
    Along Those Lines

    The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association's podcast is focused on the important stories from across co-op country about the issues that matter most to rural America and the energy industry.
    enNRECA67 Episodes

    Episodes (67)

    Co-ops Play Leading Role in Community Revitalization

    Co-ops Play Leading Role in Community Revitalization

    As many rural areas have suffered population loss and stagnating economic growth, electric co-ops have stepped up to try to reverse this trend through broad community development efforts. Hear from Touchstone Energy® Cooperative Executive Director Jana Adams, Erica Shehane of Lynches River Electric Cooperative in South Carolina and Dan Boysel of Consolidated Cooperative in Ohio on co-ops’ efforts to bring vitality and growth back to the regions they serve

    ‘Super-Power’: The Impact of Hydroelectric Dams

    ‘Super-Power’: The Impact of Hydroelectric Dams

    Hydropower plants are marvels of engineering that have helped bring development and prosperity to the regions they serve. But they're also in the crosshairs of interest groups that say they should be closed because of their environmental impacts and others who want to sell the facilities to private industry. Learn more from three hydropower experts: Kurt Miller of Northwest RiverPartners, Benton REA's Troy Berglund and NRECA's Ashley Slater.

    Utility Drones 101

    Utility Drones 101
    Electric cooperatives, whose rugged territories and unique operational needs are ideally suited to the capabilities of drones, are leading the way as unmanned aircraft take on a heightened role in the utility industry. Hear from NRECA's Stan McHann and Sangre de Cristo Electric Association's Bill Hovanec about how co-ops are pushing the limits of drones and where this promising technology is heading.

    How Co-ops Foster a Strong Workplace Culture in Changing Times

    How Co-ops Foster a Strong Workplace Culture in Changing Times

    Workplaces had already been changing rapidly before COVID-19 hit, but the pace of change has accelerated to an unprecedented level since then. For co-ops, advances in technology, more interest in remote work, surging retirements and evolving member expectations have made it essential for managers to ensure that their workplace culture fosters learning and leadership development and attracts the right new talent. Learn more from Sioux Valley Energy's Tim McCarthy and NRECA's Delaine Orendorff.

    What's In Store for NRECA International in 2022?

    What's In Store for NRECA International in 2022?
    The mission of NRECA International is to bring the insights, experience and expertise of America’s electric cooperatives to the world. But the impacts of the pandemic have complicated that mission, curtailing global electrification efforts and curbing travel. How is NRECA International overcoming these challenges and continuing to adapt? Hear from Dan Waddle, the group's leader, as well as Nick Allen, international projects director. (NRECA International is a separate legal entity from NRECA.)

    EV Uptake in Rural America

    EV Uptake in Rural America
    Electric vehicle sales are skyrocketing in the U.S. as Americans  embrace these highly efficient, fun-to-drive machines and more car manufacturers commit to releasing all-electric models. But EV popularity has largely been centered on urban and suburban areas and slower to catch on in rural America. What are the reasons for this dynamic, and what are electric cooperatives doing about it? Hear from NRECA's Brian Sloboda and Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association's Wendy Youngren.

    How Electric Co-ops Are Navigating the Energy Transition

    How Electric Co-ops Are Navigating the Energy Transition

    As changes in policy, energy markets and consumer expectations drive major changes in how utilities generate and deliver electricity, the industry faces one of its most challenging times. Co-ops have been adding wind and solar to their generation portfolios, but how does the acceleration of the energy transition affect the ability to provide reliable, affordable power? Hear from Seminole Electric Cooperative's Lisa Johnson and Pat O’Loughlin of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives and Buckeye Power.

    'You're Here to Take Care of a Community': Veterans Thrive in Co-op Jobs

    'You're Here to Take Care of a Community': Veterans Thrive in Co-op Jobs

    As co-ops face workforce challenges due to retirements and changes in the industry’s key technologies, military veterans rotating out of active duty and into civilian life bring training and expertise that's often ideally suited to co-ops’ needs. Hear from three veterans who served their country and now focus their skills on their communities as co-op employees, and learn about the Vets Power Us program from NRECA’s Desiree Dunham, who manages this effort to help veterans explore co-op careers.

    Amid Rise in EVs, New Cybersecurity Considerations Emerge

    Amid Rise in EVs, New Cybersecurity Considerations Emerge

    With the influx of electric vehicles into the U.S. market, utilities—including electric cooperatives—and other interests are working to build EV infrastructure that can keep pace with the expected demand, and this growing web of connected charging stations will create a host of new cybersecurity vulnerabilities. To learn more about what those vulnerabilities are and how to mitigate them, we're joined by Shannon Murry with the FBI's Cyber Division along with NRECA's Brian Sloboda.

    How Can Electric Co-ops Avoid Becoming Victims of Ransomware?

    How Can Electric Co-ops Avoid Becoming Victims of Ransomware?

    First in a two-part series for Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Ransomware became a household word earlier this year when the Colonial Pipeline, a major fuel delivery source on the East Coast, was shut down for several days after hackers attacked the company’s billing system. These highly disruptive and costly network intrusions are on the rise in the United States and globally, and businesses across the spectrum are being targeted. How can electric cooperatives avoid becoming victims of this sophisticated malware? And what should they do if they are attacked?

    To answer those and other questions, we're joined by Ryan Newlon, NRECA’s principal for cybersecurity solutions, and Dave Eisenreich, a special agent with the FBI in the Cyber Division and that group’s liaison to the energy sector.

    Stay tuned next week for more on cybersecurity from Along Those Lines.

    Storm Recovery -- Working With FEMA To Rebuild Stronger After a Disaster

    Storm Recovery -- Working With FEMA To Rebuild Stronger After a Disaster

    Typically, when a state is hit with a natural disaster and the power grid is impacted, utilities will work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to rebuild to where the grid was before the event. Lately though, electric co-ops have been working to secure federal reimbursements for restorations that go further to harden their system and create more resilience. Learn more from Mike Heinen, general manager of Jeff Davis Electric Co-op in southwest Louisiana, and Martha Duggan, NRECA’s senior regulatory issues director.

    This episode is sponsored by PLP.

    Understanding Essence, a Co-op-Created Cyber-Defense System

    Understanding Essence, a Co-op-Created Cyber-Defense System

    As utilities have deployed new connected technologies to monitor the grid, the need for strong cybersecurity on the operations technology side has grown exponentially. NRECA worked with co-ops and other partners to develop the Essence tool, which began as an innovative way to quickly identify anomalies on downline systems and evolved to become a robust method for detection, visualization and reporting of potential cyberattacks. Learn more about Essence from Emma Stewart, NRECA’s chief scientist.


    ‘A Cultural Reset’ -- How the Pandemic Has Elevated the Value of Soft Skills at Co-ops

    ‘A Cultural Reset’ -- How the Pandemic Has Elevated the Value of Soft Skills at Co-ops

    The concepts of emotional intelligence and soft skills in the workplace have been around for a long time, but the COVID-19 pandemic has brought them to the forefront. As electric cooperatives assess how they've managed the challenges of the past 18 months, how have lessons they've learned informed business practices going forward? Hear from NRECA's Tracey Steiner and Charlie Dunn, CEO of Farmers Electric Cooperative in Greenfield, Iowa.

    Harnessing Distributed Wind: Inside the RADWIND Project

    Harnessing Distributed Wind: Inside the RADWIND Project

    The electric utility industry has been moving dramatically in the direction of renewable generation in recent years. Solar has found widespread adoption, with a broad mix of residential, community and utility-scale installations, while wind power has been nearly all at utility scale. Now, the Department of Energy is working to change that with a new program called Rural Area Distributed Wind Integration Network Development (RADWIND). In this episode, we go inside this innovative initiative with Michael Leitman, NRECA’s system optimization director and the RADWIND project manager, and Aaron Ruschy, vice president of operations and engineering at Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative.

    Lessons Learned From the Texas Power Crisis

    Lessons Learned From the Texas Power Crisis

    When an unprecedented Arctic blast and winter storm hit the Midwest and South in February, Texans faced days of outages and crippling power supply shortages. What happened in Texas, why was it so much worse there than in other states, and what can we learn from this situation? Hear from Mike Williams, CEO of Texas Electric Cooperatives, as well as Mark Jones, who was part of a University of Houston research team the surveyed Texas power consumers in the immediate aftermath of the storm.

    Making Solar Power Accessible to Low-Income Members

    Making Solar Power Accessible to Low-Income Members

    NRECA’s Achieving Cooperative Community Equitable Solar Sources project, a three-year initiative funded by the Department of Energy, aims to bring the benefits of solar into low- and moderate-income communities. NRECA is partnering with seven co-ops across the country to deploy solar projects that help LMI consumer-members and share the lessons they learn. Hear from ACCESS principal investigator and technical adviser Deb Roepke, NRECA's Keith Dennis and Oklahoma Electric Cooperative's Nick Shumaker.

    Along Those Lines: Hear From Women Making Inroads in Male-Dominated Job Roles

    Along Those Lines: Hear From Women Making Inroads in Male-Dominated Job Roles

    The bulk of the electric cooperative workforce has traditionally been filled by men due to the nature of the work that co-ops do. But over time, women have been stepping into more and more jobs across the industry spectrum. In honor of Women’s History Month, hear from several of the women making strides and taking on leadership positions in the co-op world: Amanda Opp of Flathead Electric Cooperative, Libby Calnon of Hood River Electric Cooperative and Janet Rehberg of Tri-County Electric Cooperative.

    The Ins and Outs of the FCC’s Biggest Rural Broadband Auction

    The Ins and Outs of the FCC’s Biggest Rural Broadband Auction

    The need to close America’s digital divide is as crucial as ever, and the Federal Communications Commission’s Rural Digital Opportunity Fund stands to have a huge impact, with billions in funding for deploying broadband to unserved communities. NRECA’s Brian O’Hara and NRTC’s Greg Santoro break down how the RDOF auction works and outline concerns about winning bidders with unproven technologies, and Tri-County Rural Electric Cooperative’s Rachel Hauser gives the perspective from a co-op that’s looking to use RDOF funding to make major progress in its broadband efforts.

    Advocating for Co-op Priorities in a New Political Landscape

    Advocating for Co-op Priorities in a New Political Landscape

    With a new Congress and new administration in place, how will electric cooperatives engage with the government on their policy priorities—from the immediate COVID-19 health and economic crises to infrastructure to climate policy? Hear from Stacey Alexander, a former congressional staffer and now a political and policy consultant with the firm Subject Matter, and Louis Finkel, NRECA’s senior vice president of government relations.

    Curtis Wynn on Co-ops and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Curtis Wynn on Co-ops and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    NRECA President Curtis Wynn is coming to the end of his two-year term. When he took office, he set out to focus on how co-ops can navigate the rapid pace of change in our industry. This platform took on new meaning in 2020 with a heightened focus on racial inequality in America. In the latest episode of Along Those Lines, Wynn discusses diversity, equity and inclusion in the co-op workforce and reflects on how the industry is managing change and innovation.