
    Aubrey Faith Assembly Church

    Aubrey Faith Assembly Church
    en190 Episodes

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    Episodes (190)

    Against the Digital Red Sea - Audio

    Against the Digital Red Sea - Audio
    It's never going to get back to "normal"--pre 2020. As Christians we must study the End Times and be aware so that we will be on the offense and have victory. We can be ensnared and be totally caught unaware if we are not in constant study of the Bible. We are warned not to have false hope (God is going to rapture us before anything bad happens), ignorance (hiding our heads in the sand and hoping it will al go away), or unbelief (thinking it won’t happen).

    The Cross is the Power of God - Audio

    The Cross is the Power of God - Audio
    Satan despises the Cross and does not want the revelation of The Message of The Cross to be understood by the believer. The anti-Christ spirit did not just begin. It started the day that Lucifer rebelled against God. It continued in the Garden of Eden where Satan deceived Adam and Eve. It continues today, with the anti-God nations and attitudes rising up. Jesus Christ has already won the war and continues to allow His redemptive power set people free today. Thousands of church crosses and Christians martyred in the world by their government's bid to eradicate Christianity. We are not exempt from persecution in America. Christians must get all the revelation they can get about the power of the Cross.

    The Final Week of Jesus - Audio

    The Final Week of Jesus - Audio
    Every detail in the Bible is so precise. We can see it when we study how Jesus spent his last week here on earth. He put the earthly kingdom in order before He was crucified. He spoke directly to the religious leaders who sought to kill him and he spoke to the common man on how to please God. He warned the church of coming events and he taught on the purpose of the church. Read the chapters of Matthew 21-26 completely and carefully to understand the ways of the Lord. We must be careful not to become disappointed if the end time events do not fit the way we think they should unfold. We must guard against waving a palm branch one moment shouting hosanna and then the next minute yelling crucify him!

    Falling Into the Trap of Presumption - PDF

    Falling Into the Trap of Presumption - PDF
    Presumption assumes that God thinks like we think, talks like we talk and acts like we act even when we think, speak and act contrary to His written will—the Bible. We often lack discernment and can be seduced into thinking that because someone says they are Christians and they appear to be favored because they are wealthy, handsome, intelligent, spiritual or successful that God is pleased with them.

    Falling Into the Trap of Presumption - Audio

    Falling Into the Trap of Presumption - Audio
    Presumption assumes that God thinks like we think, talks like we talk and acts like we act even when we think, speak and act contrary to His written will—the Bible. We often lack discernment and can be seduced into thinking that because someone says they are Christians and they appear to be favored because they are wealthy, handsome, intelligent, spiritual or successful that God is pleased with them.

    Perfectionism in the pursuit of Excellence of Ministry - Audio

    Perfectionism in the pursuit of Excellence of Ministry - Audio
    Perfectionism is the outgrowth of legalism and failure to recognize the grace of God. We can do little in our own strength, but with God’s grace—his empowerment—we can accomplish much. We all will make mistakes from time to time. Math errors, saying the wrong thing, etc. This is different than willful disobedience. GRACE: Christian Perfection, Completeness.-- Maturing, growing in Christ, living our lives sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Relaxed and content. Trusts God and has true faith. Relies on His grace and mercy when necessary. WORKS: Perfectionism--A rigid system of do’s and don’ts by which an individual lives by to feel like they are accepted and WORTHY to be blessed because they obey the rules. Because everything is very black and white, perfectionists do not look at degrees of improvement in themselves or others. Because of their attitude of having to be right and perfect all the time, they set themselves up to constantly fall short in performance because they can always spot flaws.

    Perfectionism in the pursuit of Excellence of Ministry - PDF

    Perfectionism in the pursuit of Excellence of Ministry - PDF
    Perfectionism is the outgrowth of legalism and failure to recognize the grace of God. We can do little in our own strength, but with God’s grace—his empowerment—we can accomplish much. We all will make mistakes from time to time. Math errors, saying the wrong thing, etc. This is different than willful disobedience. GRACE: Christian Perfection, Completeness.-- Maturing, growing in Christ, living our lives sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Relaxed and content. Trusts God and has true faith. Relies on His grace and mercy when necessary. WORKS: Perfectionism--A rigid system of do’s and don’ts by which an individual lives by to feel like they are accepted and WORTHY to be blessed because they obey the rules. Because everything is very black and white, perfectionists do not look at degrees of improvement in themselves or others. Because of their attitude of having to be right and perfect all the time, they set themselves up to constantly fall short in performance because they can always spot flaws.

    God's Unconditional Love - Audio

    God's Unconditional Love - Audio
    Absolute love is the type of love that God requires us to have for one another. He demonstrated His unconditional love for us. But God also has boundaries that He will not allow us to cross without penalty. These boundaries are defined in the Bible—most famously in Exodus 20:1-17. He uses the commandments to help us to see where we fail to achieve His standard. I’ve heard people accuse God of being unloving. “Well, if there is a God why is there starvation and child abuse and all these natural disasters?” If God is love, why do bad things happen to people? God has been wrongly judged by human standards. He gave mankind dominion over the earth. Men have a free will and they often use their free will to inflict pain on others. Be assured God sees it all, and though things may not seem fair now, it will all be fair when judgement comes. God is love, and yet people do go to hell. People choose hell by refusing to choose God. Their choices do not reflect on God’s character. Their choices reflect flaws in themselves. God has done everything He can to warn people that their rebellion will result in an eternity of torment. There are warnings throughout the Bible of the consequences of disobedience to God’s Word. Isaiah 1:18-20 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: 20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

    God's Unconditional Love - PDF

    God's Unconditional Love - PDF
    Absolute love is the type of love that God requires us to have for one another. He demonstrated His unconditional love for us. But God also has boundaries that He will not allow us to cross without penalty. These boundaries are defined in the Bible—most famously in Exodus 20:1-17. He uses the commandments to help us to see where we fail to achieve His standard. I’ve heard people accuse God of being unloving. “Well, if there is a God why is there starvation and child abuse and all these natural disasters?” If God is love, why do bad things happen to people? God has been wrongly judged by human standards. He gave mankind dominion over the earth. Men have a free will and they often use their free will to inflict pain on others. Be assured God sees it all, and though things may not seem fair now, it will all be fair when judgement comes. God is love, and yet people do go to hell. People choose hell by refusing to choose God. Their choices do not reflect on God’s character. Their choices reflect flaws in themselves. God has done everything He can to warn people that their rebellion will result in an eternity of torment. There are warnings throughout the Bible of the consequences of disobedience to God’s Word. Isaiah 1:18-20 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: 20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

    The Only Hope in the Coming Storim - Audio

    The Only Hope in the Coming Storim - Audio
    When a storm is brewing it can be spotted by people. Severe weather alerts are issued by the weather bureau. Tracking the storm is done by trained meteorologists so that people will not be taken by surprise. It is not the fault of the meteorologist if people are harmed, and don’t get out of the way of the path of the storm. A. God always promises and provides protection for His Sheep. 1. God promised through Zechariah that in the last days, he would be a protector of His people. For I, says the LORD, “will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.” Zechariah 2:5 2. Likewise Isaiah testifies about Jehovah God: For You have been a strength to the poor, A strength to the needy in his distress, A refuge from the storm, A shade from the heat; For the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. Isaiah 25:4 B. These promises are meant to comfort us beforehand. C. All the prophets warn of a great storm coming in the final days, which will beat against God’s wall of protection with all of its fury! D. Indeed, Jesus says this coming storm will be so frightful and overwhelming, people's hearts will fail them as they see it developing. And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Luke 21:26

    Not one of the Cool Kids: Getting victory over rejection - Audio

    Not one of the Cool Kids: Getting victory over rejection - Audio
    Rejected people seek approval for everything they do and cannot handle even mild constructive criticism. They see any form of correction as rejection. Without help, they may follow the path that is comfortable for them and do not want to take a risk that may fail. That is particularly difficult for other family members. People who are in relationship with rejected people often end up frustrated because the rejected person is difficult to live with. The rejected person may expect their spouse, children or those close to them to agree with them all the time. There often is no healthy discussion or difference of opinion expressed because the rejected person sees dissent as rejection of their entire person, rather than their idea. It’s healthy to be able to be free to disagree. In order to feel good about themselves, rejected people may try to control others around them in a dysfunctional way to gain acceptance. There is a way out--submit to God and let Him give you the grace to be free.

    Not one of the Cool Kids: Getting victory over rejection - PDF

    Not one of the Cool Kids: Getting victory over rejection - PDF
    Rejected people seek approval for everything they do and cannot handle even mild constructive criticism. They see any form of correction as rejection. Without help, they may follow the path that is comfortable for them and do not want to take a risk that may fail. That is particularly difficult for other family members. People who are in relationship with rejected people often end up frustrated because the rejected person is difficult to live with. The rejected person may expect their spouse, children or those close to them to agree with them all the time. There often is no healthy discussion or difference of opinion expressed because the rejected person sees dissent as rejection of their entire person, rather than their idea. It’s healthy to be able to be free to disagree. In order to feel good about themselves, rejected people may try to control others around them in a dysfunctional way to gain acceptance. There is a way out--submit to God and let Him give you the grace to be free.

    The Church of Thessalonica -A Mirror of the End Time Church Today - Audio

    The Church of Thessalonica -A Mirror of the End Time Church Today - Audio
    It was a church that believed and received the Word of God. 1. The church was a benevolent church in their work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father. 2. Most of the believers in Thessalonica had turned from idols to serve the living and true God and waiting for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10. 3. Paul’s teachings in the First Epistle to the Thessalonians are primarily focused on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. a. These include the hardships that followers of Jesus Christ will face before Christ’s return. Therefore, when we could no longer endure it, we thought it good to be left in Athens alone, 2 and sent Timothy, our brother and minister of God, and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith, 3 that no one should be shaken by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we are appointed to this. 4 For, in fact, we told you before when we were with you that we would suffer tribulation, just as it happened, and you know. 5 For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor might be in vain. 1Thessalonians 3:1-5

    We See in Part - Audio

    We See in Part - Audio
    Our world is in a crisis right now and it’s time for Christians to step up and meet the challenges ahead. It’s not time to back down or to retreat. We must go forward in confronting evil and in letting others know that there is a God who loves them. My prayer is that we conduct ourselves worthy of the name Christian in these last days and God gets glory through what lies ahead for all of us! Don’t fear! Be on the offense!

    We See in Part - PDF

    We See in Part - PDF
    Our world is in a crisis right now and it’s time for Christians to step up and meet the challenges ahead. It’s not time to back down or to retreat. We must go forward in confronting evil and in letting others know that there is a God who loves them. My prayer is that we conduct ourselves worthy of the name Christian in these last days and God gets glory through what lies ahead for all of us! Don’t fear! Be on the offense!