
    Alter Your Health

    Your source of information and inspiration to promote the holistic transformation of your health and the health of our planet! Dr. Benjamin chats with all sorts of experts in the fields of consciousness, holistic health, spirituality, and nutrition diving deep to access and share the nuggets of truth that support the growth and evolution of people and the planet.
    enDr. Benjamin Alter387 Episodes

    Episodes (387)

    #388 - Lifecycle Nutrition Summary and Take Home Points

    #388 - Lifecycle Nutrition Summary and Take Home Points

    We are wrapping up the latest Lifecycle Nutrition Series on the podcast.

    In the past 7 episodes we've covered...
    - Nutrition for Preconception
    - Nutrition for Pregnancy
    - Nutrition for Postpartum/Breastfeeding
    - Infant Nutrition (0-6 months)
    - Baby Nutrition (6-12 months)
    - Toddler Nutrition (1~3 years)
    - Childhood, Adolescent, Teenage Nutrition (4~18 years)

    Dr. Susanna also shared her personal pregnancy and postpartum experience and tips to thrive in Episode #384.

    This week is a little wrap up and summary of the highlights from this series as well as the most important takeaways. 

    Episode Highlights:

    • The different nutritional needs that kids have compared to adults
    • The importance of healthy relationships with food and nourishment during growth and development
    • What Dr. Susanna learned and insights gained through the last ~2months of this series
    • Where supplements fit in (or not) at different lifecycle phases
    • An exciting opportunity to optimize your health and nutritional status, regardless of where you are in your lifecycle!

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enAugust 09, 2023

    #387 - Plant Based Kids, Adolescents, & Teens

    #387 - Plant Based Kids, Adolescents, & Teens

    Kids are humans, too! And they, too, can THRIVE on plants.

    That being said, there are for sure some considerations to kid-specific nutrition to ensure healthy growth and development.

    Long story short, keeping toxins out while loading up on high quality fuel and nutrients matters a lot when it comes to keeping youngsters growing strong and healthfully.

    Of course, there are individual considerations that change and evolve as we grow. These are some of the things covered in this science-packed episode!

    Episode Highlights: 

    • What nutrients and foods to focus on when feeding kids aged 4 all the way to 18
    • Does anything need to change for kiddos of different ages?
    • Where do “healthy processed” foods fit in when balancing nutrition for kids
    • The equation to a balanced meal for children of all ages
    • How  parenting styles can support kids in building healthy and nourishing relationships with food

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enAugust 02, 2023

    #386 - Healthy Plant-Based Toddlers

    #386 - Healthy Plant-Based Toddlers

    Next up in the plant-based lifecycle nutrition series is TODDLERS!

    We aren't there yet personally in our family with our little one, but it's helpful to know how to keep little ones thriving on plants.

    In this episode, Dr. Susanna get's into the plant-based nutritional science to support growing kiddos. This is important info considering the importance of nutrition for childhood development... and "just eating plants" certainly does not equate to health, especially amongst little ones.

    Episode Highlights

    • Which plant milk is best for kiddos as a cow milk alternative
    • What plant based toddlers need to eat differently than their plant based parents
    • "Baby led weaning" and when/how to stop breast milk or formula
    • Importance of omega-3 fatty acids for development and where to get them
    • Are there any helpful or necessary supplements for plant-based toddlers?

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enJuly 12, 2023

    #385 - Plant-Based Babies! Nutrition for 6-12 months

    #385 - Plant-Based Babies! Nutrition for 6-12 months

    Babies Thrive on Plants, TOO!

    ... but they still need mother's milk/formula.

    It is generally advised that babies to start eating real, solid foods around 6 months. However through ~ 1 year of age, babies still get a dwindling majority of calories and nutrition from breastmilk.

    So, what foods should plant-based babies be eating???

    Most any real, whole food are wonderful for adults and babies alike. But of course since little ones generally lack teeth and fine motor skills of the tongue and mouth, choking is a real hazard.

    We won't talk too much about the logistics of introducing foods as it is a nuanced and individualized topic. In this episode Dr. Susanna share's the general nutritional goals and considerations for raising strong and healthy plant based babies and what foods/nutrients should be prioritized.

    Highlights from the episode:

    • The important nutrients for development and how/where to get them
    • Some examples of good and easy whole food staples to feed your baby
    • What foods should NOT be given to babies (sugar, salt, honey, unpasteurized foods, chocolate/caffeine)
    • How plant-based baby nutrition differs from plant based adult nutrition
    • Why little ones may benefit from eating MORE processed plant foods

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enJuly 05, 2023

    #384 - Healthy Nutrition for Mom & Baby (0-6 months)

    #384 - Healthy Nutrition for Mom & Baby (0-6 months)

    Nutrition is pretty simple when you're a baby... MILK.

    Human breastmilk is the optimal source of nutrition for early infancy (0-6 months). Commercial baby formula (of which there are MANY) are considered the only acceptable alternative to breastmilk.

    In this episode you'll learn the amazing properties of breastmilk and how it is indeed the perfect food... for babies!

    One amazing fact is that breastmilk is pretty much the same in terms of nutritional status between breastfeeding mothers, regardless of the mothers' personal nutritional status (with the exception of toxins that may be in the mother's body). Your body knows how to manufacture a perfect product for the baby! However, this can also occur at the expense of nutritional depletion from a mother's body. SO, just a reminder to prioritize nutrition for breastfeeding mammas!

    Highlights from the episode:

    • The many benefits of breastfeeding for both mom and baby
    • The importance of sharing immune supporting antibodies with baby via breastmilk
    • The nutrients that babies may need to supplement with (vitamin D!)
    • Why it's important for mom to optimize her nutrient intake while breastfeeding (refer to last week's episode, #383)
    • When you may consider supplementing baby with other nutrients - like iron and vitamin K
    • If milk is a perfect food, when and why should solids be introduced?

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enJune 28, 2023

    #383 - Dr. Susanna's Pregnancy and Postpartum Tips to Thrive

    #383 - Dr. Susanna's Pregnancy and Postpartum Tips to Thrive

    In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Susanna shares her recent trials and tribulations with nutrition and lifestyle through all phases of pregnancy and postpartum.

    With our little Grace being now 8 months, Dr. Susanna is 110% back to her normal and healthy self. She's got an extra 10% (at least!) from the innate superwoman powers that come through motherhood!

    While different individuals may struggle with following a "whole food plant based" lifestyle throughout this phase of life, Dr. Susanna shares her tips to prioritize nutrition as a way of thriving through the demands of this life stage.

    Highlights from the episode:

    • Dr. Susanna’s biggest lessons learned from each trimester as well as after birth
    • How pregnancy nutrition differs from typical WFPB nutrition and how Dr. Susanna related to this through the last year+
    • Favorite pregnancy foods that helped her get all the nutrition she needed while also satisfying crazy cravings/aversions
    • What to look for when choosing prenatal vitamins and supplements - and what not to take
    • A reminder that compassion is key for maintaining a peaceful, happy, and HEALTHY pregnancy - nobody is perfect!

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enJune 21, 2023

    #382 - Plant Based Considerations for Postpartum & Breast Feeding Mammas

    #382 - Plant Based Considerations for Postpartum & Breast Feeding Mammas

    The postpartum and lactation phase of life demand intake of high quality nutrition in order to replenish and restore the mother’s nutritional stores, but also to provide the highest quality of breastmilk production for her baby. 

    Eating a plant-based diet is not only provides the the postpartum body all that it needs in this phase of life, it also provides benefits for both the mother’s and babies health - one of the biggest benefits being the lower levels of environmental toxicity in the breastmilk of plant-based mothers. 

    The postpartum/lactation phase certainly still has its many special nutritional considerations and it’s essential for new mothers to ensure that they are eating ENOUGH. 

    Episode Highlights

    • Does the nutrient composition of breastmilk vary between plaint-based and omnivorous mothers?
    • How much more calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals does a lactating woman have to eat?
    • Which nutrients in breastmilk depend on the mother’s diet and which do not
    • Supportive supplements during the postpartum phase of life
    • Much, much more!

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enJune 08, 2023

    #381 - Thrive on Plants Through Pregnancy

    #381 - Thrive on Plants Through Pregnancy

    Is it healthy to eat plant-based while pregnant?

    This is a big question that often comes up from plant-based skeptics. The short answer is YES! But with any pregnancy, no matter the diet of the mother, proper nutritional awareness and planning is necessary I order to support the best health for both mother and baby. 

    We’re going to discuss all the important nutrition considerations for a plant-based pregnancy in today’s episode, covering macronutrients, micronutrients, supplements, and so much more.

    Dr. Susanna will also be sharing her experience with plant-based eating during her first pregnancy including her best tips for optimizing nutrition even when experiencing morning sickness, food aversions, and cravings. 

    Highlights from the episode

    • How to safely and confidently thrive on plants through pregnancy - for both Mom and Baby!
    • The macronutrients - fat, protein, and carbohydrates - that you really need.
    • Prenatal vitamin considerations and how to choose a quality product.
    • What specific nutrients do plant-based eaters need to be most conscious of?
    • How and why to stay properly nourished while also navigating the crazy world of food aversions and cravings.

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enMay 31, 2023

    #380 - Plant-Based Preconception

    #380 - Plant-Based Preconception

    Preconception is a lifecycle phase that is often overlooked. However, it is extremely important to prepare a mother’s body for a graceful pregnancy and healthy baby! 

    Several factors play into optimizing egg quality, sperm quality, and a healthy environment for a fertilized eggs to thrive in - nutrition is certainly one of the biggest factors. 

    In this episode we'll explore all the nutritional considerations to set both the female and male up for success in preparing for a healthy conception event and pregnancy. We’ll also discuss some of the many other lifestyle factors that play into the preconception phase of life for health mom and baby.

    Note that PREGNANCY is it's own unique and large topic that we will conquer next week! Additionally, the topic of FERTILITY is a big one as well. While this episode covers general considerations for optimizing fertility, we'll have a future episode dedicated to further fertility considerations.

    Highlights from this episode
    ⁃What the science says about plant based eating and nutrition to support healthy preconception
    ⁃The most important nutrients to load up on in preparation for pregnancy
    ⁃What plant-based eaters need to be most mindful of to ensure optimal experience in pregnancy
    ⁃"Pre-natal supplements" and whether or not it is advisable in taking them
    ⁃ Some of the manyother lifestyle habits, practices, and considerations that play into fertility

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enMay 24, 2023

    #379 - Intro to Plant Based Lifecycle Nutrition

    #379 - Intro to Plant Based Lifecycle Nutrition

    Becoming a mom has really reminded me (Dr. Susanna) how different phases of life require different nutrition. Some phases of life have much more physical growth where more fuel, more fat, more everything in needed compared to other times in our life when we are maintaining, or perhaps even wanting to shed some excess growth.

    We are excited to be entering into a little mini-series within the podcast where we will be covering nutritional needs during these various phases of life. 

    In this Plant-Based Lifecycle Nutrition Series we’ll cover the nutritional needs in 6 stages of life:

    1. Preconception
    2. Pregnancy
    3. Postpartum and Lactation
    4. Infancy and Toddlers
    5. Older Children and Teens
    6. Menopause
    7. Graceful Aging
    8. Maybe a bonus episode from Dr. Ben on Graceful aging for Men?

    Highlights from the episode and whats to come in the series

    • How plant-based eating supports health in ALL of these stages and phases
    • The special consideration to be mindful of to ensure adequate nutrient intake throughout all of these phases
    • We'll be sharing the latest nutritional science information relating to lifecycle nutrition in this series
    • Additional pearls of wisdom sprinkled in from out own personal and professional experiences
    • How to practically apply balanced nutrition principles in the kitchen

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enMay 17, 2023

    #378 - How to Design a Balanced and Healing Meal

    #378 - How to Design a Balanced and Healing Meal

    There are a million and one ways to eat Whole Food Plant-Based!

    ... and they don’t all promote health and healing!

    Preparing a BALANCED WFPB meal can be super easy! But if you don't know WHAT to focus on or HOW to make it balanced, you might run into some obstacles.

    In this episode, Dr. Susanna walks you through the 3 steps of preparing a balanced WFPB meal that supports HEALING.
    Step 1: Focus the meal around carbohydrate-rich foods 
    Step 2: Add an abundance of non-starchy vegetables 
    Step 3: Add an optional fat-rich garnish/condiment

    Other highlights of this episode include:

    • Why this 3-step meal strategy WORKS to support healthy and efficient metabolism and healing in the body
    • The common pitfalls individuals that most plant-based eaters fall into - and how to avoid them
    • Several examples of our go-to favorite whole food balanced meals
    • How to make an unbalanced meal mush more balanced in just 1 or 2 easy steps
    • Dr. Susanna’s 7-month postpartum health update - how she got back to her healthy energy and weight while breast feeding and being super mom!

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enMay 10, 2023

    #377 - Are You Orthorexic for Eating Whole Food Plant Based?

    #377 - Are You Orthorexic for Eating Whole Food Plant Based?

    Orthorexia is defined as "excessive preoccupation with eating healthy food."

    Well, "normal" is most definitely NOT healthy in our world today. Furthermore, focusing on health and creating healthy habits is essential for being healthy!

    So are you orthorexic? Does eating WFPB make you orthorexic?

    It's a big topic and an important question that is worth diving into.

    In a recent Episode on TMS and Digestion I talked about the direct link between state of mind and emotion on digestive health.

    The irony is that obsessing around healthy eating and lifestyle habits can make you less healthy!

    But the key word here is "obsessing" or as Wikipedia puts it "excessive preoccupation."

    So, let's dive into the conversation!

    Highlights from this episode:

    • The difference between obsessing about "food" and healthy eating vs obsessing about HEALTH
    • Why choosing healthy foods and habits is not a "disorder" even though it could be viewed as "weird" or "alternative" by others or society at large
    • How to identify the line at which healthy eating habits becomes counterproductive and what to do about it
    • "It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.“ - Jiddu Krishnamurti
    • Finding balance with choosing sustainable and healthy habits from a peaceful and grounded place

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enMay 03, 2023

    #376 - The Truth About Semaglutide, The Miracle Weight Loss Drug

    #376 - The Truth About Semaglutide, The Miracle Weight Loss Drug

    A weight loss drug? Yes, there is a "new" weight loss drug on the market (beginning of 2023). But, don't get to excited just yet...

    Remember things like Fen-Phen, Ephedrine,  or Dinitrophenol (DNP)? There are many other drugs that have proven to be effective for weight loss, but also dangerous and even  deadly. Smoking meth or snorting cocaine are also pretty effective ways to lose weight...

    The new class of drug that is all the rage these days is a compound called semaglutide. The truth is that these drugs are not very new. The drug Ozempic was developed in 2012 and later approved by the FDA for the treatment of diabetes in 2017. However, this year, 2023, Ozempic as well as other brand name drugs of semaglutide have been approved for the treatment of Obesity.

    So what exactly is semaglutide and how does it work to promote weight loss?

    We'll cover the science and mechanisms of that in today's episode.

    But the bigger question is whether the weight loss achieved through taking this medication is actually healthy or sustainable.

    Spoiler alert: There are probably much more ways to spend $1200 each month than on 4 weekly injections of semaglutide to curb appetite.

    Some highlights from the episode:

    • Semaglutide is a GLP-1 agonist (glucagon like peptide - 1) that serves to promote insulin release in the pancreas, decrease gastric emptying (digestive function), and block appetite signals in the brain.
    • The effects - and side effects - of GLP-1 agonists
    • Why suppressing appetite is naturally unsustainable - we need food and nutrients!
    • How these drugs treat diabetes and obesity by addressing the symptoms
    • What the actual cause of diabetes and obesity is and how these conditions can be reversed easily and naturally by eating MORE

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enApril 26, 2023

    #375 - TMS, Nerves, and Digestion

    #375 - TMS, Nerves, and Digestion

    In the vast and complex human body, the digestive system is responsible for what is maybe the most mysterious and nuanced processes - transforming foods into the nutrients that sustain life.

    The enzymes, juices, sphincters, muscles, and microbiota are all uniquely working together to carry out the physiologic roles of digestion.

    But, what is in control of all of these nuanced physiologic processes? The autonomic nervous system, of course. The same intelligent processing that fundamentally controls and regulates every other one of our bodily functions.

    In this weeks' episode we unpack the interplay between the nervous system and digestion. Naturally this leads to the phenomenon of TMS, tension myositis syndrome - a mind-body phenomenon whereby psychological pain and emotional stress manifests physically.

    Episode Highlights

    • How emotional pain and stress masquerades and physical pain and symptoms
    •  Why we should not seek perfection when it comes to optimizing digestion physiologically
    • Where to focus when suffering with chronic digestive issues that are presumed to be TMS
    • The importance of lab work and medical testing to rule out significant conditions
    • How coming back to your true peaceful nature time and time again is the most essential ingredient to true and lasting health

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enApril 19, 2023

    #374 - Stop Eating "Seed Oils" and Do This Instead

    #374 - Stop Eating "Seed Oils" and Do This Instead

    "Seed oils" have taken on the role of the proverbial whipping boy, taking the blame for everything that is wrong in packaged and processed foods.

    Yes, seed oils are bad for your health. But that is generally where the conversation stops. Or maybe you've heard other conflicting information around eating more saturated fats like butter, lard, and animal products.

    In this episode we break down WHY seed oils are bad for your health and what you should be cooking with and eating instead to support your metabolic, cardiovascular, cognitive, or just general health goals.

    Spoiler alert: Seed oils aren't the only oils that are best to avoid... avoiding ALL added oils is going to help your your body and metabolism function optimally by lowering inflammation and oxidative stress, increasing insulin sensitivity, and boosting overall nutrient density throughout your daily eating.

    Here are some highlights from today's episode:

    • ALL oils are pure fats containing 120 kcal/Tbsp, but different oils have unique blends of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats including omega-3 and omega-6
    • Most "seed oils" are found in processed foods and used by restaurants and are generally a blend of toxic GMO ingredients including canola, soy, corn, and cottonseed oils.
    • The combination of refined fats with refined carbohydrates is the most detrimental to health by promoting insulin resistance and oxidative damage
    • Why the best oil to consume is NONE AT ALL - based on the science, the only way to reverse cardiovascular disease is an oil-free whole food plant based diet
    • Some tips and tricks for oil-free cooking and baking

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enApril 12, 2023

    #373 - What to Do About Heavy Metals in Health Foods

    #373 - What to Do About Heavy Metals in Health Foods

    The topic of heavy metal toxicity is a big one... and for good reason!

    Heavy metals (like mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and others) can be toxic to the body, especially when accumulated over a lifespan... which is "normal" in today's toxic world. Once in the body, these sort of metals can be hard to get out. Therefore, they accumulate to cause or contribute to numerous chronic conditions - metabolic health issues, neurological issues, circulatory issues, and more.

    But these toxic elements are just used in industrialize processes and don't make their way into our foods, right???

    Wrong. Even some of the healthiest organic products and produce items have been reported to show toxic levels of various heavy metals!

    In this episode we avoid fear mongering and get to the heart of how to keep your body free from toxic metal accumulation so you can stay vital and healthy.

    Here are some highlights from today's episode:

    • The most common food items that accumulate these heavy metals - fruits, veggies, chocolate, whole grains, and others
    • How toxin accumulation works in the food chain and where we can turn to decrease our toxic load
    • Major factors that make your body absorb and accumulate these toxic compounds including gut health, mineral status, and liver function
    • Where to look in your life to avoid "overfilling your bucket"
    • Practical ways to turn on and ramp up healthy detox pathways in your liver

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enApril 05, 2023

    #372 - What's The Deal with Gluten?

    #372 - What's The Deal with Gluten?

    Less than 1% of population has celiac disease, a condition in which gluten consumption causes direct destruction of the gut lining. The issue of avoiding gluten in this rare disease isn’t really up for debate.

    Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is something different. Some suggest 20% or more may have this sort of "gluten sensitivity," meaning that consumption of gluten causes gastrointestinal issues, potentially leading to systemic inflammatory conditions skin issues, joint pain, and autoimmune conditions.

    In this episode we unpack the deep and controversial topic. We discuss the potential issues from consuming gluten containing grains and also how to cultivate digestive resilience to reverse a “gluten sensitivity.” You’ll learn the risks and benefits from consuming a “gluten-free” diet as well as how to do so healthfully, if you so choose!

    Some highlights from the episode

    • What is Gluten and why is it such a scary protein and why is it in so many processed foods
    • The hybridization of wheat crops to produce varieties with increased gluten content
    • How to healthfully avoid gluten while continuing to enjoy an abundance of whole grain foods
    • How intestinal dysbiosis sets the stage for gluten sensitivity (and other food sensitivities)
    • The relationship between gluten and the herbicide glyphosate and the importance of choosing organic grains (and legumes) 

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enMarch 29, 2023

    #371 - The Truth About Nightshades

    #371 - The Truth About Nightshades

    We already recorded a pretty comprehensive podcast on the topic (Episode #257), but there have been requests to revisit NIGHTSHADES.

    So, here's the deal...

    There is NO - zero - evidence to even consider that eating nightshade vegetables can potentially cause or contribute to any health issues.

    Unless of course you are eating belladonna, dartura, or maybe green/sprouted potatoes. These plants are high in solanine, the glycoalkaloid that can be poisonous and deadly in high enough doses.

    So, here are the main take aways from this episode...

    • Vegetables are in the nightshade family - potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, goji berries
    • The utter lack of evidence that these foods cause inflammation or health issues
    • Some of the health promoting nutrients that are actually in these foods
    • The power of placebo/nocebo effects!
    • What to do if you do experience intolerance or symptoms when eating whole plant foods

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enMarch 22, 2023

    #370 - Phytoestrogen Risks & Benefits in Both Men & Women

    #370 - Phytoestrogen Risks & Benefits in Both Men & Women

    Phytoestrogens = “plant” estrogens.

    These compounds attract quite a bit of controversy, almost as much as the lectins, oxalates, phytates, and goitrogens we’ve talked about previously.

    Here are direct links to episodes on...
    Oxalates - Episode 365
    Lectins - Episode 366
    Phytates - Episode 368
    Goitrogens - Episode 369

    First things first. The term “phytoestrogen” is actually a bit of a misnomer. These compounds are actually not “estrogens” but more accurately “estrogen receptor modulators.” This means they can bind to estrogen receptors to elicit a number of different effects.

    There are a number of different plant compounds that are classified as “phytoestrogens.” Far and away the most potent of them are the isoflavones like genestein found in soy. Other compounds include lignans, a type of polyphenol highest in flax, stilbenes like resveratrol found in grapes, and coumestans like coumestrol found in Brussel sprouts, spinach, all legumes, and many other foods.

    These fancy-named compounds are all, in a word, “phytonutrients.” When we eat these compounds present in our plant foods our bodies, with the help of the microbes in our gut, respond in all sorts of ways. In today’s episode, we do our best to cover the latest science as it relates to the “plant estrogen” compounds in both male and female bodies.

    Spoiler alert - phytoestrogen consumption does not cause female reproductive cancer, nor does it cause men to grow “man boobs!”

    Episode Highlights

    • “Phytoestrogens” could more appropriately be called “estrogen receptor modulators” as they do not promote “estrogenic” activity in the body, but simply bind and change conformation of estrogen receptors
    • Isoflavone and lignan compounds are transformed by gut microbes as well as various fermentation methods such as Korean cheonggukjang, Japanese natto, or Thai Thua
    • Only about 20-30% of Westerners have the gut bugs to convert isoflavones to that active estrogen modulating compound, equol, compared to ~60% of Asians, but eating more plants foods feeds specific microbes that facilitate the gut fermentation processes.
    • Consumption of phytoestrogen rich foods can reduce menopausal symptoms and risk of cardiovascular disease risk, obesity, diabetes, dementia and various cancers
    • There is ZERO evidence to suggest that eating phytoestrogen rich foods interferes with male hormones 

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enMarch 15, 2023

    #369 - The Truth About Goitrogens

    #369 - The Truth About Goitrogens

    Continuing our discussion around “anti-nutrient” compounds in plants takes us to goitrogens.

    This term refers to substances that can interfere with iodine uptake by the thyroid and lead to decreased thyroid function, thereby leading to the formation of a “goiter.” The classic goitrogen is actually the deficiency of iodine, an essential mineral for thyroid activity. This, of course  led to the iodination of table salt, which ensures proper iodine intake and thyroid function for people who may otherwise by iodine deficient. Note that we don’t advocate for consuming iodized table salt, or any added salt to the diet generally. Enough iodine is present in all fresh fruits and veggies, but eating sea vegetables like dulse or nori from time to time is a good iodine insurance policy.

    The goitrogens that we are talking about today are mainly the glucosinolate compounds found highest in brassica or cruciferous vegetables. One specific compound has been singled out and named goitrin (poor guy) due to the alleged goitrogenic effects. Like the other “anti nutrients” we’ve covered (lectins, oxalates, and phytates), glucosinolates are naturally occurring phytonutrients that actually have wonderful health benefits, not determinants!

    In todays episode we’ll look in to the science that supports the claims behind these so called goitrogenic nutrients. We’ll also look at some of the science showing the health benefits of the same compounds in question!

    I find it ironic that one of the most famous and widely occurring goitrogenic glucosinolate is glucoraphanin which is actually the precursor to the beloved isothyanate compound, sluforophane! Sorry for all of the biochemistry jargon… The point is just that many of the same people fear mongering about anti nutrients like goitrogens also praise the detoxification and health benefits of sulforophane. (And if you want to learn more about sulforophane, you can tune into Episode #364.)

    Episode Highlights

    • Cell and animal model studies have shown how glucosinolate compounds (goitrin) may potentially interfere with thyroids uptake of iodine, thereby decreasing thyroid function
    • Studies have also shown that many other common compounds such as resveratrol and other flavonoids may also have this sort of “goitrogenic effect”
    • There is a huge range when it comes to the amount of glucosinolates in cruciferous veggies - very much dependent upon soil quality and growing conditions
    • Cooking/steaming veggies vastly lowers glucosinolate content, including glucoraphanin which has clear health benefits
    • Studies seem to show that in general, consumption of glucosinolate-rich foods like cruciferous vegetables is protective against cancer and other disease
    • Nutrients exist in a complex matrix and compounds studied in reductionistic isolation may show data that is irrelevant and unrepresentative to real world circumstances

    Links to some more good stuff
    - ALL NEW EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS PROGRAM - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
    - 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants

    Alter Your Health
    enMarch 08, 2023