
    An Ounce

    An Ounce provides amusing stories, ideas, wisdom, and a positive attitude with informative commentary, and interviews with experts. An Ounce is a short format podcast (less than 15 minutes per episode) that encourages the listener to consider for themselves ways they can create a more robust, resilient, and joyful life an ounce at a time. Topics of the podcast include a smattering of all kinds of subjects. The listener will gain insights from stories encouraging a good attitude, personal responsibility, and presentations promoting learning, doing, and expanding one's understanding and experience. The podcast will expound unique and useful life hacks and deliver informative interviews with experts. Looking for something to make you smile, tips that can make life better, insights that can help you see life more clearly, the wisdom that will build resilience, ideas that will make you think, something you can share with others, a timely podcast with an easy charm that will make you smile? You found it!

    en-usJim Fugate256 Episodes

    Episodes (256)

    The Explosive Scam Spawned by a Lethal Lust for Money

    The Explosive Scam Spawned by a Lethal Lust for Money

     On occasion, society celebrates the Anti-Hero. You know, the one who catches the imagination as a romantic rebel, or the scam artist that takes advantage of the ‘evil’ rich. Characters like the noble Robin Hood or the affable scoundrel who sold the Eiffel Tower (twice). 

    This is not one of those stories. 

    The story begins with a novelty item, the Golf Ball Finder, called the “Gopher”. The item has a plastic pistol grip with a telescoping metal antenna sticking out in front of it, which swiveled to-and-fro… it even had a small battery powered electronics board inside. 

    It was claimed to work like a dowsing rod – only better. Their ad states, “It is tuned to home into the elements found in all golf balls”. The pitch jokingly continues, “Please don’t ask us for the theory of its operation. That’s the main reason we have not applied for patents which would expose this technology. It’s also a great novelty item that you should have fun with, especially for the golfer who has everything.” 

    Unfortunately, from the 1990s to as late as 2018, including recent Middle East conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, somebody thought, “I bet they are going to need a way to detect bombs! Let sell them this useless novelty item – the Gopher Golf Ball Finder – we can repackage it as the ADE-651, or Magic Wand as the terrorist began to call it, we’ll pretend it will detect bombs! 

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    An Ounce
    en-usOctober 13, 2023

    The Accidental Voyage of the Fastest Man-Made Object: 50 Years and it is Still Missing

    The Accidental Voyage of the Fastest Man-Made Object: 50 Years and it is Still Missing

    5 Decades ago a man-made object was propelled through the atmosphere, to who knows where, faster than any other article – ever. 

    This thing was traveling so rapidly, nobody even saw it go, and nobody knows wear it is now. Might be somewhere here on earth, might be in orbit, might even be on its merry way though the cosmos like the voyager space probes. But it’s not communicating to anyone where it’s going, or if it will ever come back. 

    What is this thing? You might ask. 

    A muscle car. 

    A dragster. 

    A fighter jet. 

    A missal. 

    A bullet. 

    Nope – Nope – Nope, Nope, & Nope. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usOctober 06, 2023

    The True Heroics of G.I. Joe: An Astonishing Story of a Flighty Birdbrain

    The True Heroics of G.I. Joe: An Astonishing Story of a Flighty Birdbrain

     There is a remarkable icon in the collective consciousness of America. 

    The all-American soldier who was brave, patriotic, strong, and relentless against all odds. It is the outstanding Character G.I. Joe. 

    G.I. Joe – what a man. What an action figure to fuel the imaginations of little kids. 

    Here is the unlikely story of hero G.I. Joe the true hero whose courage and daring on the battlefield, during the battles of World War 2, is truly worthy of the legendary reputation. 

    G.I. Joe became a highly decorated member of the U.S. Army for service during the Italian campaign. 

    Here is what happened. In October 1943 during the fighting around the Village of Calvi Vechia British infantry were fighting to dislodge German forces from the village. Allied Air forces were requested to bomb the town to assist the British, and liberate the town.

     Everything was going to plan – sort of – as the Brit’s 56th (London) Infantry Division took Calvi Vechia well ahead of schedule. Unfortunately, they liberated the town just before the US had launched a planned bombing campaign, to clear the way for them. Which meant American bombs were going to rain down on British soldiers and the residents of Calvi Vechia  

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    An Ounce
    en-usSeptember 29, 2023

    Forty Years of Failed Assassination Attempts on Fidel Castro: 638 Scheme’s that Failed

    Forty Years of Failed Assassination Attempts on Fidel Castro: 638 Scheme’s that Failed

    You’ve heard the idiom, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”. There is wisdom in this idea, of never giving up. But, on occasion, the value of such dedication is in what you learn from the effort in trying to succeed – though success may not be achievable. 

    Here is an Example. 

    In the late 1950s, Cuba, an island nation just a few miles south of Florida, in the United States, was in the throes of a revolution led by a man named Fidel Castro. Up until that time, Cuba had been quite the playground for the American elite – and a big moneymaker for US organized crime syndicates. 

    By the early 1960s the Communist hero, Castro, became the supreme dictator. Well, things don’t work the same in a communist system (cause the government owns everything) and the fun was over. The mob lost their huge money-making operations, the well-off lost a favorite tropical destination, and the US had a new neighbor. A new neighbor that was not at all appreciated. 

    No worries, the intelligence services would take care of in due time. NOT

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    An Ounce
    en-usSeptember 22, 2023

    The End of James Harrison’s 60-Year Legacy: Why He Stopped Saving Lives

    The End of James Harrison’s 60-Year Legacy: Why He Stopped Saving Lives

    James Harrison had been doing it for over 60 years. In that time, he has done it over eleven hundred times. And on the 11th of May 2018, at age 81, he did it for the last time. 

    What did he do? It was no big deal, he just quietly saved over 2.4 million lives. And then he stopped. Hang on to the end to find out why he stopped executing his live saving sideline. 

    This is the story of how it started - and ended. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usSeptember 15, 2023

    Sleeping Beauty of Sweden: The Astonishing Tale of Karolina Ollsen

    Sleeping Beauty of Sweden: The Astonishing Tale of Karolina Ollsen

    Ever had one of those mornings when you just didn’t want to get out of bed? 

    Ever felt like you’d like to just lie down and sleep for a few days? 

    Ever had to face a tough situation and wished you could just go take a nice nap and not wake up until the issue has passed? 

    I would have to say yes to all three – Sleep is one of the best ways I know to end a busy day. And it can be such a wonderful escape. Not only that, sleep is necessary for humans. Good sleep promotes healing and recovery for the body. Often it can give us a place to retreat from stress, and it allows our brain to reset. Good and regular sleep helps reduce of depression and lowers the risk of suicide. And how often have you gone to bed with a puzzling problem on your mind, and awakened in the morning with a fresh perspective, and a solution. 

    But there was an unusual event that began on a very cold day in Sweden, in 1876. It was the evening of February 22, A young lady fell asleep – ok falling asleep is not that remarkable – but this girl stayed asleep for 32 years! She started her epic nap when she was 14 years old. It ended 32 years later, when a startled and confused 46-year-old woman woke up. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usSeptember 08, 2023

    A Lesson in Perfection: The Perspective of a Child

    A Lesson in Perfection: The Perspective of a Child

    To help direct his boys' attention during church services, his dad gave him some paper, and a few crayons, and encouraged him to create a picture. 

    The boy did his best. But still, he wiggled and squirmed and just kept talking – as quietly as he could - to the characters he was placing on the paper - and his dad, who watched patently over him. Apparently whispering was not something the boy was familiar with. 

    When the picture was finished, he excitedly showed it to his father, and pointed out the characters and other things he had made with the crayons. Then he began to note the colors he had used. It was surprising how well he spoke considering his age. 

    But then, he paused a little, and then said, “... and this is yeh-woah. I know that’s not how you say it, I’m trying, but it’s as good I can do it." 

    This is when the lesson starts.

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    An Ounce
    en-usSeptember 01, 2023

    Annie Oakley and Another Perfect Shot: How She Missed a Chance to Change the World

    Annie Oakley and Another Perfect Shot: How She Missed a Chance to Change the World


    You’ve heard of the ‘Butterfly Effect'. That suggestion that proposes that if a butterfly flaps its wings in Colorado in just the right way, at just the right moment, it sets off a potential set of subtle events – a chain reaction if you will, that causes a hurricane to blow ashore in Georgia a month later. 

    Annie Oakley experienced one of those butterfly effect incidents. It happened in a fraction of a second, she made a perfect rick shot that everyone walk safely away from. But if she had missed her target, there are 2 world wars that might not have happened.

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    An Ounce
    en-usAugust 25, 2023

    The Hidden History of Calculus: How a Monk Almost Erased its Brilliance

    The Hidden History of Calculus: How a Monk Almost Erased its Brilliance

     Seems nostalgic for some, outright joyful for others, but for a few – it is a time of overwhelming stress and foreboding. Not for everyone, mind you, but for some, the fear is real – but not for the reason you might think. 

    The fear – it comes from having to engage in… Dare I say it? … Calculus. 

    That’s right, I said it, Calculus. 

    So some of you will be dealing with the logic of ill-logical-ness (did I just make up a word there?) That’s right – you're going to be grappling with Binomial Theorem, and Cavalieri’s principle – in 3 dimensions! So get your polynomials lined up, because no simple imaginary number will suffice – unless it is the solution. 

    But did you know that a simple monk almost destroyed calculus before it had a chance to sprain your brains? 

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    An Ounce
    en-usAugust 18, 2023

    World War 3 and the Bear: A Cold War Tale of Mistaken Identity

    World War 3 and the Bear: A Cold War Tale of Mistaken Identity

     It was October 1962 and the world was on edge. The US military was on high alert, everyone thought nuclear annihilation could happen at any moment. Schools were teaching children to ‘Duck and Cover’ under their desks in the event of an atomic blast. People were digging holes, and pouring concrete in their backyards. Not to build pools, but instead to build a personal fallout shelters - and then quickly filling them with survival supplies. 

    It was the Height of the ‘Cuban Missal Crisis’. US President John F. Kennedy and Russian Premier Nakita Khruschev were at odds over the placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba – just a few miles off the coast of Florida. 

    There is in Wisconsin an Air National Guard Base, Volk Field, with a 9,000-foot-long runway. What does this have to do with the Cuban Missal Crisis? Listen and find out!

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    An Ounce
    en-usAugust 11, 2023

    The Truth Paradox: Sorting Fact from Fiction in the Age of Information

    The Truth Paradox: Sorting Fact from Fiction in the Age of Information

    We live in an amazing time of electric cars, space travel for tourists, telephones in everyone pocket with which we instantaneously speak to some on the other side of the world, satellite navigation that can brings us within inches of any point on the globe, instant access to a volume of information even the Great Library of Alexandria would be envious of. 

    Notice I said information – didn’t identify that information as factual or true. And, yes, we are talking about the internet, the World Wide Web, the miraculous digital information superhighway. 

    According to a reference I found on the internet, Mark Twain once wrote, “In the vast realm of information on the World Wide Web, fact and fiction doth dance together, much like a pair of mischievous pickpockets.”

    And though he never said this – he is right. How can you know if something is factual? What is true? What is good?

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    An Ounce
    en-usAugust 04, 2023

    Staff Sergeant Reckless: The Unlikely Hero of the Korean War

    Staff Sergeant Reckless: The Unlikely Hero of the Korean War

    The Career of Staff Sergeant Reckless with the United States Marines Corps began in 1952. This soldiers' heritage went back to an unlikely origin – Mongolia. 

    A bit smaller than most but smart, tough, and fast. Sgt Reckless was proven in battle during the Korean War. 

    Reckless was assigned to a Recoilless Rifle Platoon, Anti-Tank Company, in the fifth Marine Regiment, and took on responsibilities in what we now call “logistics”. The Sgt moved supplies and ammunition to the front and evacuated casualties. 

    In March 1953, Sgt Reckless preformed outstandingly well during the battle for outpost Vegas and was promoted to Corporal. 

    During that battle, Reckless Made 50 trips to the front carrying critically needed supplies in, and wounded men out.  During the battle for outpost Vegas, fighting was so fierce that only two men made it out alive and without wounds. Reckless was wounded twice – but kept going. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usJuly 28, 2023

    From Taxi Driver to Visionary: A Tale of Vision, Wealth, and Making Dreams a Reality

    From Taxi Driver to Visionary: A Tale of Vision, Wealth, and Making Dreams a Reality

    I had the privilege of listening to a few of the experiences and insights of an extraordinary man. A man whom most are probably not very familiar with. His Name is Raja Dhaliwal. 

    10 years or so ago, Raj was a taxi driver. He was working long hours in a one of the larger cities in Canada, hauling folk to and from the airport. Raj is generally quiet, very respectful, and kind. 

    Raj was not born in Canada – he emigrated there to find a better life. 

    Raj has olive skin, a long full beard, and he also wears a turban. And, he is most concerned with how he feels in his heart than how he looks to you. 

    I heard him speak a year or so ago to a packed house – Tens of thousands of people. His English was not perfect – but he was very conversant and clear. But, communicating with people is something he does quite well – in at least 4 languages. 

    What did this simple cab driver have to say that was so appreciated by those tens of thousands who were there to listen to them? 

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    An Ounce
    en-usJuly 21, 2023

    Radioactive Toothpaste - The Deceptive World of Irium: A Tale of Toothpaste, Lies, and Radioactivity

    Radioactive Toothpaste - The Deceptive World of Irium: A Tale of Toothpaste, Lies, and Radioactivity

    Ever heard of the element Iruim? 

    Sounds kind of dangerous, right? Like uranium, plutonium, and other radioactive stuff. 

    Well, I’m here to tell you that Irium is most definitely a thing, or at least it was when it was introduced about 100 years ago – but - not a real thing. 

    Back in the early part of the ‘Atomic Age’ folks were impressed by the thought of a gently glowing substance filled with an innate energy all its own. Radioactive materials began finding their way into all kinds of things – from pills, to pain reliving pads, tonics, and skin treatments and cosmetics. Folks didn’t know any better – and many of the powers that be insisted radiation was not at all dangerous. 

    Well - until somebody jaw fell off – but that’s a whole 'nother story 

    The belief in radioactivity as a miracle cure-all gave rise to the super-ingredient Irium. This seemingly magic element apparently had the power to make your teeth clean and white, and it could fight tooth decay too - like nothing else ever discovered. And, it was found in, and only in, Pepsodent toothpaste. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usJuly 14, 2023

    Its Not the Thing You Think

    Its Not the Thing You Think

    This episode includes three very short stories.  One about a fish, a second about a screwdriver, and a third about coins and penny candy.

    These subjects may seem random, and unrelated. However, each of these tiny tales have a few notions we could learn from. And together, they can teach a single highly valuable principle.

    **BIG NEWS: **An Ounce is now on YouTube! Begging for subscribers right now to get us up and recognized in the "algorithm". 
    Or you can still catch as audio only version on your favorite podcast platforms 

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    An Ounce
    en-usJuly 07, 2023

    Smashing Flowers

    Smashing Flowers

    An Interview with Anne Jensen, the mother of 3, who has some great insights on teaching children with a short attention span important lessons about life.

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    An Ounce
    en-usJune 30, 2023

    Ugly Laws

    Ugly Laws

    Ever been bothered by the emerging problems in society. You know, that latest stupid fad, the ridiculous clothes some choose to wear - or the way they wear them, or the behavior that was once considered rude that is now commonplace – or the once polite gesture now considered rude. Or, sometimes it’s just keeping things around town cleaned up a little. 

    You might think to yourself, ‘somebody needs to do something - there ought to be a law against that’. 

    Sure – who hasn’t thought that? 

    In the bigger towns and cities in the US back in the mid to late 1800’s, folks noticed things were getting out of hand. Places were starting to get rough, trashy, uninviting - and dangerous. It was sometimes difficult walking about town without someone accosting you for change, or a donation; or sometimes, there were people you had to step over to get where you were going. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usJune 23, 2023

    A Cacophony in Connecticut

    A Cacophony in Connecticut

    Over two and a half centuries ago, when the early settlers had just begun building their lives in the wilds of Windham, Connecticut, a highly discordant event took place. It all started on a summer's night, in June 1754. 

    Most of the 250 or so residents of the little hamlet had retired for the night. The worries of raising crops, keeping food on the table, and staying safe from the Indians were ever present. But life in the colonies was not for the slacker or the faint of heart. So, sweet slumber had overtaken most. And then it began. 

    At first, it was a low, deep rumble. Some thought it was an earthquake. But the sound just continued, and increased in intensity. Folks were moving from curiosity to fear. Some said they could feel their bed frames shuddering. Some heard drums, or the sound of trumpets. Others were sure it was the great day of judgment. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usJune 16, 2023

    Death By Kisses

    Death By Kisses

    George Spencer Millet was a young man with promise.  This blond-haired boy with ruddy cheeks turned the girls heads, even at the tender age of 15. 

    George was a bright boy, a little quiet, but active and ambitious. George was involved with his church. He had even secured employment as an office boy at the Metropolitan Life building, and was “adopted” by the young ladies in the stenography pool, who just love his smile and affable quiet demeanor. 

    Unfortunately for young George, even with a seemingly limitless future, the poor kid didn’t make it past 15. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usJune 09, 2023

    The Straw Hat Riot

    The Straw Hat Riot

    There are a lot of reasonable things one might get angry about, even a little riled up – but, rioting over a straw hat? 

    Sounds like this something that took place at a county fair someplace? Somewhere they imbibe in a bit of moon-shine perhaps? 

    Nope – 

    This happened in a place where they take fashion seriously. It happened in September 1922 – In one of the great centers of civilization - New York City. 

    Yep – 

    Ok of all the things that might cause a ruckus, ok – more than a ruckus, a full-blown multi-day riot - how could a straw hat possibly have anything at all to do with it. 

    Apparently, the refined folks of New York City have always taken the statutes of style very seriously – and back in the 1920s the wearing of a straw hat – known as a ‘boating’ hat after September 15th was a faux pas of the highest order. 

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    An Ounce
    en-usJune 02, 2023