
    Armenian Enough

    Armenian Enough is about life and identity in the Armenian diaspora.
    enLara Vanian-Green81 Episodes

    Episodes (81)

    Episode 52 - Sexual Assault Trauma & Healing with Aram Ronaldo

    Episode 52 - Sexual Assault Trauma & Healing with Aram Ronaldo

    There are few life events more damaging to the soul than being a victim of sexual assault and/or rape. Survivors often struggle with feelings of shame and anger, exacerbated by a society that all too frequently places blame on victims rather than perpetrators. Sharing stories of survival is a powerful reminder that we are not in this alone.

    Hear Aram Ronaldo speak candidly about sexual assault, existing in the murky trauma of its aftermath, and the eventual path towards healing.

    You can reach Aram on his website at aramronaldokrikorian.wordpress.com

    And on IG @lalimeohlonetransfer


    Rainn Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)


    The Trevor Project Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386


    Armenian Enough
    enMarch 11, 2021

    Episode 51 - Exploring The World of Asexuality with Sarah Elgatian

    Episode 51 - Exploring The World of Asexuality with Sarah Elgatian

    What does it mean to be asexual? Aromantic? How do people who identify as Ace [asexual] establish intimate relationships which suit their needs as well as the needs of their partners? Writer Sarah Elgatian walks us through a frank and, at times, humorous discussion of sexuality, romance, identity - and the all too common struggle to be understood and accepted for who we genuinely are.

    You can reach Sarah on her website at www.rahelgatian.com

    and on IG @rahelgatian

    For a good resource about Asexuality, Sarah recommends www.asexuality.org

    Armenian Enough
    enFebruary 25, 2021

    Episode 50 - Managing Anxiety in Children with Dr. Regine Muradian

    Episode 50 - Managing Anxiety in Children with Dr. Regine Muradian

    Even people who never suffered from anxiety probably got to experience some over the last year. A global pandemic can do that to us! As adults, we generally have the benefit of perspective as well as a whole host of healthy and not-so-healthy coping mechanisms. But what can children do when they are the ones dealing with anxiety? Who is there to listen to their fears? And perhaps more importantly, how can we teach them constructive and effective methods of quieting the "buzzing" in their heads. Dr. Muradian, a therapist specializing in anxiety, has just published a children's book called Franky and the Worry Bees, about just this topic. Hear her speak about why we could all use a little help managing our discomfort.

    You can reach Dr. Regine Muradian on her website www.reginemuradian.com

    On IG @dr._regine_muradian

    Purchase your copy of Franky and The Worry Bees here.

    Armenian Enough
    enFebruary 11, 2021

    Episode 49 - On Being African American and Armenian with David Djanikian

    Episode 49 - On Being African American and Armenian with David Djanikian

    In this episode, we explore the experience of being African American and Armenian from a different vantage point than our previous episodes on this topic. As a bi-racial father raising his two daughters in a multi-ethnic family, David is uniquely equipped to guide and shape his children's sense of self and curate the cultural elements of their identity. The embodiment of goodwill and non-judgment, his perspective belies a deep and universal wisdom.

    You can reach David on IG @david_d_415 and on LinkedIn at David Djanikian

    Armenian Enough
    enJanuary 28, 2021

    Episode 48 - Armenian Adoption & Brave Love with Mandy Breitenstein

    Episode 48 - Armenian Adoption & Brave Love with Mandy Breitenstein

    How much would you have to love someone to spend years in their pursuit, travel across the world during a global pandemic, and brave living in a foreign country during wartime? Mandy Breitenstein and her husband Adam, as well as their four children, did just that in October of 2020 to retrieve their fifth child, Ember, from an Armenian orphanage.

    Driven by her unshakeable faith in God, Mandy and her family embody the concept of brave love and show us all that we each have the ability and the responsibility to make the world a kinder place.

    You can reach Mandy on IG @a_september_monday

    Donate to the Emili Aregak center here.

    @emili_aregak @aregakbakery

    Armenian Enough
    enJanuary 14, 2021

    Bonus Episode 7 - Equality Armenia with Founder Armen Abelyan

    Bonus Episode 7 - Equality Armenia with Founder Armen Abelyan

    Armen Abelyan, founder of the NGO Equality Armenia, discusses the importance of embracing our LGBTQ community and its members while drawing on the rich and often forgotten history of the Armenian people. Now, perhaps more than ever before, it is clear that every single Armenian has a crucial role to play in securing the future of our culture and its continued existence.

    You can reach Equality Armenia directly at www.EqualityArmenia.org
    as well as on FB @equalityarmenia and IG @EqualityArmenia

    To donate and enter the raffle (ending January 6, 2021) buy your tickets here!

    Armenian Enough
    enJanuary 04, 2021

    Episode 47 - Sustainable Minimalism with Author Stephanie Seferian

    Episode 47 - Sustainable Minimalism with Author Stephanie Seferian

    Do our possessions foster a sense of happiness and peace or can over-accumulation of material goods itself lead to anxiety and discomfort? What happens to all our "stuff" when we no longer need or want it? Sustainable minimalist expert Stephanie Seferian guides us beyond superficial decluttering to consider the broader implications, both personal and global, that our consumer culture promotes.

    Listen to Stephanie's Sustainable Minimalism Podcast here

    Pre-order her book Sustainable Minimalism: Embrace Zero Waste, Build Sustainability Habits That Last, and Become a Minimalist without Sacrificing the Planet wherever books are sold.

    You can reach Stephanie on Facebook at @MamaMinimalist or IG @mommyminimalist as well as on her website www.MamaMinimalist.com

    Armenian Enough
    enDecember 31, 2020

    Episode 46 - Armenians from Turkey with Tamar Purut

    Episode 46 - Armenians from Turkey with Tamar Purut

    One of the least acknowledged populations in the Armenian community are Bolsahyes or Armenians from Istanbul. Armenians from Turkey are often subject to dual rejection - in Turkey, they are forced to repress their Armenian identity and in the diaspora, they must hide all aspects of Turkish culture, leaving them in a virtual "no man's land" of belonging. Tamar, whose Armenian parents hail from Turkey, discusses her conflicted thoughts and feelings as she claims her rightful place in the diaspora.

    You can reach Tamar on IG @tamm_alexandra

    Armenian Enough
    enDecember 17, 2020

    Episode 45 - LGBTQ in the Church with Reverend Tory Topjian

    Episode 45 - LGBTQ in the Church with Reverend Tory Topjian

    The church can be a great source of comfort and support for many individuals. It forms part of a culture that we are often born into and from which we forge a sense of identity. But what happens when who you are conflicts with who you were taught you are supposed to be? For many LGBTQ folks, the church can be a source of pain and rejection. The love that is preached from the pulpits is not always, it seems, meant for every parishioner.
    People like the Reverend Tory Topjian are actively working to create a worship environment where everyone is not only welcome, but encouraged to come as they are. As church attendance is near historic lows, it's crucial to their survival to not only change with the times, but to genuinely connect with and offer spiritual guidance to their communities.

    You can reach Tory at his church website www.milwaukeemcc.org
    Facebook - MilwaukeeMCC or Tory Topjian
    Twitter - RevToryTopjian

    Armenian Enough
    enDecember 03, 2020

    Episode 44 - Spirituality & Metaphysics with Intuitive Energy Healer Ani Carla Kalafian

    Episode 44 - Spirituality & Metaphysics with Intuitive Energy Healer Ani Carla Kalafian

    In the midst of turbulent times, we are confronted with the reality that we neither control nor fully understand the forces of destiny. What often appears to be a time ripe for despair may in fact be the beginning of our journey towards enlightenment. In embracing the mystery and accepting all that is, we uncover the immutable truth of the universe: that we are all one.
    As an intuitive energy healer, Ani weaves her compassion and sensitivity with her love of Armenian heritage and reverence for the wisdom of all our ancestors to provide guidance for those who seek it.

    You can reach Ani on IG @ani.vibes

    Armenian Enough
    enNovember 19, 2020

    Bonus Episode 6 - ARPA International Film Festival 2020 with Maral Kazazian & Sonia Keshishian

    Bonus Episode 6 - ARPA International Film Festival 2020 with Maral Kazazian & Sonia Keshishian

    ARPA Film Festival Director Maral Kazazian and Jury Liaison Sonia Keshishian tell us everything we need to know about this year's festival and the not-to-be-missed films of 2020. As a departure from previous years, this year's films will be streamed online and available any time from November 12th through 22nd, with all proceeds going to Armenia Fund. So, grab some popcorn and gather the family to watch all the films in the comfort of your home!

    For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit www.arpafilmfestival.com

    Armenian Enough
    enNovember 07, 2020

    Episode 43 - "Dear Armenian People" - Reimagining Education with Teacher Armen Menechyan

    Episode 43 - "Dear Armenian People" - Reimagining Education with Teacher Armen Menechyan

    Imagine the power that future generations of Armenians could harness if all aspects of their being were supported by teachers and parents alike? Join us for a deep dive into the state of Armenian private school education and how we must evolve to meet the needs of all our students and create a deeper sense of belonging in the Armenian community and beyond.

    You can reach Armen at his website www.ArmenMenechyan.com and on IG at armen.menechyan

    Armenian Enough
    enNovember 05, 2020

    Episode 42 - Story Coach Anna Darian Interviews AE Host Lara Vanian-Green

    Episode 42 - Story Coach Anna Darian Interviews AE Host Lara Vanian-Green

    In our first official episode of Season 3, we turn the tables and allow story coach Anna Darian to interview Armenian Enough host, Lara Vanian-Green, about how she does & doesn't feel "Armenian Enough" and how her relationship with her Armenianness has changed over time. In her work as a story coach, Anna helps people utilize their personal stories to connect more meaningfully with their audience.

    You can reach Anna on her website at www.AnnaDarian.com or on Instagram @anna.darian

    {Editor's Note: This episode was recorded prior to the attack on Artsakh, which took place on September 27, 2020.}

    Armenian Enough
    enOctober 22, 2020

    Bonus Episode 5 - Intergenerational Trauma & The War in Artsakh with Dr. Christie Kederian

    Bonus Episode 5 - Intergenerational Trauma & The War in Artsakh with Dr. Christie Kederian

    Martin Luther King Jr. once famously said, "In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." How can we, in the Armenian diaspora, cope with the silence of the world as our homeland is under attack? We are outnumbered, outgunned, and dealing with forces much more powerful on the world stage. Azerbaijan (and their ruthless attack on Artsakh) is backed by Turkey, whose President Erdogan has said that they intend to "finish what our grandfathers started," alluding to the Armenian Genocide of 1915. We, second and third generation survivors of this genocide and inheritors of the trauma of our parents and grandparents, are dealing with emotional and phsysiological burdens that are both seen and unseen wounds that are now being torn open anew. How do we build resilience in these trying times? And how do we protect future generations from the same fate? Dr. Christie Kederian, who wrote her doctoral dissertation on the transfer of intergenerational trauma and resilience, through her analysis provides validation and hope for our ability to not just to endure but also to thrive.

    You can reach Dr. Christie on IG at @thedatedoctorchristie or on her website at www.drchristiekederian.com


    Bonus Episode 4 – 100 Years from Home with Lilit Pilikian and Jared White

    Bonus Episode 4 – 100 Years from Home with Lilit Pilikian and Jared White

    100 Years from Home, airing on PBS SoCal on September 1, 2020, is a documentary about an Armenian woman returning to her ancestral homeland on the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, to search for the house her family was forced to flee a century ago.

    Filmmaker Jared White captures both the personal intensity and historical perspective of his wife, Lilit’s, journey. Hear about the challenges and the triumphs they experienced along the way.

    Watch the trailer here: 100yearsfromhome.com
    Reach them on FB @100yearsfromhome and Instagram @100yearsfromhome

    Bonus Episode 3 - On Being Black and Armenian with Isis Ani Mack

    Bonus Episode 3 - On Being Black and Armenian with Isis Ani Mack

    Last Fall, when we featured a two-part episode on racism in the Armenian culture [episodes #25 and #26], it was intended to be an ongoing conversation. Given the current momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement and the massive societal shift in consciousness regarding police brutality and systemic racism, we felt that it was more important than ever to hear directly from Black Armenians now.

    Isis Ani Mack is a student of international business and global politics at the University of Nevada, Reno. Our first introduction to Isis was through her essay for @kooyrigs where she shared that when she was a child growing up in Glendale, other Armenian families wouldn't allow their children to play with her because her father was black, and later - how a conversation with an elderly woman in Armenia forever altered her perspective about being a mixed-race Armenian. Hear Isis's story in her own words.

    You can reach Isis directly on IG @_isis_mack

    Bonus Episode 2 - On Being Black and Armenian with Levon Brunson

    Bonus Episode 2 - On Being Black and Armenian with Levon Brunson

    Last Fall, when we featured a two-part episode on racism in the Armenian culture [episodes #25 and #26], it was intended to be an ongoing conversation. Given the current momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement and the massive societal shift in consciousness regarding police brutality and systemic racism, we felt that it was more important than ever to hear directly from Black Armenians now.

    Our second bonus episode features Brown University computer-science student, Levon Brunson, who has an enormous passion for Armenian culture, particularly Armenian traditional dance. Our first introduction to Levon was through the article he penned in Massachusetts' The Armenian Weekly newspaper. Hear Levon talk about his experience of being Black and Armenian in his own words.

    You can reach Levon on Instagram @levonbrunson and Facebook @levonbrunson

    Bonus Episode 1 - On Being Black and Armenian with Carene Rose Mekertichyan

    Bonus Episode 1 - On Being Black and Armenian with Carene Rose Mekertichyan

    Last Fall, when we featured a two-part episode on racism in the Armenian culture [episodes #25 and #26], it was intended to be an ongoing conversation. Given the current momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement and the massive societal shift in consciousness regarding police brutality and systemic racism, we felt that it was more important than ever to hear directly from Black Armenians now.

    Our first bonus episode features Carene Rose, an Ivy-league educated actress and activist, who wrote an essay for @kooyrigs which instantly captured our attention. She wrote, "To be a Black Armenian woman is to be the legacy of two failed genocides." Hear Carene's story in her own words.

    Photo credit: Christopher Montgomery


    Episode 41 - Canines & Armenian Culture with Oknooshoon's Nairi Krafian

    Episode 41 - Canines & Armenian Culture with Oknooshoon's Nairi Krafian

    In the United States, as in many other countries, dogs are considered treasured companions and frequently pampered (more than some humans). However, they do not enjoy quite the same reputation in Armenia. Rampant street dogs and a historically agrarian culture have contributed to the low status of canine-Armenians. Oknooshoon (a combination of the word "help" and the word "dog" in Armenian) is a non-profit whose mission it is to change how dogs are perceived in Armenia. Hear Nairi talk about her passion for dogs and their therapeutic benefits as well as her vision for the future of Armenia, in our last episode of Season 2.


    Episode 40 - Parallels within Armenian & LGBTQ Communities with Dr. David Alajajian-Fox

    Episode 40 - Parallels within Armenian & LGBTQ Communities with Dr. David Alajajian-Fox

    Being Armenian and gay are largely thought of as incompatible identities in contemporary Armenian culture. However, Dr. David Alajajian-Fox posits that the two marginalized cultures actually share striking historical parallels in their search to define themselves as well as rise from the ashes of near destruction. How do we bridge the divide of generations lost? Who remains to pass along history, folklore, and traditions to future generations? How can each community enrich the other?

    You can reach Dr. David on IG @drgay_la
    Or at his practice Pacific Oaks Medical Group