
    Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

    Audio classes for Yoga, Meditation and Breath work. These classes vary in length, style and intensity, so you can take class at your time and your pace, where ever you may find yourself. I'll guide you through yoga classes with verbal cues and alignment tips. Various guided meditation and breath work techniques available. Find me on instagram and YouTube at Amy Tenney Yoga. email: amytenneyyoga@gmail.com
    enAmy Tenney, Meditation + Yoga instructor, Natural Health Practitioner46 Episodes

    Episodes (46)

    Affirmations- Wow, I'm Amazing!

    Affirmations- Wow, I'm Amazing!

    Christian based affirmations based on Gary E Stevenson's General Conference address Octobere 2023.

    Especially for all the youth....tomorrow, this week, this year, always, pause as you look at yourself in the mirror aned think to yourself or say aloud:

    Wow, look at me!

    I'm amazing!

    I'm a child of God.

    He knows me.

    He loves me.

    I'm gifted, gifted with the Holy Ghost as my constant companion.

    Breathe through Big Emotions

    Breathe through Big Emotions

    Today’s practice will be to breathe with, and through big emotions. As we bring awareness on our breath, we can help move  energy. As we acknowledge how we are feeling, we can practice giving voice to, moving through, softening with and possibly releasing emotions with a strong emotional charge. You’re invited to breathe with whatever comes up, and release attachment to a particular outcome or expectation.  

    Learn more about the power of breath work with my guided video course Harnessing the Power of your Breath.



    Use code aty20 in promo section for 20% off.

    Find me on instagram: @amytenneyyoga

    Affirmations: Letting Go of Control, 2 minutes

    Affirmations: Letting Go of Control, 2 minutes

    Daily Affirmations: Letting Go of Control, 2 minutes

    Repeat in your mind:

    I am open to to new experiences 

    I am capable 

    I surrender the need to control everything 

    I surrender the need to control the outcome 

    I live in the present moment 

    I let life flow 

    I trust the timing of life 

    I am here

    I am grateful

    I am loved 

    Find me on instagram @amytenneyyoga


    I create custom meditations for people.  Email amytenneyyoga@gmail.com

    Visualization to heal skin: warts, mollescum, rashes

    Visualization to heal skin: warts, mollescum, rashes

     This meditation supports clearing your skin through a healing visualization.  It was prepared to help remove warts, rashes  and mollescum bumps. You can visualize this for yourself, your child, or someone you care about.  If you have another skin condition  you’d like to heal from, imagine your situation in your mind's eye. 


    Christian Based Meditation

    Make sure to put this episode on a sleep timer to stop when current episode ends.

    I offer custom meditations written just for you or someone you care about.  Email: amytenneyyoga@gmail.com to request more information.

    Connect with me on instagram: @amytenneyyoga

    Breath work Clear Nasal Congestion in 2 minutes

    Breath work Clear Nasal Congestion in 2 minutes

    Today we are going to first do a quick exercise to help clear the nasal passageway. 

    If you're congested, this is a tool you can do througout the day to help open up nasal pathways.

    To clear nostrils - inhale through the nose (as best as you can), exhale through the nose, bob head for count of 5.  Repeat 5  rounds. 

    Benefits of nasal breathing

    When breathing through the nose, it acts as a filter, warms the air and creates nitric oxide which helps blood oxygen levels. When breathing through the mouth none of those occur.

    When you breathe through your nose it's antiviral and antibacterial.  You also pick up Nitric Oxide.   Nasal breathing carrying NO to lungs, bronchodilator, helps open up airways, helps sterilize the air.  Redistributes blood throughout the lungs, so it improves oxygen uptake in the blood. 

    connect with me on instagram: @amytenneyyoga or email amytenneyyoga@gmail.com

    Meditation Christ Centered Christmas

    Meditation Christ Centered Christmas

    Meditation on the original message of the season.

    Be still.

    Fear not.

    Be of good cheer.

    Glad tidings.

    Great joy.

    More hope, more light, more peace and more love are coming into the world.  

    Connect with me.  Instagram: @amytenneyyoga, email: amytenneyyoga@gmail.com

    Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation
    enDecember 20, 2021

    Meditation for Grief - Light + Shadow

    Meditation for Grief - Light + Shadow

    Meditation for Grief.  Holding space for light and shadow.

    Love is light. But there are parts of our lives, our thoughts and experiences, that are not light. They are dark, embarrassing or painful. Parts that are full of grief and shadow.  Today's meditation is for holding grief in a safe space.

    Christian Based Meditation

    Make sure to put this episode on a sleep timer to stop when current episode ends.

    I offer custom meditations written just for you or someone you care about.  Email: amytenneyyoga@gmail.com to request more information.



    Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation
    enDecember 03, 2021

    Letting Go of Anger Meditation

    Letting Go of Anger Meditation

    Anger is a normal human emotion.  It's imporant and useful.  Until it isn't.  When it destroys your peace, + affects the way you treat yourself and others, it's time to let it go.  But how?  We feel so justified in it.  I see you.  I do it too.  Processing emotions involves recognizing them, feeling them and then letting them move through you.  This meditation guides you through this process.  

    In this meditation, as we let go of the anger, we invite the Savior to hold it and carry it away for us.  We start to replace the anger with his hope.  

    Christian Based Meditation





    Sleep Meditation: Relaxation, Renewal, Rest

    Sleep Meditation: Relaxation, Renewal, Rest

    Deep Healing Sleep Meditation

    Great for bedtime before you fall asleep.   If you need a break during the day to restore and rest, use this meditation for a midday power nap.  

    Make sure to put this episode on a sleep timer to stop when current episode ends.

    Connect with me on instagram: @amytenneyyoga

    Episode inspired by Swami Sayyananda Saraswati

    Meditation for Who You Are + Why It Matters

    Meditation for Who You Are + Why It Matters

    Meditation for Who You Are + Why It Matters

    3 minute meditation using powerful affirmations:

    I am strong, safe and secure

    I am unique and I belong

    I contribute and it matters

    I hold space for love

    I am a voice that needs to be shared

    I look within and above for guidance

    I am connected: body, mind + soul

    Connect with me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amytenneyyoga/




    31. Meditation: Holding Space for Uncertainty + Conviction

    31. Meditation: Holding Space for Uncertainty + Conviction

    Meditation teaches me how to hold space for my questions, longings, doubts and desires. It’s a safe place to hold my uncertainty and my conviction together.

    When we take time to for stillness, God can remind us of our purpose, and identity.  We can feel comforted and directed from there.  

    This meditation centers around feeling the love from our Heavenly Parents, our divine purpose and identity and holding space for ourselves.  

    Instagram: @amytenneyyoga


    Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation
    enFebruary 27, 2021

    Sleep- Yoga Nidra for sleep

    Sleep- Yoga Nidra for sleep

    Get cozy in your bed as you settle down and listen to this yoga nidra practice to help you wind down and rest.  

    Double check you have a sleep timer, or have auto play next episode turned off so once the meditation ends everything is quiet.  

    For best results, dowload episode, then put phone in airplane mode every night before bed.  (your phone alarm clock will still work).  


    insta @amytenneyyoga

    If you enjoyed, I'd love a rating and review, it helps more people find this podcast.  :)

    Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation
    enDecember 14, 2020

    Breathwork: Limbic Breathing

    Breathwork: Limbic Breathing

    LIMBIC BREATHING- reduce stress and anxiety with this breathing technique.  Inhale 4, hold 2, exhale for 7.  Breathe with the diaphragm for simple and powerful tool to relax.  

    Instagram @amytenneyyoga

    email amytenneyyoga@gmail.com


    Check out one my favorite things.  It’s my indoor hydroponic  Rise Garden. Get $100 a full sized unit with code AMY100 at checkout.  If you want beautiful design and fresh healthy food at home, check out Rise Gardens.  


    Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation
    enDecember 14, 2020

    28. Meditation. My Body is An Instrument for Good

    28.  Meditation. My Body is An Instrument for Good

    Feeling, at the deepest layer that your body is an instrument for good.  It was designed for you, and you have a great work to do.  Your body allows you to experience life, to learn and to feel.  Honor it.  Nurture it.  Be patient with it.  You will learn many incredible things through your body.  It is unique and divine. 

    Instagram: @amytenneyyoga

    Love the podcast? Please share with your friends, tag me on your instagram stories and leave me a review on iTunes!

    Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation
    enDecember 01, 2020