
    Awaken into Love Podcast

    Learn how to holistically find freedom from Relationship OCD and create a fulfilling connection with your partner and your self. Meet Kiyomi LaFleur, a former ROCD sufferer, and now, ROCD, Relationship Anxiety and Awakening Relationship Expert for over 10 years. Her mission is to help you awaken from Relationship OCD and anxiety and in turn find that connection and love you're looking for not only with your partner but also yourself. Disclaimer: This channel is meant to bring you education, information, inspiration, and motivation. It is not meant to replace professional therapy but can help educate and support you along the process. Please note that all the material on the website such as the blog, course, and community is not meant to diagnose you or treat a mental health disorder, it's just intended to educate and support you.
    enKiyomi LaFleur53 Episodes

    Episodes (53)

    Navigating Big Life Decisions with Your Partner (ft. Jillian)

    Navigating Big Life Decisions with Your Partner (ft. Jillian)

    How do you navigate big life decisions when you experience Relationship OCD? How do you make "big" steps when you experience thoughts that tell you to run? Maybe you're thinking about comitting deeper, moving into together, getting engaged, getting married, having a baby, getting a pet together or maybe it's another transition that doesn't seem "big" in societies standards. Whatever it is! This is for you. In this podcast episode, Jilian, our Awaken into Love Coach and Colorado therapist talks about how to use this period as a way to come closer and not further apart. 

    Meet Jillian Pezzino! Jillian received hers master's degree in the field of clinical mental health counseling in the sunny state of Colorado. Currently, she specializes in coaching individuals who struggle with anxiety around the “rightness” of their relationship. This work has become a true passion of hers as a result of her own journey navigating ROCD.

    Book a consult with Jilian! https://www.awakenintolove.com/therapy-coaching


    Change the Way You Relate to ROCD/RA (ft. Kat Williamson)

    Change the Way You Relate to ROCD/RA (ft. Kat Williamson)

    Could changing the way you relate to Relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety help heal ROCD? Understand how parts work, art therapy and acceptance commitment therapy can help your own healing journey with ROCD. This is especially important for people who are looking for new ways of healing.

    Meet Kat Williamson, our Awaken into Love coach. Kat is here to help you move through the storm of relationship anxiety and ROCD. She is currently completely her second postgraduate degree in counseling psychology with her initial training being in art therapy. She draws on her own personal and professional experience to coach clients to gain relief from the constant anxiety and doubts of relationship anxiety.

    The REAL Reason You Have Relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety (the blessings and gifts of ROCD)

    The REAL Reason You Have Relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety (the blessings and gifts of ROCD)

    Could there also be a deeper, mysterious reason for why you're experiencing Relationship OCD and Relationship Anxiety? Could Relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety in someway be helping you? What if the reason wasn't because you were bad, wrong or a reason that there was something fundamentally wrong with you... What if Relationship OCD / Relationship Anxiety was there to tell you something DEEPER and GRANDER about yourself and partnership? 

    Watch this inspiring video for some deeper peace and ease on how Relationship OCD / Relationship (even though debilitating and extremely challenging) could be teaching you something that you will be forever thankful for.

    As an important disclaimer: I am NEVER here to emotionally or spiritually bypass Relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety. I would NEVER dismiss the pain, challenge and suffering that comes with something so challenging. I am here to speak from my own truth, as I want to be honest with you on what has helped me on my journey. What I share in this video has personally been life-changing, as it has helped me break FREE from relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety on a deeper level. In this way, I am here to share my message and voice, in hopes that it will help you too

    Do You Ever Feel Like Giving Up? Listen to this FIRST (ROCD/RA) (ft. Manon)

    Do You Ever Feel Like Giving Up? Listen to this FIRST (ROCD/RA) (ft. Manon)

    Do you ever feel like just ENDING your relationship? Maybe the ROCD/RA has been there for a while and you question why you keep going. You tell yourself that "it's taking too long", "its not worth it" and other thoughts that make you feel like you should just break up. In this podcast episode, I interview Manon Lamarque who flew all the way from France to Colorado to sit with me to help you. Manon is my longtime client, friend and now, team member at Awaken into Love. She is now here to talk to you about what to do when you feel like giving up and tools you can use to keep going.

    How to Heal ROCD/RA Through the Body (ft. Erin Logan)

    How to Heal ROCD/RA Through the Body (ft. Erin Logan)

    In this podcast episode, I interview Erin Logan, former awaken into love and as she expressed, proud former KIC member, holistic somatic coach and certified mind body coach who is also certified in somatic attachment therapy. We talk about the power of healing through the body, why you can't "heal" through the mind (through thinking) and why the body is the gateway toward true integration and expansion, not only with yourself but with your partner. If youre interested in learning more about what Erin does or working with her, you can find her on instagram @the.humm

    What to do if ROCD/RA has been present for YEARS (ft. Maya)

    What to do if ROCD/RA has been present for YEARS (ft. Maya)

    If you feel like ROCD/RA has been there for a long time, and it’s felt lonely, then this one episode is for you. In this podcast episode, Kiyomi interviews Maya from Germany where she expresses how she’s experienced ROCD/RA for 8 years. Her determination to do her inner work and embrace healing has reshaped her path. Discover how she found the strength to over come, and gain insights into thriving with ROCD/RA all through Maya's inspiring experience.

    Learn about...

    • Maya (from Germany) has been with her partner for 8 years and likes challenging the rules. She expresses: “Although I was destined to have ROCDRA, I was also destined to fight” Learn how Maya likes challenging and building things, and why this has helped her through her journey with ROCD/RA.
    • Learn about Maya’s journey with ROCD/RA
    • Understand the important wisdom she’s gained through having ROCD/RA for 8 years.
    • When and why she decided to work with Jillian (AIL Coach) and do Awaken into Love work and how that’s changed her life.
    • Powerful tips Maya has for people who have been going through ROCD/RA for a long time.
    • & more...

    What Does ROCD/RA REALLY Feel Like?

    What Does ROCD/RA REALLY Feel Like?

    What does having ROCD/RA REALLY feel like and what does a person without ROCD/RA do? In this podcast episode, I talk about the extraordinary difference between both.

    This episode isn't meant to bring about negative comparison but to help you empower yourself to recognize that these feelings, thoughts, and sensations are NORMAL. It is not the thoughts that matter, but how we REACT to them that makes the biggest difference. Join me as we dive in to help you find some understanding, empowerment, and clarity on this awakening journey.

    What is Retroactive Jealousy? (ROCD/RA/Conscious Love)

    What is Retroactive Jealousy? (ROCD/RA/Conscious Love)

    Do you get obsessive and compulsive about your partner's romantic history? Do you fixate on if your partner thinks about other people and if they'll cheat? Do you compulsively ask your partner for reassurance about yourself and their romantic history? Do you look through their phone and fixate over people they could be speaking to? Maybe you also feel controlling about who they can speak to and who you feel they cannot speak to. THIS is not just a regular form of jealousy. When it becomes obsessive and compulsive, it's a form of ROCD called Retroactive Jealousy and it's more common than you think! You're not alone if you have it, and if you're the partner of someone who has retroactive jealousy, you're not alone either. Retroactive jealousy can be super hard for both partners, but know there IS HOPE.

    Answering the Questions I've Been Avoiding...

    Answering the Questions I've Been Avoiding...

    I've waited long enough, and it's time.

    I feel as though I owe you all an explanation.

    I have so much to share with you. I'm ready to finally dive in and come clean to you about where I've been this past year and what's happened. In this episode, I tell you what I've been doing, why I haven't been as present on social media, other very personal questions you've been asking me, and more.

    My intention isn't to talk only about me and my life (of course), but to help you understand what's been happening to help you in your journey with Relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety and your whole life in general.

    I've gained so much wisdom and equally learned so much. I can't wait to tell you all about it because I know all of it's geared to helping you in so many ways beyond your relationship.

    You may, or may not be shocked by what I reveal.

    Let's dive in together, love.


    Is ERP the ONLY way for ROCD/RA? What does it mean if ERP doesn't work for you? (ft. Erin)

    Is ERP the ONLY way for ROCD/RA? What does it mean if ERP doesn't work for you? (ft. Erin)

    ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) in the world of OCD is labeled as the "gold standard for OCD", and while it may work for many, it MAY not work for everyone... and that's okay. In this podcast episode, I interview Erin, a member of my Inner Circle (KIC) who brings her wisdom and knowledge through ROCD/RA. We talk about why ERP was more traumatizing for her and why it's important to remind people that just because a method doesn't work for you doesn't mean you or your relationship is doomed. We talk about what's helped her, what other methods she found to be extremely impactful and why it's okay and powerful to forge your own path of healing, despite what "Dr. Google" says. 

    As an important disclaimer, we are in no way during this episode speaking against ERP or telling you not to do it. As an ROCD/RA expert, I find ERP to be powerful, beneficial, and needed in many cases - in case, I advocate for it in my course. In this episode, we wanted to mainly shed light on the stigma around ERP being the "only way" and "gold standard" for ROCD, which I believe, after working in mental health for 10 years is not true. Our intention is to give you empowerment in your own journey and to remove stigma and shame if something isn't working for you.


    Psst.. love, are you ready to dive in and start the healing work of Relationship OCD/Relationship Anxiety? Take the step further by joining the ROCD Course/Community and Inner Circles on Monday for deeper support, help, and guidance during your ROCD/RA journey. You can find all of that at rocdcourse.com! See you on the inside, loves.

    Are You SECRETLY Waiting For The Shoe to Drop in Your Relationship?

    Are You SECRETLY Waiting For The Shoe to Drop in Your Relationship?

    "Waiting for the shoe to drop" is something that will resonate with you if you're constantly on alert waiting for the next OCD thought to come, or you feel uneasy in safety, connection, and peace with your partner, feeling as though something could be ALWAYS BE WRONG. Waiting for the shoe to drop almost feels secretive, like something that's hidden because the behavior is usually so deeply ingrained in our unconscious.  This unconscious behavior usually goes unnoticed, continuing to spiral us into obsessive thinking and rumination that takes us by surprise. When I learned about the concept of waiting for the shoe to drop, things made sense. I had so many "Aha-ha" moments that took me by surprise. I hope it'll equally create "aha" moments for you too as you continue your journey of awakening.

    How Projection is Tainting your Relationship w/ ROCD/RA

    How Projection is Tainting your Relationship w/ ROCD/RA

    Did you know that unconscious projection in a relationship can cause suffering and ROCD/RA? When I learned about the psychology of projection years ago, it blew my mind and I have a feeling it'll BLOW your mind too.

    In this podcast episode, Kiyomi interviews Dani from Germany all on her healing around Projection. We talked about what projection is and how it may be showing up in your relationship. How our childhood and adolescent wounds show up in partnership through Projection. Learn why projection is primarily a protective mechanism protecting us from something we are afraid of. Understand why creativity & balance are a powerful force for freedom in relationships and ROCD/RA. Investigate how to know if it's something you need to communicate in the relationship or a primary trauma wounding. What to do with feeling like we are to much in our partnership. The dynamic of needing vs. asking in a Relationship. Energy shifting to create more polarity with your beloved and how to work with Projection in Relationship in a way that's empowering for you...




    I'm Trying To Fix My Partner (ON-THE-SPOT MINI COACHING on ROCD/RA)

    I'm Trying To Fix My Partner (ON-THE-SPOT MINI COACHING on ROCD/RA)

    Do you notice yourself trying to FIX or CHANGE your partner? Do you fall into a codependent dynamic of trying to heal your partner and vice versa? In this podcast episode, Kiyomi takes Manon through a mini, LIVE coaching session. They talk about why people fall into fixing roles, resentment in relationships, the energetics of being in this dynamic, and many a-ha moments as to why what ROCD/RA is teaching and showing her.

    *Please keep in mind that this is not a therapy or full coaching session but a snippet into her situation and her journey and story.*

    Why You Need To Work With Trauma To Heal From ROCD/RA

    Why You Need To Work With Trauma To Heal From ROCD/RA

    What is trauma and why is trauma connected to ROCD/RA? Are specialists missing a key component piece if they don't address trauma? Why true and deep healing takes place in the body and how to start the process yourself. In this podcast episode, Kiyomi interviews Lara, a ROCD Academy course and AIR graduate with 7 years of wisdom and knowledge in bodywork. Join them in this special podcast episode as they talk about why and how you need to heal trauma to heal ROCD/RA!

    COMMUNITY: Healing ROCD/Relationship Anxiety

    COMMUNITY: Healing ROCD/Relationship Anxiety

    In this unique, three-person podcast episode, Kiyomi, Alexis, and Manon speak about the ONE surprising thing that will help you heal and integrate faster with Relationship OCD & Relationship Anxiety: Community. They talk about why group and community work is so crucial for healing, why we aren’t meant to heal alone and why we need others, the science behind community and healing, why we need community with ROCD/Relationship Anxiety, why people who don’t have a strong community, are more prone to project to their partners to fulfill that gap, why lack of community can lead to more ROCD/Relationship Anxiety and so much more!

    (Psst: We are also celebrating Alexis being back! We have some bonuses for you at rocdcourse.com)

    ROCD/Relationship Anxiety during engagement and proposal (ft. Shauna)

    ROCD/Relationship Anxiety during engagement and proposal (ft. Shauna)
    People usually talk about the proposal and engagement period as being... incredible or HAPPY! Some say it should be one of the best times of your life! But, maybe you're feeling something very opposite. Is it really okay to feel feelings and thoughts aside from happiness and ecstasy? What if these feelings you're feeling are wrong and not "normal"? Join Kiyomi as she interviews ROCD Course & AIR graduate, Shauna, as they dive into the topic of engagement and how you can transform the thoughts, doubts, and anxieties you feel into something powerful for your relationship with your partner and with yourself.

    Why Holistic Health is SO Important for ROCD/Anxiety (ft. Sarah Hook)

    Why Holistic Health is SO Important for ROCD/Anxiety (ft. Sarah Hook)
    Have you ever wondered how your physical health may be connected to your mental health? Have you noticed your mood and ROCD getting worse around your menstrual cycle? It's true! Our physical health is incredibly connected to our mental health and it can immensely affect ROCD, anxiety, and our overall mental health. In this episode, Kiyomi interviews Sarah Hook (@the_healing.place) a holistic expert working 15 years helping women nourish their bodies & nervous system!

    Are You Spiritually Bypassing ROCD/Anxiety?

    Are You Spiritually Bypassing ROCD/Anxiety?

    Are you triggered by spirituality? Do you get anxiety about your relationship when you hear phrases like "trust your gut", "intuition", "higher power" or even activities like tarot cards, astrology, or dreams? What if you're unknowingly using spirituality to disempower yourself and your relationship? In this podcast, Kiyomi & Manon (subconscious mind coach, trauma-informed certified with expertise on ROCD & spirituality) sit down to talk about spiritual red flags, how you may be using spirituality in a way that may be hurting you and your relationship, and their new Awakened Class next all on Spirituality and ROCD next Tuesday (2/22/22) Reserve your spot here: https://cutt.ly/MPc88NZ

    Awaken into Love Podcast
    enFebruary 18, 2022