
    All (Em)bracing

    As two college women with a passion for wellness & growth, our mission is to sprinkle truth about all things physical, mental, & spiritual health. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives!
    enEmma & Emma62 Episodes

    Episodes (62)

    63: Hello Again - Having COVID + Other Life Updates

    63: Hello Again - Having COVID + Other Life Updates
    Hi friends! We've missed you this past month + uploaded a little catch-up episode after not posting for so long. We appreciate your support more than you know (especially when we aren't the most consistent)! :) Episode 63 has all of the life updates... including Emma Denzer's experience with having had COVID at the start of November and how we've both been meeting ourselves where we're at during this wild season. We hope you are healthy + taking care of yourself. Rooting for you + we've missed you!!!

    62: An Hour of Entertainment + Wise Words with Bennett Oelkers

    62: An Hour of Entertainment + Wise Words with Bennett Oelkers
    We are back + so excited to be putting this episode live! Bennett Oelkers, a friend from the high school ballet days, was kind enough to join us as a guest on episode 62. This conversation was one of our absolute favorites. We talk about all the things: oversleeping horror stories, our love for Spotify, transferring colleges, attracting solid friendships, + personal growth that has stemmed from 2020. We are so grateful Bennett was able to join us + share his light with you all! Our Spotify accounts: emma_cd (Emma Denzer), emmapettis (Emma Pettis), + Bennett Oelkers. TikTok Video mentioned: https://www.tiktok.com/@matthiasjbarker/video/6881406898441080070?lang=en&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6843572348265383430&is_from_webapp=1. Episode sixty-two of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    61: A Story Time For Your Entertainment - Period Mishaps, Broken Bones + Iconic Dance Roles

    61: A Story Time For Your Entertainment - Period Mishaps, Broken Bones + Iconic Dance Roles
    Hi! We’re excited to be uploading an entertaining episode today! We share some embarrassing + funny stories with the hope that it makes you smile. In episode 61 we dive into our dancing history as shrubs, Emma P’s skiing accident, + more! Feel free to give it a listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify if you want to feel like you’re at a fun little late-night sleepover talk with us. We love you!! Episode sixty-one of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    60: Refocusing To Live In The Now

    60: Refocusing To Live In The Now
    Episode 60 is now live! We are so glad to be back + recording together for this week’s upload all about living in the now + refocusing from the past + future to the present. Embracing gratitude when it presents itself, honoring your emotions today, + the importance of simply being with yourself are all areas we cover over the course of this convo. Tune in if you want to hear our thoughts + personal experiences as we navigate this topic in our own lives as well. Rooting for you this week + always! Episode sixty of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    59: Q & A with Elliana Pettis

    59: Q & A with Elliana Pettis
    This week's episode is a solo episode hosted by Emma Pettis with special guess Elliana Pettis. They go into a brief Q & A to introduce listeners to Emma Pettis' sister. They discuss hobbies, interests, feelings about the world right now, and some wisdom to other high school girls. Episode fifty-nine of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.
    All (Em)bracing
    enAugust 26, 2020

    58: Confessions - Toxic Positivity, Fears, Experiencing Doubt

    58: Confessions - Toxic Positivity, Fears, Experiencing Doubt
    Happy Monday! Episode 58 just went live + it is a solo episode hosted by Emma D! She opens up + shares a fair amount of confessions she don’t usually highlight on the podcast, but she’s excited to practice more vulnerability through this episode! Many of the topics revolve around areas of growth she’s been able to reflect more on these last few months + she hopes some of the bits she shares resonate with you too 🤍 Confessions include her not-so-great habit of saying “I don’t know if that made sense” after she speaks, her desire to be a mom, the difficulty of thinking of herself as an adult, + her stubbornness. Episode fifty-eight of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    57: Evolving Through Personal Change + Acknowledging Its Impact

    57: Evolving Through Personal Change + Acknowledging Its Impact
    Hi all! We just uploaded episode 57 of the pod + we’re diving into change again! We’ve previously recorded on this topic, but this time Emma P opens up about a recent significant life transition + we spend more time exploring the impact of change on a personal level. Shifts in life can spark a variety of responses from stress + discomfort to excitement + peace. Our goal with this conversation is to challenge listeners [+ ourselves!] to acknowledge those normal responses in whichever form they manifest. We hope there is a nugget of something in this episode that can connect to you as well + that you’ve had a meaningful start to your week 🤍 Episode fifty-seven of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    56: Weekly Planning + Organization with Two Google Calendar Enthusiasts

    56: Weekly Planning + Organization with Two Google Calendar Enthusiasts
    Hi all! We just uploaded an entertaining episode about our planning + organization tools. Those who know us personally can testify how we love a good list-making + scheduling moment, but this conversation goes beyond those planner tendencies too. The ability to adapt to change throughout the day + invite spontaneity are valuable parts of life + we highlight the balance between preparing for your week while also giving yourself the flexibility to live in the moment. Even if your calendar + to-do list have been looking a little empty lately, these tools + pieces of advice are a great way to prepare for Fall semester :) We hope some of the tools that have helped us also offer some value to you! Episode fifty-six of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    55: Feeling Stuck - Embracing + Validating The Not-So-Fun Seasons

    55: Feeling Stuck - Embracing + Validating The Not-So-Fun Seasons
    Hi all! Our intention to cultivate more authenticity on All (Em)bracing sparked the topic for today’s episode! Stagnant seasons are a human experience so many of us share, yet many people [us included!] can be so quick to “fix” those feelings of being stuck. We forget the importance of validating our full emotions by honestly acknowledging the point we are at today with no expectation of “fixing”. In our 55th episode, we discuss how honoring and embracing even the not-so-fun stuck feelings is so healthy + important. As always, we’re rooting for you + hope even one bit of this conversation sparks some encouragement in your soul. Episode fifty-five of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    54: Mindset Changes In The Midst of College Undergrad

    54: Mindset Changes In The Midst of College Undergrad
    Hi friends! We’re wishing you a wonderful Monday + start to your week. Episode 54 surrounds our experiences as undergraduate college students. Specifically highlighting our mindset changes since our first year, we discuss the shifts that are happening in preparation for our future career. We express how we have been experiencing a lack of momentum in career development throughout quarantine especially + I know many other students share those feelings at the moment as well. Feel free to give the episode a listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Take care of yourself this week 🤍 Episode fifty-four of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    53: The Advice You Would Give Your Past Self

    53: The Advice You Would Give Your Past Self
    Happy fresh start to a new week everyone 🤍 We just aired this week’s episode + it features the pieces of advice you shared with us a few weeks ago on our Insta story! It was truly so special to read through these + realize there are many life lessons we are learning + growing through together. Thank you so much for sharing your bits of wisdom with us + make sure to listen to our 53rd episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube to hear all about the advice you would give yourself 5 years ago + the advice you think your future self 10 years from now would tell you today :) We love you + are rooting for you, this week + always! Episode fifty-three of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    51: Decision-Making + Maintaining Momentum

    51: Decision-Making + Maintaining Momentum
    Hi All (Em)bracing listeners! Episode 51 just went live + we are talking about decision-making + persisting in the midst of a seemingly impossible choice. Our conversation highlights the empowering idea that you have the ability to make a choice + reevaluate it later instead of remaining paralyzed while evaluating your options. Other topics of conversation include making choices before you feel perfectly prepared + how to make decisions as a leader in collaboration with others. We hope to equip you with a mindset that frees + uplifts you to navigate decisions of all kinds with confidence + peace. Episode fifty-one of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    50: Exploring the Enneagram with a Type 1 + Type 3

    50: Exploring the Enneagram with a Type 1 + Type 3
    Hey hey, happy Sunday! We are excited to be uploading an episode about the enneagram personality test + how we’ve been using it as a tool for growth in our own lives recently! We might not be experts, but this topic is one we are passionate about learning. We hope our conversation sparks your interest to dive further into the test! 🤍 *Also* this week we are beginning to upload each episode to our YouTube channel if you want to watch the video along with the audio! Episode fifty of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lkr3aiP4v_KR5vAmW9phA. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley. Books referenced: The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery by Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile and The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships by Suzanne Stabile. The Enneagram Institute: https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-descriptions. Free Enneagram Test: http://similarminds.com/test.html

    49: Q + A - Friendship Stories, Vacation Mishaps + Embarrassing Moments

    49: Q + A - Friendship Stories, Vacation Mishaps + Embarrassing Moments
    Happy Sunday 🤍 We wanted to spread a few laughs and decided to structure this week’s episode as a “tell me about a time when…” conversation. From vacation mishaps to dance tryouts to embarrassing stories, this episode covers everything. Give it a listen if you want to get your mind off of quarantine cabin fever and stay tuned for a fun episode next week! Episode forty-nine of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley. Questions from: http://www.mamakatslosinit.com/2016/03/the-storytime-tag/

    48: Treating Your Body Right - The Journey of Healthy Living In This Season

    48: Treating Your Body Right - The Journey of Healthy Living In This Season
    Happy Monday! Thanks for being patient with us— it’s been a crazy time wrapping up the semester but we’re excited to be posting this episode today to still start off the week strong! It’s all about navigating physical health in quarantine since we know many are living at home with family, grocery runs are limited, stress eating is REAL, + moving our bodies consistently is sometimes an afterthought when studying inside all day. We hope at least part of our experiences resonate with you + that you know just how loved, beautiful, + cherished you are as your body is carrying you through this time of transition. Give yourself some grace

    47: Nurturing Healthy + Encouraging Relationships While In Quarantine

    47: Nurturing Healthy + Encouraging Relationships While In Quarantine
    Happy happy Sunday! Today, we uploaded an episode about relationships + how to cultivate healthy connections while adhering to social distancing practices. We know many are also experiencing this same challenge of staying connected. We are living in uncharted territory consisting of circumstances defined by virtual attempts to maintain a sense of connectedness. While navigating this, we are also challenging you + ourselves to ask what kind of relationships your energy is being invested into. Join the conversation + hear our thoughts at the link in our bio. Episode forty-seven of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    46: Finding the Healthy Balance Between Inspiration + Idolization

    46: Finding the Healthy Balance Between Inspiration + Idolization
    Happy Sunday 🤍 This week’s conversation is all about sources of inspiration + matching the energy of your role models instead of copying their every move. We talk about our experiences throughout middle + high school, as well as how social media has contributed to this phenomenon of over-glorification of people in the public eye today. We both LOVE following people on social platforms + consuming content through podcasts and books, + we want to share how we ensure that media remains beneficial rather than destructive. Episode forty-six of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    45: Happy Easter! Bible Study with Us

    45: Happy Easter! Bible Study with Us
    Happy Easter! He is risen! In light of this celebration, we dedicated episode 45 to discussing our faith. We outline what we do to make time for faith + dive into a devotional that has resonated with us during this season! Whether you’ve been practicing your faith for years or are just curious about learning more, we hope this conversation is meaningful! Devotional Book: Embraced by Lysa TerKeurst [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072TNN7QL/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1] Episode forty-five of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    44: Gratitude - Why It’s Significant + Ways to Grow Your Practice

    44: Gratitude - Why It’s Significant + Ways to Grow Your Practice
    Practicing gratitude is something we've been doing for years + we wanted to dedicate a podcast episode solely to the topic! We highlight how it has shaped our perspective over the years + ideas to incorporate into your own gratitude practice! We hope this conversation is helpful or at least makes you smile! : ) Episode forty-four of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.

    43: Intentionally Sparking Joy

    43: Intentionally Sparking Joy
    This week, we are dedicating an episode to joy + how to manifest it in your day-to day life! From an organized space to a colorful closet to intentionally scheduling virtual coffee dates with friends, we are celebrating the unique ways we do have the ability to cultivate goodness each + every day. We hope it encourages + uplifts you : ) Episode forty-three of our All (Em)bracing Series. Equipping women to lead extraordinary lives by embracing their whole selves through a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Check out our website: allembracinginfo.wixsite.com/allembracing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook: @allembracingpodcast. Music by www.bensound.com. Cover art by Christa Tousley.