
    Be Boujee Be True Be You

    This podcast is a space I have created to chat about a little bit of anything and everything..I am not a life coach, nor do I have any official qualifications, but I will be discussing experiences and topics, that I have had some experience with over the years.I am excited to chat with you and with special guests along the way.
    en-usCharlotte Jones66 Episodes

    Episodes (66)

    #17: Relationship Timelines - What Is The Perfect Relationship Timeline? How Do We Know When It Is Right To Take The Next Step & Creating A Relationship Timeline The Works For You

    #17: Relationship Timelines - What Is The Perfect Relationship Timeline? How Do We Know When It Is Right To Take The Next Step & Creating A Relationship Timeline The Works For You

    How many of us have felt pressured at one time or another, to make sure our relationship was moving along at the so called "right time".

    Many of us have had the thoughts, is this moving too quickly, are we falling behind, shouldn't we already be "there" (wherever there is) by now?!

    As much as we know there is no one size fits all, and no one set timeline that can measure our relationships by, we can still so often fall into that trap of looking around us, seeing what everyone else is up to, and basing the success of our relationship how it looks compared to others, or what society in the western world has deemed a "successful" relationship .

    In this episode I discuss all things relationship times, how to know when to take the next step, and make sure that you are both moving at a pace that is suited to YOUR relationship.

    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents

    #16: Divorce, Closure & Being True To Yourself: When To Stop Trying To Fix The Unfixable, How To Find Closure When Communication Breaks Down & Embracing Vulnerability

    #16: Divorce, Closure & Being True To Yourself: When To Stop Trying To Fix The Unfixable, How To Find Closure When Communication Breaks Down & Embracing Vulnerability

    Up until the summer of 2022, Sarah Valentine was living in New Zealand with her husband and trying to work on her marriage.

    When Sarah's marriage ended and her world was turned upside down, she made the decision to share her story on social media, with the intent of helping other women who found themselves in a similar situation.

    Sarah's vulnerability and transparency has reached hundreds  of thousands of women across the world, and helped them to feel less alone during one of the biggest transitions you can go through.

    In this episode I discuss with Sarah why she thinks women often take so much of the responsibility when their relationship or marriage breaks down. We also chat about finding closure and acceptance when a marriage comes to an end and finally, how to live authentically and trust your decisions when it comes to love and relationships, even when others may not agree with your choices.

    *Website: https://sarahvalentine.com/

    *Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sasvalentine

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sasvalentine/

    #15: The "Instant" Spark In Dating - How It Can Make You Settle For Less, Help You Understand Past Trauma & The Difference Between Feelings Numb & Genuinely Feelings No Connection

    #15: The "Instant" Spark In Dating - How It Can Make You Settle For Less, Help You Understand Past Trauma & The Difference Between Feelings Numb & Genuinely Feelings No Connection

    "The spark", "instant chemistry", "butterflies", these are the markers that so many of us still mistakenly use in dating, when deciding how much we invest in someone.

    In this episode, I discuss what those feelings can actually mean (spoiler, they aren't always to do with attraction!), I share my personal experiences with these feelings, and how they led me in to anxious relationships over healthy, happy and fulfilling ones.

    I also share how to listen to your gut, and the difference between feeling numb and genuinely feeling no connection to someone new.

    *Instagram: @charlottejonespresents

    #14: Divorce & Finances - A Woman's Guide To Gaining Confidence When Navigating The Financial Aspect Of Divorce Financial Abuse & How to Be Treated As An Equal Partner

    #14: Divorce & Finances - A Woman's Guide To Gaining Confidence When Navigating The Financial Aspect Of Divorce Financial Abuse & How to Be Treated As An Equal Partner

    One of the most overwhelming and life changing parts of a divorce is splitting the assets and finances.

    In a lot of marriages, there tends to be one person who is responsible for managing what money comes in and what goes out and if you aren't that person, you can feel like a rabbit in the headlights, not knowing where to turn or what to decide.

    In this episode I chat with Ceri Griffiths, who is a divorce financial planner and who also holds financial abuse and narcissism qualifications.  

    She is on a mission to remove the financial vulnerability and disadvantage divorcing women face, and her work in this area has been recognised through the many awards she has won, including Highly Commended Woman of the Year, Vulnerable Clients in the Women in Finance Awards 2022, and Financial Adviser of the Year, Wales in the Women in Finance Awards 2021.  She was one of Mo2vate magazines inspirational women in 2020 and a Finalist in the Global Changemakers Awards, Empowerment category.

    Ceri is the founder of Willow Brook Lifestyle Financial Planning, as well as being a podcaster and You Tube host.  Her resources are an excellent way to build the foundations around all you need to know about finances and divorce.

    Ceri breaks things down in such a simple and easy way and she discusses issues such as amicable does not mean compliant, financial abuse and controlling the finances, and how to make sure you are treated as an equal partner throughout the divorce process.

    Learn more about Ceri:

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/willowbrookfinancialplanning/

    *Website: https://www.willowbrooklfp.co.uk/

    *Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGPPeuh92jYho3uguEhrrmA?app=desktop

    *All other links: https://smart.bio/willowbrookfinancialplanning/

    #13: "High Maintenance" - What Does It Mean, Is There More To The Label Than Meets The Eye & Trusting Your Gut

    #13: "High Maintenance" - What Does It Mean, Is There More To The Label Than Meets The Eye & Trusting Your Gut

    The label "high maintenance" can take many different meanings, depending on who you ask, and usually it is not meant in the most positive light.

    In this episode, I discuss what springs to mind when I hear the words "high maintenance", and how I have been associated with labels like this in the past.

    When it comes to our romantic relationships there are definitely times when we can be more demanding than normal and there is no deflecting from that! But, there are times when when phrases such as high maintenance, needy and spoilt are used to deflect away from the other person in the relationship, who is not addressing their behaviour and the part they may be playing to cause someone to behave in a certain way.

    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents

    #12: Exercise & Grief - Feeling Connected To A Loved One Who Is No Longer With Us, Accepting The Praise You'll Never Hear & Overcoming The Pain

    #12: Exercise & Grief - Feeling Connected To A Loved One Who Is No Longer With Us, Accepting The Praise You'll Never Hear & Overcoming The Pain

    Grief comes in many forms, from the end of a relationship to the passing of a loved one. 

    In this episode I speak with my brother Jon, to ask him how he used sports and exercise to cope with the death of our dad when we were 6 and 7 years old.

    Jon discusses how taking up sports helped him to create a connection with our dad, how he learned to no longer need the praise we so often crave from our parents and using his experience to create a new career and help people build their self confidence, their self worth, and use exercise as an outlet to navigate the most difficult times in life.

    Jon Freeman is a personal trainer and online fitness and nutrition coach. He set up his own Business, Limit Break Training, during the pandemic and now works with people across the globe to help them achieve their goals, fall in love with fitness and build their body confidence. 

    Instagram: @limit_break_training
    Website: www.limitbreaktraining.co.uk


    #11: Romantic Attraction - How Important Is It When Finding A Long Term Relationship, Are Our Standards A Form Of Self Protection & What Does "Settling" Really Mean?

    #11: Romantic Attraction - How Important Is It When Finding A Long Term Relationship, Are Our Standards A Form Of Self Protection & What Does "Settling" Really Mean?

    There are so many factors when it comes to deciding who we find attractive in a romantic sense, and frustratingly, quite a few of these factors can distort how we view this topic.

    In this episode, I discuss how important it is to find someone attractive if we are in a long term relationship with them, how our ego and the opinion of other's can impact who we find attractive and try to pursue in the hopes of finding long term happiness and finally, what does settling really mean? Could shifting the way we view this term have a positive impact on the way we decide who to be in a relationship with and find a happiness we could have been sabotaging by setting standards that are not only hard to meet, but do not impact how successful a relationship will be?

    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents

    #10: Dating Apps From A Man's Perspective - An Honest Insight Into The Complex World Of Online Dating, Being Catfished & Knowing When To Get Off The Carousel

    #10: Dating Apps From A Man's Perspective - An Honest Insight Into The Complex World Of Online Dating, Being Catfished & Knowing When To Get Off The Carousel

    Anyone who has ever used a dating app before will know, the process can feel anything but straightforward...

    Through social media, it is become more and more common for people to share their experiences of dating, but often, it will be women and men sharing their views separately, and these posts are often negative or strongly driven by one particular view.

    For a while now, I have been having conversations with my friend Toby, who has always been very open about his experience with dating apps over the years, the different approaches he has taken to trying to have a successful match with a woman and all the experiences that come along with it (both good and bad).

    Toby very kindly agreed to let me record one of our conversations, to share his honest perspective on all things online dating. 

    I love how honest and real Toby is from start to finish and I learned  a lot about how men can view and use these apps.

    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents

    #9: Relationship Perfectionism - Why Do We Need Our Relationship To Appear Perfect? How To Lose The Need Of Everything To Go Perfectly & Feel Great In Your Relationship (No Matter What Anyone Else Thinks)

    #9: Relationship Perfectionism - Why Do We Need Our Relationship To Appear Perfect? How To Lose The Need Of Everything To Go Perfectly & Feel Great In Your Relationship (No Matter What Anyone Else Thinks)

    We've all seen those couples on social media over the years, the couples who post constant mushy, loved up posts about each other, only to notice they have changed their relationship status to "single" a short while later.

    Throughout my twenties, I was one of those people. 

    I had such a strong need to make sure if anyone was going to be thinking or talking about my relationship, that they would be thinking and saying all the right things, and I would go to great lengths to make that happen (and not just by using social media).

    In this episode I discuss where my need for perfectionism came from, what I did to make sure I no longer needed the validation of others to make big decisions and feel like my life was succeeding and how to trust that my own opinion and what I think of me and my relationship is the only opinion that matters.

    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents

    #8: Divorce Burnout & Keeping Things Amicable - Why Communication Breaks Down So Easily, Looking At Both Sides & How To Navigate The Stress Of Divorce

    #8: Divorce Burnout & Keeping Things Amicable - Why Communication Breaks Down So Easily, Looking At Both Sides & How To Navigate The Stress Of Divorce

    Divorce burnout is not a term I had heard until recently, but after looking into it, it was definitely something I had experienced and is not something to ignore.

    In this episode I speak with Claire Black, who shares in depth the reasons why communication throughout the divorce process breaks down so easily, what can be done to help keep things amicable, why time is so important and how to spot the signs of divorce burnout.

    Claire also shares how to find the positives in something as heartbreaking as a divorce.

    Claire is a leading Break-up and Divorce Coach, and author of "Break-up: From Crisis to Confidence", the essential guide for anyone facing a sudden separation.  Claire offers bespoke coaching to support individuals through break-up, and to create new and vibrant lives.  She is a Master NLP Practitioner, divorcee and single parent to two teenage boys, as well as a former solicitor. Using all of her professional and personal experience, Claire has built a thriving coaching business, empowering clients all over the world to create fulfilling lives after break-up or divorce.

    Website: https://www.claireblackcoaching.com/

    Instagram: @claireblackdivorcecoach @charlottejonespresents

    #7: When Life Turns Upside Down... Embracing Uncertainty, Creating A New Path & Rewriting The Future

    #7: When Life Turns Upside Down... Embracing Uncertainty, Creating A New Path & Rewriting The Future

    There are people who love and embrace change and then, there are people (like me) who finds change reeeeally uncomfortable (even when it is a positive and exciting change). 

    Sometimes that change is a new job, moving to a new location, a breakup or even a death. There are times when some of these changes are our choice and more often, change happens and we have to pivot in a new direction when we just didn't see it coming.

    In this episode I discuss how to navigate those pivots and changes, even when they completely blindside us, how to create a new direction when the one you thought you were moving in comes to an abrupt end and why although it might feel safe when things don't change, it doesn't mean we are always better off with some things always staying the same...

    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents

    #6: Can Women Have It All? How To Run A Successful Business, Maintain A Happy Family & Discover How Your Hormone Health Has A Vital Role To Play

    #6: Can Women Have It All? How To Run A Successful Business, Maintain A Happy Family & Discover How Your Hormone Health Has A Vital Role To Play

    Can women have it all? This is a question that has been asked, well, for as long as I can remember! It is also a question that has so many levels and can take on a variety of different meanings.

    In this episode with the fantastic Lynda Stretton, about all things hormone health and just how little women are taught about how our bodies work, let alone how to help our bodies work for us so we no longer have to suffer with issues such as painful periods, mood swings, fatigue etc.

    Lynda also shares how she left her successful corporate career to venture out on her own and start a business. Lynda is very open and honest with the ups and downs, how old rabbits die hard and what she had to incorporate into her business to make sure that all areas of her life are flourishing and not suffering.

    Lynda Stretton is a transformational healer & new paradigm business coach & mentor to high achieving women. A recovered burnt out workaholic & perfectionist, Lynda is on a mission to help high achieving women create epic wealth without losing their health. Fusing her unique blend of nutritional therapy, feminine energetics, breathwork & embodiment, mindset & manifestation, human design, astrology, with 20 years of high performance business & marketing strategy, Lynda helps high achieving female leaders heal their bodies, break through unhealthy, destructive patterns, and build their self worth & confidence to create wild abundance without the burnout.

    Lynda is also a brand & marketing strategist for forward-thinking corporate businesses, women’s health expert & inspirational public speaker.


    Visit Lynda's website: www.lyndastretton.com

    Connect with Lynda on Instagram. @lynda.stretton

    Podcast: Iconic The Podcast with Lynda Stretton - available to listen to on all podcasting apps & watch on YouTube. Listen on Spotify


    Podcast: Embrace Your Feminine Essence with Lynda Stretton - available to listen to on all podcasting apps. Listen on Spotify


    Working with Lynda

    If you'd like to discuss how Lynda can support you & your business you can book a compatibility call here: https://lyndastretton.as.me/compatibilitycall

    If you'd like to explore how Lynda can support you with nutritional therapy please drop Lynda a DM on Instagram or email hello@lyndastretton.com

    Fast Track Your Fertility

    Use code CHARLOTTE to save 50% on both the pay in full & payment plan options


    Supercharged Energy Demystified

    Save 20% on Lynda's 21 Day Program with code CHARLOTTE


    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents

    #5: Controlling & Creating The Narrative - Why We Do It (Even With The Best Of Intentions), Reactive Abuse & How To Deal With Someone Creating A False Narrative About You

    #5: Controlling & Creating The Narrative - Why We Do It (Even With The Best Of Intentions), Reactive Abuse & How To Deal With Someone Creating A False Narrative About You

    Controlling or creating the narrative is something that happens almost every day, even if its when you don't want to admit you ate the last row of the chocolate bar in the fridge when you know it was for someone else!

    Controlling the narrative scales from the little white lies we tell others (or even ourselves), to much bigger lies, manipulation, reactive abuse and gaslighting, which can have such damaging affects to those involved. 

    In this episode I discuss the different reasons why we may feel the need to control the narrative, even when we have the best of intentions, reactive abuse and how to handle a situation when someone is creating a false narrative about you.

    If anything you have heard in this episode has made you think you may be a victim of reactive abuse, you can find out more information here:


    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents

    #4: How To Survive & Thrive The First Decade Of Long-Term Love - The Dangers Of People Pleasing, Becoming The Light House & Changing The Mundane To Magic

    #4: How To Survive & Thrive The First Decade Of Long-Term Love - The Dangers Of People Pleasing, Becoming The Light House & Changing The Mundane To Magic

    Keeping a long-term relationship/marriage happily together throughout your twenties and into your thirties is not an easy thing to do (as so many of us know).

    The majority of us spend a large part of our twenties just trying to figure out what it means to be an adult! We are continuously learning what traits and characteristics we like, what our values are and over all the kind of person we want to be and the vision we have for our future and often, by the time we approach the age of 30, that vision has changed, maybe more than once.

    Clarice Harrison, (also known as Outzilla) is a Mindset & Meditation Coach who, during her twenties transformed herself from an anxious people pleaser, into a happy, calm and confident women all while maintaining her relationship of over 10 years.

    Clarice shared how working on yourself and putting yourself first can create huge benefits for both your partner and your relationship.

    How to create self trust and how that self trust will keep you calm, grounded and stop an over reaction, even in the most stressful of times throughout your relationship.

    Finally, we discuss the issue of why so many relationships that began in the couple's late teens/early twenties end up breaking down by the time they reach the age of 30 and how we can not only make sure our relationships & marriages survive this time, but thrive and have the most loving, fulfilling and happy connection.

    * @outzilla
    * @charlottejonespresents

    * outzilla.co.uk

    Link to E-book mentioned in introduction:
    * https://www.outzilla.co.uk/product-page/e-book-out-of-comfort-into-living

    #3: Solicitors & Divorce - How To Find the Right Solicitor For You, Dealing With The Other Side & What Not To Pay Attention To

    #3: Solicitors & Divorce - How To Find the Right Solicitor For You, Dealing With The Other Side & What Not To Pay Attention To

    One of the scariest parts of going through a divorce is the legal process.

    If you are someone (like me) who has never had to deal with solicitors before, it can be hard to understand what their role is throughout your divorce and how to know the best way of working with one.

    Solicitors and divorce are a very complex, sensitive topic and in this episode I share the human experience of how to know which solicitor is right for you and how to ensure their priority is you and what the best outcome should be for both parties.

    I also discuss how to navigate dealing with the other side and their solicitors process, especially if they work in a different way to you and your solicitor. 

    Finally, I share a couple of examples of letters that can feel intimidating but don't always mean what they appear to, and what you you DON'T need to worry about.

    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents

    #2: Navigating An Affair - The Initial Signs, Using Your Intuition & How To Rise Again After Your World Is Turned Upside Down

    #2: Navigating An Affair - The Initial Signs, Using Your Intuition & How To Rise Again After Your World Is Turned Upside Down

    Finding out that your husband/wife/partner has had or, is currently having an affair can feel like one of the most devastating things that can happen to us.

    Every relationship and every situation are unique and nothing is ever black and white (no matter how much we would like it to be!).

    In this episode, I sit down with one of my oldest and closest friends Natasha, who bravely opened up and shared her experience of discovering that her husband and partner of eight years, had been involved in a long term affair. 

    We discussed their relationship from the beginning, any initials signs and when they arose, how her intuition/gut feeling played a vital part when initially she had no hard facts to go by and, how she rebuilt her life after it was turned upside down.

    If you have any questions around anything that was discussed, please do not hesitate to reach out via instagram @charlottejonespresents.

    #1: The Light At The End Of The Tunnel - Life After Divorce, Trusting The Process & How To Reach That Light

    #1: The Light At The End Of The Tunnel - Life After Divorce, Trusting The Process & How To Reach That Light

    When we hear the saying "there is light at the end of the tunnel", it can often be followed by a mixed response in fact, if we are going through a difficult period, it can be the last thing we want to hear.

    In the first episode of season three, I share a life update with you, how I am finding life after divorce (including the real picture of what can happen once everything has been finalised and you begin to move forward).

    I also share how letting go and trusting the process was the best decision I ever made and why.

    Finally, I chat about how in the darkest times throughout the last two years, when people would tell me there is a light at the end of the tunnel and quite frankly, I would want to blow a raspberry in their face, the action I took to bring said light closer to me and leave the negativity in the past.

    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents.

    #25: Being Treated Fairly After A Break Up, What Does This Mean And Where Do You Draw The Line?

    #25: Being Treated Fairly After A Break Up, What Does This Mean And Where Do You Draw The Line?

    Being treated fairly in an emotional situation is, I feel, such a complex statement to make. 

    It can be so hard to find the line between wanting to be treated fairly and equally to realising we are just projecting our frustration and hurt on the person or situation. 

    In the final episode of season two, I discuss my views on different situations I have been in over the last two years, where I feel I have been treated unfairly or I have wanted to stand up for myself and share my truth and what the repercussions were of making this choice.

    I would love to know your thoughts, you can message me on instagram @charlottejonespresents.

    See you in 2022 for the start of season three of 'Be Boujee Be True Be You'!

    #24: "The Taylor Swift Effect" And Using Music To Process A Breakup

    #24: "The Taylor Swift Effect" And Using Music To Process A Breakup

    Until I spoke with Amie Jay, I had never heard of the "Taylor Swift Effect".

    In this episode, singer/songwriter Amie Jay discusses how she bravely uses personal experiences in her life such as her breakups and romantic relationships to create her music and how this has not only helped her to process difficult situations, but also make big decisions when it comes to her relationships.

    Amie and I also spoke about the different ways male and female singer/songwriters are portrayed in the music industry for using their personal lives to inspire their music.

    Amie Jay:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amiejaymusic
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@amiejay
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4qYyLnqZmVumJGObIsQC3z?si=sJShmQFjTxC54hd2rV4l-w&dl_branch=1&nd=1

    #23: How Our Pets Can Support Us Through A Breakup And Those Big Life Changes

    #23: How Our Pets Can Support Us Through A Breakup And Those Big Life Changes

    This last week I have felt a lot of heartbreak. My cat passed away and quite honestly has left a huge hole in my life.

    What I very quickly realised is just how much I had been relying on him in this last 18 months while I navigate the break down of my marriage and starting over.

    This episode is not to give advice, it is purely sharing a personal experience of something that has happened very recently and how I have realised our pets can and do support us through the most difficult times in our lives.

    Instagram: @charlottejonespresents