
    Astronomy Cast Full Raw Feed

    This is the full live stream audio of the Astronomy Cast episodes. The first half hour is the regular episode, and the second half hour is a Q&A session with questions submitted by live viewers and email.
    enFraser Cain & Dr. Pamela L. Gay435 Episodes

    Episodes (435)

    Ep. 709: Space Weapons

    Ep. 709: Space Weapons

    Streamed live on Feb 19, 2024.

    [My apologies for Fraser’s audio dropouts. We’re not sure how it happened as it wasn’t happening at his studio. Audio is a black art, IMHO. Rich)

    Last week we learned that Russia might be planning nuclear weapons to take out satellites in space. What is the current and future possibility of weapons in space and what are the treaties designed to prevent them?

    Astronomy Cast Full Raw Feed
    enFebruary 26, 2024

    Ep. 706: China’s Space Program

    Ep. 706: China’s Space Program

    We’re so familiar with NASA’s exploration efforts in space, but you might be surprised to learn that China launches almost as many rockets as the US. They’ve got their own space exploration program that could soon bring humans to the surface of the Moon. Let’s give a brief overview of China’s space exploration plans.

    Astronomy Cast Full Raw Feed
    enFebruary 05, 2024

    Ep. 704: NASA's Juno Releases New Images

    Ep. 704: NASA's Juno Releases New Images

    NASA’s Juno spacecraft has completed dozens of flybys of Jupiter, seeing the planet from many angles and delivering some of the most beautiful images we’ve ever seen of the Jovian world. Now it’s focusing in on Io, sending home images of the tiny volcanic world from just 1,500 km away. And the best is yet to come.

    Ep. 702: Moonshot 2024 - Go or No Go?

    Ep. 702: Moonshot 2024 - Go or No Go?

    Streamed live on Dec 11, 2023.

    With Artemis 1 completing its robotic flight around the Moon, we know that the SLS works. Next comes Artemis 2, with a crew of astronauts flying past the Moon. If that’s successful, we could see humans set foot on the Moon in December 2025. But there is a long list of challenges to consider that could delay things considerably. Go or no go for launch‽

    Astronomy Cast Full Raw Feed
    enDecember 18, 2023

    Ep. 691: Jupiter’s Changing Red Spot

    Ep. 691: Jupiter’s Changing Red Spot

    Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is one of its most iconic features. First seen hundreds of years ago. Although it’s certainly long lasting, it’s been changing in size over the last few decades. Shrinking, changing in color. Is it fading away? And what can the changes tell us about storms on giant planets?