
    Be Unstoppable! with Guy Finley

    Resolve any problem for good, outsmart fear, find your purpose, love your life.
    enGuy Finley176 Episodes

    Episodes (176)

    Do What You Know is Right and True for You

    Do What You Know is Right and True for You
    In this answer to a viewer's question, inner-life author Guy Finley talks about doing the right thing in our relationships with others, and how unconditional love does not mean unconditionally tolerating people who repeatedly refuse to see where they are hurting themselves and others.

    Is Being Overwhelmed a Trick of the Mind?

    Is Being Overwhelmed a Trick of the Mind?
    In this video clip Guy addresses the following question that was submitted by an online viewer: "I watched negative states telling me to react to this and that. I stood there. Then I was driving to work and I didn't stand there. They surrounded my mind. I felt consumed by I's. Is being overwhelmed a trick of the mind?"

    How to Have the Best of Both Worlds

    How to Have the Best of Both Worlds
    If we were able to always accept every moment as complete and always be at peace, wouldn't it lead to us no longer pursuing anything? Would we not become entirely passive? And wouldn't that be a problem? Are we supposed to be satisfied with whatever is going on at the moment? Isn't some amount of dissatisfaction necessary to drive us to make changes in our lives?

    Do Not Oppose What Opposes You

    Do Not Oppose What Opposes You
    Will you speak more about how resistance can be our ally to make peace with what is incomplete? How we can remain open when we feel attacked in that moment, not later when the light goes on and I hit my forehead, seeing the test to see if I learned to be open?

    Thought Can't Reconcile ANYTHING!

    Thought Can't Reconcile ANYTHING!
    The next time that you find yourself in a stew, regardless of how practical it seems, just quietly note and ask yourself, why is there negativity involved in a practical decision? What does negativity have to do with what I need to do? If you just ask yourself that question, you'll start to see that there is always something at the bottom of what it calls practical that's pushing you to get something reconciled in your life.

    You Are in a World of Sleeping Human Beings

    You Are in a World of Sleeping Human Beings
    In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley explains that what we don't like about other people is what we want from them. If we didn't want something, then there would be no problem with another person's bad behavior. The task is to see that we have lived unconsciously from a nature that rejects anything that doesn't meet its approval.

    How Can I Clearly Hear the Divine?

    How Can I Clearly Hear the Divine?
    In this answer to a viewer's question, "letting go" author Guy Finley talks about how our lives are reorganized when we start to see that our own will is in conflict with Life's Will. The Divine knows what we need before we know it. When we see that with more clarity, then that observation will organize our mind in such a way that we will begin to recognize what the Divine is revealing to us in each moment.

    You Already Have Everything You Need

    You Already Have Everything You Need
    In this answer to a viewer's question, "Secret of Letting Go" author Guy Finley explains how our minds call upon the assistance anxious and fearful thoughts in order to save us from anxiety and fear. Seeing this contradiction gradually brings an end to our dependence upon thought to lead us to freedom from these negative states.