
    Archaic Drum

    The Archaic Drum Podcast hosted by James Benton, enters into conversation with various visionaries, teachers and free thinkers discussing a variety of topics which are oriented towards creating personal and global transformation. We hope that through these discussions to arrive at a deeper understanding into the nature of positive change by drawing on the wisdom and teachings of those who have committed their lives in their own unique ways to making a difference in the world. The topics in discussion will include, but not limited to, indigenous wisdom teachings, the use of plant medicines, particularly the psychedelic "entheogens" that are rapidly being discovered to be powerful tools for healing and personal/global transformation. We also take a look at non-psychedelic shamanic techniques and other transformational methodologies and practices. We are as well in conversation with various teachers from other traditions such as Buddhism, Taoism, the non-dual community, etc. Many of us are finding ourselves being faced with various challenges both internally and externally as we each try to discover our place and purpose amongst the vast changes that are now emerging. Here, we will be discovering ways to soar beyond these challenges in a way that is both empowering and liberating. We must at last recognize that we are not bound or limited by external conditions. Our method of transforming the whole begins within, realizing that we must find a clear and stable center in order to engender any truly meaningful change for ourselves or the world.
    enJames Benton36 Episodes

    Episodes (36)

    AD 036 Jeffrey Wium

    AD 036 Jeffrey Wium

    Jeffrey Wium’s work, studies and spiritual explorations have taken him around the world, providing firsthand experience with varying systems, ideologies and perceptual realities.

    In 1995, after ten years of intensive production schedules, location travel and living in metropolitan centers, Jeffrey moved to quieter environs to nurture a path of inner study.

    After an indepth study of Qigong in both the States and in China, he sought a deeper understanding in Tibet, Nepal and India, and received the Avaloketesvara initiation directly from the the Dalai Lama during his time in these regions of the world.

    He has trained and worked with a variety of healing/transformative modalities which have included, meditation, yoga, bio-geometric design, wilderness living skills and indigenous philosophy.

    Jeffrey began his education in Andean energy medicine in 2004 with academic programs and research expeditions as well as traditional apprenticeships in the Peruvian highlands. He has operated as a celestial Paqo since January 2007. Jeffrey offers talks, integrative programs, personal and professional consultations and health-centered retreats based on conscious living principles, experiential learning and non-duality.

    His astonishing film, Wisdomkeepers, Paqo Andino, he states, was created as a way to allow others to experience ancient eco-spiritual ways of life, understand animistic consciousness and help foster personal and collective well-being.

    AD 035 Interview with Benebell Wen

    AD 035 Interview with Benebell Wen

    BENEBELL WEN is the author of Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth (North Atlantic Books, 2015). She is a corporate attorney practicing law in California and New York, who also happens to be a practitioner of various metaphysical arts. She studies tarot, feng shui, the I Ching, numerology, and both Chinese and Hellenisic astrology. Wen is of Taiwanese descent. She currently lives in Northern California with her husband James and their beloved cat.


    AD 034 Interview with Oliver Martin

    AD 034 Interview with Oliver Martin

    Oliver Martin has explored for more than 20 years the sacred gifts of the Psilocybin mushroom. He shares here his own personal experiences and transformations through his work with this ancient medicine. He as well speaks of his work in helping others with this particular mushroom to discover their true essence as a human being in allowing them to transcend their particular ideas and limiting beliefs of theirselves and the world.

    AD 033 Interview with Marshall Lefferts

    AD 033 Interview with Marshall Lefferts

    Marshall Lefferts is a lifelong explorer of cosmic geometry, music, the fractal-holographic nature of the cosmos, and unified physics. For more than 37 years he has studied and synthesized a variety of pioneering research, including the work of Buckminster Fuller, David Bohm, Nassim Haramein, Foster Gamble and others. He is founder/director of the Cosmometry Project, Board President of the Resonance Project Foundation, and a core faculty member of the Resonance Academy's Delegate Program.

    Marshall was also Associate Producer of the documentary film, Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take? He is co-founder of the Gene Keys Network and Superluminal Systems, a former co-director for the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, and consulting producer for the Buckminster Fuller Institute. He has been the Producer of various media projects for more than 20 years.

    AD 032 Interview with Marie-Rose Phan-Lê

    AD 032 Interview with Marie-Rose Phan-Lê

    Marie-Rose has more than 25 years of experience in film and television production. She began her career at the CBS affiliate in phoenix, Arizona, writing and producing children's programming, directing live newscasts and co-writing and producing a documentary on World War I aviation.

    She then expanded her work to include commercial production, episodic television, and feature films. Marie-rose bridged traditional and new media when she became one of the first producers to create Interactive Television Content for the Microsoft Corporation. She also works as a media consultant on projects that match her goals of promoting global and cultural awareness and is currently developing several TV series projects.

    She completed the award winning documentary TALKING STORY—an 11-year project—in Fall of 2011 and has recently authored a book by the same name of her remarkable personal journey in the making of this film.

    AD 031 Interview with Kingsley Dennis

    AD 031 Interview with Kingsley Dennis

    Kingsley L Dennis, PhD, is a sociologist, researcher, and author. A prolific writer, he has authored several critically acclaimed books including 'The Phoenix Generation';'New Consciousness for a New World'; 'The Struggle For Your Mind, and the celebrated 'Dawn of the Akashic Age' (written with Professor Ervin Laszlo). He previously worked in the Sociology Department at Lancaster University, UK.

    Kingsley is as well the author of numerous articles on global technologies, new media communications, modern lifestyles, well-being, science & spirituality, and conscious evolution. Beyond his emmersion in the academic life he has also lived and worked for many years overseas, including spending five years in Turkey. He   was born in the United Kingdom and currently lives in Andalusia, Spain. He continues to research, write, travel in his continuing efforts to reveal a greater path and purpose for humanity.

    AD 030 Interview w/ Pierre Pradervand

    AD 030 Interview w/ Pierre Pradervand

    Pierre Pradervand has worked for decades in personal development and social justice.  In his workshops, he provides personal development tools that empower everyone to find and strengthen their own internal anchors, empowering them to live from a more open, free and compassionate place.

    He is the founding member of two international African NGOs. His work for social change has taken him to more than forty countries on five continents, including living many years in Africa. His personal development workshops are conducted in his home country of Switzerland, where he also writes and volunteers in such places as a prison in Geneva. Pierre earned his doctorate in sociology and has published fifteen books in a dozen languages.

    AD 029 Interview w/ Lisa Cairns

    AD 029 Interview w/ Lisa Cairns

    Lisa Cairns could be called a Non-duality teacher, however she says very little about herself and doesn't really call herself a teacher.

    The interview ssays it all and speaks for itself.

    She encourages each that come to listen to her to open themselves to the somplicity and inherent freedom that is available to all in each and every moment.

    AD 028 Interview w/ Robin Rice

    AD 028 Interview w/ Robin Rice

    Robin Rice is an internationally published author, online teacher, social change artist and mentor to world-level leaders. Her writing has been translated into three languages and distributed in nine countries.

    She transforms lives and careers through an online apprenticeship in contemporary shamanism and soul mentoring each year. Through Rainmaker Consulting, she offers life changing support to world-level change makers. 

    Robin has traveled the world to study indigenous leadership from a wide variety of traditions and these themes are the background for all of her work. Her company, Be Who You Are Productions, Inc., has created a wide range of free creative offerings including social change projects that have traveled around the globe. 

    After spending many years writing books, she founded the 70,000+ member Awesome Women Hub on Facebook and through AwesomeWomenHub.com. In 2011, she and 150 other women created a 5-city music video tour titled “What The World Needs NEXT.” The empowering videos were shared around the world.

    Interview w/ Professor Ervin Laszlo

    Interview w/ Professor Ervin Laszlo

    Dr. Laszlo is generally recognized as the founder of systems philosophy and general evolution theory. His work in recent years has centered on the formulation and development of the “Akasha Paradigm,” the new conception of cosmos, life and consciousness emerging at the forefront of the contemporary sciences. He serves as President of the Club of Budapest, Chairman of the Ervin Laszlo Center for Advanced Study, Chancellor of the Giordano Bruno New-Paradigm University, and Editor of World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research.

    Twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (2004, 2005), he got Goi Peace prize (2001). He has authored more than 70 books, which have been translated into twenty languages, and has published in excess of four hundred articles and research papers, including six volumes of piano recordings.






    AD 026 Talk by Seisho Maylie Scott, Roshi

    AD 026 Talk by Seisho Maylie Scott, Roshi

    In this special episode, I present a talk that was given in 1995 by my first Zen Teacher, Seisho Maylie Scott, Roshi.

    I first met Maylie in 1991 when I went to a meeting of the Zen Group there, where I lived for some years during that period. She speaks here in this talk of one of her teachers, Maureen Stewart, who she had become rather close to before Maureen passed away in 1990.

    I've until this day, not encountered another teacher who could so eloquently transmit the teachings of Zen Buddhism, and bring light the profound paradoxes of life in the way she was able to.

    I saw her as a clear vessel of the deeper "Truths" that can sometimes arrive. Her only agenda seemed to be at attempting to help clear things up a bit for those who came to listen to her and sit.

    AD 025 Interview with Kelly-Ann Maddox

    AD 025 Interview with Kelly-Ann Maddox

    Kelly-Ann Maddox is a qualified spiritual counsellor, award-winning Tarot reader and free-wheeling Chaos Witch.
    After picking up her first Tarot deck at a young age, Kelly-Ann Maddox developed an intense passion for the tool and has now spent almost two decades exploring its potential. In her work as an intuitive spiritual counsellor she seeks to combine the rich, symbolic language of the cards with different psycho-spiritual modalities including transpersonal psychology and Jungian psychoanalysis. As a pantheist pagan and a dedicated witch, she places emphasis on the importance of spiritual autonomy and enjoys helping people connect with their own views about divinity. She also focuses intensely on shadow work and self-love, offering lessons via Youtube as well as one-on-one readings, counselling sessions and Tarot mentoring. Her first e-book, 'Heal Hearts, Hold Space: Inspiring Advice for Tarot Readers' is available now.

    Archaic Drum
    enJanuary 05, 2015

    AD 024 Interview w/ Nicolya Christi

    AD 024 Interview w/ Nicolya Christi

    Her first published book - "2012: A Clarion Call: Your Soul's Purpose in Conscious Evolution" - (Bear & Co/Inner Traditions - April 2011) was placed in the top ten of Spring 2011 book reviews by Publishers Weekly. Twice nominated Nobel Peace Prize nominee Professor Ervin Laszlo endorsed this book as "The most remarkable spiritual book on this or any other subject that I have ever read.” Barbara Marx Hubbard stated "Nicolya Christi is our guide through this evolutionary world shift, one of the best I have encountered."

    Her second mainstream book is titled "Contemporary Spirituality for an Evolving World: A Handbook for Conscious Evolution-From Personal to Global Transformation" (Bear & Co/Inner Traditions), published (September 2013). The foreword is written by Prof Ervin Laszlo. It is endorsed by Barbara Marx Hubbard, Pierre Pradervand, Rev Peter Owen-Jones and Kingsley Dennis.

    AD 023 Interview w/ Guy Crittenden

    AD 023 Interview w/ Guy Crittenden

    Guy Crittenden is a journalist with 25 years experience writing on environmental and sustainability themes, after co-founding a small magazine publishing company in 1989. He recently shifted his focus to writing and speaking on diverse topics that include shamanism, entheogenic plants and mankind's relationship with nature and the spiritual world. Guy is a regular contributor at Reset.me.com and some of his writings may be found on his personal blog at guycrittenden.blogspot.ca which include detailed accounts of ayahuasca ceremonies he's participated in within various locations in South America).

    AD 020 Interview w/ Pam Montgomery

    AD 020 Interview w/ Pam Montgomery

    Pam Montgomery is an author, practitioner and educator of Plant Spirit and Earth Healing. She has been investigating plants and their intelligent spiritual nature since 1986. She is a founding member of the Northeast Herbal Association and is on the advisory board of United Plant Savers. Since her childhood days, influenced by her grandmother in the eastern hills of Kentucky, she has been learning about the plants and their magnanimous spirits. She is on the forefront of bringing Plant Spirit Healing into the arena of Complementary and Alternative Medicine practice.

    AD 019 Interview w/ Peter Russell

    AD 019 Interview w/ Peter Russell

    Peter Russell is a fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, of The World Business Academy and of The Findhorn Foundation, and an Honorary Member of The Club of Budapest.

    At Cambridge University (UK), he studied mathematics and theoretical physics where he was mentored directly by Dr. Stephan Hawking. Then, as he became increasingly fascinated by the mysteries of the human mind he changed to experimental psychology. Pursuing this interest, he traveled to India to study meditation and eastern philosophy, and on his return took up the first research post ever offered in Britain on the psychology of meditation.

    AD 018 Interview w/ Dr Richard Grossman

    AD 018 Interview w/ Dr Richard Grossman

    Richard is a acupuncturist and an Oriental medical doctor, who works extensively with a variety of healing modalities which include herbal medicine, sound healing and ayahuasca.
    Richard began his search for meaning at an early age, when he developed a strong interest in the nature of healing.
    Shortly after beginning his medical practice, his lifelong interest in healing and spirit merged again, joined, this time, by the power and profound beauty of entheogens with sound and music, and went on to study extensively with indigenous healers in Ecuador and Peru.