedback to get what I really want
    Our results are a mirror of what we’re putting into our business (energetically and physically). If you are not getting the results that you want, there's a reason why.

    In this episode, Lauren shares her perspective on why it's important to understand that the results of your business are a mirror of the energy and effort you put into it.

    Lauren's personal experience in her first health coaching business serves as an example of how the alignment of energy, mindset, and action can affect business results. She shares how she struggled to manifest clients until she started coach training and aligned her language with her soulmate clients.

    Lauren also stresses the importance of finding balance between masculine and feminine energy in business, and how taking an observer's perspective can help solve problems and understand results. You’ll be encouraged to pay attention to the words you choose and to be intentional about your communication to attract soulmate clients more easily.

    Walk away with helpful homework questions to identify what you need to shift in your business to achieve your desired results.

    Learn how to Attract Soulmate Clients in the Magnetize More Money in Your Biz Masterclass: https://coachlaurenashley.com/masterclass

    Ready for more support from Lauren? Book a connection call with her here to see how she can support you: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    18. How Manifestation in Business REALLY Works (and how clients CAN come out of nowhere)

    18. How Manifestation in Business REALLY Works (and how clients CAN come out of nowhere)
    What does manifestation look like when applied to your business? Can clients truly come out of nowhere?

    In this episode, Lauren shares the power of visualization and the importance of being in alignment with the universe to attract soulmate clients. She shares her personal experiences and insights on how to remove blockages and limiting beliefs to show up and serve from the heart.

    This episode offers valuable insights and practical advice on how to grow a service-based business and attract clients more easily. You’ll learn the importance of following your calling with discipline and purpose, the consequences of just doing what you want to do, and the energy work required to remove the obstacles holding you back from what you’re really here to do.

    Walk away with motivation to trust in the process, take intuitive action, and believe that your desired results are already on their way. By letting go and focusing on what you’re here to do, you’ll start to step into the energy of attracting soulmate clients and manifesting your goals with ease.

    Learn how to Attract Soulmate Clients in the Magnetize More Money in Your Biz Masterclass: https://coachlaurenashley.com/masterclass

    Ready for more support from Lauren? Book a connection call with her here to see how she can support you: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    17. Secrets to Manifest Soulmate Clients & Book out your programs this year

    17. Secrets to Manifest Soulmate Clients & Book out your programs this year
    One of the top things entrepreneurs struggle with when it comes to attracting their soulmate clients is that they're all over the place - they don't have a clear and concise message that actually lands with their soulmate client (i.e. they're not speaking the same language).

    In this episode, Lauren sheds light on her holistic perspective of business (Mind, Body, Spirit or Mind, Business, Spirit) and why it matters when it comes to attracting more clients, the top 3 mistakes people make and how to avoid them and how you can start attracting more clients (even if you’re in your humble beginning).

    Walk away with inspiration on how to reach your next level in business with more ease.

    Book a ½ Day VIP with Lauren and walk away with an aligned and repeatable strategy to make more money in your biz this year: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/vip-session

    Learn how to Attract Soulmate Clients in the Magnetize More Money in Your Biz Masterclass: https://coachlaurenashley.com/masterclass

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    16. Activating Your Queen Energy with Suki Eleuterio

    16. Activating Your Queen Energy with Suki Eleuterio
    Ever wonder what it takes to quantum leap into your next level? Tune into this conversation with Suki where we talk all things energy, quantum leaping and what it means to be a Queen.

    From the Prostitute or Servant to the Queen archetype, learn what you need to shift and how to see things differently to create the life you truly desire.

    Suki Eleuterio is a Coach and Spiritual Mentor, acclaimed as an award-winning blogger and podcaster. Also a best-selling author, Suki loves to help people express the beautiful, creative music that sits within the SOUL.

    She leads workshops and offers one-on-one coaching and group coaching programs to encourage you to step into your most creative, expressive, and feminine-inspired life.

    Connect with Suki on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/sookton

    Join Suki’s next round of Queen of my Soul here: https://www.sookton.com/queen-of-my-soul/

    15. Why my Latest Launch Flopped and How to Shift your Mindset to Make Your Launch a Success

    15. Why my Latest Launch Flopped and How to Shift your Mindset to Make Your Launch a Success
    Anyone who’s launched a program before knows how much mindset work is involved with really putting yourself out there and showing up for your goals. And if you’re new to launches and online business then you’re in for a treat!

    Lauren recorded this episode mid-launch to give you a behind-the-scenes view of what it’s really like to launch a program and the mindset shifts that are necessary to make when things aren’t going the way you wanted.

    In this episode, Lauren gets vulnerable and walks you through her flopped launch, tells you exactly what happened and what you can do differently to make YOUR launch a success. She shares how to overcome your limiting beliefs, show up as the version of you who already has what she wants and the importance of continuing to move forward even when it looks like things aren’t going the way you want.

    Walk away with inspiration, mindset shifts and lessons that you can incorporate into your launch strategy.

    Ready to up-level your brand, align your messaging and play a bigger game this year? I’m currently accepting clients and have a full suite of services to help you take your biz to the next level this year. DM me on Instagram https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    OR Book a free Connection Call with me to learn more about how we can work together! https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Wanna join my free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join my community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    14. How I'm Creating an Aligned Plan in my Business This Year to Manifest my Vision

    14. How I'm Creating an Aligned Plan in my Business This Year to Manifest my Vision
    It’s one thing to have a vision and intention - it’s another to have a plan of action that is aligned to your highest vision.

    After nearly 5 years running her business full-time, Lauren shares her biggest lessons in planning for the year. Learn how Lauren is planning for 2023 in an aligned and flexible way to accomplish her goal of having a FULL 2023.

    Walk away from this episode with inspiration on planning your year in a way that works for you so you can reach your biggest goals this year!

    Ready to get clear on your messaging, brand and purpose in your business to start 2023 off strong and attract soulmate clients with more ease?
    Or are you that entrepreneur ready to take your passion project to the next level and work toward reaching $2-$4k months?

    Send Lauren a DM on Instagram and we’ll chat to see how I can support you in a 1:1 Align & Manifest Experience to up-level your brand and become a magnet for results or my new beta membership program to get your biz off the ground. Space is limited! https://instagram.com/coachlaurenashley

    OR Book a free Connection Call with me to learn more about how I can help you in reaching your biggest biz goals yet! https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Wanna join my free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join my community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    13. From Crickets to Killing it Online: My Biggest Wins, Fails and Lessons from 2022

    13. From Crickets to Killing it Online: My Biggest Wins, Fails and Lessons from 2022
    Ever wonder what it’s like to run an online business? To pivot? Or take time off from your business to heal and find your footing again? In this episode, Lauren pulls back the curtain on her business and shares her biggest wins, failures and lessons in 2022.

    After coming out of a cocoon/incubator-vibe where she spent most of 2021 living her best life, healing, traveling and being in love, it wasn’t easy to get back on track with her business goals and big vision.

    Lauren shares the struggles she went through during her Saturn Return as she found her voice again in the online space. With a ton of experience but low levels of confidence and feeling lost around what she actually helps people with, Lauren shares her process and tools that supported her in getting back on track to building an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ Brand.

    From hearing crickets to killing it online, tune into this episode to learn from Lauren’s biggest wins, failures and business lessons in 2022. You’ll walk away with lessons on strategy, mindset and trusting your intuition when it comes to living life AND building a profitable business.

    Ready to attract more soulmate clients and make 2023 your biggest year in biz yet? You’ll definitely want to be at the Align & Manifest 2-day Mini-Mastermind. Grab your ticket here: https://coachlaurenashley.com/align-manifest-workshop/

    OR Book a free Connection Call with me to learn more about how we can work together! https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    FREE Mini Workshop to Create A Rock Solid Vision & Reach Your Money Goals this Year: https://coachlaurenashley.thrivecart.com/vision/

    Wanna join my free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join my community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    12. How to Unlock Your Blocks Quickly & Shift into Your Highest Alignment with Jennifer

    12. How to Unlock Your Blocks Quickly & Shift into Your Highest Alignment with Jennifer
    Curious to know how working with your subconscious mind can help you release blocks and get you on the right path toward your highest purpose?

    Meet Jennifer, a Spiritual Counsellor & Clinical Hypnotherapist who specializes in helping women shift into their highest alignment allowing them to live a life of happiness and abundance.

    In this Episode, Jennifer of Ocean and Oracle explains the journey of the soul and what it feels like to be in and out of alignment with your north node. She also dives into the different ways you may feel blocked around moving forward and the different tools that can help you get unstuck. (like SRT, Hypnotherapy).

    In our conversation, Jennifer opens up about her real life experience with alignment and what happens when you don’t follow what you’re being called to do.

    Join Jennifer’s weekly vibe update email with an astrology update for the week ahead, journal prompts, wellness tips and motivation for your mind body and soul: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63799002c4d456191c16d5ce

    Jennifer’s free guided meditation hypnotic in nature designed to promote deep relaxation, confidence and happiness: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62e605ebc4d48aec3664b88f

    Connect with Jennifer on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oceanandoracle/

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachlaurenashley/

    Meditation: Activate Your Money Magnetism Affirmations

    Meditation: Activate Your Money Magnetism Affirmations
    Sit back, relax and listen to this relaxing meditation to activate your money magnetism!

    FREE Visioning Workshop to Create A Rock Solid Vision & Reach Your Money Goals this Year: https://coachlaurenashley.thrivecart.com/vision/

    Ready to attract more soulmate clients and make 2023 your biggest year in biz yet? You’ll definitely want to be at the Align & Manifest 2-day Mini-Mastermind. Grab your ticket here: https://coachlaurenashley.com/align-manifest-workshop/

    OR Book a free Connection Call with me to learn more about how I can help you! https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Wanna join my free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join my community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    11. 5 Steps to Creating a Rock Solid Vision & Making More Money in 2023

    11. 5 Steps to Creating a Rock Solid Vision & Making More Money in 2023
    Ready to play a bigger game in 2023? You know it’s not enough to just have the intention. You need to create a rock solid vision and game plan that feels aligned to who you are.

    There’s SO much information out there around goal setting, vision boarding and business building that is delivered to you as a “one-size-fits-all”.Should you set SMART goals? Or just set intentions? Should you plan out your entire year? Or go quarter by quarter? Do you do a vision board? Plan every detail of every step you’re going to take? It all can honestly just feel a little overwhelming.

    In this episode, Lauren breaks down the 5 steps you really need to create a rock solid vision for your business and make more money this year. Walk away knowing how to play a bigger game when creating your big vision, with a basic understanding of Human Design, the different between specific and non-specific manifestation, awareness around the fears and limitations that might creep in to stop you, the importance of tapping into your intuition, and when to get support to help you reach your next level.

    Ready to attract more soulmate clients and make 2023 your biggest year in biz yet? You’ll definitely want to be at the Align & Manifest 2-day Mini-Mastermind. Grab your ticket here: https://coachlaurenashley.com/align-manifest-workshop/

    FREE Mini Workshop to Create A Rock Solid Vision & Reach Your Money Goals this Year: https://coachlaurenashley.thrivecart.com/vision/

    Click here to join my free community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    10. 3 Things You MUST do in 2023 to Make More Money in Your Biz

    10. 3 Things You MUST do in 2023 to Make More Money in Your Biz
    Ready to go bigger in 2023 and make your business dreams a reality? There are 3 things you MUST do in 2023 if you want to make more money in your biz.

    Based on astrology, business and world trends, and law of attraction, Lauren gathered her top 3 recommendations to help you play a bigger game in 2023. Whether you want to make more money because you want to do more work you love, take more time off, or make a bigger impact in the world… This episode will reveal the #1 thing people are looking for right now and how you can help, what you should let go of in 2022 and what to step into in 2023, and things to keep in mind as you reach your goals next year.

    Walk away with an understanding of the common mistakes to avoid when setting goals for yourself, how to master your mindset so you can step into your next level with ease and inspiration to do things differently in your business so you can stand out from the crowd.

    Ready to attract more soulmate clients and make 2023 your biggest year in biz yet? You’ll definitely want to be at the Align & Manifest 2-day Mini-Mastermind. Grab your ticket here: https://coachlaurenashley.com/align-manifest-workshop/

    OR Book a free Connection Call with me to learn more about how I can help you! https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Find me on Instagram here: https://instagram.com/alignedandmagnetic

    Wanna join my free Facebook or Telegram community and receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join my community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage

    9. Why You're Not Attracting Your Soulmate Clients and How You Actually CAN

    9. Why You're Not Attracting Your Soulmate Clients and How You Actually CAN
    Ever hear about attracting soulmate clients but wonder where tf yours are at? In this episode, you’ll learn why you're not attracting your soulmate clients and how you actually CAN. That’s right - it’s not a myth. Believe it or not, your soulmate clients ARE out there!

    Lauren share’s about the beginning stages of her business journey and where most new entrepreneurs go wrong when creating content. She covers the 4 different elements you NEED to have balanced in your business, the top 5 things entrepreneurs are doing wrong and 5 things you can do to attract YOUR soulmate clients with more ease.

    Walk away with an understanding of what’s missing in your business and 5 easy-to-implement ideas to help you attract more soulmate clients in 2023.

    Ready to attract more soulmate clients and make 2023 your biggest year in biz yet? You’ll definitely want to be at the Align & Manifest 2-day Mini-Mastermind. Grab your ticket here: https://coachlaurenashley.com/align-manifest-workshop/

    OR Book a free Connection Call with me to learn more about how I can help you! https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182

    Wanna receive my weekly VIBE email with tips to help you build an Aligned, Magnetic and Profitable™ business? Click here to join my community: https://coachlaurenashley.com/?tcb_lightbox=lightbox-homepage