
    Ardan Labs Podcast

    This podcast features intimate conversations with engineers who are in the forefront of building or teaching technology. Join us as we learn how our guests got started in tech, the type and level of education they've obtained, their work history, and personal stories about their journey. We publish the show on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and the Web biweekly on Wednesdays at 12pm US Eastern Time. Subscribe and STAY TUNED!
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    Episodes (85)

    SRE, Tech Talk, and Siemens with Dr. Vladyslav Ukis

    SRE, Tech Talk, and Siemens with Dr. Vladyslav Ukis

     Dr. Vladyslav Ukis is the Head of R&D at Siemens Healthineers. Vlad has 18 years of experience in large-scale software platforms, leadership, digital transformation, continuous delivery, SRE, Devops, and more. In this episode, Vlad takes us on a journey through his time in the tech industry while sharing valuable insight and entertaining stories along the way.

    00:00 Introduction

    00:56 What is Vlad Doing Today?  

    09:13 First Memories of a Computer

    19:55 Entering University for CS

    26:40 Working in Tech During University

    38:15 Deciding to get a PhD

    47:34 Working on Prim 

    58:00 Current Role at Siemens

    1:09:37 Contact info

    Connect with Vlad:  

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/UkisVladyslav

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-vladyslav-ukis-5172ba32/

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Siemens Healthineers: https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/

    Vlad’s Book: https://a.co/d/7tVHuU2

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Google, EngFlow, and Mentality with Jay Conrod

    Google, EngFlow, and Mentality with Jay Conrod

    Jay Conrod is currently a Software Engineer at EngFlow. EngFlow is a startup providing remote build and execution for Bazel, Cmake, Reclient and more, dramatically speeding up builds and tests for large software projects. Jay was previously part of the Go Team at Google and has had a large impact in the Software Industry.  In this episode, Jay takes us on a journey through his time in the tech industry while sharing valuable insight and entertaining stories along the way.

    00:00 Introduction

    00:56 What is Jay Doing Today?  

    07:25 First Memories of a Computer

    18:30 Mentality and Ability

    27:20 Direction after High School  

    37:30 Internships During University

    43:00 Diversity in Programming

    55:30 Getting Hired at Google

    1:03:10 Joining the Go Team

    1:10:00 Go - Tech Talk  

    1:20:00 Moving to EngFlow

    1:38:00 What Would You Remove From Go?

    1:45:30 Contact Info

    Connect with Jay:  

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/JayConrod

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayconrod/

    Jay’s Website: https://jayconrod.com

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    EngFlow: https://www.engflow.com/

    Zig: https://ziglang.org/

    The Art of Learning: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Learning-Journey-Optimal-Performance-ebook/dp/B000QCQ970

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Mattermost, Go, and Tech Talk with Jesús Espino

    Mattermost, Go, and Tech Talk with Jesús Espino

    Jesús Espino is a Senior Staff Engineer at Mattermost specializing in Full Stack Development on the API side of the platform. Mattermost is an open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle. Mattermost’s platform powers over 800,000 workspaces worldwide with the support of over 4,000 contributors from across the developer community.  In this episode, Jesús takes us on a journey through his time in the tech industry while sharing valuable insight and entertaining stories along the way.

    00:00 Introduction

    05:29 What is Jesús Doing Today? 

    10:50 First Memory of a Computer

    17:32 Thoughts on University

    25:21 Joining the Workforce

    33:03 First Job after University

    47:08 Moving Companies

    51:30 Transitioning to Go

    58:40 Deciding to Focus on Go

    1:03:40 Solving Problems with Internals of Go

    1:11:50 Thoughts on Mattermost

    1:13:16 Contact Info

    Connect with Jesús: 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesus-espino

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Mattermost: https://mattermost.com/

    Gophercon EU: https://gophercon.eu/

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Go, A.I, and Python with Miki Tebeka

    Go, A.I, and Python with Miki Tebeka

    Miki Tebeka is the CEO of 353solutions and an Instructor at Ardan Labs where he specializes in teaching effective hands-on workshops all over the world and solving tough problems as a Consultant. He is also the organizer of Gophercon Israel and Pydata Israel Meetup and a published author. In this episode Miki takes us on his journey through the tech industry and shares his experiences along the way. 

    00:00 Introduction

    07:17 What is Miki Doing Today?

    13:19 First Memory of a Computer

    16:30 Joining the Army

    27:43 Starting University

    34:18  First Jobs in Tech

    49:46 Moving to the U.S

    1:00:47 Moving back to Israel / Starting 353solutions

    1:08:38 Post-Covid Education

    1:14:40 Future of Go and Python

    1:25:40 Contact Info

    Connect with Miki: 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/tebeka

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikitebeka

    Email: Miki@ardanlabs.com 

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Zig: https://ziglang.org/

    353solutions: Miki@353soultions.com

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Startups, Tech Talk, and Go with Brad Peabody

    Startups, Tech Talk, and Go with Brad Peabody

    Brad Peabody is a Senior Software Engineer who has been coding for over 20 years. He is involved in the Go community and has been coding in Go for many years. Brad is currently working on multiple startups and also works as a contractor developing Go code for clients. In this episode, Brad tells us his story leading up to where he is today. 

    00:00 Introduction

    00:43 What is Brad Doing Today?

    06:57 First Memory of a Computer

    14:25 High School Hacking

    17:00 Thoughts after High School

    22:40 First Jobs in Tech

    28:20 Going Solo

    37:15 Juggling Businesses

    43:45 Combining  Front and Backend

    52:50 Go as a First Language / Tech Talk

    1:10:00 Marketing Yourself

    Connect with Brad: 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/bradliusgp

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brad-peabody

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Fyne: https://fyne.io/

    Wails: https://wails.io/


    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Google, Tech , and Go with Teiva Harsanyi

    Google, Tech , and Go with Teiva Harsanyi

    Teiva Harsanyi is  a software engineer at Google, specializing in backend development and distributed systems. He has extensive experience in designing and implementing resilient, responsive, scalable, and maintainable systems. He is also the author of the book “100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them”. In this episode, Teiva discusses his journey to becoming a published author and Software Engineer at Google. 

    00:00 Introduction

    00:53 What is Teiva Doing Today? 

    04:05 First Memory of a Computer

    17:20 Thoughts for University

    25:00 Engineering School Curriculum 

    32:20 Interests Going Through University 

    35:40 First Jobs in Tech

    42:00 Working for a Helicopter Company

    52:40 The Next Opportunity and Moving Countries

    58:37 Discovering Go

    1:03:40  Finding Utility Warehouse

    1:11:00 Joining Docker

    1:16:50 The Experience Working at Google

    1:19:00 Writing “100 Go Mistakes” 

    1:25:30 Contact Info

    Connect with Teiva: 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/teivah

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/teiva-harsanyi/?originalSubdomain=fr

    Teivas Book: https://www.manning.com/books/100-go-mistakes-and-how-to-avoid-them

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Docker: https://www.docker.com/

    Utility Warehouse: https://uw.co.uk/about-us/careers


    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    groundcover, observability, eBPF, Machine Learning, and R&D with Shahar Azulay

    groundcover, observability, eBPF, Machine Learning, and R&D with  Shahar Azulay

     Shahar Azulay is the CEO and co-founder of groundcover and a multi-time R&D leader, bringing in a lot of experience in the world of machine learning having worked as a leader in companies such as Apple, DayTwo, and Cymotive Technologies. In this episode, Shahar takes us on his journey through the tech industry leading up to the creation of groundcover. 

    00:00 Introduction

    01:37 What is Shahar Doing Today? / Tech Talk

    16:30 First Memory of a Computer

    20:15 Thoughts of University and the Army

    35:00 Moving on from the Army

    43:27 Hacking on Connected Cars

    47:40 Moving to DayTwo

    51:48 Entering a Management Position

    57:28 Going Back to School

    1:09:15 Starting groundcover

    1:20:00 Using groundcover

    1:27:20 Price Model of groundcover

    1:34:18 Contact Info


    Connect with Shahar: 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/shahar__azulay

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shahar-azulay-54156bb4/

    groundcover site: https://www.groundcover.com/contact

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Docker: https://www.docker.com/

    groundcover: https://www.groundcover.com/


    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    MongoDB, Go-Team, and Hugo with Steve Francia

    MongoDB, Go-Team, and Hugo with Steve Francia

    Steve Francia is a highly accomplished technology executive and entrepreneur. Steve is a Managing Director at Two Sigma, serving as the Product Lead for the Investment Management Platform. Two Sigma is a technology-driven investment firm based in New York City. Steve is widely known for his involvement in MongoDB, Hugo, and the Go community. In this episode, Steve takes us through his journey in the tech industry discussing various projects and companies he participated in so far in his career. 

    00:00 Introduction
    01:07 What is Steve Doing Today?
    05:00 First Memories of a Computer
    15:00 Interests Leading to College
    24:00 Entering College 
    33:50 First Tech Jobs in/after College
    58:45 Discovering MongoDB
    1:17:00 Creation of Hugo
    1:22:48 Working at Docker
    1:28:15 Joining the Go Team
    1:42:00 Expectations of the Job
    1:54:20 Contact Info

    Connect with Steve: 
    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/spf13?lang=en
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevefrancia

    Mentioned in today’s episode:
    Docker: https://www.docker.com/
    MongoDB: https://www.mongodb.com/
    Two Sigma: https://www.twosigma.com/
    Hugo: https://gohugo.io/
    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 
    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 
    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 
    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    DIY, TinyGo, and Software with Tobias Theel

    DIY, TinyGo, and Software with Tobias Theel

    Tobias Theel is a Software Engineer for Denic and author of the book “ Creative DIY Microcontroller Projects with TinyGo and WebAssembly “. Denic manages more than 17 million domains, and is considered one of the largest Internet endings or "Top Level Domains" in the world. In his off time, Tobias also works with microprocessors and TinyGo to power low-memory devices for various tasks.

    00:00 Introduction

    05:57 First Memories of a Computer

    12:45 Interests as a Teen

    17:30 Studying Computer Science in University

    22:00  First Jobs in Tech 

    37:00 Working in a Startup

    41:00 First Time Working with Go

    48:10 Finding Denic 

    57: 30 Working with TinyGo

    1:12:00 Tobias’s Radar

    1:17:00 Contact Info 

    Connect with Tobias: 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nooby_Games

    LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/in/tobias-theel-3353a9181

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/

    TinyGo: https://tinygo.org/

    Denic: https://www.denic.de/en/about-denic

    Tobias’s Book: 

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Robotics, Logistics, and Agriculture with Robert Ramos

    Robotics, Logistics, and Agriculture with Robert Ramos

    Robert Ramos is the CEO of AGRITECH, a company that is developing proprietary technology to bring traceability, transparency, sustainability, and scalability to the global food market. In this episode, he takes us through his experiences from military logistics and robotics to cracking the code to the global food markets' traceability and accountability issues.

    00:00 Introduction

    01:12 What is Robert Doing Today?

    11:50 Interests in High School

    18:00 Deciding to Join the Army

    23:00 Working in Army Logistics

    32:00  Entering The Robotics Industry

    52:00 International Robotics Engineering

    59:31 Entering the Agriculture Industry

    1:11:00 Building a Blockchain

    1:25:15 Contact Info 

    Connect with Robert: 

    AGRITECH: rramos@canna-well.com

    Canna-Well: rramos@agri-tech.io

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    AGRITECH: https://agri-tech.io/

    Canna-Well: https://canna-well.com/

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Mobile Apps, Tech Talk, and “Down” with Colin Hodge

    Mobile Apps, Tech Talk, and “Down” with Colin Hodge

    Colin Hodge is the creator of the popular dating app “Down” on IOS. He comes from a Computer Science background and has spent time with major companies like Amazon and Microsoft. In this episode, he takes us through his experiences leading up to building a successful company. 

    00:00 Introduction 

    00:49 What is Colin Doing Today? 

    11:55 First Memory of a Computer

    16:20 Interests in High School / Early Programming

    23:50 College Experience

    32:30 Applying for Internships / Starting a Business

    41:15 Starting Mobile App Development

    49:50 Creating a Dating App

    1:03:10 The Tech Stack

    1:16:30 The Future of Down

    1:26:45 Plans for Improving the Company

    1:35:45 Contact Info

    Connect with Colin: 

    Colin’s Site: https://colinhodge.com/

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Down App: https://www.downapp.com/

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    The Journey to Working at NASA with Capt’n Amy

    The Journey to Working at NASA with Capt’n Amy

    Capt’n Amy is a Systems Engineer Supervisor for NASA at the Kennedy Space Center. Her mission is to make sure that the facilities are always mission ready. Her team also provides support for launch operations. In this episode, Amy takes us through her journey from studying electrical engineering in college and designing sprinkler systems to becoming a supervisor at NASA. 


    00:00 Introduction 

    01:23 What is Amy Doing Today? 

    09:55 First Memory of a Computer

    13:55 Interests in High School

    18:00 Starting University

    21:10 Designing Sprinkler Systems

    32:26 Applying to NASA

    38:30 First Experiences at NASA

    42:30 Telemetry in the Control Room

    48:00 Newfound Excitement at NASA

    54:50 Anyone can Work at NASA

    59:00 Thoughts on A.I

    1:02:40 Going Back to College

    1:08:30 Contact Info

    Connect with Amy: 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaptnAmy

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amy-lendian/

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    NASA: https://www.nasa.gov/

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Software, Amazon, and Industry with Ian Molee

    Software, Amazon, and Industry with Ian Molee

    Ian Molee is a Software Developer at a cryptocurrency firm called Falcon X. His day to day languages include Python and Go with various other languages mixed in. In this episode, Ian takes us through his extensive journey through various companies in the tech industry and his experiences along the way. 

     00:00 Introduction 

    03:23 What is Ian Doing Today? 

    14:46 Interests in High School

    22:37 Going to University / Value of a Degree

    35:45 Joining the Workforce / First Tech Jobs

    48:00 Moving to New Mexico

    57:00 Joining Amazon 

    59:45 Moving to Seattle

    1:10:00 Leaving Amazon / Other Jobs

    1:20:00 Learning Go 

    1:24:00 Highlights of the Industry

    1:31:20 Thoughts on A.I

    1:39:10 Contact Info

    Connect with Ian: 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ianfoo

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Falcon X : https://falconx.io/

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Gitlab, Go, and Opportunity with Philippe Charrière

    Gitlab, Go, and Opportunity with Philippe Charrière

     Philippe Charrière is a Customer Success Engineer at Gitlab who helps customers with the technical aspects of Gitlab adoption and usage. GitLab is an open source code repository and collaborative software development platform for large DevOps and DevSecOps projects. In this episode, Philippe takes us through his journey from windsurfing to programming in Go and Java and finally landing at Gitlab.

    00:00 Introduction 

    02:30 What is Philippe Doing Today

    10:00 First Memory of a Computer

    15:30 Interests around High School

    24:50 Pursuing a Career in Tech

    28:40 “Bouncing” Jobs

    41:00 From Managing Tech to Customer Success

    44:30 Gaining a Technical Team’s Trust

    54:40 Starting at Gitlab

    1:00:35 Sales in Tech

    1:11:00 Thoughts on A.I in Gitlab

    1:16:34 Contact Info

    Connect with Philippe: 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/k33g_org

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Github: https://github.com/

    Gitlab: https://about.gitlab.com/

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Boot.dev, Education, and Go with Lane Wagner

    Boot.dev, Education, and Go with Lane Wagner

     Lane Wagner is an experienced leader with a demonstrated history in engineering software systems. He is the Founder of Boot.dev and has a deep passion for teaching Computer Science and Software Engineering to others. Boot.dev is an educational platform which offers hands-on coding courses and multiple projects to teach their students back-end development. In this episode, Lane takes us on his journey through the tech industry and how his interest in tech has evolved.

    00:00 Introduction 

    03:08 What is Lane Doing Today?

    07:30 Designing Educational Material

    13:40 Marketing Your Website

    20:00 First memory of a Computer

    25:20 Interests in High School 

    26:40 Living Abroad 

    34:00 Returning to the U.S

    39:40 Joining the Workforce

    47:47 Moving to Salt Lake City

    49:00 Initial Job in Go

    52:45 Moving Companies

    57:20 Deciding to Write a Course

    1:00:00 Beginning of Boot.dev

    1:05:45 Keeping Content Updated

    1:11:50 Top 5 Course Ideas for the Future

    1:14:50 State of A.I in Tech - Pros/Cons

    1:20:35 Contact Info

    Connect with Lane: 

    Boot.Dev: https://boot.dev/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/wagslane?lang=en

    BackendBanter.fm : https://www.backendbanter.fm/

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Boot.dev: https://boot.dev/

    play-with-go.dev: https://play-with-go.dev/

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Cloudflare, Platform Engineering, and Opportunities with Matt Boyle

    Cloudflare, Platform Engineering, and Opportunities with Matt Boyle

    Matt Boyle is an Engineering Manager for Cloudflare based out of London. His team's goal is to create tools that increase the productivity and efficiency of other engineers. He is the author of “Domain-Driven Design with Golang” and speaks about his experience and motivation for writing the book. In this episode Matt takes us through his journey through the tech industry. 

    00:00 Introduction 

    03:30 What is Matt Doing Today?

    12:20 First Memory of a Computer

    17:20 Education in the United Kingdom

    23:30 First Programming Class  

    27:20 First Tech Jobs

    32:30 Moving to Platform Engineering

    42:30 Moving to a Startup

    45:40 Becoming a Full Stack Engineer

    51:20 Gaining Interest in Go

    58:50 Applying to Cloudflare  

    1:03:20 Taking Opportunities and AI

    1:13:00 Matt’s Book

    1:22:45 Contact Info

    Connect with Matt: 

    Matt’s Site:  https://mattjamesboyle.com/

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Cloudflare: https://www.cloudflare.com/

    Matt’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Domain-Driven-Design-Golang-maintainable-business-ebook/dp/B0BNJ8KHYN/ref=sr_1_1?crid=NBJWXOCW6RGQ&keywords=domain+driven+design+golang&qid=1671189939&sprefix=domain+driven+design+golang%2Caps%2C294&sr=8-1%E2%80%A6

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Encore, Spotify, and Automation with André Eriksson

    Encore, Spotify, and Automation with André Eriksson

    André Eriksson is the CEO and Founder of Encore. Encore is a startup building the next generation platform for rapid backend development in Go. In this episode, André takes us through his journey from creating interface mods for World of Warcraft to becoming a Senior Software Engineer at Spotify and finally running his own company.

    00:00 Introduction 

    03:15 What is André Doing Today? 

    12:50 First Memory with a Computer

    24:27 Interests / Projects in Highschool

    26:40 Studying Computer Science in University

    37:26 Deciding to Join The Workforce

    47:00 Discovering Go at Spotify

    58:45 First Go Project with Utility

    1:01:50 Leaving Spotify for Encore

    1:05:40  The Next Steps for Encore

    1:13:20 Revenue Model with Open Source

    1:16:05 Thoughts on Languge Models and A.I

    1:24:14 Contact Info  

    Connect with André: 

    Twitter:  André Eriksson (@_eandre) / TwitterTwitterhttps://twitter.com › _eandre

    Encore : https://encore.dev/

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Encore : https://encore.dev/

    Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/

    André’s Talk : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjz9WrXeOW0

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Freelancing, Meetups, and Entrepreneurship with Raechel Lambert

    Freelancing, Meetups, and Entrepreneurship with Raechel Lambert

     Raechel Lambert is the Co-Founder of a product marketing agency called Olivine which focuses on positioning, messaging and product launches to SAS companies. She has built many different projects and applications and has started focusing her time on an application called All In Meetup. This stems from a podcast “All In Podcast '' which started during the pandemic. In this episode Raechel takes us on her journey through the tech industry. 

    00:00 Introduction 

    02:45 What is Raechel Doing Today

    04:30 All In Meetup

    07:30 Managing Meetups

    15:10 First Memory of a Compute

    24:00 Interests in High School

    26:00 Avid Dancer

    29:30 Going Through College

    40:00 Applying for First Internship

    43:00 Entering the Tech Industry

    49:10 First Tech Job

    52:50 Discovering Product Marketing

    58:00 Expanding Skill Sets

    1:03:00 Deciding to Freelance  

    1:09:30 Starting a Startup

    1:15:10 Self Proclaimed Recession

    1:19:00 Salary Inflation

    1:22:13 Contact Info

    Connect with Raechel: 

    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/raechellambert?lang=en

    Raechel’s Website: https://www.raelambert.com/

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Olivine: https://www.olivinemarketing.com

    All In Podcast: https://www.allinpodcast.co

    Particle: https://www.particle.io

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Adafruit, Engineering, and Foreign Service with Anne Barela

    Adafruit, Engineering, and Foreign Service with Anne Barela

    Anne is an Engineer for Adafruit Industries in Manhattan which is a small company that engineers electronics for hobbyists and open source software. In this episode, Anne takes us through her amazing journey from working in the State Department and traveling the world to utilizing her electrical engineering skills at Adafruit Industries.

    00:00 Introduction 

    4:38 What is Anne Doing Today

    16:10 Engineering Courses at Caltech 

    20:30 Most Interesting Projects at Caltech

    27:23 Dream Job after Graduating

    32:50 Working for the State Department

    36:40 Meeting the President 

    47:20 Managing Technical Security Logistics Globally

    58:30 Deciding to Retire

    1:01:35 Engineering at Adafruit 

    1:09:40 Plans for the Future

    Connect with Anne: 

    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/anne_engineer

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

    Adafruit: https://www.adafruit.com

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs

    Hashicorp, Bootcamps, and the Army with Dom Hallan

    Hashicorp, Bootcamps, and the Army with Dom Hallan

    Dom Hallan works at HashiCorp on the Terraform Enterprise Team and works on all aspects of Terraform. He is also an avid musician and plays the euphonium. In this episode, Dom takes us on his journey from pursuing a career in music, to joining a band in the Army, and finally continuing his career as a Software Engineer at Hashicorp. 

    00:00 Introduction 

    00:55 What is Dom Doing today? 

    4:10 First Memory of a Computer

    11:01 Interest in Music During High school

    16:03 Pursuing Music in College
    34:40 Joining a Military Band

    43:20 Life in an Army Band

    52:56 Deciding to Where to Land

    57:37 Starting a Web Development Bootcamp 

    1:00:00 Entering the Tech Industry

    1:10:50 Leaving The Startup

    1:17:00 Moving onto HashiCorp

    1:21:00 Important Interview Characteristics

    1:28:43 Contact Info

    Connect with Dom: 

    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/dom_hallan

    Email: dom@domhallan.com

    Mentioned in today’s episode:

     Terraform: https://www.terraform.io/

    HashiCorp: https://www.hashicorp.com/'

    Want more from Ardan Labs? You can learn Go, Kubernetes, Docker & more through our video training, live events, or through our blog!

    Online Courses : https://ardanlabs.com/education/ 

    Live Events : https://www.ardanlabs.com/live-training-events/ 

    Blog : https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog 

    Github : https://github.com/ardanlabs