
    America's Roundtable

    The weekly program from Washington, D.C. is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. Listen to America's Roundtable as it covers current events, public policy issues and news in the US and from around the world with a unique perspective. Highlighting the principles of the US Constitution and the liberties enshrined in the Bill of Rights, America's Roundtable focuses on America's economy, free enterprise, healthcare, rule of law, security, foreign policy and trade, and America's leadership in forging strategic partnerships with rule of law nations around the world. The program features high-ranking administration officials, elected representatives, business and media leaders, and influential thinkers from America and around the world.
    en-usNatasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy227 Episodes

    Episodes (227)

    America's Roundtable with Fmr. Congressman Dave Brat | Vanishing Middle Class in America | Biden's Executive Order (EO) Unfairly Targets Israeli Jews | Impact of Illegal Immigration in America

    America's Roundtable with Fmr. Congressman Dave Brat | Vanishing Middle Class in America | Biden's Executive Order (EO) Unfairly Targets Israeli Jews | Impact of Illegal Immigration in America
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with one of America's top economists ⏤ former US Congressman Dave Brat, vice-president for business engagement at Liberty University. America's Roundtable conversation with Congressman Dave Brat covers the following key topics: Wealth creation | The growing disparity between America's top 1% and the vanishing middle-class. The persistent inflationary prices adversely impacting America's families. Crisis on America's southern border. | The death of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student at the University of Georgia and the arrest of Jose Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old Venezuelan citizen who immigration officials said entered the U.S. illegally. The policy of peace through strength versus appeasement. The Biden administration's foreign policy placed under the spotlight. Serious concerns are raised about President Biden's Executive Order (EO) which unfairly targets Israeli Jews in Judea and Samaria ⏤ the Biblical heartland of Israel, also known as the West Bank. Biden's EO clearly undermines Israel as a strong rule of law nation. Is this EO a departure of US support for the Jewish state? Is the Abraham Accords ⏤ the promise of peace and prosperity in the Middle East, and beyond? Further reading: Fox Business | Why are groceries still so expensive? Quote from Megan Henney, Fox Business : "While inflation has fallen considerably from a peak of 9.1% notched during June 2022, it remains above the Federal Reserve's 2% goal. And when compared with January 2021, shortly before the inflation crisis began, prices are up a stunning 17.6%. The typical U.S. household needed to pay $211 more a month in December to purchase the same goods and services it did one year ago because of still-high inflation, according to new calculations from Moody's Analytics. Americans are paying on average $1,020 more each month compared with the same time two years ago." americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @DaveBratVA7th @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Rabbi Eliot H. Pearlson | Revitalizing American Exceptionalism | US-Israel Partnership | Biden's Executive Order Targeting Israeli Jews | The Abraham Accords

    America's Roundtable with Rabbi Eliot H. Pearlson | Revitalizing American Exceptionalism | US-Israel Partnership | Biden's Executive Order Targeting Israeli Jews | The Abraham Accords
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Rabbi Eliot H. Pearlson who serves at the Temple Menorah in Miami Beach, Florida. This weekend on America's Roundtable, the conversation with Rabbi Eliot Pearlson will include the following key topics: Is “American exceptionalism” fading? The agenda to re-write America’s unique role in advancing freedom and the rule of law. Socialism in Latin America and lessons for America’s citizens. How October 7, 2023 changed Israel. The call to free Americans and Israeli hostages still held captive in Gaza. The significance of remembrance. The future of the Abraham Accords. Is Biden’s new executive order targeting Israeli citizens and politicians ⏤ a departure of US support for the Jewish state? Brief biography | Rabbit Eliot H. Pearlson In 1989, Rabbi Eliot H. Pearlson succeeded Rabbi Meyer Abramowitz ז”ל, who had served Temple Menorah since its founding in 1949. Rabbi Pearlson was no stranger to Temple Menorah, having served as our Director of Education before leaving for a pulpit in Asheville, North Carolina. Born in upstate New York, he is the youngest of eight children. His parents, Sylvia and Ben ז”ל were farmers near Buffalo until moving to Miami Beach in 1963, where they entered the Hotel and Hospitality industry. Within months of assuming his duties, Rabbi Pearlson followed in the footsteps of his predecessor, affirming the well-deserved notoriety of Temple Menorah by opening the institution to hundreds of Russian Jews escaping from the Soviet Union. Along with the survivors of the Holocaust and the refugees of Castro’s Cuba, another generation of Jewish refugees were guaranteed a spiritual home and place to worship. Education Rabbi Pearlson’s Jewish education is varied and diverse. Although serving in a Traditional synagogue, Rabbi Pearlson has studied in “Litvishe” Yeshiva programs such as the Greater Miami Mesifta, The Talmudic University , Lubavitch Yeshiva-Tomchei Tmimim, and Yeshiva University. In addition to his religious studies, Rabbi Pearlson has undergraduate degrees in Jewish Studies and Biochemistry, a Masters Degree in Rabbinic Literature, and graduate studies in Microbiology at the University of Florida. He was granted his Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree in Community Leadership by The Florida Center for Theological Studies in 2010. Rabbi Pearlson received Orthodox Rabbinic Ordination at the Diaspora Yeshiva on Mt. Zion-Jerusalem. Community Among Rabbi Pearlson’s community outreach efforts has been the ‘adoption’ of an African American Church. ln addition to a pulpit exchange with its minister, Temple Menorah also sponsored its Afternoon Computer Lab for Children at Risk. As a Jewish activist, Rabbi Pearlson has been arrested defending Jewish causes in Auschwitz-Birkenau, New York City and Miami—as his supporters note: “Arrested, but never convicted.” Further reading: Is America Exceptional? By Norman Podhoretz | Author, My Love Affair with America (https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/is-america-exceptional/) Brief excerpt: "We have excelled by following our Founding Fathers in directing our energies, as our Constitution exhorts us to do, to the preservation of the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, as well as to the pursuit of happiness tacitly understood by the Declaration of Independence to require prosperity as a precondition. (In his original draft of the Declaration, of course, Jefferson used the word “property” instead of “pursuit of happiness.”) By remaining faithful in principle—and to a considerable extent in practice—to the ideas by which the Founders hoped to accomplish these ends, we and our forebears have fashioned a country in which more liberty and more prosperity are more widely shared than among any other people in human history. Yes, even today that holds true, despite policies unfaithful both to the letter and to the spirit of the traditional American system that have resulted in a series of political and economic setbacks." Victor Davis Hanson: America's Exceptional Role in the World (https://www.hoover.org/research/victor-davis-hanson-americas-exceptional-role-world) Fox News | American exceptionalism 'running on fumes' as woke ideology stifles creativity and meritocracy, scholars say (https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/american-exceptionalism-running-fumes-woke-ideology-stifles-creativity-meritocracy-scholars) With individual initiative discouraged, US could identify as mediocre, insist scholars "We're running on fumes," said Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, when asked if American exceptionalism still exists. "We still have more talent and wealth than any other nation. We're still the freest nation. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Gidon Hazony | In Honor of Friend — A New Generation of Leaders Launch Soldiers Save Lives in Response to October 7 Terrorist Attack

    America's Roundtable with Gidon Hazony | In Honor of Friend — A New Generation of Leaders Launch Soldiers Save Lives in Response to October 7 Terrorist Attack
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Gidon Hazony, co-founder and president of Soldiers Save Lives. Discover the powerful story of Soldiers Save Lives, an Israeli aid organization founded in response to the October 7, 2023 devastating terrorist attack carried out by Iran-backed Hamas which shocked the nation of Israel and the world. Upon hearing of the news that their close friend David Newman was at the music festival near the Gaza border and under attack by Hamas terrorists, Gidon Hazony and another friend made a decision to go and save him. Enroute to the music festival from Jerusalem, Gidon Hazony, a trained Israeli Defense Force medic began to realize the extent of the invasion by terrorists as they passed the dead bodies of innocent Israeli Jews on the road heading south. As Gidon Hazony and other medics were working to save the lives of Israeli soldiers and civilians, he received a message that their friend David Newman was killed at the music festival. In David Newman's honor, close friends including Hazony founded Soldiers Save Lives. Learn about the heroism of Israel's unsung heroes on October 7, 2023. You will hear about the on-going efforts to provide help and hope to displaced Jews within Israel and how projects like Soldiers Save Lives are providing essential equipment and supplies to safeguard Israeli reservists on the frontlines. About Gidon Hazony Gidon’s parents met at Princeton University and made Aliyah in 1994. Gidon met David Newman while playing American Football, and quickly became best friends. Gidon is a valedictorian in Mathematics at Hebrew University, spent a year in America working in the field of Probability and Game Theory, and, before October 7th, was teaching calculus at Hebrew University. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with US Congressman Derrick Van Orden | A Principled Commitment to Israel | Biden's US Southern Border — An Unmitigated Disaster | Biden Administration Falters on the Economic and Foreign Policy Fronts

    America's Roundtable with US Congressman Derrick Van Orden | A Principled Commitment to Israel | Biden's US Southern Border — An Unmitigated Disaster | Biden Administration Falters on the Economic and Foreign Policy Fronts
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with US Congressman Derrick Van Orden. Derrick’s journey of public service started when he joined the Navy at the age of 18 and served for 26 years, retiring as a Navy SEAL Senior Chief with 5 combat deployments and several others to troubled areas in the world. His first combat deployment was to Bosnia Herzegovina immediately following the signing of the Dayton Accords. Derrick Van Orden continued his service with multiple combat tours to Afghanistan and Iraq. Additionally, he served in the Horn of Africa, Asia, Europe, and South and Central America. During his tour in Europe in 2012, under the Obama administration, he was responsible for planning Special Operations contingency operations for the European Continent. Congressman Van Orden understands the significance of freedom and the tremendous cost paid to protect America and its citizens. He lost close colleagues ⏤the tragic killing of his former teammate Ty Woods and fellow SEAL Glen Doherty during the terrorist attack on the embassy annex in Benghazi, Libya. Congressman Van Orden serves on the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Agriculture, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Key Topics: ⏤ The national security crisis on America’s southern border, the waves of millions of illegal immigrants entering the United States, and the heavy economic toll on American citizens and taxpayers across the country. Newsweek report: “With illegal immigration now costing $150.7 billion annually, the burden inevitably trickles down to the taxpayer. Individually, the FAIR study found that each illegal alien or their U.S.-born child costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.” ⏤Israel’s war against Iran-backed Hamas and Congressman Derrick Van Orden’s visit to Israel right after October 7, 2023. ⏤ The Iran threat | International Atomic Energy Agency released a report saying Iran “increased its production of highly enriched uranium, reversing a previous output reduction from mid-2023. Iran had increased its output of 60 percent enriched uranium to a rate of about nine kilograms (20 pounds) a month since the end of November [2020]. Enrichment levels of around 90% are required for use in a nuclear weapon.” ⏤ The Biden Administration's pressures on Israel for a ceasefire and the recent announcement of a new White House Executive Order targeting Israeli citizens in the West Bank also known as Judea and Samaria. ⏤ Addressing the Biden administration's failed foreign policies when reviewing Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the chaotic withdrawal of the US military from Afghanistan and the Middle East entering a new phase of instability and expanding conflicts. ⏤ US bases in the Middle East under attack | Three American soldiers killed in Jordan | US Navy vessels targeted by Iran-backed Houthi terror group. What is the status of America’s response? americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @RepVanOrden @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Virginia Delegate Tom Garrett — Biden Administration's Failing Economic and Foreign Policies | Iran-Backed Hamas Waging War Against Israel | Why State Competition Matters

    America's Roundtable with Virginia Delegate Tom Garrett — Biden Administration's Failing Economic and Foreign Policies | Iran-Backed Hamas Waging War Against Israel | Why State Competition Matters
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Tom Garrett. In 2016, Tom was elected to represent Virginia’s 5th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. Tom won that election with the most votes ever in the 5th Congressional District. While in Congress, Tom served on the Foreign Affairs Committee, Homeland Security Committee and the Education and Workforce Committee. He currently serves as a member of the House of Delegates in the Commonwealth of Virginia serving the citizens of the 56th District. Tom Garrett has dedicated his life to fighting for the oppressed and forgotten not only here in America, but around the world. Tom has been working on a global docu-series project, Exile, which tells the untold stories of those who are persecuted based on their faith or ethnicity. Key Topics of our discussion: ⏤ America's economy, the urgency to cut federal government spending and to reduce the national debt. ⏤ The Biden Administration's pressures on Israel for a ceasefire and the recent announcement of a new White House Executive Order targeting Israeli citizens in the West Bank also known as Judea and Samaria. ⏤ Addressing the Biden administration's foreign policy when reviewing Russian's invasion of Ukraine and the chaotic withdrawal of the US military from Afghanistan. ⏤ Iran-backed Hamas waging war against Israel and the deadly October 7 terrorist attack killing 1,200 people, wounding nearly 5,000 civilians and the more than 100 hostages who remain in captive in Gaza. ⏤ US bases in the Middle East under attack | Three American soldiers killed in Jordan | US Navy vessels targeted by Iran-backed Houthi terror group. ⏤ U.S. Senate hearing on social media platforms | WSJ: Chief executives from tech companies, including Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, faced lawmakers Wednesday, in a hearing highlighting risks that social-media platforms pose to children. ⏤ State competition: economy, taxes and healthcare. [americasrt.com](https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Gerard Gibert | The Rising Costs of Healthcare in America | Advancing Principled Solutions

    America's Roundtable with Gerard Gibert | The Rising Costs of Healthcare in America | Advancing Principled Solutions
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Gerard Gibert, entrepreneur, technologist, talk show host and founder and former CEO of Venture Technologies. The discussion focuses on key issues impacting America with an emphasis on the how the nation's rising health care costs are adversely affecting families, citizen-taxpayers, and private enterprises across the nation. In 1986, Mr. Gibert founded Venture Technologies, a technology and cloud services provider. As CEO of Venture, Mr. Gibert engineered numerous mergers and acquisitions of strategic targets, catapulting Venture to national prominence as a technology solutions provider. Initially funded at $189,000, Venture was sold for $92 million in 2019. Mr. Gibert serves on a variety of boards dedicated to growing Mississippi’s economy. That list includes the Madison County Economic Development Authority, Madison County Business League and Foundation, Innovate Mississippi, Empower Mississippi, and the Mississippi Lottery Corporation. Gerard Gibert recently presented a compelling op-ed piece via SuperTalk.FM titled "We need out-of-the-box thinking to address Mississippi’s healthcare woes." In a recent piece shared by Shakeel Ahmed, CEO at Atlas Surgical Group via Forbes in November 2023, the medical professional highlighted the following key statistics: In 2021, the nation’s healthcare expenditure reached a staggering $4.3 trillion, accounting for 18.3% of the GDP, according to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) data. In 2021, Americans spent an estimated $378 billion just on prescription drugs, as reported by Statista. This represents a substantial portion of overall healthcare spending, and the continuous increase in drug prices compounds the problem. The Kaiser Family Foundation found that the annual family premium for employer-sponsored health insurance plans surpassed $21,000 in 2020. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @grgibert @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Ambassador Sam Brownback | Solidarity with Israel | Threats to Western Civilization | America's Future — Economy and the National Debt | Religious Freedom

    America's Roundtable with Ambassador Sam Brownback | Solidarity with Israel | Threats to Western Civilization | America's Future — Economy and the National Debt | Religious Freedom
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Ambassador Sam Brownback, Co-Chair of the International Religious Freedom Summit, former U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom (2018-2021), former Governor of Kansas (2011-2018), United States Senator (1996-2011) and Member of Congress (1995–96). Topics of our conversation with Ambassador Sam Brownback include: * recent journey to Israel with former Governor Mike Huckabee and Ambassador Ken Blackwell, * the rise of anti-Semitism in America, * the Iranian threat in the Middle East and beyond, * America's economy, unsustainable growth of the national debt, illegal immigration, * threats to Western Civilization. The conversation also focuses on the state of religious freedom around the world and the forthcoming International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, DC. In 1986, Sam became the state’s youngest Secretary of the Kansas Department of Agriculture. In 1994, he was elected to represent the 2nd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1996 where he carried the first comprehensive federal anti-trafficking law. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 declared human trafficking a federal crime and increased protection for victims. In the Senate he was a leading advocate for freedom of religious liberty around the globe. Sam worked actively on the issue in multiple countries and was a key sponsor of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1996 where he carried the first comprehensive federal anti-trafficking law. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 declared human trafficking a federal crime and increased protection for victims. In the Senate he was a leading advocate for freedom of religious liberty around the globe. Sam worked actively on the issue in multiple countries and was a key sponsor of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. Sam honored a term limits pledge and ran for Governor of Kansas in 2010. He became the 46th Governor of the Sunflower State in 2011 and was re-elected in 2014. President Trump nominated Sam to serve as Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom in 2017. He resigned as Governor of Kansas on January 31, 2018 and was sworn in to his diplomatic post the next day. He served as Ambassador until January 2021. He currently serves as co-chair of the International Religious Freedom Summit and is a Senior Fellow with Global Christian Relief. He is also chairman of the National Committee for Religious Freedom. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @SamuelBrownback @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Fmr. Ambassador Ken Blackwell | Solidarity with Israel — Visit to Kibbutz Kfar Aza | America's Border Crisis | US Elections 2024

    America's Roundtable with Fmr. Ambassador Ken Blackwell | Solidarity with Israel — Visit to Kibbutz Kfar Aza | America's Border Crisis | US Elections 2024
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Ambassador Ken Blackwell. Ken Blackwell served as mayor of Cincinnati, Treasurer and Secretary of State for Ohio, undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission. Ambassador Blackwell also serves on the executive advisory board of International Leaders Summit - Jerusalem Leaders Summit. Key topics of America's Roundtable conversation with Ambassador Blackwell: Ambassador Blackwell's recent journey to Israel and the sites where Iran-backed Hamas terrorist group attacked Israeli families. He shares about his meeting with the Jewish state's leadership along with former Governors Mike Huckabee of the state of Arkansas and Sam Brownback from Kansas. Ambassador Blackwell also weighs into the threats and real-time attacks carried out by Iran-backed proxies targeting American military bases, the US Navy fleet in the region, and commercial vessels. Ambassador Blackwell briefly talks about the dangerous axis of China and Russia along with Iran. America's key challenges and solutions when addressing the crisis on America's "open southern border" and the economic decline of our nation. How can we the people, save the "American Dream?" He communicates about the significance of citizenship. Ambassador Blackwell shares about the 2024 election season and the important role of citizen stakeholders. He addresses steps taken by engaged leaders, state legislators and governors around the nation to ensure election integrity, and how America's citizens can get more involved as volunteers at the precinct level. Amb. Blackwell presents a worthy challenge to America's voters to be more engaged in the electoral process (part of the citizen's role and responsibility) in advancing greater transparency in the overall voting process. As a conservative, Ambassador Blackwell addresses the significant progress taking place in America for all Americans, and his timely message as the nation reflects on the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @kenblackwell @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Fmr. Governor Mike Huckabee | Solidarity with Israel — Journey to the Ruins of Kibbutz Kfar Aza — Site of October 7, 2023 Massacre | Iran's Proxies Attack Israel | The State of US Foreign Policy in the Middle East

    America's Roundtable with Fmr. Governor Mike Huckabee | Solidarity with Israel — Journey to the Ruins of Kibbutz Kfar Aza —  Site of October 7, 2023 Massacre | Iran's Proxies Attack Israel | The State of US Foreign Policy in the Middle East
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee as they focus on Israel, the Middle East, the Abraham Accords, Iranian proxies attacking US Navy vessels and American bases, and the need for a strong US leadership in foreign policy. Topics of our conversation with Governor Huckabee include: ⏤ Gov. Huckabee's most recent visit to Israel and spending time in the areas attacked by Iran-backed Hamas terrorist group. He met with families of hostages who are awaiting the release of loved ones. ⏤Gov. Huckabee's meeting with Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu. ⏤Iran's proxies target US military bases and a growing number of weapons fired by Houthi forces in Yemen targeting U.S. Navy vessels and commercial ships in the Red Sea may adversely impact international trade through one of the busiest sea routes in the world. ⏤ The rise of anti-Semitism in America and specifically on college campuses, and the recent resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @GovMikeHuckabee @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Fmr. Governor Mike Huckabee | Solidarity with Israel | Visit to the Jewish State | US Presidential Election 2024

    America's Roundtable with Fmr. Governor Mike Huckabee | Solidarity with Israel | Visit to the Jewish State | US Presidential Election 2024
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee to focus on the key issues impacting America and our trusted allies around the world. Topics of our conversation with Governor Huckabee include: ⏤ Gov. Huckabee's most recent visit to Israel and spending time in the areas attacked by Iran-backed Hamas terrorist group. He met with families of hostages who are awaiting the release of loved ones. ⏤Gov. Huckabee's meeting with Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu. ⏤Iran's proxies target US military bases and a growing number of weapons fired by Houthi forces in Yemen targeting U.S. Navy vessels and commercial ships in the Red Sea may adversely impact international trade through one of the busiest sea routes in the world. ⏤ The rise of anti-Semitism in America and specifically on college campuses, and the recent resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay. ⏤ The Year 2024 as Americans gear up for U.S. Presidential election season with a focus on the Republican primary race. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @GovMikeHuckabee @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with John Catsimatidis | Author: How Far Do You Want to Go? | US Failed Domestic and Foreign Policies | Israel at War | Holding Iran Accountable for Fueling Terrorism

    America's Roundtable with John Catsimatidis | Author: How Far Do You Want to Go? | US Failed Domestic and Foreign Policies | Israel at War | Holding Iran Accountable for Fueling Terrorism
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with billionaire entrepreneur John Catsimatidis, owner and CEO of the Red Apple Group and author of The Wall Street Journal and Publishers Weekly Bestseller — "How Far Do You Want to Go?: Lessons from a Common-Sense Billionaire." The conversation on America's Roundtable Radio with John Catsimatidis will include the following topics: — Addressing America's economic challenges. — Focusing on the nation's energy crisis with commonsense and principled ideas. | Less dependency on OPEC and unleashing American energy. — Iran proxies' attack on Israel — Update on Iran. In his own words, John Catsimatidis will share with our engaged listeners how his instincts and common sense propelled him to massive business success in this detailed account of an incredible rags-to-riches story. John's dedication to family, faith and country will inspire everyone. John's story focuses on the humbling experiences of a Greek immigrant family coming to America and embracing the American Dream through a strong work ethic and sacrifices. Today, his job creation endeavors through the Red Apple Group employs thousands of our fellow Americans, from New York to Pennsylvania, Florida, and other places. Our conversation focuses on John's book — "How Far Do You Want to Go? Lessons from a Common-Sense Billionaire," and the vital issues of the day impacting our fellow-Americans: — The dynamism of America's immigrant spirit which is creating jobs and fueling economic growth. — The significance of advancing economic liberty and forging energy independence in America. — Applying common-sense reforms at the local and national levels that will empower people. — Why education and strong families are vital for America's future. — US failed foreign policies. To get your copy of John's book — "How Far Do You Want to Go? Lessons from a Common-Sense Billionaire" Visit: Catsimatidis.com (https://www.catsimatidis.com/book/) or America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/our-next-prominent-guest) Bio: John Catsimatidis (https://www.catsimatidis.com/about/) John Catsimatidis came from humble beginnings. John was born on the Greek Island of Nisyros in 1948 and 6 months later his parents emigrated to New York City in search of a better life. They settled on 135th Street in Harlem and his father found work as a busboy and his mother was a stay-at-home mom. John is a true son of New York; he was educated in both the parochial and public school systems earning his high school diploma from Brooklyn Tech. John enrolled in New York University to study electrical engineering; going to school during the day and working in a small grocery store on nights and weekends to help his parents pay the bills. During his senior year, with just 8 credits remaining, John dropped out of NYU to work in the grocery business full-time. By his 25th birthday he was already a success with 10 Red Apple Supermarkets scattered along Broadway on Manhattan’s Upper Westside. . . . and has lived the American Dream Now, four decades later the Red Apple Group has evolved into a diversified corporation that has holdings in the energy, aviation, retail and real estate sectors and over 8,000 employees, with approximately 2,000 located in New York City. John and his wife Margo Catsimatidis live on Manhattan’s Upper East side and are parents to 2 grown children; Andrea and John Jr. John is a firm believer in giving back to the community and has been a strong supporter of the Police Athletic League for nearly 30 years.
He serves on the Board of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, the Hellenic Times Scholarship Fund, and over the years served in a variety of volunteer positions in the Greek Orthodox Church. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @JCats2013 @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable — US Senator Marsha Blackburn | Solidarity with Israel with Leading Members of Congress | US Capitol Hill

    America's Roundtable — US Senator Marsha Blackburn | Solidarity with Israel with Leading Members of Congress | US Capitol Hill
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with U.S Senator Marsha Blackburn, Member of the Finance Committee; the Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee; the Veterans Affairs Committee; and the Judiciary Committee Senator Marsha Blackburn delivered her remarks at the Solidarity with Israel event, organized by the International Leaders Summit and America's Roundtable, and co-hosted by Speaker Mike Johnson and Chairman Mike Bost on Capitol Hill on December 12, 2023. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @MarshaBlackburn @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable: Solidarity with Israel with Leading Members of Congress | US Capitol Hill | December 12, 2023

    America's Roundtable: Solidarity with Israel with Leading Members of Congress | US Capitol Hill | December 12, 2023
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy for the Solidarity with Israel event, co-hosted by Speaker Mike Johnson and Chairman Mike Bost on Capitol Hill on December 12, 2023. Speakers - Leading Members of Congress (Part I): Chairman Mike Bost (R-IL), The House Committee on Veterans' Affairs Congressman Dan Newhouse (R-WA) Congresswoman Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (R-AS) Congressman Derrick Van Orden (R-WA) Congressman Don Bacon (R-NE) americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @RepBost @RepNewhouse @RepAmata @derrickvanorden @RepDonBacon @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Maurice McTigue - Part I | Israel at War | America's Economic Doldrums—Reform Solutions | New Zealand's Govt Takes Office

    America's Roundtable with Maurice McTigue - Part I | Israel at War | America's Economic Doldrums—Reform Solutions | New Zealand's Govt Takes Office
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Honorable Maurice McTigue, QSO, former Cabinet Minister and Member of Parliament, New Zealand and New Zealand's Ambassador to Canada. McTigue is Executive Advisory Board Member of the International Leaders Summit. McTigue received the prestigious Queen’s Service Order in recognition of his public service from Queen Elizabeth II. He advised the Office of Management and Budget and most federal agencies on issues of accountability and transparency and has consulted with legislators and governors in more than 30 states. McTigue is a former Vice President at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Honorable Maurice McTigue has testified on Capitol Hill and published articles in many major media outlets, including the New York Times, the Atlantic, Bloomberg Businessweek, US News & World Report, and the Chicago Tribune. Our discussion on America's Roundtable focuses on: Israel's War Against Iran-Backed Hamas | Israel's Sovereignty and the Gaza Threat Iran Proxies Attack U.S. Bases in Iraq and Syria, a U.S. Navy Destroyer and Commercial Ships in the Red Sea ⏤ The World's Busiest and Most Important in Global Trade New Zealand's Election | A New Center-Right Government Takes Office The State of the U.S. Economy, The Budget, and Solutions to Addressing the $33 Trillion National Debt Reforms for America | Deregulation, Tax Reduction, and Market Competition americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Dr. Ben Carson | Israel's War Against Hamas | America's Sacrosanct Ties with Israel | Addressing the Rise of Anti-Semitism

    America's Roundtable with Dr. Ben Carson | Israel's War Against Hamas | America's Sacrosanct Ties with Israel | Addressing the Rise of Anti-Semitism
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D., America’s 17th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and founder of the American Cornerstone Institute. Dr. Carson is former Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is author of bestselling books: Gifted Hands, Think Big, A More Perfect Union, The Big Picture, America the Beautiful, and Created Equal. The discussion on America's Roundtable focuses on Israel's war against Iran-backed Hamas, Iran's proxies attacking US facilities, and the significance of America's sacrosanct ties with Israel. Dr. Carson addresses the rise of anti-Semitism in America. The conversation brings to the forefront the successful Abraham Accords and the urgency to hold to account Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D. For a time, the likelihood of Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D. fulfilling his childhood dream of becoming a physician seemed unlikely. Growing up in a single parent home with dire poverty, poor grades, a horrible temper, and low self-esteem appeared to preclude the realization of that dream until his mother, with only a third-grade education, challenged her sons to strive for excellence. She observed successful people and encouraged her sons to emulate their behaviors, including reading. This led to behavior changes which had a profound effect on their education. In 1973, Ben Carson graduated from Yale University. He went on to receive his M.D. from the University of Michigan Medical School. At the age of 33, Dr. Carson became the chief of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, making him the youngest major division director in the hospital’s history. This would be among an extensive list of outstanding firsts for Dr. Carson. Dr. Carson’s accomplishments have earned him a place in medical history. He performed the first and only successful separation of craniopagus (Siamese) twins joined at the back of the head in 1987. He also performed the first fully successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins in 1997 in South Africa. In his career, Dr. Carson became a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and directed pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for over 29 years. He became the inaugural recipient of a professorship dedicated in his name in May 2008. He is now the Emeritus Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D. and Dr. Evelyn Spiro, R.N. Professor of Pediatric Neurosurgery, having retired on June 30, 2013. In 2016, Dr. Carson accepted the position of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the Trump administration. After completing his tenure as the 17th Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2021, Dr. Carson founded the American Cornerstone Institute. This organization is focused on fighting for the principles that have guided him through life and that make this country great: faith, liberty, community and life. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @RealBenCarson @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Sarah Stern | Addressing the Rise of Anti-Semitism in America | US-Israel Partnership

    America's Roundtable with Sarah Stern | Addressing the Rise of Anti-Semitism in America | US-Israel Partnership
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Sarah Stern, founder of The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET), a pro-American and pro-Israel think tank dedicated to educating policy makers in Washington and the general public about the importance of Israel to the United States in their common struggle against radical Islam. EMET's upcoming event 2023 The Rays of Light in the Darkness will honor the 2023 Speaker of Truth honorees and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @emetgirl @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Dr. Ben Carson | Saving the American Dream | Israel's War Against Hamas | Restoring America's Leadership

    America's Roundtable with Dr. Ben Carson | Saving the American Dream | Israel's War Against Hamas | Restoring America's Leadership
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D., America’s 17th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and founder of the American Cornerstone Institute. Dr. Carson is former Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is author of bestselling books: Gifted Hands, Think Big, A More Perfect Union, The Big Picture, America the Beautiful, and Created Equal. Dr. Ben Carson presents principled solutions to the challenges on the domestic and foreign fronts. We discuss concerns about the American Dream (only 36% of voters in a new Wall Street Journal/NORC survey said the American dream still holds true), Israel's war against Iran-backed Hamas, Iran's proxies attacking US facilities, US-China relations, and America's education in crisis. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D. For a time, the likelihood of Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D. fulfilling his childhood dream of becoming a physician seemed unlikely. Growing up in a single parent home with dire poverty, poor grades, a horrible temper, and low self-esteem appeared to preclude the realization of that dream until his mother, with only a third-grade education, challenged her sons to strive for excellence. She observed successful people and encouraged her sons to emulate their behaviors, including reading. This led to behavior changes which had a profound effect on their education. In 1973, Ben Carson graduated from Yale University. He went on to receive his M.D. from the University of Michigan Medical School. At the age of 33, Dr. Carson became the chief of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, making him the youngest major division director in the hospital’s history. This would be among an extensive list of outstanding firsts for Dr. Carson. Dr. Carson’s accomplishments have earned him a place in medical history. He performed the first and only successful separation of craniopagus (Siamese) twins joined at the back of the head in 1987. He also performed the first fully successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins in 1997 in South Africa. In his career, Dr. Carson became a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and directed pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for over 29 years. He became the inaugural recipient of a professorship dedicated in his name in May 2008. He is now the Emeritus Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D. and Dr. Evelyn Spiro, R.N. Professor of Pediatric Neurosurgery, having retired on June 30, 2013. In 2016, Dr. Carson accepted the position of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the Trump administration. After completing his tenure as the 17th Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2021, Dr. Carson founded the American Cornerstone Institute. This organization is focused on fighting for the principles that have guided him through life and that make this country great: faith, liberty, community and life. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @RealBenCarson @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Chris Mitchell | Israel's War Against Hamas | Plight of Hostages | Will America Cordon Iran? | Combating Anti-Semitism

    America's Roundtable with Chris Mitchell | Israel's War Against Hamas | Plight of Hostages | Will America Cordon Iran? | Combating Anti-Semitism
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Chris Mitchell, CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief, Author and American Journalist Based in Israel for Over Two Decades. In this substantive conversation, Chris Mitchell, CBN News Bureau Chief based in Israel will provide an update on Israel's war against Iran-backed Hamas. The discussion will cover the serious challenges facing America and Israel, and an emboldened Iran bent on developing nuclear weapons targeting the West's democratic nations. Is America's leadership, and specifically the Biden administration up to this significant challenge of the early 21st century? Update on Israel and the Middle East Crisis: —Israel's War Against Iran-Backed Hamas —First Group of 13 Israeli Hostages Released | Over 220 Hostages Still Held Captive in Gaza —The Explosion of Anti-Semitism in America and Europe —America's Role in the Middle East Region —Should Iran Be Cordoned? Chris Mitchell is an American author and journalist is the bureau chief of the Christian Broadcasting Network News Middle East. For over 20 years, he has reported about Jerusalem, Israel, and the Middle East on his weekly program, "Jerusalem Dateline”. Books authored by Chris Mitchell include, "Dateline Jerusalem," "Destination Jerusalem," and "ISIS, Iran and Israel: What You Need to Know about the Current Mideast Crisis and the Coming Mideast War." americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @ChrisCBNNews @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Yaakov Katz | Israel's War Against Iran-Backed Hamas | Will America Send an Ultimatum to Iran? | The Rise of Anti-Semitism

    America's Roundtable with Yaakov Katz | Israel's War Against Iran-Backed Hamas | Will America Send an Ultimatum to Iran? | The Rise of Anti-Semitism
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Yaakov Katz, bestselling author of “Shadow Strike – Inside Israel’s Secret Mission to Eliminate Syrian Nuclear Power”, “Weapon Wizards – How Israel Became a High-Tech Military Superpower” and “Israel vs. Iran: The Shadow War.” Yaakov Katz is the senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute, as well as columnist and former editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post. Our discussion focuses on: — Israel's War Against Iran-Backed Hamas — Update on Israel and the Middle East Crisis — Over 240 Hostages Remain in Gaza | Israel Begins Operations in Southern Gaza — Iranian Proxies Intensify Attacks on US Installations in Iraq and Syria | What's Next? — The Explosion of Anti-Semitism in America and Europe — America's Role in the Middle East Region — The Future of Gaza americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @yaakovkatz @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    America's Roundtable with Chairman Mike Bost | Commemorating Veterans Day | Veterans' Healthcare and Innovation

    America's Roundtable with Chairman Mike Bost | Commemorating Veterans Day | Veterans' Healthcare and Innovation
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Chairman Mike Bost, The House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, member of House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and House Committee on Agriculture. Chairman Bost is a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran. As we commemorate Veterans Day, our discussion focuses on: — Reforms Advanced at the Department of Veterans Affairs | Healthcare and Innovation — Update on Advancements in Prosthetic Technology — Empowering Veterans — Update on Israel's War Against Iran-Backed Hamas — Over 240 Hostages Remain in Gaza | Israel Announces 4-Hour Daily Pause in Gaza — America Strikes Iran-Linked Facility in Syria americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @RepBost @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm