
    B-RAD with Brad Toews

    Go to the root. Engage in an experience of words, music, ideas, and stories with the B-RAD Podcast. An invitation for you to step off the familiar path where together we can be radical in our becoming.
    en50 Episodes

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    Episodes (50)

    50 - Source to You

    50 - Source to You

    My wife and I have been working with the dōTERRA essential oil company for the last seven years.

    When first introduced to essential oils, it was another tool in our toolkit for a healthy, holistic lifestyle.

    Essential oils changed our health, became our livelihood, and have become a means for us to positively affect the lives of other people. I am incredibly proud of the life-changing impact of dōTERRA, the quality of dōTERRA's products and their mission to source only the most pure, potent, and effective oils on earth.

    It's a privilege to partner with them.

    Working with dōTERRA has taught me that source matters.

    My spiritual journey has taught me the same lesson.

    When it comes to essential oils there is a cycle, a relational loop, in how we source the oils, in what those oils do for us, and how they affect our bodily well-being.

    And when it comes to Spirit there is also cycle in how we respond to Spirit, and how Spirit influences our being in the world.

    It is the dynamic interplay between spirit and matter that provides the flow of energy in my own life, and I believe, this is the spiritual movement of the whole universe.

    Join me in this episode as I reflect on dōTERRA's mission to source pure, potent, and effective oils; and consider the Divine lessons we can learn from our very human practice of harvesting and using the earth's plants in sustaining and life-giving ways.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Related B-RAD podcast. I am Human

    Music by Be Still the Earth.

    More at Brad Toews.

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enDecember 19, 2019

    49 - Imagine That

    49 - Imagine That

    I love language. I’m a reader, a writer, a person who loves ideas.

    I recently watched Tolkien and loved this line from the movie.

    Language isn’t just the naming of things, it’s the lifeblood of a culture, a people.

    You can catch that clip for yourself here.

    Language is definitely my own lifeblood. (That, and music.)

    Language helps us explain the world. Know the world. Name the world. And we’re often trying to improve the language we use to describe the truth, to explain exactly what happened.

    We want language to be specific, precise. Literal.

    I’m grateful for this specificity of language. Our ability to name, sort, and label our experiences and interactions with the world.

    Without this, our lives would be a soupy mess.

    But literalism has limits where it bumps up against another tool of language, something even more powerful at explaining reality – metaphor.

    Metaphor engages our imagination, it opens possibilities, it invokes play.

    Carl Jung said,

    The great joy of play is that for a time we are utterly spontaneous. In a state of pure being, no thought is unthinkable, no image is unimaginable. Every good idea and all creative works are the offspring of imagination. (emphasis mine)

    Metaphor is the language of our imagination. And it speaks the truth in ways not possible with literal language.

    Join me in this episode as we explore the limits of literalism, consider the power of imagination and metaphor, and play with these ideas in the context of the Christian tradition.

    More at Brad Toews.

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enDecember 06, 2019

    48 - Unknowing God

    48 - Unknowing God

    Like many people who grew up in a religious context I was taught the purpose of our faith, the meaning of life in fact, was to know God.

    Not only was this the goal but it was actually achievable by getting saved, reading the bible, having a personal relationship with Jesus, going to church, praying, participating in Christian community and basically following the path laid out by church traditions and authorities.

    Pursuing this mission - to know God - would set you on the right path.

    In the Christian classic "Knowing God", influential evangelical scholar and teacher, J. I. Packer, says it this way.

    "Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God most of life's problems will fall into place of their own accord."

    Wow. That's a confident claim overall, but maybe the most bold and perhaps presumptuous part of that idea is the assumption we can actually know God.

    Can we know God? Really? Is that even possible?

    I don't know.

    But what I do know is that our claims to knowledge (how we know, what we know, the extent of what we know) changes over time. At least it does if we're growing and evolving.

    What happens when what you experience doesn't fit into the box of what you know? Maybe it's an experience of God, or Ultimate Reality, or Love or some other deep truth.

    What if that experience takes you outside of your current frame of knowing? What if life, usually great love or great suffering, rocks you to the core and what you thought you knew, about God, others, the world, or yourself, you no longer know.

    What happens in the unknowing?

    Join me in this episode as we talk about the well-trodden path of order, disorder and reorder (and its many synonyms), read the words of an old monk who calls us "to never stop loving no matter what comes your way", and challenge ourselves to experience God as The Great Mystery to endlessly know and un-know, discover and re-discover.

    Shownotes at Brad Toews.

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enNovember 21, 2019

    47 - Past Lives

    47 - Past Lives

    I recently had the opportunity to take a trip back to where I grew up in central Alberta.

    My immediate family members no longer live there and so the last time I was back was thirteen years ago for my grandmother’s funeral.

    Like most forty-somethings I’ve changed a lot since childhood. I’ve changed a lot in the last thirteen years.

    Sometimes we look back on our past selves and our past lives with a certain arrogance. I can’t believe I used to be so immature! Or we look back with regret. I can’t believe I made that choice!

    I’ve experienced my share of both but on this trip what I felt most of all was a deep sense of gratitude for the place and the people I’ve come from.

    Grateful for my past lives.

    People can hear the term “past lives” and infer all kinds of meanings, including reincarnation, something I’m open to but don’t have any personal experience of in my own life.

    Regardless of what you think about reincarnation (in this episode I play with that word a little, exploring other possible meanings), we all have past lives, a collection of moments, strung together that make us who we are.

    Join me for this episode where we deal with, accept, and include our past in our present; honour and acknowledge where we've come from; and bring all our past lives with us as we move forward in our becoming.

    More at Brad Toews


    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enNovember 08, 2019

    46 - Something to Say

    46 - Something to Say

    There is a price to pay for speaking the truth. There is a bigger price to pay for living a lie. - Cornell West

    Sometimes I'm not sure what I was thinking about when I started this podcast. Podcasts about hosted by talkers, right?

    I'm a quiet, more reserved person by nature. I love to read and write, but generally speaking, I don't have a lot to say.

    But I'm learning how to communicate better, both on this podcast and in my personal and professional life. I'm learning I have Something to Say, and how to say it.

    Join me in this episode where I talk about a bodily experience in aligning my heart with my voice, and how we can lean into good music to find the courage to both speak our truth and know the truth of our identity.

    Shownotes and good music videos at Brad Toews

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enSeptember 20, 2019

    45 - Back-to-School for Adults

    45 - Back-to-School for Adults

    As the father to three kids, September is marked with back-to-school energy.

    Something about the shift in season, summer turning to fall and kids back in school, inspires an air of possibility for new habits and making change in your life.

    In this back-to-school episode I’m diving into 3 metaphors that can help us approach and instigate changes in our lives.

    1. Take it to the curb

    Maybe you don’t usually see your household waste as a metaphor for life changes. It could be a bit of a stretch but I think garbage, recycling, and compost can teach us something about how to deal with the mental clutter, unhealthy attitudes, unfinished projects, stagnating habits, and even broken dreams of our lives.

    2. What are you bringing in the front door?

    In our homes there is an impact for every item that comes through the door, from furniture to dog food. It’s the same for our individual selves, both physically and spiritually. Nutrition, breathing, and rest; emotional and spiritual influences in our lives, all of it affects how we experience life.

    Making changes in what we “bring into our lives” in these areas can help kickstart better habits and practices.

    3. Pay full tuition

    Go all-in on your personal development. Don’t cheapen the process or results by looking for the discount.

    I’m not necessarily talking about financial cost. I’m talking about your commitment to growth. Don’t look for shortcuts or cheap opportunities. To get full value, you have to pay full value.

    Join me in this episode as we find our fall groove and get back-to-school in our personal growth and development.

    Related B-RAD Episode:

    Dying Before you Die

    Full shownotes at Brad Toews

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enSeptember 06, 2019

    44 - Follow You

    44 - Follow You

    I’m a learner. I LOVE learning. I’m constantly reading, writing, listening, digesting and assimilating things I’m interested in learning. To be engaged with ideas this way is a big part of what makes me feel alive.

    I have a strong tendency and bias to depend on outside information and inputs, constantly seeking more knowledge to inform my choices.

    Often this is beneficial. Research can help us make better purchases, for example. Whether that’s the food we eat, the clothes we wear, or the car we buy.

    But I lean very heavily on external input for almost all my information gathering, even for decisions that benefit more from inner knowing.

    So, on my wife’s recommendation, I took a break from inputs. I went on a short retreat to a friend’s farm where I disconnected, put-down, and left behind the books, podcasts, and online articles by the experts.

    I wanted to give myself the opportunity to be with just myself for a period of time, without outside influences, to find my own wisdom.

    I was only three days. But it was hard. And also very good.

    I did allow myself to journal and I asked myself a string of questions at the beginning and end of this retreat.

    Join me in this episode as I explore these questions and propose a way that we can live in the pages of our own book, and consider our inner knowing as worthy of following.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    All music in this episode by Brad Toews.

    Related B-RAD Episodes:

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enAugust 21, 2019

    43 - When Marriage is a Let-down

    43 - When Marriage is a Let-down

    Have you ever been disappointed by your spouse, partner, child, parent, or friend?

    Perhaps nothing stings as much as the disappointments we face in our long-term romantic relationships, especially marriage. Unfortunately our popular culture sets us up for these disappointments and let-downs with happily ever after and other insanity like Tom Cruise’s classic line, “you complete me”, from the movie Jerry McGuire.

    As if.

    I’ve dealt with my share of disappointment in my eighteen year marriage. Both giving and receiving. And more than that, I’ve been completely undone and stripped bare, learning how to re-imagine a marriage after deep crisis. It hasn’t been all unicorns and rainbows, that’s for sure.

    In this episode I interview my wife Dawna about her perspective on expectations, disappointments, and the let-down’s of life, in the context of marriage and our closest relationships.

    Four years ago we stepped back from the brink of divorce and have learned to recognize unhealthy ingrained patterns of behaviour and habits, to let go of false beliefs about ourselves and each other, and to realize that frustrations and disappointments are the opportunity for healing and true growth into who we are meant to be as individuals.

    More than that, we are learning how to show up for each other in our marriage without expectations of the other. And learning that letting go of how we think our spouse should be allows them to be who they really are. It frees them to move towards us in safety and honesty. That’s real intimacy. Better than a fairytale.

    My wife Dawna is a wise woman and she shares some strategies for helping people move through and learn from the let-downs of life; ideas for how to let go of our expectations of other people (our partners and children especially), how to connect with and release our emotions in a healthy way, and how to cultivate true gratitude.

    Where to find Dawna & resources mentioned in this episode:

    Full shownotes at Brad Toews

    42 - Find your Frequency

    42 - Find your Frequency

    This spring I attended a meditation retreat hosted and taught by Dr. Joe Dispenza.

    A fan of his work, it was amazing to experience, in person, the principles of his teaching and research. One of the thing Dispenza teaches is a modern take on chakras, the ancient Indian understanding of energy in the body.

    My introduction to chakras was through yoga but more recently I’ve been learning about these ideas from Dispenza, specifically in his book Becoming Supernatural, and also at the meditation retreat I attended.

    I’m no expert, but the seven energy centres in our body are fascinating to discuss and explore. And so I start this episode with a summary of each energy centre or chakra.

    As if integrative medicine, transcendent spiritual experiences, and quantum physics weren’t interesting enough I add another angle to this conversation, the idea of harmonics theory in music.

    I’m not a doctor. I’m not a scientist. I’m not a guru. But I am a musician. And the theory of harmonics adds a layer of depth and a complementary lens through which to understand energy, both scientifically and spiritually.

    Maybe those two categories – science and spirituality – often seen in opposition to each other, are just two sides of the same coin called “being human”.

    Join me in this episode as I sit down with my upright piano to teach the seven chakras and an introduction to harmonics theory (and consider how these two things might be related); and ask you to evaluate the frequency of your own life and what it’s teaching you.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Music in this episode by Brad Toews.

    Shownotes, links and other resources at Brad Toews

    41 - Make Some Noise Drew Brown

    41 - Make Some Noise Drew Brown

    Drew Brown is an award-winning singer-songwriter, music producer and a friend of mine from way back. We have a shared history of being involved in contemporary Christian music, or CCM for short.

    In this interview Drew and I sit down in his kitchen to talk about music and being a musician. We talk about how writing, playing, performing and producing honest music tells the story of our lives and gives expression to shared experiences. Including the experience of a disillusioned and deconstructed Christian faith.

    What do we do when we no longer experience God the way we once did? Or when God is silent? When faith becomes riddled by questions and doubts, when we find ourselves in the wilderness?

    We keep telling our story, we keep making music, that’s what.

    And we start to notice that love isn’t confined to one book of scriptures, one story, one man, one experience. It’s everywhere, if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. And we realize that music, especially our Christian music, won’t have all the answers if it’s going to be an honest telling of that story.

    It’s ok to live in the tension, and the best music will hold space for this tension.

    In this interview we also talk about investing in community and being a good neighbour, even if we’re hard-core introverts.

    What does it look like to be a good neighbour in your context? How can we make a difference in the world right where we live? Drew explores these questions with me, sharing stories from his own community.

    Join me for this interview with Drew Brown where we talk about the power of music to express the deepest human experiences of great love and great suffering (those portals of the Divine), the potential for new life that springs from the shaking of our faith foundations, and how we can create spaces for connection and community with music and neighbourhood-relationships.

    Drew’s Music:

    Liturgical songs and prayers for the church and songs for people that need a song while in their “night season”. Songs of hope while doubting hope, of faith while seeking faith, of love while rediscovering love, and prayers for mercy that acknowledges mercy as undeserved.

    Other musicians and resources mentioned in this episode:

    All the music in this episode by Drew Brown.

    See more at Brad Toews.

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enJune 28, 2019

    40 - A Meditation: Fools Rush In

    40 - A Meditation: Fools Rush In

    For my previous episode Elvis the Theologian, I recorded my own piano playing as part of the background musical track. A first for the B-RAD Podcast.

    Today is another first.

    In this short episode I offer a meditation on Divine Love paired with that piano recording.  

    Inspired by the imagery of the wedding scene from Crazy Rich Asians and the Elvis song Can’t Help Falling in Love, I invite you into this experience of Divine love and awareness; giving ourselves over to the love already rushing, already flowing constantly in our direction.

    Show notes at Brad Toews.

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enJune 07, 2019

    39 - Elvis the Theologian

    39 - Elvis the Theologian

    When I was ten years old, I fell in love with the movie "The Princess Bride. After seeing it in the theatre, I must have watched it almost a dozen times in the years that followed.

    If you also enjoyed that movie the wedding scene may be etched in your memory as it is in mine.

    You’ll have to listen to the podcast for my rendition of the priest officiating the ceremony. Or you can watch the clip in the shownotes.

    Mawwiage… mawwiage is wot bwings us togeder tooday…

    So classic.

    While this farce of a wedding is taking place, Princess Buttercup’s true love, Westley, is storming the gates of the chapel to rescue her from the dark, evil Prince.

    Like all great story telling devices, movies have some really memorable wedding scenes. This is one of them. Another is from the much more recent movie "Crazy Rich Asians"".

    During the wedding scene in that movie the musicians perform the iconic love song “Can’t Help Falling in Love”, originally recorded by Elvis Presley in 1961. Sung by many performers over the years since, it’s a song deeply embedded in our popular culture.

    This scene in "Crazy Rich Asians" is a spectacle to be sure but the artistic message of the water flowing up the aisle to the lyrics of “like a river flows surely to a sea” speaks to more than just ingenious set design and theatrics.

    That flowing water, a symbol for human love journeying from one heart to another, is a visual cue for a deeper truth about Divine love, and the true nature of reality.

    Is there something we can learn about Divine love, which is to say God, from "Crazy Rich Asians""? Or from the lyrics of an Elvis Presley song?

    And is it possible that Elvis was a kind of theologian?

    Join me for this episode where we talk about great movie wedding scenes, expand our ideas about the nature of Divine love with an Elvis song, and critique the notion that God withholds love until we “believe”, acknowledge, or even recognize God’s existence.

    Show notes, videos, links and other resources at http://bradtoews.com/podcast/elvis-the-theologian/

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enMay 30, 2019

    38 - The Enneagram with Liv Lacroix - Part 2

    38 - The Enneagram with Liv Lacroix - Part 2

    Your personality creates your personal reality.

    Joe Dispenza

    This is the second half of my two-part interview with personal friend, Enneagram Coach and Facilitator Livingston Lacroix. Listen to Part 1 here. We continue our discussion of the Enneagram and walk through the needs, focus, issues, and fears of types 5 through 9.

    Join me as we are challenged, regardless of our Enneagram number, to live radically (to the root) within and beyond the limits of our “type”.

    Show notes, links and other resources at Brad Toews
    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enApril 24, 2019

    37 - The Enneagram with Liv Lacroix – Part 1

    37 - The Enneagram with Liv Lacroix – Part 1

    Learning about the Enneagram was a light-bulb moment, or rather many moments for me, in my self-discovery and becoming.

    The Enneagram, like no other personality assessment I know, challenges a person to face “their stuff”. It’s a brutally honest lens, or mirror really, that allows a person to understand their core needs and fears and how that drives one’s behaviour.

    It’s not all bad news however, the Enneagram also provides a hopeful pathway, marking the trail to growth and transformation for your particular “type”. Want to know how to be a better partner and parent? Want to understand why you keep getting stuck in the same ruts of behaviour and thinking? The Enneagram can help.

    In these two episodes I interview a personal friend and Enneagram Coach & Facilitator Livingston Lacroix.

    In part one, after a brief chat about leaving our church traditions and finding a more honest expression of religion and belief in our lives, we dive into an introduction of the Enneagram.

    Liv gives a brief overview of the system of 9 numbers, wings, and subtypes. (It’s not a cult, honest.)

    Then Liv takes us through an in-depth discussion of Types 1 through 4 explaining the needs, focus, issues, and fears of each type.

    We have a good time discussing Type 4 in particular, since we’re both special that way. Listen to the interview, you’ll understand what I mean.

    Join me in this episode with Livingston Lacroix as we talk all things Enneagram, and buckle up for some honest self-assessment.

    Show notes, links and other resources at Brad Toews.  

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enApril 15, 2019

    36 - Let your Yes say No

    36 - Let your Yes say No

    Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort, wealth or power, our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter. So that the world will be at least a little bit different for our having passed through it. ~ Rabbi Harold Kushner

    Kyle Kirschbaum is a close friend and mentor of mine.

    In this interview he shares from personal experience the importance of identifying what we’re saying Yes to in our lives. And then making choices to live that Yes.

    Kyle’s childhood and his unique temperament cultivated in him a desire to go after what he wants in life. But it wasn’t until he learned the lesson of saying No to somethings that he started to see the results in saying Yes to the more important things.

    This is a lesson Kyle has learned over and and over again, as we all do in any growth, professional or personal.

    Saying Yes in the modern age usually means saying No to the tug of social media specifically. A tension in Kyle’s own life that he talks about with candor and integrity.

    Turns out it’s pretty difficult to listen to your heart and bring to life the unique things only you can do when you’re constantly scrolling on social media. A lesson Kyle has learned the hard way.

    Sooner or later because of social media, a lack of clarity, or reaching a plateau in our life, we’ll experience the discomfort of feeling stuck and dissatisfied.

    Kyle proposes three questions to ask yourself when you’re feeling stuck.

    1. Have you said yes to too many things? Every Yes to something means No to something else.
    2. Has social media taken over your life? You need to eliminate the distractions that drain your creativity.
    3. Do you need to overcommit to your goals? Sometimes raising the stakes on a dream or a goal, investing resources and time, helps push us to the next level of doing the work to make it happen.

    You don’t leap at your goals. You step there.

    What’s the next step you can take to move in the direction of where your heart is calling?

    Taking those steps, doing the work, that’s the magic of life.

    There is something specific, unique and true about each one of us, that only our individual selves can take ownership for.

    Ideas that want to be expressed in this particular body, at this particular time, in this particular person.

    It takes courage to say Yes to those ideas. It takes work. The system doesn’t bend to make it easy for you, you are going to change the system.

    The things that really matter in life, loving other people and doing good work, aren’t cheap. Our Yes will cost us something, in time, resources, and effort. But it’s our very choices that are the gateway to the changes we want to make in our lives, to the professional, creative, relational, and spiritual growth we seek.

    Join me in this episode where we get honest about social media in our lives, reflect on life-changing adventures and projects, and challenge each other to say a hearty Yes with our life with body, mind, and spirit to work of living.

    Music by OBOY.

    Shownotes, links, and video at Brad Toews.

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enApril 03, 2019

    35 - I am Not Sorry

    35 - I am Not Sorry

    With a world population on the cusp of eight billion people (unbelievable!), I sometimes wonder if my single life matters. One person out of eight billion hardly seems significant.

    Does my presence matter?

    Do I deserve to exist?

    I live in Canada, the 14th least densely populated country on earth. We have lots of land and few people. We probably have room for some of those billions, as long as they don’t mind all the rocks and trees and trees and rocks and water… (cue Arrogant Worms song here.)

    In addition to being known for our pristine wilderness and Tim Hortons, Canadians are notoriously apologetic.

    “Sorry” seems to be part of the Canadian identity. We make fun of ourselves for being this way. We apologize for being sorry. (Like how much more ridiculous can we be?)

    I don’t want to overthink this too much, or take away part of our national identity, but the frequent use of the phrase “I’m sorry”, from a Canadian or otherwise, might be a clue about an individual’s sense of worthiness more than a guilty reaction about one’s offensive behaviour.

    Definitely there are moments when personal responsibility requires an earnest apology, and “sorry” is the appropriate word.

    But a shallow sorry (“Sorry I’m standing next to you in the Tim Horton’s line”) is like apologizing that you exist.

    Don’t ever apologize for the space you occupy. It discounts what you have to offer, and it rules out what others are able to receive.

    You don’t have to be sorry that you exist here as one in nearly eight billion that currently live on this blue-green planet.

    You are worthy to be here as an individual.

    We are worthy to be here as the collective.

    Even if you’re a Canadian.

    Join me for this episode if you question the value and contribution of your one life in the many, if you find yourself apologizing for your existence, and if you’re ready to embrace the truth that you’ve got nothing to prove and nothing to defend.

    Show notes, links, and other resources at Brad Toews.

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enMarch 26, 2019

    34 - Free Your Inner Guru with Laura Tucker

    34 - Free Your Inner Guru with Laura Tucker

    Laura Tucker started her professional life as a school teacher before transitioning to the private sector working in training, sales, and coaching.

    Always wanting to make a difference in people’s lives, from the time she started coaching baseball as a teenager, Laura’s leadership and communication skills helped her succeed throughout her career and in her consulting work serving the automotive industry.

    Until she reached a place where she observed a big disconnect between her successful professional life and her relationally-strained private life. Around the same time, the financial crisis of 2008 was negatively impacting the success of her work.

    Searching for a new way to support her clients and to deepen her own spiritual and personal growth she embarked on a journey of self-development under the leadership of rising star, James Arthur Ray.

    During a 2009 ‘Sweat Lodge’ led by Ray, three of Laura’s peers died. One of the victims, Liz Neuman, was seated next to Laura.

    Overcome with grief and shaken to the core, Laura recounts, “what followed was a very difficult struggle, as I shrank under the weight of guilt, shame, and my self-assigned burden of responsibility.”

    This was a tragic end to a supportive community of inquisitive and dedicated students, led by a charismatic leader.

    Years of not trusting herself and quieting her voice followed that trauma. Until Laura found her voice again by contributing to the documentary Enlighten Us.

    Out of great tragedy and a slow and painful healing process Laura has gained confidence to speak her truth. Having learned the hard way what can happen when people’s inner wisdom is silenced by following a dynamic and compelling leader.

    Laura’s work as a coach, transformational speaker and host of Free Your Inner Guru podcast is born from that tragedy, everything that came before, and everything that has come since.

    Join me in this interview with Laura Tucker where we talk about the journey of self-discovery through tragedy and trauma; the strengths and weaknesses of community and leaders in our personal development; and how the path to success and spirituality is rooted in the practices of responsibility, alignment, and discernment.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Music by Aslever Lake.

    Show notes, links, and other resources at Brad Toews

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enMarch 11, 2019

    33 - Here, but not Here

    33 - Here, but not Here

    Time can be a considerable source of stress for us in many ways.

    I grew up with an antique clock in my home that was wound up, by hand, once a week to keep it going. Time literally had a sound, a tick-tock, one second after another.

    Often it feels like time is weighing us down. It’s the persistent, subconscious tick-tock soundtrack of our lives. Time is an enemy or an adversary. It’s a limited quantity. We work against its constant decline to get things done, in our days, in our weeks, in our lives.

    Humans made up “time”. The seasons set a natural rhythm to the course of life, but as we advanced as a species we made up clocks and time zones and alarms. We collectively choose to live by the clock.

    I’m not necessarily complaining. I like having things “on time”, being “on time”. But there’s something not right when we’re so worried about our future, which is always diminishing, and regretful of the past, time that is forever gone.

    We’re told to appreciate the present. This is the only time we have. That too is just another emotional burden around time.

    Certainly in our modern culture we might feel like time defines our existence but our true existence is completely outside of time. If time had not been invented as it had, our system of clocks and schedules, could you still exist? Of course you could. And you do!

    You are completely removed from the constraints of time. And yet we all live within the constraints of time. We are in time, but we are not of time.

    You’ve existed in the past, you exist in the present and you’ll exist in the future. This moment right now, it’s already the future.

    Join me in this episode as we explore our understanding of time, as I playfully challenge you to step through the doorway of timelessness in your own life by inviting your past, present and future to hang out together, get acquainted, and occupy one space – You.

    Show notes, links, and other resources at Brad Toews.

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enMarch 04, 2019

    32 - Addiction to Approval

    32 - Addiction to Approval

    I have an addiction. I'm addicted to approval.

    I’ve never attended an AA meeting, or had a close friendship with someone in those circles, but my guess is that at the genesis of addiction you find a desire. Without desire, none of us would do anything.

    It's easy to judge what we see and say “if I could just stop doing this (fill in the blank with the activity or behaviour) then I would conquer this addiction".

    But simply addressing the behaviour is missing the point.

    I've been addicted to approval, but as a recovering addict I can honestly say that seeking validation from others does not serve me well.

    The approval, the affirmation (fill in your addictive behaviour here) only temporarily meets a craving. And after getting that hit we keep coming back for more.

    Trying to hold on to something.

    When we use our addictive behaviours as a lens to see deeper into ourselves we come face to face with our deep-seated desires. And we realize that the only source that will ever satisfy all the longings and desires is already found within, not without. It’s as simple and complicated as that.

    The heart of an addict is healed by the heart within the addict.

    Join me in this episode as I talk about being a recovering addict, affirm the place of desire in our lives, and propose how we might use the metaphor of Thor's hammer to help claim our own power.

    Show notes at Brad Toews

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enFebruary 19, 2019

    31 - Originality is Overrated

    31 - Originality is Overrated

    There's a lot of pressure in our culture to be original. And the self-actualization subculture isn't any better. It's probably worse.

    Do you have to be an original? What if being original is overrated?

    In the music world artists regularly cover other people's work. Musicians like Jamie Cullum prove that a good cover is a valuable art form, in and of itself.

    What many other great artists and individuals know is that filtering another person's ideas (their art, music, parenting or leadership style, etc.) through your own lens can be a profound experience unto itself; can create its own magic.

    You don’t cover an original because you lack originality. Rather you play with someone else’s creation as a means of creating yourself.

    Join me in this first episode of season two as I talk about my own experience as a musician playing musical covers, share my joy in Jamie Cullum's The Song Society project, and propose that the pathway of any artist, leader, or parent is to imitate until you originate.

    Show notes, links, and other resources at Brad Toews

    B-RAD with Brad Toews
    enJanuary 15, 2019

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