
    Andrea Bazemore's show

    enThe Black Apple16 Episodes

    Episodes (16)

    The Black Apple: Episode 10-How To Teach After Racism Strikes

    The Black Apple: Episode 10-How To Teach After Racism Strikes
    After the radical racist protest of Charlottesville, I examine what we as educators can do to teach students about racist acts of violence. Our job as educators is to help the next generation of students to make better choices and change their viewpoints when it comes to diversity and difference. We have to now teach diversity and inclusion to another level in order to prevent another tragedy from happening.

    The Black Apple: Episode 5-Merging STEM and Social Justice

    The Black Apple: Episode 5-Merging STEM and Social Justice
    By merging STEM and Social Justice, we are giving students a framework of knowledge and the inspiration to enact change. We go beyond the surface level and present real, current problems and give students a chance to solve them. We begin to look at science, technology, engineering and math from a 21st century perspective that goes beyond what a textbook is capable of.