
    Author to Authority

    Kim Thompson-Pinder interviews thought-leaders, consultants, professionals and entrepreneurs who share with you from their vast knowledge to help grow your business bigger, stronger through authority and influencer marketing. Scaling your business to the next level is hard. To do so you need to grow in so many areas including sales, marketing, networking, communication social media and leadership skills. On the Author to Authority Podcast we cover all of those plus brand marketing authority, B2B Influencer marketing, authority content marketing and so much more. If you are looking to gain the valuable knowledge that will help you get the visibility you need to succeed then this podcast is a great resource to help you get there. Every episode has practical advice that you can use today to take your profits and skyrocket them.
    en-usKim Thompson-Pinder382 Episodes

    Episodes (382)

    Ep 467 - How to Organize an Awesome Book Launch with Alexa Nazzaro

    Ep 467 - How to Organize an Awesome Book Launch with Alexa Nazzaro
    Alexa Nazzaro is a seasoned expert in publishing and entrepreneurship, currently affiliated with Axel Author Services. Her perspective on the topic of "insights for authors on publishing and entrepreneurship from podcast" is rooted in her belief that authors should actively seek support and guidance throughout their publishing journey. She underscores the importance of not feeling isolated as an indie author and highlights the availability of professional assistance in the industry. Alexa's experiences have led her to advocate for the power of influencer marketing, the use of testimonials and book reviews, and the formation of dedicated street teams for book promotion. She also emphasizes the value of services offered by her company, Axel Author Services, which provides comprehensive support in editing, book design, and book marketing. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Alexa Nazzaro on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to delve deeper into these insights.
    Author to Authority
    en-usJanuary 22, 2024

    E p 466 - Youtube Channel Basics For Entrepreneurs With Andrew Murdoch

    E p 466 - Youtube Channel Basics For Entrepreneurs With Andrew Murdoch
    Andrew Murdoch, a renowned entrepreneur and founder of YT Era, has a unique perspective on utilizing YouTube as a strategic marketing tool for entrepreneurs, shaped by his transformative journey through YouTube. Murdoch firmly believes that YouTube is an underutilized marketing strategy and that building a YouTube channel to support a business is crucial for long-term success. He emphasizes that video is the most consumed content today and that entrepreneurs must embrace video marketing on YouTube to stay competitive and effectively reach their target audience. Murdoch also addresses the common fear that prevents people from engaging in video marketing, reassuring that everyone has the necessary tools to create high-quality videos. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Andrew Murdoch on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to learn more about the immense potential of YouTube as a strategic marketing tool.
    Author to Authority
    en-usJanuary 19, 2024

    Ep 465 - How To Pitch & Present Yourself To A Podcast With Spencer Carpenter

    Ep 465 - How To Pitch & Present Yourself To A Podcast With Spencer Carpenter
    Spencer Carpenter is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in the music industry, including experience in booking concerts, organizing music conferences and festivals, running record labels, and managing artists. He has also founded Outlier Audio, a full-service podcast booking agency. Carpenter believes that podcasting is an effective strategy for audience engagement and marketing, emphasizing the importance of providing value and expertise to the audience, rather than just pitching products or services. He values the ability to see how much someone knows about a topic through interviews and believes that providing a tremendous amount of value is key to successful podcasting strategies. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Spencer Carpenter on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to learn more about effective podcasting strategies for audience engagement and marketing.
    Author to Authority
    en-usJanuary 17, 2024

    Ep 464 - 5 Critical Elements Missing From 90% of Personal Brands with Tanya Eberhart and Michael Carr

    Ep 464 - 5 Critical Elements Missing From 90% of Personal Brands with Tanya Eberhart and Michael Carr
    Tonya Eberhart, a renowned expert in personal branding, and Michael Carr, a successful entrepreneur, both have unique backgrounds that have shaped their perspectives on the importance of personal branding for business success. Eberhart's journey from selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door to becoming a radio sales rep taught her the power of a unique story and the importance of focusing on the client's success. This led her to co-found BrandFace, a business that teaches the formula for personal branding. Carr, initially a client of Eberhart's, applied the principles of branding to his real estate office and witnessed remarkable growth, leading him to firmly believe in the significance of personal branding in service-forward facing markets. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder, Tonya Eberhart, and Michael Carr on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to learn more about their insights on personal branding.
    Author to Authority
    en-usJanuary 15, 2024

    Ep 463 - 5 Insider Tips Every Speaker Needs To Know with Tyler Foley

    Ep 463 - 5 Insider Tips Every Speaker Needs To Know with Tyler Foley
    Tyler Foley is a seasoned actor and bestselling author with a wealth of experience in film, television, and public speaking. His perspective on enhancing author authority through speaking skills and podcasting is rooted in his belief that effective communication and engaging storytelling are key to positioning oneself as an authority in their niche. Drawing from his extensive background in public speaking and acting, Foley emphasizes the importance of delivering powerful presentations, whether on podcasts, live stages, or workshops, to captivate listeners and generate interest in one's work. He offers free resources and training programs to help individuals improve their speaking abilities and encourages listeners to leave five-star reviews as a way of showing appreciation. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Tyler Foley on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to learn more about his unique approach.
    Author to Authority
    en-usJanuary 12, 2024

    Ep 462 - How To Shorten High-Ticket Sales Cycles with Craig Andrews

    Ep 462 - How To Shorten High-Ticket Sales Cycles with Craig Andrews
    Craig Andrews, a marketing expert and the founder of Allies for Me, has a rich background in marketing chips for top mobile phone makers like Samsung and Apple. His perspective on authority marketing strategies and resilience is shaped by his professional journey, which includes a transition from the semiconductor industry to marketing, and his personal challenges. Andrews has developed a unique method that mimics the stages of courtship to convert strangers into high-paying customers, emphasizing the importance of the eight-stage customer value journey. He believes in the power of effective marketing strategies and the resilience required to succeed in the business world. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Craig Andrews as they delve deeper into these insights on the next episode of the Author to Authority podcast.
    Author to Authority
    en-usJanuary 10, 2024

    Ep 461 - Branding for High Dollar Sales with Johanna White

    Ep 461 - Branding for High Dollar Sales with Johanna White
    Johanna White is a remarkable entrepreneur who, after overcoming a brain tumor, left her job to establish her own design business, Design by Joe, and later two additional companies. Johanna's perspective on branding's role in business success is shaped by her personal and professional experiences. She believes that branding is not merely an identification tool, but the driving force behind a business, working in harmony with marketing and PR. Her journey taught her the importance of aligning her brand with her beliefs, showcasing her value, and creating an exceptional customer experience. This approach transformed her business, attracting high-profile clients and increasing her proposals tenfold. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Johanna White as they delve deeper into this topic on the next episode of the Author to Authority podcast.
    Author to Authority
    en-usJanuary 08, 2024

    Ep 460 - How I Created a 6-Figure Business From My Podcast with Joanne Bolt

    Ep 460 - How I Created a 6-Figure Business From My Podcast with Joanne Bolt
    Joanne Bolt, a southern mama with a snarky attitude, has made a significant impact in the world of podcasting as a strategic tool for business growth. With a background in running a $56 million real estate team, Joanne transitioned to her true passion of helping women build their businesses. Joanne's unique insights on podcasting as a strategic tool for business growth stem from her emphasis on having a system and strategy in place, whether you have your own podcast or are a guest on other podcasts. Through her Podcast her network, she has created a community specifically for women podcasters, teaching them how to monetize their podcasts and run their businesses effectively. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Joanne Bolt on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to learn more about Joanne's unique perspective and strategies.
    Author to Authority
    en-usJanuary 05, 2024

    Ep 459 - Selling from the Heart with Larry Lavine and Darrell Amy

    Ep 459 - Selling from the Heart with Larry Lavine and Darrell Amy
    Larry Levine and Darrell Amy are renowned sales experts with a wealth of experience in the industry. Levine, author of "Selling From the Heart," emphasizes the importance of authenticity, relationships, and trust in sales success, a perspective shaped by his journey of building a community and harnessing the power of social media. Similarly, Amy, co-host of the Selling From the Heart podcast and author of "Revenue Growth Engine," believes that being true to oneself and building strong relationships are key to standing out and succeeding in sales. Both experts highlight the significance of trust and authenticity, stating that when salespeople bring their true selves to the forefront, they have no competition. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder as she hosts Larry Levine and Darrell Amy on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast, where they delve deeper into these insights.
    Author to Authority
    en-usJanuary 03, 2024

    Ep 458 - Mistakes That Will Mess With Your Google Success With Jason Barnard

    Ep 458 - Mistakes That Will Mess With Your Google Success With Jason Barnard
    Jason Barnard is a renowned Google specialist with an extensive background in enhancing Google search rankings and authority through FAQ optimization and authorship. His perspective on the subject is shaped by his experiences, including his successful book, "Fundamentals of Brand Search for Business," and his numerous appearances on the Author to Authority podcast. Barnard believes that while his book has brought him clients, it is not the only solution to establishing authority and credibility. Instead, he views the book as a tipping point, a sign of expertise that encourages potential clients to sign up without discussing the price. He also recognizes that writing a book is a significant achievement that lends credibility in any industry. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Jason Barnard on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to delve deeper into this topic.
    Author to Authority
    en-usJanuary 01, 2024

    Ep 457 - How Small Business Owners With Less Than 5 Employees Can Create Vision For Their Companies With James Ballidis

    Ep 457 - How Small Business Owners With Less Than 5 Employees Can Create Vision For Their Companies With James Ballidis
    James Ballidis is a seasoned entrepreneur and lawyer with over 35 years of experience, who has a deep understanding of the importance of vision creation in entrepreneurship and overcoming challenges. Ballidis firmly believes that having a clear, inspiring vision that aligns with one's passion and values is a crucial step towards achieving success. He encourages entrepreneurs to create visions that are bigger than themselves and their clients, and to surround themselves with people who can help bring these visions to life. Drawing from his own experiences, including the challenges he faced in writing and publishing his books, Ballidis emphasizes the importance of finding editing resources and enjoying the process. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and James Ballidis on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to learn more about the power of vision in entrepreneurship.
    Author to Authority
    en-usDecember 29, 2023

    Ep 456 - The Relatability Index with Kerry Barrett

    Ep 456 - The Relatability Index with Kerry Barrett
    Kerry Barrett, an Emmy award-winning television news anchor with a two-decade career on major networks, has become a preeminent advisor to top Fortune 100 companies, specializing in media training and on-camera readiness. Barrett strongly believes in the importance of relatability in both business and personal relationships. She commissioned a study that identified six key characteristics of relatability: likability, honesty, vulnerability, empathy, pleasure, and pain. According to Barrett, being authentic and vulnerable not only captures the audience's attention but also creates buy-in and builds trust. She emphasizes that relatability extends beyond business and applies to all aspects of life. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Kerry Barrett on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to delve deeper into this topic. (00:02:37) The Importance of Relatability in Business (00:06:26) The Power of Relatability in Relationships (00:10:37) Establishing Genuine Connections through Vulnerability and Empathy (00:15:54) The Power of Vulnerability in Business (00:19:53) The Impact of Vulnerability in Relationships (00:30:21) The Relatability Index: Enhancing Communication Skills
    Author to Authority
    en-usDecember 27, 2023

    Ep 455 - How To Sell High Ticket Services Without Manipulation, Aggressive Tactics, Or Feeling Salesy with Chandler Walker

    Ep 455 - How To Sell High Ticket Services Without Manipulation, Aggressive Tactics, Or Feeling Salesy with Chandler Walker
    Chandler Walker, a biochemistry graduate from the University of Nevada Reno, is an entrepreneur who has successfully scaled both his brick and mortar and online businesses to the seven-figure level. His unique perspective on the cognitive behavior therapy approach to sales is shaped by his experience conducting over 3000 sales consultations and his frustration with traditional sales tactics. Walker believes that traditional sales methods, which often involve manipulation and overcoming objections, are not only ineffective but also unethical. Instead, he advocates for a compassionate approach to sales, applying principles from cognitive behavior therapy to understand potential clients' past failures and triggers, and addressing the underlying reasons for their lack of success. Walker's goal is to change the perception of the high-ticket industry by offering a different approach that focuses on genuine support and positive change. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Chandler Walker on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to learn more about his innovative approach to sales.
    Author to Authority
    en-usDecember 22, 2023

    Ep 454 - How I Built A Multimillion Dollar Company In 5 Years With Only $100 with Matt Shoup

    Ep 454 - How I Built A Multimillion Dollar Company In 5 Years With Only $100 with Matt Shoup
    Matt Shoup is a seasoned entrepreneur, professional speaker, coach, and author who has built a successful business from the ground up after being laid off. His perspective on entrepreneurial insights and success strategies, as shared on the Author to Authority podcast, is shaped by his own experiences of overcoming adversity and achieving success. He emphasizes the importance of taking one step at a time, seeking mentorship, celebrating small wins, and maintaining a sense of gratitude. Shoup also highlights the necessity of vulnerability in business, as he believes it fosters deeper connections and ultimately leads to increased sales. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Matt Shoup on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to gain valuable insights into entrepreneurial success strategies.
    Author to Authority
    en-usDecember 20, 2023

    Ep 453 - The 10X Leap Strategy: Techniques to Achieve Exponential Growth with Steve Walsh

    Ep 453 - The 10X Leap Strategy: Techniques to Achieve Exponential Growth with Steve Walsh
    Steve Walsh is a seasoned entrepreneur and business growth strategist, renowned for his expertise in achieving exponential business growth and the founder of Bison Equity Group. His perspective on the topic of "ten x leap: strategies for exponential business growth" is rooted in the belief that entrepreneurs can achieve significant growth in their businesses. Walsh emphasizes the need for a change in mindset, focusing on scalability, raising funds, bringing in outside people, implementing systems, and marketing. He also encourages entrepreneurs to consider their goals upon achieving ten times growth, whether it's selling the business or continuing to grow it with the help of others. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Steve Walsh on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast as they delve deeper into these strategies for exponential business growth.
    Author to Authority
    en-usDecember 18, 2023

    Ep 452 - How To Sell The Way Your Customers Want To Buy with Kristin Zhivago

    Ep 452 - How To Sell The Way Your Customers Want To Buy with Kristin Zhivago
    Kristin Zhivago, a seasoned entrepreneur and marketing expert, has a rich background in tech and years of experience working with tech companies, which has shaped her understanding of the importance of customer understanding in business and self-publishing. She firmly believes that customer understanding is crucial and emphasizes the need to figure out what customers want rather than guessing. Her book, "Roadmap to Revenue," provides a framework for interviewing customers, asking the right questions, and using this information to market effectively. Zhivago also acknowledges the challenges that established companies face in adapting to digital marketing and offers her agency's services to help increase revenue through digital marketing strategies. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Kristin Zhivago on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to delve deeper into these insights.
    Author to Authority
    en-usDecember 15, 2023

    Ep 451 - Branding Yourself As An Expert with Annie Margarita Yang

    Ep 451 - Branding Yourself As An Expert with Annie Margarita Yang
    Annie Margarita Yang, who started her career in minimum wage jobs, found her true calling in assisting individuals with their finances and has since become an accomplished author and speaker. She firmly believes in the power of personal branding and publishing as a means to build authority and credibility, a perspective shaped by her own journey of investing in publishing her book and actively reaching out to colleges and universities for speaking engagements. Drawing from her own experiences and the success of others like Dave Ramsey, she emphasizes the importance of "going big or going home" in order to establish oneself as an authority in their field. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Annie Margarita Yang on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast as they delve deeper into the significance of personal branding and publishing in building credibility and authority.
    Author to Authority
    en-usDecember 13, 2023

    Ep 450 - Why Founders Get Stuck (And How You Can Get Free) with Scott Ritzheimer

    Ep 450 - Why Founders Get Stuck (And How You Can Get Free) with Scott Ritzheimer
    Scott Ritzheimer is a renowned author and business leader with extensive experience in the publishing industry, specializing in the conversion of readers into clients through effective book publishing. His perspective on the "seven key stages of entrepreneurial success" is rooted in his personal experience as a founder and business leader. Ritzheimer believes that these stages, ranging from being a dissatisfied employee to becoming a startup entrepreneur, are crucial for founders to understand and navigate in order to achieve success. He emphasizes the importance of learning and acquiring the necessary skills at each stage, recognizing the signs of stage changes, and adapting accordingly. While the path to success may vary for each individual, understanding and following these stages can greatly increase the chances of long-term success. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Scott Ritzheimer on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to delve deeper into these stages of entrepreneurial success.
    Author to Authority
    en-usDecember 11, 2023

    Ep 449 - How To Approach Branding Like A CEO with Amanda Guerassio

    Ep 449 - How To Approach Branding Like A CEO with Amanda Guerassio
    Amanda Guerassio, a talented designer and entrepreneur, has dedicated her career to the importance of branding and online presence in business success. With a background in creative arts and a degree in design, Amanda's journey from freelance gigs to founding her own company, Studio Gracio, has shaped her belief in the power of branding. She has seen firsthand how a strong brand can help businesses thrive, even in challenging times such as the pandemic. Amanda emphasizes the need for businesses to take the time to figure out their core brand and guiding principles, and offers a free resource, Branding Brainstorm, to assist in this process. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Amanda Guerassio on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast to learn more about the importance of branding and online presence in business success.
    Author to Authority
    en-usDecember 08, 2023

    Ep 448 - The Strategy You Need Before You Write Your Book with Richard Hagen

    Ep 448 - The Strategy You Need Before You Write Your Book with Richard Hagen
    Richard Hagen is a renowned strategic expert in writing and publishing for professionals, with a track record of assisting over 200 entrepreneurs, professionals, speakers, and coaches in writing and publishing books. Hagen firmly believes in the importance of a strategic approach to writing and publishing, emphasizing the need for strategic thinking and planning to achieve success and reduce stress in the publishing process. He criticizes the tendency of experts to overlook the strategic foundations necessary for a successful book, and instead become overly focused on the idea of being a published author. Hagen's perspective is shaped by his extensive experience and success in the field, and he is currently writing a book titled "Author the Future," aimed at guiding professionals in growing their impact, influence, and legacy through various products, including books and online courses. Join Kim Thompson-Pinder and Richard Hagen on this episode of the Author to Authority podcast, as they delve deeper into the strategic approach to writing and publishing for professionals.
    Author to Authority
    en-usDecember 06, 2023