
    Ancient History Hound

    I'm all about ancient history and this podcast covers ancient Greece, Rome and other cultures from antiquity. From mainstay topics through to the more niche and aimed at all levels of knowledge I think you'll find something good to listen to. Why not have a browse? It would be great to have you join me. More content, including episode notes, on my ancient history website www.ancientblogger.com
    enAncient Blogger82 Episodes

    Episodes (82)



    In this minisode I unwrap the sequence of events which befell Pompeii when Vesuvius erupted. Modern studies and archaeology has enabled a narrative to be built of how the eruption played out. I also briefly cover a couple of controversies and myths of Pompeii.

    Given the situation there is reference to death and suffering.

    Find my other Pompeii content on a Pompeii page on my website www.ancientblogger.com

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    Sappho's Ode to Aphrodite

    Sappho's Ode to Aphrodite

    In this mini episode I pick out some themes from Sappho's famous poem. But that's not all - I also include a performance of it in ancient Greek courtesy of Seikilo.

    For more info, a reading list, more about Seikilo and transcription of the episode head over to www.ancientblogger.com  - as you'll hear it's had a bit of an overhaul.

    If you can review or send feedback my way I'd be grateful. More importantly, keep safe and thanks for listening.

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    The Oracle of Dodona.

    The Oracle of Dodona.

    Over the course of 400 years people travelled to the Oracle of Dodona and asked questions. Some of these have survived and give an fascinating insight into what the people of ancient Greece were thinking.

    In this episode I take you through the history and background of the oracle before getting stuck into those questions. Perhaps less pig theft but certainly job and relationship advice. I reckon there's a few which are relevant today. Full episode notes and a transcription is available at www.ancientblogger.com

    I've also swapped promos with the Ancient Office Hours podcast, whose promo features - so go check them out!

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    The Second Punic War. Cannae.

    The Second Punic War. Cannae.

    Time for the big one. Cannae is one of the most famous battles of antiquity. Not only did Rome suffer a crushing defeat but the tactics behind the victory have been studied by generals and military tacticians ever since. 

    In this episode I discuss what happened in the lead up to it, trust me there's a drama at every turn. From dictators to deceptive cattle. Then there's the battle itself which I try to unpack to see how each side approached it and what tactics were used. Aside from the brutality and bloodshed there's a lot to get into.

    Full transcription and episode notes (with maps, diagrams and a reading list) on www.ancientblogger.com

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    The Idea of Marathon with Dr Sonya Nevin.

    The Idea of Marathon with Dr Sonya Nevin.

    In her book, The Idea of Marathon, Dr Nevin explores the Battle of Marathon from different angles. Not just the events prior to it, but what we know about the battle and how later generations made sense of it all (this includes the modern period).

    Join us as we cover a lot of ground (historically inaccurate pun intended). There are complaining Greeks, disappearing horses and possibly the greatest canine art cameo ever. 

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).


    The Second Punic War. Trasimene

    The Second Punic War. Trasimene

    The focus on Trasimene is often largely about the events of the day, but what is as interesting are the events leading up to it. What choices did Hannibal have and how did Rome try to anticipate him?

    As well as the battle I discuss the details and events leading up to the battle. A transcription and episode notes (with maps etc) can be found on www.ancientblogger.com

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    The Second Punic War. Trebia.

    The Second Punic War. Trebia.

    The opening battle of the Second Punic War was to set the trend in many ways and anticipate much of what was to come. But how did it come about? Who were the figures involved, how did the conditions come into play and what exactly happened?

    In this episode I try to unpick the basics and some more detailed aspects. Full transcript and episode notes at ancientblogger.com.

    If you can rate or review please do - it really helps.

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    Ancient History Hound
    enJanuary 25, 2022

    Sex and Sexuality in ancient Rome with LJ Trafford

    Sex and Sexuality in ancient Rome with LJ Trafford

    It's time to welcome LJ Trafford back onto the podcast and talk about her new book, Sex and Sexuality in Ancient Rome.

    We discuss a number of topics, from homosexuality through to what the sexual expectations were of the time. What did the Romans view as acceptable and what was considered shameful?

    Obviously the content here is adult so please bear that it mind.

    If the platform you are listening on allows a review then why not? It really helps! Find me on twitter (@ancientblogger) as well as the podcast (@HoundAncient). There's also my website - ancientblogger.com

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    Fantasy Dinner Guests with Helen McVeigh

    Fantasy Dinner Guests with Helen McVeigh

    Ever play the "who would you invite to a dinner party" game? Well, here is the ancient history and myth version.  Joining me for the first episode is Helen McVeigh and we run through her 6 picks. 

    You can find episode notes at ancientblogger.com which will include anything we have mentioned in the show (including Helen's book recommendations).

    Please rate and review if you can.

    FYI we do mention sexual violence (as per Greek myth).

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    Ancient History Hound
    enNovember 12, 2021

    Witches and demons in ancient Mesopotamia.

    Witches and demons in ancient Mesopotamia.

    In this episode I'm continuing the #NightofTheLivyDead Halloween tradition with a look at witches and demons in ancient Mesopotamia.

    How were they viewed? What made a witch? How did you counter a demon? And how does a magical river battle figure in all this?

    Listen and find out!

    Music by Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).


    Ancient History Hound
    enOctober 25, 2021

    Jason of Pherae with guest Dr Michael Furman.

    Jason of Pherae with guest Dr Michael Furman.

    In the 4th century BCE the region of Thessaly underwent a transformation. It went from being fractured to becoming a unified state under the leadership of Jason.

    In a short time Jason became a prominent player in Greece, earning the admiration of Xenophon and calling the shots after Leuctra. But then it all ended abruptly.

    How did he achieve this? What were his intentions and why is he overlooked? Join us and find out.

    Music by Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    Ancient History Hound
    enOctober 08, 2021

    Thebes. Apex and Despair.

    Thebes. Apex and Despair.

    It's the final of my Theban trilogy. In this episode I discuss the highs and lows for Thebes in the 4th century BCE. Along with covering the whirlwind of alliances and reprisals I help answer questions about ridding yourself of a Spartan garrison and interpreting gloomy spiders. 

    Lots to cover so why not give it a go? If you haven't listened to the previous two then why not binge listen?

    Music by Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).


    Thebes: Revenge and Rivalry.

    Thebes: Revenge and Rivalry.

    In this episode I discuss Thebes in the 5th century BCE. How did it fare after Plataea and what position was it in by the end of the century? Revenge, a sporting controversy and even the big stage feature. Lots to listen to!

    Music by Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    Ancient History Hound
    enMay 31, 2021

    The gardens of Pompeii with Jessica Venner.

    The gardens of Pompeii with Jessica Venner.

    In this episode I talk with guest expert Jessica Venner all about what the gardens in Pompeii can tell us. We chat about what the gardens looked like, the problems of keeping up with the neighbours, what was grown and how they are comparable to gardens today.

    Music by Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).



    Ancient History Hound
    enApril 24, 2021

    Thebes. Walls, teeth and Persians.

    Thebes. Walls, teeth and Persians.

    As part of a look at Thebes I start with the mythical foundation of the city before moving through to the very real aftermath of the Persian invasion.

    Athletic cows, wedding drama and walls. Something for everyone.

    I'll be releasing more episodes on Thebes in the future to continue the story of what happened next. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out.

    Music by Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    Artwork from Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Play it, it's a great game!

    Ancient History Hound
    enApril 03, 2021

    Leptis Magna and Septimius Severus with Maria Lloyd.

    Leptis Magna and Septimius Severus with Maria Lloyd.

    Leptis Magna became a celebrated Roman city on the African shore and was the birthplace of the Emperor Septimius Severus. In this episode I chat with special guest Maria Lloyd all about how the city developed and grew. We then discuss Severus, how did he rise to power and what did he do?

    Politics, intrigue, betrayal and even whether it's Leptis or Lepcis. We cover loads -  so get listening!

    Music by Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

    Ancient History Hound
    enFebruary 23, 2021

    The origins of Greek Tragedy

    The origins of Greek Tragedy

    Classical Athens is famous for the introduction of theatre and Tragedy. But it didn't just appear out of nowhere.

    In this episode I try and piece together how it developed and ended up as a main component of the City Dionysia at Athens. All this with rude puppets, wild processions, the odd phallus and politics.

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).





    Ancient History Hound
    enJanuary 24, 2021

    AD 69 and daily life in ancient Rome. LJ Trafford interview.

    AD 69 and daily life in ancient Rome. LJ Trafford interview.

    In this special episode I chat with LJ Trafford who has written books covering AD 69 and the four emperors. LJ Trafford has a new book out titled 'How to Survive in Ancient Rome' and we talk about what Rome would have been like for the average person as well as how the turmoil of AD 69 came about and what happened.

    Join us as we discuss this as well as whose eels had makeovers, a truly goth banquet and why alcohol and sieges don't mix.

    LJ Trafford's 'How to Survive in Ancient Rome' is out now!

    Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).


    Ancient History Hound
    enNovember 21, 2020