
    AntiVestor Swing Trading The Stock Market

    AntiVestor takes you inside the world of Mr Phil Newton and profitable trading & Income trading on today's global financial markets. This is the best way for swing traders to find top-quality swing trading setups before the next profitable move starts. Discover how profitable traders create an infinitely scalable income by capturing daily, weekly, and monthly swings in stocks, stock options, ETFs, index futures, and Forex using a simple rule-based trading system called Production Line Trading even without any prior trading knowledge or spending hours flicking through chart after chart!
    en51 Episodes

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    Episodes (51)

    031 Pascals Wager and Trading

    031 Pascals Wager and Trading
    Let's talk about - Pascals Wager


    It is a little philosophical but let's explore an old concept called “Pascal’s Wager” and see how this ties into the markets as well as get a little nerdy on how this started the whole thought process around probability theory. 


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    030 7 rules to follow for trading success

    030 7 rules to follow for trading success
    Let's talk about - 7 rules to follow for trading success


    Rules keep me sane. 


    It’s also better than the make-it-up-as-you-go method of trading that sooooo many newer and overconfident traders choose.
    After all how hard can it really be?


    I’ve tried doing it that way, as I’m sure you have.


    What separates me now from me 25-plus years ago is the very fast development of rules to follow.


    So let’s take a look at 7 higher level rules to follow that any trader can integrate into their regular routine for long-term success


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    029 6 Common Trading Mistakes

    029 6 Common Trading Mistakes
    Let's talk about - 6 of the Most Common Trader Mistakes


    There is a huge difference between the average trader and even just a moderately OK trader and it’s not what they do that makes a difference but what they DON’T do...


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    028 The Bear To Bull Year Flip Flop

    028 The Bear To Bull Year Flip Flop
    Let's talk about -The Bear to Bull Flip Flop


    2022 was A bear year seeing the S&P500 down -19.4% 


    No Xmas rally and the groundhog predicted 6 more hard months


    The big question we should be asking ourselves is


    What’s next?


    So let's explore that question in today's podcast.


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    027 5 Steps to Improve Your Trading Forever

    027 5 Steps to Improve Your Trading Forever
    Trading The Stock Market is not complex, or at least it does have to be and yet so many people make this complex where all that is needed is a simple structure to follow on a regular basis.


    Of course, I made it overly complex when I first started out too.


    Adding and removing every known indicator and layering on a dozen trendiness so that my charts ended up looking like the charting equivalent of a lost Jackson Pollock.


    Just like with regular bricks 'n mortar businesses, there are so many businesses that could be started, and it's the same with the markets and the choices of trading styles.


    That there are so many ways to see stock market success is what makes it difficult.


    So today let's explore how to KISS it and keep it simple.


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    026 What Style of Trading is Right for You?

    026 What Style of Trading is Right for You?
    Let's talk about -What style of trading is right for you?


    One of the many hurdles that new stock market traders have to overcome is choosing a trading style.


    For most new traders, this can be an abstract concept.


    What does that even mean? Surely making money in stocks is all the same, right?


    Let’s explore how you can find the right trading strategy for you and your very unique situation.


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    025 The Santa Rally. Is It Real?

    025 The Santa Rally. Is It Real?
    Let's talk about - The Santa Rally


    There is an old rhyme on Wall Street.


    "If Santa Claus should fail to call, bears may come to Board and Wall."


    Most traders and market commentators tend to get confused over what a Santa Clause rally actually is.


    Some generalise calling it the run-up to Christmas Day, while others call it the whole of December.


    The truth is that the Santa Rally is a very small window during the festive period and was discovered in 1972


    So sit back and let's examine together the details around the real Santa rally


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    024 Merry CrashMas

    024 Merry CrashMas
    Let's talk about - The Ghost of Crashmas Past


    OK, so this isn’t quite the Dickensian story you were hoping for 
    Although there could be a happy, yet bear, ending as we visit 2018 with the ghost of Crashmas past to see if there are any hints as to what could be expected in the present.


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    023 Find A Dip Worth Buying

    023 Find A Dip Worth Buying

    Let's talk about - Finding a dip worth buying



    This week's podcast is taken from my weekly Friday open house workshop where I talk about my production line trading process and how it is applied to the markets.



    We also deviated into the world of what I love to call “spot the difference” where I look for footprints in history to give me clues as to what to expect next compared to what is developing now in the markets.



    If you want to see the visuals for everything I am discussing - please see the link in the show notes for the YouTube link to Fridays live stream.



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    022 Crashes Don’t Just Happen, Do They?

    022 Crashes Don’t Just Happen, Do They?

    Let's talk about - The Markets Crashing. They don’t just suddenly crash, so they? Or are there clues prior to the plunge?


    One of the single biggest fears in the markets is for them to crash, which I will define as a move in excess of 20% in a 12-15 day period. Basically a big move in a short space of time.
    So today let’s look at the big scary crash monster and see if we can’t banish it along with the other stock market monsters.



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    021 120 Years of Trading wisdom

    021 120 Years of Trading wisdom
    Let's talk about - Trading wisdom that still rings true 120 years later.
    Jess Livermore was a trading legend at the turn of the last millennium, oh actually, the one before circa the 1900s
    His life as a trader was memorialised in the book reminiscences of a stock operator and if you haven’t already read it - you should. It will be one of the best investments for your development as a trader.
    So today let’s explore some of my favourite trading rules that Jesse Livermore lived by.
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    020 Multi Time Frame, Triple Drop Down, BS!

    020 Multi Time Frame, Triple Drop Down, BS!

    Let's talk about - Multi Time Frame, Triple Drop Down, Squinting through the eye of a needle, BS analysis!

    Today I am taking a left turn at Albuquerque and sharing a discussion on a recent podcast interview about the nonsense that is multi-time frame analysis.
    So sit back and enjoy my extended rant on the subject.
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    019 Every Traders 2nd Worst Nightmare

    019 Every Traders 2nd Worst Nightmare
    Let's talk about - Every Traders 2nd Worst Nightmare
    Nearly every trader's nightmare is being stopped out of a trade - it happens to everyone at some point 
    (Unless you happen to know this smarter way to trade - but more on this later)
    So if being stopped out is the top nightmare, every traders 2nd worst nightmare is just around the corner, always lurking and always ready to twist the knife and maybe wiggle and jiggle it around for good measure
    In fact, this is likely worse than being stopped out for most swing traders & active investors
    What is it that could make your blood boil more than being stopped out?
    Let us explore that together right now...
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    018 Jack of all Failures, Become a Master of One (Strategy)

    018 Jack of all Failures, Become a Master of One (Strategy)
    Let's talk about - Having a laser-like focus to create mastery and profits.
    Would knowing every make of car and model number for every year make you a better driver?
    So let's explore what it takes to stop being a jack of all failures and become a master of one profitable swing trading strategy
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    017 Let Me Tell you About Bob

    017 Let Me Tell you About Bob

    Let me tell you about Bob the almost trader.

    Over the many years, I've been doing this trading thing I have seen and spoken with many Bobs and Bobettes
    Bob could be you right now. 
    Heck, Bob was me 28-years ago when I first start out.
    And if you’re listening to this now and you’re still trying to crack the stock market code then you may be Bob or at least a distant cousin.
    Listen now to find out how to stop being a Bob.
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    016 The New Science of Successful Swing Trading

    016 The New Science of Successful Swing Trading
    Let's talk about - The New Science of Successful Swing Trading
    Like most traders when starting out, I suffered from huge self-doubt.
    Constantly asking myself - is this the right time, or the right setup?
    Placing the trade and praying to be right.
    Hoping it would work out this time.
    The elation of winning when it did, and the massive emotional crash when it didn’t.
    Jumping around from setup to setup. Time frame swapping to make it look better than it seemed. Almost to force a trade setup or perspective.
    Adding and removing indicators and trend lines to create a spiderweb of mess and calling it analysis.
    All that is really happening on a regular basis is generating a new high score on your blood pressure
    So let's explore a better way - away from the “make it up as you go along method” and move towards The New Science of Successful Swing Trading.
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    015 100% accurate. A Seasonal & Cyclical Move with Sexy Upside Potential

    015 100% accurate. A Seasonal & Cyclical Move with Sexy Upside Potential
    One of the many styles of trading I’m hugely in favour of is cycles and seasonal moves.
    Even more so as a Chartist as we must hold the belief that history leaves footprints and often repeats itself.
    I can see some of these irrefutable patterns in the data which form the foundations are f my own trading methods
    After all, the charts are a visual representation of crowd psychology who use money in the marketplace to express a collective viewpoint.
    If it weren’t true it would all be a chaotic mess and I find it hard to believe that the careers of so many, including my own 28 years on the hard right edge of the charts, were nothing more than one lucky coin toss after another
    Heavy on the nerd speak already today
    No matter what your viewpoint the data is hard to ignore
    So let’s take a look at one of the more interesting cyclical patterns right now and look over my shoulder as I explore some of the trading opportunities that have popped up as a result.


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    014 3 Rookie Trader Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

    014 3 Rookie Trader Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
    Let's talk about -Rookie Trader Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
    Nearly every rookie trader does one and often more of these
    • Rookie trader mistakes

      • Betting the farm

      • Strategy hopping

      • Indicator hopping

      • Time frame hopping

      • Watching winners and trading losers

      • Square peg in a round hole - day trading with PDT restrictions

        • Follow a strategy that makes no sense for your situation
      • Triple time frame bullshit
 - sorry Van Tharp - but it is.
      • Averaging down. [ eye roll ]

        • Adding to losing a position is dumb.
    So let's look at the 3 most common cock ups and cook up some simple way to fix or avoid them completely so that the rookie can progress to journeyman and get some joy from the markets.
    Nearly of these all cases result in a lack of progress or success and most of the time lead to another trading account blowing up.


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    013 Stop Buying Every Dip. Do This Instead

    013 Stop Buying Every Dip. Do This Instead

    Let's talk about - The Stupidity of Recklessly buying every dip for the sake of buying a dip.

    Doing so is basically the problem that most traders new and old face when trying to trade the trend.
    And within that statement is the first clue as to what needs to be done to ensure your success when swing trading.
    So let's explore the correct way to find, not just any dip, but an actual dip worth buying.
    Because by not following this process a swing trader will continue to unsuccessfully buy any dip and chase bear market movement all the way down to another account blow up.


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    012 Are You a Zombie Trader?

    012 Are You a Zombie Trader?

    Let's talk about - zombie trading and I’d you are mindlessly flicking through chart after chart.

    Let’s face it. We’ve all done it at some point. Staring at thousands of charts trying to find “the one”
    or in the other extreme looking at one chart for hours and trying to force every tool and indicator and a hundred trend lines hoping that the chart will reveal its secrets and provide you with a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow of indicators
    How’s that method been working for you?
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