
    Beyond Proof Radio with Angie Corbett-Kuiper: Re-creating Death and Loss

    Angie Corbett-Kuiper is described as a pioneer in the field of transforming the way in which we view death. She incorporates science, metaphysics, and spirituality to talk about a subject that until now has been taboo. She shares from a place of significant loss that death is a part of life and not separate from it. It's here where peace and gratitude can be found. Present moment awareness and the stillness from within will create the proof needed that our loved ones have never left and that our bodies are merely shells of our soul.
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio58 Episodes

    Episodes (58)

    Eternal Light, Eternal Life...Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality

    Eternal Light, Eternal Life...Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality

    Join Angie and Mark as the delve into Mark's newest book, The Afterlife Frequency, which provides scientific proof of spiritual contact and how that awareness has the ability to change your life.  


    Angie and Mark discuss  the topics that have been taboo, until now.


    • Religion - There's No place like Hell
    • Science - From Matter to Energy, Frequency, and Vibration 
    • The Electromagentic Soul...
    • RAFT...Mark's 4 step approach to recognizing and harnessing the positive power of messages from the Afterlife Frquency

    Watch Here: https://youtu.be/h6MmW63JKYM


    Finding and Unleashing the Creative Genius Within...

    Finding and Unleashing the Creative Genius Within...
    Join Angie and her Guest, Douglas Peacock all the way from Australia where Doug shares his mission:  
    • To unlock and empower the powerful creator genius that lays dormant within and why it is so important in order to live your best life possible.
    • To unveil the profound potential that resides deep within your soul, to discover the power to shape your destiny and live the life of your choosing.
    • To help you recognize the beauty and potential that lies within your soul.
    • To help guide you towards a life filled with joy, purpose, abundance, and genunie fulfillment.
    • So...What do you want to create?


    April Showers Brings May Flowers...Original Air Date 04-17-2019

    April Showers Brings May Flowers...Original Air Date 04-17-2019

    Angie will be back Live in May. She hopes you will enjoy her show which originally aired on April 17, 2019.


    April Showers Brings May Flowers (Photo by Raymond-hui-683990-unsplash.jpg)


    Angie shares how the month of April can just plain suck if allowed and how she chooses to navigate these significant dates when they creep up and hopes to offer a few pearls if you are experiencing the loss of a loved one.


    This show promises to be a very raw and real episode as she takes you with her on an intimate roller coaster ride as she is finding ways to navigate death and, more importantly, what death can teach us about living and loving after loss.


    April 1, 2015, the news was made public that Angie's 20-year-old son, Nicholas, took his life at the Sandia Mountains base in Albuquerque, NM. 


    April 11, 2015, the "Celebration of Life" service in honor of Nick.


    April 16, 2016, Angie's wedding day to her fiancée of 5 years to Dr. Johannes Jacob Kuiper.


    April 18, 2106, Johanne's 50th Birthday


    April 25, 2016, Angie finds out her brand new husband of only one week took his life in their Dallas apartment.


    Have you lost someone significant? How are you choosing to navigate each of these days and dates when they approach each year? Is it possible to bow in love, compassion and to be gentle with ourselves? Or, do we fear these dates and prepare to enter each with grief, sadness, and pain?


    Angie hopes to share how a change in mindset from "gone" to "still right here" has helped her move beyond the pain and suffering of loss to one of more hope as we live through these significant dates. It is a process and one that requires us to be gentle with ourselves.


    During this show, Angie will also share emails from you, her Followers. The one common denominator as she reads through your emails is the feeling of being completely alone, even when surrounded by others.


    The takeaway is you are not alone, that there are so many others who are feeling similar feelings of abandonment and loneliness. You are loved, and you are precious - on this earth and beyond. And YOU are amazing exactly where you are and no matter where you are on your intimate soul's journey.


    Sharing from a place of significant loss, this show hopes to offer a few pearls if you wonder, now what? And what's next? Unfortunately, we are on this journey, and there is no going back, a path that was unexpected and unwelcomed.


    Angie would be honored for you to join her during this show, pulled from the vault. April - a month of remembrance and reflection.


    Photo by Raymond-hui-683990-unsplash.jpg

    Visiting the Astral Planes...A Glimpse Beyond

    Visiting the Astral Planes...A Glimpse Beyond

    Join Angie as she shares the magic of visiting the astral planes during our sleep, dreams, and meditations. To visit...Not to stay.


    • The hidden and forgotten right hemisphere of our cerebral cortex...Where everything is possible including visiting our loved ones on the other side.
    • What are astral bodies and astral planes?
    • Why astral connections are so important.
    • Angie will share her personal journey in to the magical world of the astral planes.
    • When we choose to journey on the astral planes we find an incredible way to communicate with our loved ones on the other side of the thin veil that seperates life and death.
    • Visiting to astral planes while we sleep allows us true glimpses of heaven.

    This show is dedicated and in honor of Luna Star Van Atta...Friend, Author, Spiritual Advisor, Creator of the Astral Temple Method. Luna died of COVID related pneumonia and transitioned into her next life on January 17, 2021.


    DISCLAIMER: Because we attract all energies pure and not so pure, just as we experience on this earth plane, it is extremely important that if you are considering participating in this form of experience that you find someone qualified in astral projection and astral travel to make sure you are protected from any unwanted energies that may present during your experience.

    DREAMS... Where our loved ones speak.

Where our loved 
ones speak.


    "In the stillness of our dreams, our loved ones speak."

                             -Angie Corbett-Kuiper


    Join Angie during this special episode of Beyond Proof as she delves into the mystical and magical world of our dreams and how in our dreams our loved ones visit us from beyond and how we can recognize them when they do.

    During this show, Angie will share with her Listeners:

    *Our dreams are one of the many ways in which our loved ones speak to us.
    *The importance of keeping a dream journal.
    *Can we trust our experiences when we dream and are our dreams real?

    *Let it be...The real meaning behind the song created by Paul McCartney



    Follow the breadcrumbs...They lead you to your loved ones...

    Follow the breadcrumbs...They lead you to your loved ones...
      How often do we judge the life rafts that present in our lives, especially when we are experiencing the death of our loved one? How often do we choose not to follow where our hearts lead us?

    Death forces us to sit still. Death forces us to feel. Death forces us to be uncomfortable, and most choose to self medicate with a magic pill, liquid, or potion. Those who wish for a magic pill or magic answer will be disappointed because there is none. It all starts with following the breadcrumbs of hope.

    The Breadcrumbs - those little crumbs of hope leading the way to more hope and joy than sorrow and pain. Breadcrumbs have the potential to lead us to where our loved ones are, offering a knowing and understanding through their signs, symbols, and messages from beyond. And instead of following where our hearts are leading us, we choose, instead, to judge the very things that can move us forward in more joy than pain and sorrow in the hopes that others will like us, we will fit in, and to be included.

    Following the breadcrumbs, if we choose, will lead us to our loved ones. Listen in as my Followers share the creative and unmistakable messages our loved ones use to get our attention.

    If you are like me and feeling that you are not finding it possible to heal from your grief utilizing the tools of the masses and that your beliefs created decades ago are what might be holding you back from trusting the breadcrumbs' path, this show might be for you.

    Healing from significant loss comes from a simple knowing. Following the breadcrumbs, wherever and whoever scatters them for us, is up to us. It is our choice. This knowing is something no one else can provide or teach us. This knowing comes from deep within.

    I invite you to join me during this show of twist and turns as I discuss how our loved ones leave breadcrumbs for us to follow and connect with them. Again, it allows us to move from the debilitating and paralyzing pain of loss to one, which includes joy and hope. It all starts with one tiny breadcrumb.

    Creating a new way in which we choose to include our loved ones in our lives is so much more rewarding than keeping them buried in pain, grief, sorrow, and heartache when it is unnecessary. Like everything, it is a choice.

    I hope you join me as I share how following every breadcrumb, no matter how unorthodox, has allowed me and many others to not only connect with our loved ones but rely on their guidance and their loving support as we live life on this earth.  

    Joy...Tuning into your "creative" inner self with Jacob Nordby

    Joy...Tuning into your "creative" inner self with Jacob Nordby



    Join my guest, Jacob Nordby, and me as we journey into our inner self's creative feeling mind and body - where all awakening and success reside.


    Jacob shares that "our bodies hold so much wisdom and we're so taught to not pay attention to it."


    Listen in as Jacob discusses how important it is to tune into your body's wisdom, and your body's wisdom is the key to knowing...

    • You are enough!
    • Your inner self holds all of life's answers.
    • Your inner self holds direction bringing you into healing and highest joy.
    • Begin to tune into and trust your inner self.
    • Everything you desire is already inside of you.

    Jacob offers a definition of what genuine and authentic success might look like...It is not what we've been programmed to believe.


    Jacob Nordby is the author of Blessed Are the Weird...A Manifesto for Creatives, The Divine Arsonist...A tale of awakening, and soon to be released The Creative Cure...How finding and freeing your inner artist can heal your life.

    Trust Yourself...Trust Your Experiences...When Your Loved One Speaks

    Trust Yourself...Trust Your Experiences...When Your Loved One Speaks

    To transform your loss into empowerment, it is essential to trust yourself. When you trust yourself you will be able to trust your experiences.


    • Are you experiencing signs, symbols, and strong associations from your loved one that no one else would be able to validate except for the two of you, but you're not sure if you are just wishful thinking?
    • Have you had dreams so real, you wake up filled with a sense of peace and calm, only to later doubt, question, and wonder if it was real or imagined?
    • Are you afraid to share your experiences with others for fear of their judgment and rejection of you?
    • Do you wonder if what you are experiencing is just a coincidence and how to know the difference?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, this show just might be for you!

    Join Angie for this very thought-provoking episode where she shares from her own sometimes comical experiences and those who follow her that when we begin to trust ourselves, we can begin to trust our experiences...Even when they present from Beyond. 




    Encore: From Grief to Grateful. Choosing to follow the breadcrumbs

    Encore: From Grief to Grateful. Choosing to follow the breadcrumbs

    I invite you to join me as I discuss the personal steps I took to move from the debilitating and paralyzing pain of loss to one which includes joy and hope.  It has not been easy.  There are days I still find myself curled up in the fetal position unable to move missing the physical presence of my loved ones.  These days, however, are far and few between now.


    Creating a new way in which I include both Nicholas and Jan in my life has been so much more rewarding than keeping them buried in pain, grief, sorrow, and heartache when it is unnecessary, but like everything in this life...is a choice.  I will share with you my journey hoping to offer guidance on what I have done to create more days of laughter than tears.


    Death forces us to sit still.  Death forces us to feel.  Death forces us to be uncomfortable.  Up until now, we have been able to avoid "feeling" with a magic pill, liquid, or potion.  Those who wish for a magic pill or magic answer will be disappointed because there is none. 


    I hope you join me as I share how following every breadcrumb, no matter how unorthodox has allowed me to not only connect with my loved ones but rely on their guidance and their loving support as I live life — offering signs that have become a comfort and joy.   


    I will share my story.  I will share my pain.  I will share my joy.  I will sing a song for you. I will cry with you. I will laugh with you.  I will walk this journey with you, but I can not do it for you. 


    Know that you are not alone.  We are never alone.  Please join me.






    Encore: When a child dies, a parent looks everywhere... until they're found.

    Encore: When a child dies, a parent looks everywhere... until they're found.

    Only when one loses a child does one do anything and everything to turn the world upside down to make sure they are safe and sound. When Joe and Angie lost their sons, they found a new world, one which not only includes their lost loved ones but their new normal has lead down a path of self-discovery and significant healing. We all have this ability if we allow, but more importantly if we choose.


    Join Joe McQuillen, Author of "My Search for Christopher...On the other side," and me as we discuss our son's, Christopher and Nicholas's life and death, and how we, as parents have found comfort in places that we both never knew existed until their death.


    On this episode, Joe will take us on an emotional roller coaster ride sharing messages from his son, Chris who died too young or according to Chris, at just the right time. Listen to his beautiful and touching story filled with grief and heartache, with just a touch of humor in all the right places. His story will illuminate your path to healing after a tragic loss and allow you a glimpse of the other side.


    Unfortunately, most of us will have to experience significant loss or trauma so profound it threatens to kill us in the process before we find what we have been called to do. A direction so significant and fulfilling that moves us so passionately. Listen in as Joe shares what he has been called to do to move forward from the depths of pain to helping thousands of others along the way.


    We hope you will join us as we both share that through the deaths of Chris and Nick have we been called to our new purposes and passions. We will share how there was a time when to die ourselves would have been more appealing and only through them, and their messages have we both chosen to listen and follow their guidance.


    We hope you join us in what promises to be an amazing show. One of sadness, joy, and ultimate healing as we both, although our sons are missed here on this earth, know that they are never gone, they're just hidden from view.

    Reincarnation CAN Be Proven.

    Reincarnation CAN Be Proven.

    Join Angie and her guest, Stephen Sakellarios, for Part II of a two-part series as their discussion continues regarding reincarnation. During this program, Stephen shares his own ten-year extensive research proving reincarnation, including one of the longest researched cases where he, himself set out to prove that he is the reincarnated Mathew Franklin Whittier, a 19th-century journalist, writer, under-cover abolitionist operative, social reformist, and mystic. As the Author, Stephen Sakellarios.


    Join Angie and her guest, Stephen Sakellarios,  as they discuss Stephen's thorough and extensive case studied regarding a reincarnation with research proving a standard of a reasonable degree of certainty that the author, Stephen Sakellarios, is the reincarnation of Mathew Franklin Whittier (1812-1883).


    Having studied hundreds of reincarnation cases, some of which had very strong elements of proof, Stephen decided to see whether he could prove one of his own past lives. The research took him several years. Angie and Stephen hope you will join them for this fascinating discussion on past lives, reincarnation, as Stephen shares his own methodology and proof in a subject that has been hidden from us.

    Part I: In Another Life...Proving Reincarnation

    Part I: In Another Life...Proving Reincarnation

    Join Angie and her guest, Stephen Sakallarios, for Part I of a two-part series as they delve into everything you ever wanted to know about reincarnation. Considered an expert in his field of research, Stephen has studied reincarnation for over 46 years.  During Part I, Angie and Stephen will discuss reincarnation in general. In Part II, we will discuss Stephen's own experience and research into proving his own past life.


    We hope you listen in as Angie's guest, Stephen, who is a speaker, has written books and has had his work broadcast as a PBS documentary entitled "In Another Life: Reincarnation in America." 


    Stephen's mission is to continue to provide the most accurate information on reincarnation.


    A few of the topics Angie and Stephen will be discussing during this episode are:

    • Defining reincarnation 
    • Dispelling the myths and urban legends about reincarnation
    • Can reincarnation be proven, or will it always remain a matter of belief, speculation, and opinion?
    • Does everyone reincarnate, and what happens from one incarnation to another?
    • What is the significance of reincarnation for society today? 

    Encore: Near Death Experience Research: Evidence to support that our spirits survive physical death.

    Encore: Near Death Experience Research: Evidence to support that our spirits survive physical death.

    Join me and my guests, Dr. Raymond Moody, and Lisa Smartt.  Dr. Moody coined the term Near Death Experience and The New York Times calls him, "The Father of the Near-Death Experience (NDE)".  Dr. Moody is THE leading expert in researching NDE.  Dr. Moody is the best-selling author of Life afterlife with over 13 million copies sold, and Glimpses of Eternity. Dr. Moody discusses his search for the ageless question of whether death is an annihilation of consciousness or the passage of the soul or mind into another dimension of reality.  After 75 years he is CONVINCED...of what?  Find out!

    Lisa Smartt, author of Words at the threshold and founder of The Final Words Project shares her investigation into the language of those who are preparing to transition into their next life where there are no earthly words to describe.  her father, a skeptical and rational man described seeing angels, spoke in poetic and metaphoric language.


    Through years of research and interviews of thousands of people, worldwide, there is proof that the spirit survives physical death and how we live in this world matters. There is a life after life to be experienced much deeper, richer, more joyful, and peaceful than what we can see.


    Together we discuss life, death, life after life, language, consciousness, and love.  Dr. Moody and Lisa will share their projects, what they want people to know about death and dying, and an introduction to their newly created online resource the "University of Heaven."


    Guides from Beyond...Who are they and how do I find mine?

    Guides from Beyond...Who are they and how do I find mine?

    During this episode, Angie and her guest, Hari Bunn, discuss Spirit Guides.  What are they? Does everyone have them?  How do we access them? How can they help us navigate our lives while we are here on this earth plane?


    Hari will share from his personal experience of how his Spirit Guides presented and how they help him navigate his life while on earth. He will also share how we might find our own spirit guides and recognize them when they do present.


    Hari is also a Medium/Clairvoyant.   Someone who can "see" or "visualize" images of those who have crossed the veil to the other side, offering a sense of peace to the loved ones left behind.


    Listen in as Hari shares with us why and how he became a Medium and how it has changed his life. By keeping an open mind, we all have the same ability and capability to find our spirit guides, connect with the other side and live a more joyful life as we create something different for ourselves as we navigate loss.



    Be your own damn Medium...

    Be your own damn Medium...

    Join Angie and her guest Candice Thomas, Teacher of the Mediums  for..."Be your own damn Medium!"  The goal of this show is to discuss why there is no reason to ever look outside of yourself if you wish to connect with your loved one for what is inherently on the inside.


    We must use our intuition.  During this episode, Angie and Candice will discuss how it is necessary to recognize and utilize your five senses to identify and use your sixth sense...Intuition.


    Everyone has the opportunity and potential to connect with their loved ones. Everyone has the tools and resources necessary and available to them to utilize what we've all been born with — every single one of us, and not just some.


    Angie and Candice will discuss how most who have lost a loved one will, at some point, seek out a guru, a phenomenal spiritual leader, or a Medium, and yet their lives stay the same. They remain stuck, and they still find they can't connect with their loved ones.


    Listen in as Candice shares, "There will never be a reconciliation between who you are and who you want to be until you begin to trust yourself and become vulnerable enough to do the work."


    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Start connecting with your loved one...Today!

    Start connecting with your loved one...Today!

    Most believe that to connect with our loved ones it is necessary to find or hire a Medium, when in fact we all have the ability to communicate with our loved ones who have crossed to the other side as long as we believe we can.  Are you ready? 


    Today, join Angie as she shares the tools and resources that have been so instrumental in her own life to connect with her loved ones.  Listen in as she shares the signs, symbols, and proof that her loved ones are still right here. She offers suggestions to you so that you can continue the relationship with your loved one.

    During this episode, Angie hopes to share the profound healing that can be realized when we realize we are ALL spiritual beings having a human experience and how our loved ones can help us from a place of knowing as we navigate our earth school.

    It is possible to recognize them now, even though we can not physically see them...In life, most of us need to see to believe. When we experience significant loss, we must first believe, then we will see.

    Angie offers, from her personal experience, all of the tools that have worked with her. She shares the books to music, to meditation favorites hoping that anyone wishing to connect with their loved ones has the opportunity to experience the most incredible connection possible.

    Please join us.

    Encore: Murder to Miracles: 2 Brothers. A Pearson Project

    Encore: Murder to Miracles: 2 Brothers. A Pearson Project

    Listen in as Kenaé and Kodi, twin sisters, found a way to turn their hurt and pain into healing. These sister's lives took a turn for the worst when their Father and Uncle both were brutally murdered.

    Kenaé and Kodi share stories of their Father and Uncle, what happened and the steps they have taken to move forward from the devastating loss due to murder to creating miracles and bringing awareness and healing to others.

    They open up about their non-profit organization 2 Brothers: A Pearson Project