
    Authentically Social

    In the past, it was perfectly acceptable to “pay no attention to what's going on behind the curtain,” but today, that’s exactly what your audience wants to see. This podcast unpacks tried and true principles to put culture, community and connection at the core of your digital strategy.
    en-usCorey Perlman/Jessica Perlman10 Episodes

    Episodes (10)

    Never Let a Verbal Testimonial Go Unpublished

    Never Let a Verbal Testimonial Go Unpublished
    Social Media Mantra: Be proactive in getting positive reviews 

    We focus so much on what we should post on social. In this episode we want you to flip that on its head and think about how you can get your customers to post more about YOU on social. 

    As you have heard us say before people are more motivated when they are unhappy than when they are happy. We have to not only motivate them when they are happy, but as a business have a process in place to collect those reviews and make sure everyone on our team knows exactly what to do with a happy customer 
    If someone says something kind, get it published in some form or fashion!

    If Social is Part of Your Marketing Strategy, You Have to Pay to Play

    If Social is Part of Your Marketing Strategy, You Have to Pay to Play

    Gone are the days where businesses can market themselves on social media without an ad budget. So how much should a business spend on social advertising? Where exactly should those dollars go? What are reasonable expectations when it comes to results? These questions and more are answered on this episode of Authentically Social! 

    Talk More About your Baristas, Less About your Coffee

    Talk More About your Baristas, Less About your Coffee
    • Social Media Mantra: Humanize your Brand by Highlighting your People. 

      No matter the platform, this is social media...the key word being ‘Social’. People are usually here for a break, to relax or kill time. They like to engage with posts that evoke some kind of emotion. And, people (along with cats and dogs) tend to trigger that emotion more than objects. 

      People want to be connected to the company or individual, not just simply a patron. That want to know about your culture, values and other shared common interests. They want to feel connected to the people and brands they support. 

      So, pull back the curtain, and show the people behind your brand. Your product or service may get us in the door, but a positive relationship with your people will keep us coming back!

    Be Less Like the Squawking Parrot and More like the Wise Owl

    Be Less Like the Squawking Parrot and More like the Wise Owl
    • Social Media Mantra: Create Consistent, Compelling Content
    • Would your audience liken your social media content to the sounds of the squawking parrot? What would make people compare our content to such a cringe-worthy cacophony of sounds? 

      • Lack of value? 

      • Over promotion? 

      • Too frequent? 

      • Too long? 

      • Boring?

        So how do we avoid being the squawking parrot and, instead, be more like the Wise Owl? Always. Add. Value. 



        • What problems can we help solve? 

        • What information can we pass along that will truly benefit others? 

        • How can we put a smile on our followers' faces? 

        • How can we inspire? Entertain? Educate? 

        • Is our content serving us or serving them? 

        Let's keep these two beautiful birds atop our proverbial shoulders as a constant reminder to always be striving to serve our audience instead of serving ourselves. 

    Share this Moment: Why We Chose Authentically Social

    Share this Moment: Why We Chose Authentically Social
    • Social Media Mantra: Be Authentically Social
    • When did we decide to stop being social on social? We are on a mission to take social media back to its roots. 

      A place for transparency, honesty…authenticity. Let’s make social great again! (too soon? :) 


      In the past, it was perfectly acceptable to “pay no attention to what's going on behind the curtain,” but today, that’s exactly what your audience wants to see. This podcast unpacks tried and true principles to put culture, community and connection at the core of your digital strategy.