
    ALT-love's podcast

    We are just two weirdos in love. We are open/poly, swingers, kinky, and dont give a fuck what people think of us. We make our alternative relationship work for us and it is the best choice for us. Find out how it can actually be normal to not have a "normal" monogamous white picket fence relationship like society has drilled into us from the day we were born. There are no written rules on how to have a successful relationship. You make your own guidelines, and we're just sharing ours.
    enRose Breedlove36 Episodes

    Episodes (36)

    Proud Ethical Sluts

    Proud Ethical Sluts

    I have some of my favorite ladies joining me on this podcast. They are some of the most warm hearted, confident, strong, sexy sluts I have ever met in my life and that is exactly what we are discussing on this round table. We talk about what it means to be a slut, an ethical slut, what it means to us and what it mean in our puritan decedent, backwards society. If you are a woman, if you are a woman who wants to enjoy sex, or maybe you already do but feel guilty for it, this is a podcast you want to listen to. 

    Kink Misconception with Sunny Megatron

    Kink Misconception with Sunny Megatron

    Im very excited to have Sunny Megatron a brilliant sex educator to talk about some very common kink misconceptions. We talk about those silly kink myths like being kinky means you have to be bisexual, you must like pain, you dislike vanilla sex, you need a partner to practice kink, you are not really kinky unless you are publicly in the community, you must be poly. We talk and laugh on the ridiculousness on what society and Hollywood make you believe kink is. If you ever thought of kink in a negative way or maybe just want a laugh you definitely want to listen in.

    What is a Submissive Round Table

    What is a Submissive Round Table

    Im oh so excited to have two beautiful ladies joining me on this podcast as it hold dear to my heart. We are talking about submissives! There is a wide variety of experience in submission at this round table as I am going on ten years of being a submissive, Kellie is about four years, and Luna who is a fresh submissive on six months. We talk about what it means to be a submissive or what a good submissive is to us. We each elaborate on our journeys into submission and onwards, as well as what really gets us to drop into subspace. Then we talk about the big watch outs and considerations/precautions that are needed when entering into a submissive role. I love this podcast and Im sure you will too!

    What is a Switch Round Table

    What is a Switch Round Table

    Im over the moon to have two of my favorite ladies here with me on this podcast. These two amazing women are two whom I look up to greatly in the lifestyle as they are able and greatly enjoy being Switches, i.e. they like being both dominates and submissives. They discuss what being a switch means to them, what makes a good dom/sub, and their personal journey to discovering these two sides of themselves. We even cant help but get into some good personal stories. You don't want to miss hearing what these ladies have to say.

    What is a Dom Round Table

    What is a Dom Round Table

    Im so excited to have some of my favorite Dominates here with me on this podcast round table! I am especially excited that there is a rage of dominate subcategories represented: two of my guest being more classic formal Doms and two more inconspicuous mental Doms. They discuss what it means to be a Dom to them, how they express their dominate side, and they journey to discovering their Dom persona. Not only that you get to hear me get spanked for the first time on the podcast! If you are into or interested in a D/s relationship you definitely don't want to miss this!

    Age Gap Lovers

    Age Gap Lovers

    Really excited about this podcast because this is going to be a pretty confrontational for many people out there. We are talking about relationships with large age gaps between the partners. Daddy is 23 years older than me and we would not ask for anything different. It works for us though we get a lot of judgements for it. We talk about our experiences and go over some big talks we and anyone in large age relationships must have. As long as there is true love these can be some of the most prosperous and fulfilling unions.

    Dom vs Daddy Dom

    Dom vs Daddy Dom

    On this podcast Daddy and I discuss the many different ways to being a Dominate. It is not always just about inflicting physical pain. Many Doms are considered soft or Daddy Doms who are not as formal and protocol oriented but instead more nurturing and guiding, and mentally dominate, as well as a wide range in between. We talk about our personal journey of D/s to DDlg and even touch on brat trainers. If any of this sound appealing to you this is a podcast you want to tune into. 

    BDSM vs Abuse

    BDSM vs Abuse

    What is the difference between BDSM and Abuse? If you dont already know listen to this podcast and youll learn there are many distinct differences. We talk through 4 major bullet points of pain vs pleasure, protection vs fear, power given vs power taken, and open communication vs no communication as well as aftercare. We even talk about our own experiences navigating through BDSM to make sure there was no abuse and hope to help others keep both eyes out for the red flags and to stay safe and pleasure filled. 

    Men in the Lifestyle

    Men in the Lifestyle

    I am very excited to have a group of wonderful me with me at my Men in the Lifestyle round table. These guys talk about how they got into swinging and their journey since. They elaborate on what it is like to be a man in the lifestyle from excited to protective of the women. Then we get into the common misconceptions of swinger men from the idea that it,s a free for all to being in a room with another naked man while laughing the whole time. This is something you don't want to miss. 

    Ladies in the Lifestyle

    Ladies in the Lifestyle

    Im super excited to have six - yes six - sexy, beautiful, intelligent, confident women with me on this podcast to talk about what it is like to be a woman in the Swinger Lifestyle. We talk about our journeys from discovering swinging to where each of us are today. Each give their own view on being a woman in the lifestyle and two of the newer ladies talk about their first experiences. We also break through some very common misconceptions about being a swinger female. This is one round table ladies you dont want to miss, nor do the men want to miss either. 

    Monogamy vs Consensual Non-Monogamy

    Monogamy vs Consensual Non-Monogamy

    We're going to debunk the idea that monogamist couples are the happiest. In fact people in polyamorous, open, and swinger relationship are just as happy if not happier. What does it mean to be in a polyamorous, open, or swinger relationship? We go into detail about each so you dont want to miss out. 

    ALT-love's podcast
    enApril 09, 2020

    Connection While in Isolation

    Connection While in Isolation

    During these scary times while most of us are in isolation/quarantine possibly with our significant others it could be incredibly fun or detrimental for the relationship. We want to give you a few simple techniques to make sure that you and your partner stay cool, calm, connected, and come out of this stronger in your relationship. We also give some techniques that can be practiced solo to get better connected with yourself.

    ALT-love's podcast
    enMarch 23, 2020